Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another Scientology course completed !

In English Please:

I have completed the Course called Self Analysis by L.Ron Hubbard. This course I must say really put it into perspective the reason why you do the courses, one after the other, as laid out. While reading this book I saw how having the data from the books Dianetics and Science of Survival made understanding what I was reading so much easier.

I got from this book what people are lacking. Life go by people , they can’t remember as well as they use to, they don’t feel as bright as they used to, their energy levels are low and there are many other things that seem to be troubling people. This book gives a solution which anyone can use, in any place. Setting aside a little time each day and doing the exercises, a person can change the conditions facing them.

I knew about Self Analysis since getting in Scientology. I can tell you I had no interest in it really, as I always wanted the ‘advanced’ stuff, the ‘mysterious’ stuff , the stuff about past lives and space and other planets etc etc. The truth for me now is I need to understand the basics. I need to know the fundamental laws of life energy. This book gives some of those fundamentals. Past lives and other stuff called “Para-Scientology” has it’s time and place and to fully appreciate it, an understanding of the basics principles of life is needed.

The data in Self Analysis is so simple. I thought today.. “Why hasn’t anyone thought about it before?”.The rules of life and the behavior of human beings are exact.

I always wanted to be different and always thought I was, that the problems facing me were different to the problems others were having, which probably in my opinion was true. Self Analysis and the previous 2 books taught me that we all are pressured by the same problems, if we are alive we are governed by the same rules of life. Different problems but same anatomy of problem, different situations but same make up of situations.

Knowing these rules would be the most important thing to do and this is what the Basic Scientology books offer.


“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”. B.F

“To know oneself is to know your friends and enemies” © Ricky Saunders 2008


According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.


In Gobbledygook please:

I have clpmoeetd the Csruoe called Self Aylansis by L.Ron Habburd. Tihs cruose I must say rllaey put it itno psrecepitve the rosaen why you do the csruoes, one atfer the otehr, as laid out. Wlihe ridaeng tihs book I saw how hvanig the dtaa form the bkoos Dnaicites and Sciecne of Sruivavl made uredntsdnanig what I was redanig so much eeisar.

I got form this book waht pelpoe are lcaikng. Lfie go by plpoee , they can't rmemeebr as wlel as they use to, tehy don't feel as birght as they used to, tehir eengry lleves are low and there are many other tgnihs taht seem to be truoblnig ppoele. Tihs book gvies a suloiton wcihh aynone can use, in any pcale. Sitteng adise a ltilte tmie ecah day and dniog the excreesis, a posren can cahgne the codntinois ficang tehm.

I kenw abuot Self Ansylais sicne gttenig in Sneictgoloy. I can tlel you I had no iretnset in it rllaey, as I aawlys wtnaed the 'aavdecnd' sfutf, the 'metsyiruos' sfutf , the sfutf aobut psat lvies and scape and oehtr plenats etc etc. The turth for me now is I need to unedsrtnad the baciss. I need to konw the fdnuematnal lwas of lfie enregy. This book gives some of tsohe fdnunemalats. Psat lievs and oehtr sfutf cllaed "ParcS-aiotnelgoy" has it's tmie and pcale and to fluly aperpictae it, an unsreddnating of the bcisas pirpicnels of lfie is nedeed.

The data in Slef Aylaniss is so smiple. I thuoght today.. "Why hsan't aynnoe tuohhgt aobut it bfeore?".The relus of lfie and the bhevaoir of hmuan bgnies are eaxct.

I aawlys wtnaed to be deffinert and awlyas thuohgt I was, taht the pbormels ficang me wree dieffnert to the prbomels others wree hanivg, wcihh paborlby in my oinipon was ture. Slef Anlasyis and the piveruos 2 bokos tguaht me taht we all are prserused by the smae plborems, if we are ailve we are gvoenred by the smae rlues of lfie. Dffineret prelboms but smae aotanmy of problem, dffineret sautitoins but same mkae up of sititauons.

Kiwonng thsee rlues would be the msot impatront tnihg to do and this is waht the Baisc Sicelotngoy bkoos ofefr.


"An ivnsenemtt in klwongdee pyas the bset iretnest.". B.F

"To konw oesenlf is to know your feirdns and emeneis" © Rciky Snuaedrs 2008


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