Friday, May 2, 2008

A little time for A little while..

In English Please:
A little time for a little while; it is possible to be happy.
A day of happiness to be cherished instead of those days of misery.
One moment of peace to be enjoyed during an unrelenting war.
One data of certainty is worth more than a whirlwind of confusion.
A little time for a little while; it is possible to be happy.
A hour of quiet, is worth each minute to the full.
A minute of silence is stronger than a thousand speaking.
A second you know that you are, is worth the more than the endless forget.
A little time for a little while; it is possible to be happy.

“When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.”. B.F

A little time for a little while; it is possible to be happy.” © Ricky Saunders 2008


According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.

In Gobbledygook please:

A ltilte tmie for a llttie wlihe; it is pissoble to be hpapy.
One day of hanippses, is btteer tahn a hnurded dyas of mresiy.
One memont of pcaee is better than an urnelenitng war.
One creattniy is wroth mroe than a wrihiwlnd of cfnouoisn.
A llttie time for a little welih; it is poslbise to be hppay.
A huor of queit, is lkie the wroth ecah mtunie to the flul.
A mintue of selicne is srtgnoer than a 1000 spkaenig.
A Sceond you konw that you, is wroth the mroe tahn the eeldnss fegrot.
A llttie time for a ltitle welih; it is pssoible to be happy.

""Wehn the wlel's dry, we konw the wtroh of wetar.". B.F

A llttie time for a ltitle welih; it is pssolbie to be hppay." © Rciky Suaredns 2008

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