Sunday, July 15, 2007

Day after the event

In English please:

Today must have been the busiest day in the Church I have seen thus far. There have been more people than usual in the Church of Scientology Today, it was buzzing, it was hard to get a place to sit. The release of “The Basics” was awesome. Many of the Scientology Books and even the lectures were restored to the way L.Ron Hubbard intended; now it is so much easier to get the basic principles of Scientology than ever before. I’m glad I’m a Scientologist. I am also doing some Scientology Processing which is the best way to experience Scientology if you want to know how it works.

Extract from:


Why do some people oppose Scientology?

There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes that cause a percentage of the population to oppose violently any betterment activity or group. This small percentage of the society (roughly 2 percent) cannot tolerate that Scientology is successful at improving conditions around the world. This same 2 percent is opposed to any effective self-betterment activity. The reason they so rabidly oppose Scientology is because it is doing more to help society than any other group. Those who are upset by seeing man get better are small in number compared to the millions who have embraced Scientology and its efforts to create a sane civilization and more freedom for the individual.

“God works wonders now & then;
Behold! a Lawyer, an honest Man!” B.F 1733

“God does work wonders now &then;

Behold! My stable internet connection!” Ricky Saunders 2007

In gobbledygook please:

According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters

in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.

The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.

This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.

Day atfer the evnet

Tdoay msut hvae been the buisest day in the Cuhcrh I hvae seen thus far. Trehe hvae been mroe pelpoe tahn uausl in the Cuhcrh of Scneiotolgy Tdoay, it was bzzuing, it was hrad to get a palce to sit. The relsaee of "The Bsacis" was asewmoe. Mnay of the Scneitology Bokos and eevn the ltcerues were retsroed to the way L.Ron Hbubrad innetded; now it is so much eisaer to get the basic pirnpicels of Scientlogoy tahn eevr berofe. I'm glad I'm a Seicnotlogist. I am also diong some Scneiotgoly Prosecnisg which is the bset way to exeprneice Sicentolgoy if you wnat to konw how it wokrs.

Exartct form: hptt://www.seictnologtyoday.o/grCmoomnq/seuoitp/ng56.htm


Why do some poelpe oppose Sceiotnlgoy?

Tehre are certian crahcaetsiritcs and mtneal aittdutes taht cuase a peecrtngae of the ppoaluiton to oppose voiltnely any beettremnt aitcivty or gorup. Tihs samll peecrtngae of the soictey (rohguly 2 preectn) cannot tloarete taht Seictnlogoy is scucessufl at irpmoving cnotidoins aornud the wolrd. Tihs smae 2 peecrnt is oppoesd to any effceitve sefl-bteetmrnet activity. The rsaeon they so rbaldiy oppose Sceinotgoly is baceuse it is dniog mroe to hlep scoeity than any ohter gorup. Those who are uespt by sieeng man get btteer are samll in nubmer cpmoerad to the millnois who hvae erbmcaed Seicnlotgoy and its efftros to craete a snae cviiilzitaon and more feerodm for the iidnvdiual.

"God wroks wdnores now & tehn;

Behlod! a Lwaeyr, an honset Man!" B.F 1373

"God does wrok woednrs now &hten;

Beohld! My sbatle ietnnret conencoitn!" Rciky Sadnures 2007

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