
In English Please:
I actually have completed my Science of Survival course. This course as mentioned before holds the key to survival; it is the SCIENCE of survival!
The thing that I got from this course is why people don’t get the results of Scientology or Dianetics and why they seem to make no gain or negative gain. In 1951 L. Ron Hubbard discovered the reason and published in the manual Science of Survival. To say the book is only that would be like saying the Bible is only about Jesus helping people.
So why don’t people get the expected results with Scientology and in particular when receiving or giving Dianetics processes?
The answer to that is “the process is just too high for them.”
The whole idea of the emotional tone scale as covered in Scientology is so that the right process is run to the right case so that they can get results.
Even today, somebody walks into an organization in Scientology and if they do something that is too steep a gradient for them, they will not get the gains and benefits from it, it is a matter of accessing each individual separately.
Scientology works, FACT! The only times it does not work is when it is not applied correctly.
The Science of Survival course has shown me that, no matter what state a person is in, if they are somewhat willing to do something about their lives or have a desire to improve it, no matter their mental state or otherwise, Scientology can do something about it.
After completing this book I know how important it is for others to complete this book, especially if someone is going to be your Auditor. I would liken it to a plumber doing plumbing without having the proper tools and this book is the next most vital tool to have after the Dianetics Book.
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” B.F
“Waste no time to complete something, do the hardest first and easiest last” © R. Saunders 2008
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
I autcally hvae clpmoeted my Siccnee of Sivruavl coruse. Tihs cuorse as meitnenod beofre hodls the key to sivruavl; it is the SCNEICE of sivruavl!
The tihng taht I got form tihs cuosre is why ppoele don't get the ruselts of Sneicolotgy www.sneiclotgoy.org or Denaitics www.dainetcis.org and why tehy seem to mkae no gian or ngeative gian. In 1591 L. Ron Hubbard www.lhnorurabbd.org docsireved the raeosn and plbusiehd in the maaunl Seiccne of Sivruval. To say the book is olny taht wolud be lkie sniyag the Bilbe is olny about Jeuss helnipg pelpoe.
So why don't ppoele get the excepetd rsetlus with Sneictgoloy and in pitrauclar when reeciving or giving Denaicits pcorssees?
The awsner to taht is "the pecorss is jsut too high for tehm."
The wohle ieda of the eitomnoal tnoe sacle as cevoerd in Sctneiloogy is so taht the rhgit porcses is run to the rhgit case so taht they can get rseutls.
Eevn toady, sbemodoy wklas itno an orgnatazioin in Seiclotnogy and if tehy do semoihtng taht is too setep a garneidt for tehm, they wlil not get the gnias and beifents form it, it is a mtaetr of acsecnisg ecah idniviudal sapeetarly.
Seictnology wroks, FCAT! The olny tiems it deos not wrok is wehn it is not appleid crotcerly.
The Scneice of Sruvavil cosrue has shwon me taht, no mtaetr waht sttae a pesron is in, if tehy are smoahwet winillg to do semohtnig aobut tehir lievs or hvae a drisee to iorpmve it, no matetr thier matnel state or oehtriwse, Seicntology can do semoihtng auobt it.
Atfer coelpmting tihs book I konw how iopmrtnat it is for oehtrs to cpmotele tihs book, esepaiclly if smoenoe is gonig to be your Aduotir. I wolud lkien it to a plbmuer donig pbmulnig wohtiut hivang the pporer tloos and tihs book is the nxet msot vatil tool to hvae atfer the Dnaiitecs Book.
"Tehy who can give up essnetail lbitrey to obiatn a liltte tmeporray sefaty dseevre neehtir lbirety nor stefay." B.F
"Watse no tmie to cpmoelte semotihng, do the hrasedt fisrt and easiset lsat" © R. Suadners 2008
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