Saturday, July 14, 2007

Maiden Voyage event II

In English please:

The Maiden Event Voyage event went off with a bang!! What a release, the basics. The basic books on Scientology were released and this release will make it possible for anyone to understand the Dianetics and Scientology Books.
I have read the all the books and I have gotten huge gains from each and every one of them. I can tell you , that with this data restored, brings a new era in Scientology. Religious Technology Center has done the most amazing job of restoring the Scientology Tech. They have first brought about the Golden Age of Knowledge, this in itself was a breakthrough of proportion, with people actually starting to know what they doing and not taking 10 years to become a 'expert' auditor or counselor, but a mere matter of weeks and months. The Congress lectures were released and this itself is amazing, tapes that were over 40-50 years old, were restored, no other organization with the limited resources We have could have done it better and that says it with triple exclamation points. The basic books would have stayed the same, and they of course have been, however with the discovery of "editors doing their own editing", it didn't completely ruin the books but they were altered enough to cause a bit of difficulty, after some research it was discovered that the books were altered in such a way that they "seemed hard to read" and it was even popular belief that your understanding of a certain book will be "revealed" later. This is not intended.
People who know L.R.Hubbard knew that he entrusted people, he had a very high expectancy from people and once he did something it was done, if it was written , it is done, if it was said, it was done. (not quoted - personal opinion expressed here.)
However the basic books, like Dianetics are easier to read, but still takes some reading, you need to sit down and read it.

Anyway note to self:

Is it all worthwhile, is life worth living, why keeping working and aiming for one's goals, will it all work out in the end? It is question you will ask yourself maybe a few times an over your lifetime and the answer to this will always be yes, providing your goals and what you are doing is constructive, that is, which builds and creates a better tomorrow.
Life is not always easy but there is no substitute for the feeling of love whether it exists between people or animals. There has been, as long as there has been life, been an urge to co-exist in harmony and peace, top understand and to help. The beauty of life is presented in many ways, the drop of water on a leaf, the clarity of a spring morning, the birds singing can easily be forgotten in today's society where it seems you are but another cog in the wheel. There is hope and it is worthwhile to persevere. There is not greater joy in life that the feeling that one belong and that one can freely communicate. R.S 2007

Quote of the day:

"He that lives carnally won't live eternally". B.F 1733

"That Processed Pumpkin soup in a can is surely delicious" Ricky Saunders 2007

In Gobbledygook please:

According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.

The Maedin Eevnt Vyogae event wnet off wtih a bnag!! Waht a reaelse, the baciss. The bisac bkoos on Seicnlotgoy were relsaeed and tihs relaese wlil mkae it pssolbie for aynnoe to udnertsnad the Daitencis and Sceitnology Bkoos. No wnoedr the Aitn-cSinelotogtsis hvae been giong ntus, this maens L.Ron Hbubrad wlil be now avaiallbe to eevn mroe ppoele and eevn mroe pepole wlil be hleped and become Seicnlotigotss.

Anawyy note to sefl:

Is it all wtrohwlihe, is lfie wtroh living, why kpeenig wroknig and aiming for one's goals, will it all wrok out in the end? It is quesoitn you will ask yruoslef myabe a few tiems an oevr yuor lefiitme and the awsner to this wlil awlays be yes, porivnidg yuor golas and what you are diong is consurttcvie, taht is, wihch budlis and caertes a bteetr tomoorrw.
Lfie is not aawlys easy but trehe is no susbitutte for the feeilng of lvoe wtehher it exsits bwteeen poelpe or aminlas. Trehe has been, as lnog as tehre has been lfie, been an ugre to c-oixest in haomrny and pcaee, top unredtsnad and to help. The buaety of life is pseretned in mnay wyas, the drop of wtaer on a leaf, the clraity of a spring morning, the bdris signnig can eaisly be fgrootten in tdoay's sicotey where it smees you are but antoher cog in the weehl. There is hpoe and it is wrowhthlie to peesrreve. Tehre is not gaerter joy in life taht the feelnig taht one boleng and taht one can feerly cmmonuictae. R.S 2007

Qtoue of the dya:

"He that lvies cralanly won't lvie eretlanly". B.F 1373

"Taht Precossed Pukpmin suop in a can is sruely dileicuos" Ricky Snuadres 2007


Terryeo said...

I'm still laughing about gobble - di - gook. And you gots my full approval about the basic books. But there is one note I would add. On March 3, 1952, Ron defined Scientology in a lecture of that date called Scientology:Milestone One. Therein lies the definition of Scientology. When I at last read Ron's definition it aligned (for me) all the Dianetics and Scientology data I had aquired through 20 years. Yes, it is a "study of knowledge", but there is more to it. The more has proven (for me) the most senior datum. It is (my rewording here) that knowledge is useless unless understood. It is (my rewording) that a person may KNOW an engram so solidly they can not even walk. But if they will UNDERSTAND THEIR KNOWLEDGE they can then use their knowledge. Scientology: Milestone One, 3 Mar 1952, Wichita, KS.

Ray Wills said...

I will search this data. Thanx for your comment!