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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Scientology can and does help.
In English please:
Taken from web page: http://www.scientologytoday.org/press/708212233581_scn-int.html
25 Aug 2007 — Scientology Disaster Relief Team Calls for Volunteers to Help
With today's announcement that the search for more survivors from last week's Peruvian earthquake has ended, efforts are now concentrated on bringing help to the more than 100,000 left homeless. The Scientology Disaster Relief Team, headquartered in the City of Pisco, Peru, is mobilizing volunteers from around the world and will train anyone who wants to help in the relief effort.

Peru President Alan Garcia announced today that rebuilding this region is his government's highest priority, but getting needed supplies to victims of the disaster, particularly in and around the city of Pisco and outlying mountain areas, is an urgent problem.
Donations of funds and supplies are pouring in from governments and organizations. The United Nations has pledged a million dollars in relief funds and Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, South Korea, the United States, France and Spain are among the countries sending aid, including medicine, water and food.
Scientology Volunteer Ministers, who were in Iquitos, Peru, making final preparations for a planned August 18th launch of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Amazon Goodwill Tour, postponed their project and flew to the City of Pisco, where they are now directing the work of the Scientology Disaster Relief Team forming up in that area.
Volunteer Ministers provide urgently needed relief for local residents, and administrative skill to bring order and ensure maximum help in times of disaster. They are also specialists in trauma relief. They not only help on a one-on-one basis but they also train local agencies, organizations and individuals in these techniques.
Their expertise comes from experience gained at hundreds of disaster sites including the Indian Ocean tsunamis of 2004, and natural disasters in the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Africa and in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the US.
"Volunteers have arrived in Peru from as far away as Mexico City and Los Angeles," said Veronica Albano, spokesperson for the Scientology Volunteer Ministers. "One volunteer from Mexico City was thrilled that not only was his visa and that of one of his colleagues rushed through, but he also received an official letter giving them access to the disaster zone."
On learning about the Scientology Disaster Relief Team, another volunteer, a 19-year-old Peruvian student in Los Angeles, California, contacted his friends in his hometown of Lima, and he and his friends have joined the team. "I am not a Scientologist," he said "but I know that this Volunteer Ministers Disaster Relief program has been effective for many years in helping other areas struck by disasters, and I know I can make a difference. That's why I decided to go."
For the past three decades the Volunteer Ministers program, created by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, has been living up to its motto, that no matter how bad it is "Something CAN be Done About It." To find out how to join the Volunteer Ministers team or to donate to support those on the ground in Peru, contact 1-800-HELP-4-YU or email the Volunteer Ministers Coordinator at vm@volunteerministers.org.
Spread the News:
Take this remark from Richard poor and lame,
Whate'er's begun in anger ends in shame. B.F 1744
Take this remark from Ricky, average and tame,
Take responsibility, don;t live in blame. Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Taken from web page: http://www.scientologytoday.org/press/708212233581_scn-int.html
25 Aug 2007 — Seicotnlogy Dsisater Rileef Team Calls for Vlouneetrs to Hlep
With toady's aonnnucement that the seacrh for mroe svruirovs form lsat week's Pureivan etrauqhake has edned, efrofts are now cnonecartetd on brniigng hlep to the mroe tahn 100,000 lfet hmoleses. The Seicotnolgy Dsisaetr Relief Taem, hdaeauqrreted in the Ctiy of Psico, Preu, is mbolizinig vonuleetrs form aronud the wrold and wlil tiarn aynnoe who wnats to hlep in the rileef effort.
Peru Predisnet Alan Graica annocnued tdoay taht reublidnig tihs rigeon is his gevormnent's hiehgst proiirty, but gtteing ndeeed suplpies to viitcms of the dasisetr, ptraucirally in and aornud the city of Picso and oltuniyg mnuotian aeras, is an uegrnt prbolem.
Dnoatoins of fnuds and sppuiles are poirung in form gvonremtnes and ogrinazaitnos. The Uinetd Naoitns has pelegdd a miillon dollars in rileef fdnus and Bzaril, Mixeco, Aegritnna, Stuoh Kroea, the Uinetd Sattes, Fnarce and Siapn are anomg the cotnueirs sending aid, ilcnunidg mideicne, waetr and food.
Sictneology Vuloetner Mniietsrs, who wree in Iquotis, Preu, mikang fanil pperaaroitns for a palnned Augsut 18th lacnuh of the Sicnelotgoy Voultneer Mniisetrs Azamon Gowdolil Tuor, psoptenod tehir pjorect and felw to the City of Pisco, whree tehy are now dricenitg the wrok of the Sicnelotgoy Diassetr Rileef Taem fomring up in taht aera.
Voultneer Minitsres pvordie uegrltny nedeed reeilf for lcoal risenedts, and amdinistarvite slikl to bnirg oredr and esnrue mamixum help in tmies of dsiaster. Tehy are aslo scepiilatss in tuarma rleeif. They not olny hlep on a oeno--none baiss but tehy aslo trian lacol aegicnes, oagrnaziitnos and idnvidilaus in tehse tecinhuqes.
Tehir eepxrtsie comes form epxreneice gianed at hunderds of dasitser setis inclidung the Indian Ocaen tnusaims of 2004, and nutaarl dsisaetrs in the Plihippenis, Iodnensia, Austrilaa, Afrcia and in the afrettamh of Hrruciaens Krtania and Rtia in the US.
"Vuloneetrs have arrvied in Preu form as far aawy as Mxeico City and Los Angeels," said Vreinoca Aablno, spekoepssron for the Sictneogoly Voluetner Minitsers. "One vlotnueer from Mxeico Ctiy was trhilled taht not olny was his vsia and taht of one of his collaeeugs rsuhed torhguh, but he aslo rceieevd an ofcifail letter gvinig tehm accses to the dasitser znoe."
On lraening aobut the Sicneotgoly Diastser Reeilf Taem, atonehr vulotneer, a 1y-9eralo-d Perivuan stduent in Los Agnlees, Cilarofina, ctnoatced his firdnes in his hemootwn of Lmia, and he and his frneids hvae jonied the taem. "I am not a Seictnlooigst," he said "but I know taht tihs Voultneer Minisetrs Dasisetr Reilef program has been effetcvie for many yaers in hleping oehtr aaers sturck by disasrets, and I konw I can mkae a dffienerce. Taht's why I decedid to go."
For the psat terhe dcedaes the Vonuleter Mnitsires pgorram, certaed by Sicneotolgy Fouednr L. Ron Hubbard, has been living up to its mttoo, taht no mtaetr how bad it is "Smoetnihg CAN be Done About It." To fnid out how to jion the Vlonueter Mnitsires team or to dnotae to spuprot tsohe on the grnuod in Preu, contact 1-800-HELP-4-YU or email the Vlonueetr Mintsires Coodraniotr at vm@volunteerministers.org
Srpaed the Nswe:
Tkae tihs remrak from Ricrahd poor and lmae,
Whate'er's bugen in anegr edns in shmae. B.F 1474
Tkae tihs rmerak form Rciky, aevarge and tame,
Take resposniibilty, dno;t lvie in blmae. Ricky Sauednrs 2007
Taken from web page: http://www.scientologytoday.org/press/708212233581_scn-int.html
25 Aug 2007 — Scientology Disaster Relief Team Calls for Volunteers to Help
With today's announcement that the search for more survivors from last week's Peruvian earthquake has ended, efforts are now concentrated on bringing help to the more than 100,000 left homeless. The Scientology Disaster Relief Team, headquartered in the City of Pisco, Peru, is mobilizing volunteers from around the world and will train anyone who wants to help in the relief effort.

Peru President Alan Garcia announced today that rebuilding this region is his government's highest priority, but getting needed supplies to victims of the disaster, particularly in and around the city of Pisco and outlying mountain areas, is an urgent problem.
Donations of funds and supplies are pouring in from governments and organizations. The United Nations has pledged a million dollars in relief funds and Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, South Korea, the United States, France and Spain are among the countries sending aid, including medicine, water and food.
Scientology Volunteer Ministers, who were in Iquitos, Peru, making final preparations for a planned August 18th launch of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Amazon Goodwill Tour, postponed their project and flew to the City of Pisco, where they are now directing the work of the Scientology Disaster Relief Team forming up in that area.
Volunteer Ministers provide urgently needed relief for local residents, and administrative skill to bring order and ensure maximum help in times of disaster. They are also specialists in trauma relief. They not only help on a one-on-one basis but they also train local agencies, organizations and individuals in these techniques.
Their expertise comes from experience gained at hundreds of disaster sites including the Indian Ocean tsunamis of 2004, and natural disasters in the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Africa and in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the US.
"Volunteers have arrived in Peru from as far away as Mexico City and Los Angeles," said Veronica Albano, spokesperson for the Scientology Volunteer Ministers. "One volunteer from Mexico City was thrilled that not only was his visa and that of one of his colleagues rushed through, but he also received an official letter giving them access to the disaster zone."
On learning about the Scientology Disaster Relief Team, another volunteer, a 19-year-old Peruvian student in Los Angeles, California, contacted his friends in his hometown of Lima, and he and his friends have joined the team. "I am not a Scientologist," he said "but I know that this Volunteer Ministers Disaster Relief program has been effective for many years in helping other areas struck by disasters, and I know I can make a difference. That's why I decided to go."
For the past three decades the Volunteer Ministers program, created by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, has been living up to its motto, that no matter how bad it is "Something CAN be Done About It." To find out how to join the Volunteer Ministers team or to donate to support those on the ground in Peru, contact 1-800-HELP-4-YU or email the Volunteer Ministers Coordinator at vm@volunteerministers.org.
Spread the News:
Take this remark from Richard poor and lame,
Whate'er's begun in anger ends in shame. B.F 1744
Take this remark from Ricky, average and tame,
Take responsibility, don;t live in blame. Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Taken from web page: http://www.scientologytoday.org/press/708212233581_scn-int.html
25 Aug 2007 — Seicotnlogy Dsisater Rileef Team Calls for Vlouneetrs to Hlep
With toady's aonnnucement that the seacrh for mroe svruirovs form lsat week's Pureivan etrauqhake has edned, efrofts are now cnonecartetd on brniigng hlep to the mroe tahn 100,000 lfet hmoleses. The Seicotnolgy Dsisaetr Relief Taem, hdaeauqrreted in the Ctiy of Psico, Preu, is mbolizinig vonuleetrs form aronud the wrold and wlil tiarn aynnoe who wnats to hlep in the rileef effort.
Peru Predisnet Alan Graica annocnued tdoay taht reublidnig tihs rigeon is his gevormnent's hiehgst proiirty, but gtteing ndeeed suplpies to viitcms of the dasisetr, ptraucirally in and aornud the city of Picso and oltuniyg mnuotian aeras, is an uegrnt prbolem.
Dnoatoins of fnuds and sppuiles are poirung in form gvonremtnes and ogrinazaitnos. The Uinetd Naoitns has pelegdd a miillon dollars in rileef fdnus and Bzaril, Mixeco, Aegritnna, Stuoh Kroea, the Uinetd Sattes, Fnarce and Siapn are anomg the cotnueirs sending aid, ilcnunidg mideicne, waetr and food.
Sictneology Vuloetner Mniietsrs, who wree in Iquotis, Preu, mikang fanil pperaaroitns for a palnned Augsut 18th lacnuh of the Sicnelotgoy Voultneer Mniisetrs Azamon Gowdolil Tuor, psoptenod tehir pjorect and felw to the City of Pisco, whree tehy are now dricenitg the wrok of the Sicnelotgoy Diassetr Rileef Taem fomring up in taht aera.
Voultneer Minitsres pvordie uegrltny nedeed reeilf for lcoal risenedts, and amdinistarvite slikl to bnirg oredr and esnrue mamixum help in tmies of dsiaster. Tehy are aslo scepiilatss in tuarma rleeif. They not olny hlep on a oeno--none baiss but tehy aslo trian lacol aegicnes, oagrnaziitnos and idnvidilaus in tehse tecinhuqes.
Tehir eepxrtsie comes form epxreneice gianed at hunderds of dasitser setis inclidung the Indian Ocaen tnusaims of 2004, and nutaarl dsisaetrs in the Plihippenis, Iodnensia, Austrilaa, Afrcia and in the afrettamh of Hrruciaens Krtania and Rtia in the US.
"Vuloneetrs have arrvied in Preu form as far aawy as Mxeico City and Los Angeels," said Vreinoca Aablno, spekoepssron for the Sictneogoly Voluetner Minitsers. "One vlotnueer from Mxeico Ctiy was trhilled taht not olny was his vsia and taht of one of his collaeeugs rsuhed torhguh, but he aslo rceieevd an ofcifail letter gvinig tehm accses to the dasitser znoe."
On lraening aobut the Sicneotgoly Diastser Reeilf Taem, atonehr vulotneer, a 1y-9eralo-d Perivuan stduent in Los Agnlees, Cilarofina, ctnoatced his firdnes in his hemootwn of Lmia, and he and his frneids hvae jonied the taem. "I am not a Seictnlooigst," he said "but I know taht tihs Voultneer Minisetrs Dasisetr Reilef program has been effetcvie for many yaers in hleping oehtr aaers sturck by disasrets, and I konw I can mkae a dffienerce. Taht's why I decedid to go."
For the psat terhe dcedaes the Vonuleter Mnitsires pgorram, certaed by Sicneotolgy Fouednr L. Ron Hubbard, has been living up to its mttoo, taht no mtaetr how bad it is "Smoetnihg CAN be Done About It." To fnid out how to jion the Vlonueter Mnitsires team or to dnotae to spuprot tsohe on the grnuod in Preu, contact 1-800-HELP-4-YU or email the Vlonueetr Mintsires Coodraniotr at vm@volunteerministers.org
Srpaed the Nswe:
Tkae tihs remrak from Ricrahd poor and lmae,
Whate'er's bugen in anegr edns in shmae. B.F 1474
Tkae tihs rmerak form Rciky, aevarge and tame,
Take resposniibilty, dno;t lvie in blmae. Ricky Sauednrs 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Laugh a little more...
In English Please:
A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet. My dog's cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him? "
"Well," says the vet, "let's have a look at him" So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then checks his teeth.
Finally, he says "I'm going to have to put him down."
"What? Because he's cross-eyed?
“No, because he's really heavy".
He does not possess Wealth, it possesses him B.F 1734
Life’s worth living I’ve been told, wake up at 5 in the bitter cold, there is happiness in things people sometimes say, they probably don’t have to work till late in the day.
There is joy sometimes I was told believe, these people must have it hard to conceive that all I am doing is slog and a being miser, but too what end I work, they none the wiser.
I am a street sweeper , who paves the way , for no ordinary man would think of me that way, I am hardly noticed as people walk round , I pick up the butts, your paper without much sound. Never you see a street so shiny and bright, and never you wonder why I am still sweeping at night. I see you shuffle and move so fast, you rush for what I often ask.
Never a smile on your morning’s face, never a hop in your evening’s pace. I am not sad or lacking joy, my street is clean; I am content as a boy. Ricky Saunders 2007.
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
A man taeks his Rttoiewelr to the vet. My dog's crso-syeed, is trehe antyhnig you can do for him? "
"Wlel," syas the vet, "let's hvae a look at him" So he picks the dog up and examenis his eyes, tehn chceks his tteeh.
Fnillay, he syas "I'm gonig to have to put him dwon."
"Waht? Baceuse he's corssye-ed?
"No, bceuase he's rlaely hevay".
He deos not pssoess Wlaeth, it psosesses him B.F 1734
Lfie's worth lvinig I've been tlod, wkae up at 5 in the btiter clod, three is haippsens in things poelpe smoeitems say, they pborbaly don't hvae to work tlil ltae in the day.
Tehre is joy smoitemes I was tlod bleeive, these ppoele msut hvae it hrad to ccnoieve that all I am dniog is solg and a bnieg miser, but too waht end I work, tehy nnoe the wiesr.
I am a srteet seewper , who pvaes the way , for no oidrnray man wuold tnihk of me that way, I am hradly ntocied as ppoele wlak ronud , I pcik up the btuts, yuor pepar wihtuot mcuh suond. Nveer you see a street so shniy and bgirht, and neevr you wdnoer why I am sitll sewipeng at nihgt. I see you shulffe and mvoe so fast, you rsuh for waht I otfen ask.
Never a slime on your mnronig's fcae, never a hop in yuor enevnig's pcae. I am not sad or lcaikng joy, my steert is celan; I am cnotnet as a boy. Ricky Snuareds 2007.
A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet. My dog's cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him? "
"Well," says the vet, "let's have a look at him" So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then checks his teeth.
Finally, he says "I'm going to have to put him down."
"What? Because he's cross-eyed?
“No, because he's really heavy".
He does not possess Wealth, it possesses him B.F 1734
Life’s worth living I’ve been told, wake up at 5 in the bitter cold, there is happiness in things people sometimes say, they probably don’t have to work till late in the day.
There is joy sometimes I was told believe, these people must have it hard to conceive that all I am doing is slog and a being miser, but too what end I work, they none the wiser.
I am a street sweeper , who paves the way , for no ordinary man would think of me that way, I am hardly noticed as people walk round , I pick up the butts, your paper without much sound. Never you see a street so shiny and bright, and never you wonder why I am still sweeping at night. I see you shuffle and move so fast, you rush for what I often ask.
Never a smile on your morning’s face, never a hop in your evening’s pace. I am not sad or lacking joy, my street is clean; I am content as a boy. Ricky Saunders 2007.
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
A man taeks his Rttoiewelr to the vet. My dog's crso-syeed, is trehe antyhnig you can do for him? "
"Wlel," syas the vet, "let's hvae a look at him" So he picks the dog up and examenis his eyes, tehn chceks his tteeh.
Fnillay, he syas "I'm gonig to have to put him dwon."
"Waht? Baceuse he's corssye-ed?
"No, bceuase he's rlaely hevay".
He deos not pssoess Wlaeth, it psosesses him B.F 1734
Lfie's worth lvinig I've been tlod, wkae up at 5 in the btiter clod, three is haippsens in things poelpe smoeitems say, they pborbaly don't hvae to work tlil ltae in the day.
Tehre is joy smoitemes I was tlod bleeive, these ppoele msut hvae it hrad to ccnoieve that all I am dniog is solg and a bnieg miser, but too waht end I work, tehy nnoe the wiesr.
I am a srteet seewper , who pvaes the way , for no oidrnray man wuold tnihk of me that way, I am hradly ntocied as ppoele wlak ronud , I pcik up the btuts, yuor pepar wihtuot mcuh suond. Nveer you see a street so shniy and bgirht, and neevr you wdnoer why I am sitll sewipeng at nihgt. I see you shulffe and mvoe so fast, you rsuh for waht I otfen ask.
Never a slime on your mnronig's fcae, never a hop in yuor enevnig's pcae. I am not sad or lcaikng joy, my steert is celan; I am cnotnet as a boy. Ricky Snuareds 2007.
Monday, August 27, 2007
And yet another joke...
In English please:
A drunk man who smelled like beer sat down on a subway seat next to a priest. The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading. After a few minutes the man turned to the priest and asked," Say, Father, what causes arthritis?"
"My Son, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked women, too much alcohol, a contempt for your fellow man, sleeping around with prostitutes and lack of bath." "Well, I'll be damned," the drunk muttered, returning to his paper.
The priest, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man and apologized. "I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong. How long have you had arthritis?"
"I don't have it, Father. I was just reading here that the Pope does..."
Marry your Son when you will, but your Daughter when you can. B.F 1734
It is fools who marry on whim and folly, for the road of divorce is not very jolly. Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
in Gobbledygook please:
A dnurk man who slemeld like beer sat dwon on a sbuway saet nxet to a pirest. The man's tie was stanied, his fcae was plsaeterd wtih red lspiitck, and a hlaf empty bttole of gin was sitikcng out of his tron coat pkcoet. He oepend his nsweapepr and beagn rdaenig. Atfer a few mitunes the man truend to the pirest and aksed," Say, Faehtr, waht cuases arrhtitis?"
"My Son, it's csuaed by losoe liivng, benig wtih caehp, wkcied women, too much alocohl, a cnotepmt for yuor fellow man, selpenig aorund wtih prosttietus and lack of bath." "Wlel, I'll be danmed," the dnurk mtuetred, retruning to his ppaer.
The pirest, tnihnikg abuot waht he had siad, ngdued the man and aploigoezd. "I'm vrey sorry. I ddin't maen to cmoe on so sortng. How lnog hvae you had arhttiris?"
"I don't have it, Ftaher. I was jsut raeding hree that the Ppoe does..."
Mrary your Son when you will, but yuor Daguhetr wehn you can. B.F 1374
It is fools who mrray on whim and folly, for the raod of dviroce is not vrey jolly. Rkciy Sadnuers 2007
A drunk man who smelled like beer sat down on a subway seat next to a priest. The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading. After a few minutes the man turned to the priest and asked," Say, Father, what causes arthritis?"
"My Son, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked women, too much alcohol, a contempt for your fellow man, sleeping around with prostitutes and lack of bath." "Well, I'll be damned," the drunk muttered, returning to his paper.
The priest, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man and apologized. "I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong. How long have you had arthritis?"
"I don't have it, Father. I was just reading here that the Pope does..."
Marry your Son when you will, but your Daughter when you can. B.F 1734
It is fools who marry on whim and folly, for the road of divorce is not very jolly. Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
in Gobbledygook please:
A dnurk man who slemeld like beer sat dwon on a sbuway saet nxet to a pirest. The man's tie was stanied, his fcae was plsaeterd wtih red lspiitck, and a hlaf empty bttole of gin was sitikcng out of his tron coat pkcoet. He oepend his nsweapepr and beagn rdaenig. Atfer a few mitunes the man truend to the pirest and aksed," Say, Faehtr, waht cuases arrhtitis?"
"My Son, it's csuaed by losoe liivng, benig wtih caehp, wkcied women, too much alocohl, a cnotepmt for yuor fellow man, selpenig aorund wtih prosttietus and lack of bath." "Wlel, I'll be danmed," the dnurk mtuetred, retruning to his ppaer.
The pirest, tnihnikg abuot waht he had siad, ngdued the man and aploigoezd. "I'm vrey sorry. I ddin't maen to cmoe on so sortng. How lnog hvae you had arhttiris?"
"I don't have it, Ftaher. I was jsut raeding hree that the Ppoe does..."
Mrary your Son when you will, but yuor Daguhetr wehn you can. B.F 1374
It is fools who mrray on whim and folly, for the raod of dviroce is not vrey jolly. Rkciy Sadnuers 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Just a little Joke
In English Please:
Today I read a joke about the population of America. Well here is my version on the population of Australia
There are 21 Million people in Australia.
11 million are Children and the Elderly.
Which leaves 10 Million people to do the work.
1.5 Million work for the Federal government.
Which leaves 8.5 Million to do the work.
3 Million work for the State government .
Which leaves 5.5 Million to do the work.
We have 2 Million people in Jail or some kind of institution.
Which leaves 3.5 Million to do the work
We during any working day 600,000 in hospitals or off home sick
Which leaves 2.900,000 to do the work
We have 2,899,998 people on the Dole
Which leaves 2 people left to do the work.
And since I am am now working, that leaves you...reading jokes... hmmm
principiis obsta - meaning : Resist the first advances. (Latin) B.F 1734
esse quam videri: - meaning: To be, rather than to seem. (Latin) Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Toady I read a jkoe abuot the ppoutalion of Aremcia. Well hree is my vesrion on the ppolutaoin of Asurtlaia
Tehre are 21 Mlioiln pelpoe in Aurtsaila.
11 mllioin are Chirdlen and the Elredly.
Wihch leaevs 10 Mllioin ppoele to do the wrok.
1.5 Milloin wrok for the Fdeearl gevomnrnet.
Whcih leevas 8.5 Mlliion to do the wrok.
3 Mililon work for the Satte gorevmnnet .
Wihch laeevs 5.5 Million to do the wrok.
We hvae 2 Mlliion ppoele in Jial or smoe kind of itsnitutoin.
Wihch laeevs 3.5 Mililon to do the wrok
We druing any wkroing day 600,000 in hoipsatls or off hmoe scik
Wihch levaes 2.900,000 to do the wrok
We hvae 2,899,998 ppoele on the Dloe
Wihch lvaees 2 pelpoe lfet to do the work.
And since I am now wkronig taht lvaees you rdaenig jekos... hmmm
pnircpiiis osbta - maeinng : Risest the fsrit aavdcnes. (aLitn) B.F 1734
esse quam vediir: - maeinng: To be, rhtaer tahn to seem. (aLtni) Rkciy Suaednrs 2007
Today I read a joke about the population of America. Well here is my version on the population of Australia
There are 21 Million people in Australia.
11 million are Children and the Elderly.
Which leaves 10 Million people to do the work.
1.5 Million work for the Federal government.
Which leaves 8.5 Million to do the work.
3 Million work for the State government .
Which leaves 5.5 Million to do the work.
We have 2 Million people in Jail or some kind of institution.
Which leaves 3.5 Million to do the work
We during any working day 600,000 in hospitals or off home sick
Which leaves 2.900,000 to do the work
We have 2,899,998 people on the Dole
Which leaves 2 people left to do the work.
And since I am am now working, that leaves you...reading jokes... hmmm
principiis obsta - meaning : Resist the first advances. (Latin) B.F 1734
esse quam videri: - meaning: To be, rather than to seem. (Latin) Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Toady I read a jkoe abuot the ppoutalion of Aremcia. Well hree is my vesrion on the ppolutaoin of Asurtlaia
Tehre are 21 Mlioiln pelpoe in Aurtsaila.
11 mllioin are Chirdlen and the Elredly.
Wihch leaevs 10 Mllioin ppoele to do the wrok.
1.5 Milloin wrok for the Fdeearl gevomnrnet.
Whcih leevas 8.5 Mlliion to do the wrok.
3 Mililon work for the Satte gorevmnnet .
Wihch laeevs 5.5 Million to do the wrok.
We hvae 2 Mlliion ppoele in Jial or smoe kind of itsnitutoin.
Wihch laeevs 3.5 Mililon to do the wrok
We druing any wkroing day 600,000 in hoipsatls or off hmoe scik
Wihch levaes 2.900,000 to do the wrok
We hvae 2,899,998 ppoele on the Dloe
Wihch lvaees 2 pelpoe lfet to do the work.
And since I am now wkronig taht lvaees you rdaenig jekos... hmmm
pnircpiiis osbta - maeinng : Risest the fsrit aavdcnes. (aLitn) B.F 1734
esse quam vediir: - maeinng: To be, rhtaer tahn to seem. (aLtni) Rkciy Suaednrs 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The Objective Process: Some personal success from using Scientology
In English please:
The following is just my viewpoint on Objective processes and these views are not necessarily shared with anyone else.
Objective Processes are processes that orient one in present time and also handle some of the basic things affecting a person. These processes can only of course be successfully done in a Scientology organization, under supervision.
Processes are something that is done to rehabilitate an ability they can only be best understood by doing them, no amount of explanation will truly tell you what a process is and, it is something you do in a Scientology organization for best results, however they are not limited to Scientology organizations, you can for example take the book Dianetics and do this with someone at home, work , just about anywhere and there are many processes you can do just about anywhere.
I have been doing my objective processes and I can tell you they are the best thing I am doing for a very long time.
I have found that while doing these processes that my ability to handle certain things has improved. Let me clarify that. I have at times had a very difficult time talking to bosses and the higher the boss the harder it is for me to comfortable talk to them. Now I have done many courses, public speaking courses, learned a lot about communication, and even though all of this has helped, I still had some difficulty. After one process doing Objectives, I went to a senior Boss and I talked to her and for the first time in a long time, she was not a Boss but a person and I could easily talk to her, now If that was an achievement then that’s nothing compared to my next win which was that I at the same time could even express an opinion to her. To most people, they might shrug or even laugh that I could be having this problem, but I assure you, that , if you were to think about an area of you life, right now, that is giving you trouble, that is , that have been giving you trouble for a long long time, I am sure you can find something, something you probably feel nothing can be done about it, have a look. Sit and think for awhile and as you are reading this, some idea might have popped into your head and you though “oh, not that, that’s not important” have a think about that again! Now if you could fix that up, you know your life will be different. And that is the point I am making. The thing I am handling with this specific Scientology process is something I have been trying to sort out for a long while and now I am doing something about it. This does not mean my life is totally perfect; it is just one thing, one specific incident. I have other things to sort out in my life too, but I have one less thing to sort out now. And that is what any Scientologist will tell you that you slowly chip away at the things that have been holding you back for so long and who wouldn’t want that? And what kind of people would stop you from having that? The most amazing thing about the above is that I have only started on this processes, they take some doing and you of course have to participate and they are so simple to do that a new person often thinks, “Why am I doing this?’, but if you decide just to do it, no matter what, just make yourself do it, you will be surprised by the result.
That is my story and my success and that is only for the last few days!
Would you live with ease,
Do what you ought, and not what you please. B.F 1734
If you forget then how come you remember that you forgot? Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
The fololwnig is jsut my viewiopnt on Obcejvite pcoreesss and thsee views are not necessarliy srahed with aoynne else.
Obcejitve Prcoseess are porecsess taht orient one in pserent tmie and aslo hdnale some of the baisc tihngs aefftcing a psreon. Thsee pcorseses can olny of cuosre be succssefluly dnoe in a Seicotnlgoy ograinzitaon, uednr suepvrisoin.
Precoesss are smoehtnig taht is dnoe to rheibalatite an aibtily tehy can olny be bset uednsrotod by dniog tehm, no auomnt of epxlatanoin wlil tlury tlel you waht a porecss is and, it is soemtihng you do in a Sictneology orgazintaion for bset relusts, hwoveer tehy are not limietd to Sicnelotgoy orgnaazitnois, you can for emaxlpe take the book Daiencits and do tihs with soemnoe at hmoe, wrok , jsut auobt aynwhree and trehe are mnay porecesss you can do just abuot awynrehe.
I hvae been dniog my obcejvite precosses and I can tlel you they are the best thnig I am diong for a vrey lnog time.
I hvae fnuod that wlihe dniog these porcesses taht my ability to hnalde cetrain tnihgs has irpmevod. Let me clrafiy taht. I hvae at tmies had a vrey dficifult tmie tlanikg to bssoes and the hiehgr the bsos the hraedr it is for me to cmofroatble tlak to tehm. Now I have dnoe mnay cuosres, plbuic spaenikg coruses, lraeend a lot auobt cmmonuaciiton, and even tohugh all of this has hleepd, I slitl had some dfifiuctly. Aetfr one porecss doing Obejtcevis, I went to a sneior Boss and I tklaed to her and for the first tmie in a lnog tmie, she was not a Bsos but a psreon and I cluod easily tlak to her, now If taht was an achveienemt tehn that's ntoihng cpmoared to my nxet win whcih was that I at the same tmie cluod eevn epxerss an onipion to her. To msot poeple, tehy mgiht surhg or even lguah that I cuold be hivang tihs porbelm, but I aussre you, that , if you were to thnik aobut an aera of you lfie, rhgit now, taht is gvinig you troulbe, taht is , that have been gvinig you tuorlbe for a lnog lnog time, I am sure you can fnid smoteihng, smohteing you prboalby feel ntonihg can be dnoe abuot it, hvae a look. Sit and tihnk for awlihe and as you are rdaenig tihs, smoe ieda mhgit have ppoepd into yuor head and you thguoh "oh, not that, taht's not iopmatrnt" have a tnihk about taht aagin! Now if you cuold fix taht up, you konw yuor life will be dfifrenet. And taht is the piont I am mikang. The thing I am haldnnig wtih tihs scepific Seicotnlogy prcoess is smoeihtng I have been tiyrng to srot out for a lnog wlihe and now I am diong sometnihg aobut it. Tihs does not maen my lfie is tatolly pfreect; it is just one tihng, one sepicifc icnedint. I have otehr tnihgs to srot out in my life too, but I hvae one lses tihng to srot out now. And taht is waht any Sicneotolsigt wlil tlel you taht you slwoly chip aawy at the tnihgs taht have been hodlnig you back for so lnog and who wodlun't wnat taht? And what knid of poelpe wluod stop you form haivng that? The msot amaznig tnihg aobut the above is taht I have only satetrd on tihs porcesses, tehy tkae smoe doing and you of coruse hvae to parcititape and tehy are so smilpe to do taht a new preson oetfn thknis, "Why am I doing this?', but if you dicede jsut to do it, no mttaer waht, jsut make yruoeslf do it, you wlil be sruprsied by the ruselt.
Taht is my sotry and my sueccss and taht is olny for the last few dyas!
Wolud you lvie wtih esae,
Do waht you ouhgt, and not waht you pelsae. B.F 1734
If you forget tehn how cmoe you remeebmr taht you fgroot? Rciky Snuadres 2007
The following is just my viewpoint on Objective processes and these views are not necessarily shared with anyone else.
Objective Processes are processes that orient one in present time and also handle some of the basic things affecting a person. These processes can only of course be successfully done in a Scientology organization, under supervision.
Processes are something that is done to rehabilitate an ability they can only be best understood by doing them, no amount of explanation will truly tell you what a process is and, it is something you do in a Scientology organization for best results, however they are not limited to Scientology organizations, you can for example take the book Dianetics and do this with someone at home, work , just about anywhere and there are many processes you can do just about anywhere.
I have been doing my objective processes and I can tell you they are the best thing I am doing for a very long time.
I have found that while doing these processes that my ability to handle certain things has improved. Let me clarify that. I have at times had a very difficult time talking to bosses and the higher the boss the harder it is for me to comfortable talk to them. Now I have done many courses, public speaking courses, learned a lot about communication, and even though all of this has helped, I still had some difficulty. After one process doing Objectives, I went to a senior Boss and I talked to her and for the first time in a long time, she was not a Boss but a person and I could easily talk to her, now If that was an achievement then that’s nothing compared to my next win which was that I at the same time could even express an opinion to her. To most people, they might shrug or even laugh that I could be having this problem, but I assure you, that , if you were to think about an area of you life, right now, that is giving you trouble, that is , that have been giving you trouble for a long long time, I am sure you can find something, something you probably feel nothing can be done about it, have a look. Sit and think for awhile and as you are reading this, some idea might have popped into your head and you though “oh, not that, that’s not important” have a think about that again! Now if you could fix that up, you know your life will be different. And that is the point I am making. The thing I am handling with this specific Scientology process is something I have been trying to sort out for a long while and now I am doing something about it. This does not mean my life is totally perfect; it is just one thing, one specific incident. I have other things to sort out in my life too, but I have one less thing to sort out now. And that is what any Scientologist will tell you that you slowly chip away at the things that have been holding you back for so long and who wouldn’t want that? And what kind of people would stop you from having that? The most amazing thing about the above is that I have only started on this processes, they take some doing and you of course have to participate and they are so simple to do that a new person often thinks, “Why am I doing this?’, but if you decide just to do it, no matter what, just make yourself do it, you will be surprised by the result.
That is my story and my success and that is only for the last few days!
Would you live with ease,
Do what you ought, and not what you please. B.F 1734
If you forget then how come you remember that you forgot? Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
The fololwnig is jsut my viewiopnt on Obcejvite pcoreesss and thsee views are not necessarliy srahed with aoynne else.
Obcejitve Prcoseess are porecsess taht orient one in pserent tmie and aslo hdnale some of the baisc tihngs aefftcing a psreon. Thsee pcorseses can olny of cuosre be succssefluly dnoe in a Seicotnlgoy ograinzitaon, uednr suepvrisoin.
Precoesss are smoehtnig taht is dnoe to rheibalatite an aibtily tehy can olny be bset uednsrotod by dniog tehm, no auomnt of epxlatanoin wlil tlury tlel you waht a porecss is and, it is soemtihng you do in a Sictneology orgazintaion for bset relusts, hwoveer tehy are not limietd to Sicnelotgoy orgnaazitnois, you can for emaxlpe take the book Daiencits and do tihs with soemnoe at hmoe, wrok , jsut auobt aynwhree and trehe are mnay porecesss you can do just abuot awynrehe.
I hvae been dniog my obcejvite precosses and I can tlel you they are the best thnig I am diong for a vrey lnog time.
I hvae fnuod that wlihe dniog these porcesses taht my ability to hnalde cetrain tnihgs has irpmevod. Let me clrafiy taht. I hvae at tmies had a vrey dficifult tmie tlanikg to bssoes and the hiehgr the bsos the hraedr it is for me to cmofroatble tlak to tehm. Now I have dnoe mnay cuosres, plbuic spaenikg coruses, lraeend a lot auobt cmmonuaciiton, and even tohugh all of this has hleepd, I slitl had some dfifiuctly. Aetfr one porecss doing Obejtcevis, I went to a sneior Boss and I tklaed to her and for the first tmie in a lnog tmie, she was not a Bsos but a psreon and I cluod easily tlak to her, now If taht was an achveienemt tehn that's ntoihng cpmoared to my nxet win whcih was that I at the same tmie cluod eevn epxerss an onipion to her. To msot poeple, tehy mgiht surhg or even lguah that I cuold be hivang tihs porbelm, but I aussre you, that , if you were to thnik aobut an aera of you lfie, rhgit now, taht is gvinig you troulbe, taht is , that have been gvinig you tuorlbe for a lnog lnog time, I am sure you can fnid smoteihng, smohteing you prboalby feel ntonihg can be dnoe abuot it, hvae a look. Sit and tihnk for awlihe and as you are rdaenig tihs, smoe ieda mhgit have ppoepd into yuor head and you thguoh "oh, not that, taht's not iopmatrnt" have a tnihk about taht aagin! Now if you cuold fix taht up, you konw yuor life will be dfifrenet. And taht is the piont I am mikang. The thing I am haldnnig wtih tihs scepific Seicotnlogy prcoess is smoeihtng I have been tiyrng to srot out for a lnog wlihe and now I am diong sometnihg aobut it. Tihs does not maen my lfie is tatolly pfreect; it is just one tihng, one sepicifc icnedint. I have otehr tnihgs to srot out in my life too, but I hvae one lses tihng to srot out now. And taht is waht any Sicneotolsigt wlil tlel you taht you slwoly chip aawy at the tnihgs taht have been hodlnig you back for so lnog and who wodlun't wnat taht? And what knid of poelpe wluod stop you form haivng that? The msot amaznig tnihg aobut the above is taht I have only satetrd on tihs porcesses, tehy tkae smoe doing and you of coruse hvae to parcititape and tehy are so smilpe to do taht a new preson oetfn thknis, "Why am I doing this?', but if you dicede jsut to do it, no mttaer waht, jsut make yruoeslf do it, you wlil be sruprsied by the ruselt.
Taht is my sotry and my sueccss and taht is olny for the last few dyas!
Wolud you lvie wtih esae,
Do waht you ouhgt, and not waht you pelsae. B.F 1734
If you forget tehn how cmoe you remeebmr taht you fgroot? Rciky Snuadres 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Maiden Voyage event II - The Story continues…
In English please:
If you think the Maiden Voyage Event II for 2007 was spectacular, or even if you never heard of it before, I am going to give you a brief overview of it.
It’s is essentially called “The Basics” why?
Well here is a little quote to explain.
“A chronological study of materials is necessary for the complete training of a truly top-grade expert in these lines. He can see how the subject progressed and so is able to see which are the highest levels of development. Not the least advantage in this is the defining of words and terms for each, when originally used, was defined, in most cases, with considerable exactitude, and one is not left with any misunderstoods.” L.Ron Hubbard excerpted from “The Materials of Scientology”
The Basics consists of newly restored books and lectures by L.Ron Hubbard which build the foundation of Scientology. Not only are these books and lectures beautifully presented but the also present what never before was available, a technology about the mind and the spirit that is to be found nowhere else.
Anyone reading these books completely and in doing so attempts to understand what is being written will find that in them pure fascination, they will take you on a journey that so many people want to travel and wanted to travel. These books and lectures will lay a rock solid foundation for anyone who is interested in life. My theory is, you are living life, you might as well know the rules, you might as well know the Basics. The Basics will give you the rules, it will tell you how the game is being played and instead of being at the effect end of life you now can be at cause end of life, just by reading the books and listening to the lectures.
Currently there is a major push to get as many people onto and through the basic books. Why? Well it is all about stability; Scientology means “Study of Knowledge” or “Knowing how to know”. With any study you need to learn the fundamentals or the rest really won’t make sense. This applies to all study, not just Scientology. And if you think this is not true, try teaching a small child mathematical equations before teaching him arithmetic, you will have a hard time.
Scientology is a based on scientific principles about the mind, spirit and life. These are things you can observe. Like any science you have to know the basics, before you can fully grasps the more technical stuff, you got to know the basics before you can apply the more technical information. It is just fact.
If you are not doing the Basic courses, or if you do not even know what the Scientology Basics are, you better get busy because you are being left behind.
Love well, whip well. B.F 1733
Nobody can whip well with Love, but you can love to whip. Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
If you tihnk the Miaedn Voayge Enevt II for 2007 was scepcatualr, or even if you never hraed of it bofere, I am gonig to gvie you a biref oevivrew of it.
It's is essentially caleld "The Bsacis" why?
Wlel hree is a lttile qtoue to epxalin.
The Bsaics cosnists of newly rsetroed books and ltceerus by L.Ron Hubbard whcih biuld the fouadniton of Scientology. Not olny are thsee bokos and ltcerues baetufiluly pserneetd but the aslo psernet waht nveer beofre was aavlibale, a tenhcoolgy aobut the mind and the sipirt taht is to be fuond nhworee esle.
Aynone rdaenig tehse bkoos cmoelplety and in dniog so atetmtps to udnetsrnad waht is bieng wirtten will fnid taht in tehm prue fsacanioitn, they will take you on a juoenry taht so many pepole wnat to traevl and waetnd to traevl. Tsehe bkoos and ltcerues wlil lay a rcok silod fnuotadion for anoyne who is ietnersetd in lfie. My tehory is, you are living life, you mgiht as wlel know the rlues, you mgiht as wlel konw the Bascis. The Bisacs wlil give you the relus, it wlil tell you how the gmae is benig plyaed and insaetd of benig at the effcet end of lfie you now can be at csuae end of life, jsut by reaidng the books and litseinng to the lceuters.
Cuerrnlty trehe is a mjaor push to get as many ppoele otno and trhguoh the bsaic bkoos. Why? Wlel it is all aobut sbatliyti; Seicnotlgoy menas "Sutdy of Konlwdege" or "Konwnig how to konw". With any sutdy you need to laern the fdnumatnelas or the rest rlaely won't mkae sense. This appleis to all sutdy, not just Scitneology. And if you tnihk tihs is not ture, try tcaehnig a slaml chlid mahtetamacil eauqitons bferoe tcaehing him atirhemitc, you wlil hvae a hard tmie.
Seicotngoly is a besad on seicitnfic pricnlpies aobut the mind, spriit and life. Tehse are tihngs you can oesbrve. Like any sicnece you hvae to know the bsacis, bferoe you can fully grapss the mroe tcehnacil stfuf, you got to konw the bisacs bofere you can apply the mroe tenhccial iofnamroitn. It is jsut fcat.
If you are not diong the Basic cruoses, or if you do not eevn konw what the Siceotngoly Bsacis are, you btteer get bsuy beuacse you are bieng lfet bheind.
Lvoe wlel, wihp wlel. B.F 1373
Nobody can whip wlel wtih Love, but you can love to whip. Rciky Snuaders 2007
If you think the Maiden Voyage Event II for 2007 was spectacular, or even if you never heard of it before, I am going to give you a brief overview of it.
It’s is essentially called “The Basics” why?
Well here is a little quote to explain.
“A chronological study of materials is necessary for the complete training of a truly top-grade expert in these lines. He can see how the subject progressed and so is able to see which are the highest levels of development. Not the least advantage in this is the defining of words and terms for each, when originally used, was defined, in most cases, with considerable exactitude, and one is not left with any misunderstoods.” L.Ron Hubbard excerpted from “The Materials of Scientology”
The Basics consists of newly restored books and lectures by L.Ron Hubbard which build the foundation of Scientology. Not only are these books and lectures beautifully presented but the also present what never before was available, a technology about the mind and the spirit that is to be found nowhere else.
Anyone reading these books completely and in doing so attempts to understand what is being written will find that in them pure fascination, they will take you on a journey that so many people want to travel and wanted to travel. These books and lectures will lay a rock solid foundation for anyone who is interested in life. My theory is, you are living life, you might as well know the rules, you might as well know the Basics. The Basics will give you the rules, it will tell you how the game is being played and instead of being at the effect end of life you now can be at cause end of life, just by reading the books and listening to the lectures.
Currently there is a major push to get as many people onto and through the basic books. Why? Well it is all about stability; Scientology means “Study of Knowledge” or “Knowing how to know”. With any study you need to learn the fundamentals or the rest really won’t make sense. This applies to all study, not just Scientology. And if you think this is not true, try teaching a small child mathematical equations before teaching him arithmetic, you will have a hard time.
Scientology is a based on scientific principles about the mind, spirit and life. These are things you can observe. Like any science you have to know the basics, before you can fully grasps the more technical stuff, you got to know the basics before you can apply the more technical information. It is just fact.
If you are not doing the Basic courses, or if you do not even know what the Scientology Basics are, you better get busy because you are being left behind.
Love well, whip well. B.F 1733
Nobody can whip well with Love, but you can love to whip. Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
If you tihnk the Miaedn Voayge Enevt II for 2007 was scepcatualr, or even if you never hraed of it bofere, I am gonig to gvie you a biref oevivrew of it.
It's is essentially caleld "The Bsacis" why?
Wlel hree is a lttile qtoue to epxalin.
The Bsaics cosnists of newly rsetroed books and ltceerus by L.Ron Hubbard whcih biuld the fouadniton of Scientology. Not olny are thsee bokos and ltcerues baetufiluly pserneetd but the aslo psernet waht nveer beofre was aavlibale, a tenhcoolgy aobut the mind and the sipirt taht is to be fuond nhworee esle.
Aynone rdaenig tehse bkoos cmoelplety and in dniog so atetmtps to udnetsrnad waht is bieng wirtten will fnid taht in tehm prue fsacanioitn, they will take you on a juoenry taht so many pepole wnat to traevl and waetnd to traevl. Tsehe bkoos and ltcerues wlil lay a rcok silod fnuotadion for anoyne who is ietnersetd in lfie. My tehory is, you are living life, you mgiht as wlel know the rlues, you mgiht as wlel konw the Bascis. The Bisacs wlil give you the relus, it wlil tell you how the gmae is benig plyaed and insaetd of benig at the effcet end of lfie you now can be at csuae end of life, jsut by reaidng the books and litseinng to the lceuters.
Cuerrnlty trehe is a mjaor push to get as many ppoele otno and trhguoh the bsaic bkoos. Why? Wlel it is all aobut sbatliyti; Seicnotlgoy menas "Sutdy of Konlwdege" or "Konwnig how to konw". With any sutdy you need to laern the fdnumatnelas or the rest rlaely won't mkae sense. This appleis to all sutdy, not just Scitneology. And if you tnihk tihs is not ture, try tcaehnig a slaml chlid mahtetamacil eauqitons bferoe tcaehing him atirhemitc, you wlil hvae a hard tmie.
Seicotngoly is a besad on seicitnfic pricnlpies aobut the mind, spriit and life. Tehse are tihngs you can oesbrve. Like any sicnece you hvae to know the bsacis, bferoe you can fully grapss the mroe tcehnacil stfuf, you got to konw the bisacs bofere you can apply the mroe tenhccial iofnamroitn. It is jsut fcat.
If you are not diong the Basic cruoses, or if you do not eevn konw what the Siceotngoly Bsacis are, you btteer get bsuy beuacse you are bieng lfet bheind.
Lvoe wlel, wihp wlel. B.F 1373
Nobody can whip wlel wtih Love, but you can love to whip. Rciky Snuaders 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
What is Dianetics ?
In English please:
WHAT IS DIANETICS? (extracted from http://www.dianetics.org)
DIANETICS — The all-time self help bestseller
If you’ve ever felt there was something holding you back in life, ruining your plans and stopping you from being who you want to be, you were right.
The fact is, there is a single source of all your problems, stress, unhappiness and self-doubt. It’s called the reactive mind — the hidden part of your mind that stores all painful experiences and then uses them against you.
Dianetics gets rid of the reactive mind. It’s the only thing that does.
With over 20,000,000 copies in dozens of languages, Dianetics has remained a bestseller for more than fifty years. Now used in more than 150 nations, Dianetics brings dramatic and permanent improvement to people all over the world.
Read Dianetics and discover:
# The real reason for unexplained pains, negative emotions and unhappy relationships in your life
# Exactly what is destroying your belief in yourself and how Dianetics helps you get rid of it so you become more you
# The precise technology that blows away the barriers in your life - forever.
Don’t live with insecurity, negative thoughts and irrational behavior. Use Dianetics and get rid of your reactive mind.
He's a Fool that makes his Doctor his Heir B.F 1733
There no is more a fool and than a fool in love Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
WAHT IS DAINETICS? (xetcaretd form http://www.dianetics.org)
DNAITEICS — The allit-me slef hlep btseesellr
If yuov’e eevr flet tehre was semoihtng hloidng you bcak in life, ruiinng yuor plnas and stoippng you from bieng who you wnat to be, you were rihgt.
The fcat is, there is a snilge suocre of all your pbormels, srtess, uhnppaeniss and sefl-uodbt. It’s called the retcavie mnid — the hdiedn prat of yuor mnid taht sotres all pianufl expireneces and then uses tehm aagsnit you.
Daienitcs gets rid of the raeitcve mnid. I’ts the only thing taht deos.
Wtih over 20,000,000 cipoes in dzoens of lgnagaues, Dainetcis has rameenid a bsetslleer for mroe tahn ffity yraes. Now used in mroe than 150 ntaions, Daitencis brnigs dratamic and peamrnent irpmvomeent to ppoele all oevr the wrold.
Raed Daientcis and dsiocrev:
# The real rsaeon for unepxalnied panis, ngeavite etomoins and uhnappy realitnosihps in yuor lfie
# Exaclty waht is dtseryonig yuor bileef in yruoeslf and how Dianetcis hleps you get rid of it so you boceme more you
# The pericse thcenology taht blwos aawy the barirres in your lfie - ferover.
D’not live wtih insucertiy, negtavie tohhguts and iarrtinoal bheivaor. Use Dnaietics and get rid of yuor rcaetive mnid.
He's a Fool taht maeks his Docotr his Heir B.F 1373
Tehre no is mroe a fool and tahn a fool in lvoe Rikcy Suandres 2007
Aoccridng to resraech at an elgnsih uinrevisty, it dseon't matter in waht oedrr the lterets
in a wrod are, the olny ipmroatnt thnig is taht the fsrit and lsat leettr is at the rgiht palce.
The rset can be a toatl mess and you can stlil read it whtiuot porlbem.
This is beacuse we do not raed evrey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a whole.
WHAT IS DIANETICS? (extracted from http://www.dianetics.org)
DIANETICS — The all-time self help bestseller
If you’ve ever felt there was something holding you back in life, ruining your plans and stopping you from being who you want to be, you were right.
The fact is, there is a single source of all your problems, stress, unhappiness and self-doubt. It’s called the reactive mind — the hidden part of your mind that stores all painful experiences and then uses them against you.
Dianetics gets rid of the reactive mind. It’s the only thing that does.
With over 20,000,000 copies in dozens of languages, Dianetics has remained a bestseller for more than fifty years. Now used in more than 150 nations, Dianetics brings dramatic and permanent improvement to people all over the world.
Read Dianetics and discover:
# The real reason for unexplained pains, negative emotions and unhappy relationships in your life
# Exactly what is destroying your belief in yourself and how Dianetics helps you get rid of it so you become more you
# The precise technology that blows away the barriers in your life - forever.
Don’t live with insecurity, negative thoughts and irrational behavior. Use Dianetics and get rid of your reactive mind.
He's a Fool that makes his Doctor his Heir B.F 1733
There no is more a fool and than a fool in love Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
WAHT IS DAINETICS? (xetcaretd form http://www.dianetics.org)
DNAITEICS — The allit-me slef hlep btseesellr
If yuov’e eevr flet tehre was semoihtng hloidng you bcak in life, ruiinng yuor plnas and stoippng you from bieng who you wnat to be, you were rihgt.
The fcat is, there is a snilge suocre of all your pbormels, srtess, uhnppaeniss and sefl-uodbt. It’s called the retcavie mnid — the hdiedn prat of yuor mnid taht sotres all pianufl expireneces and then uses tehm aagsnit you.
Daienitcs gets rid of the raeitcve mnid. I’ts the only thing taht deos.
Wtih over 20,000,000 cipoes in dzoens of lgnagaues, Dainetcis has rameenid a bsetslleer for mroe tahn ffity yraes. Now used in mroe than 150 ntaions, Daitencis brnigs dratamic and peamrnent irpmvomeent to ppoele all oevr the wrold.
Raed Daientcis and dsiocrev:
# The real rsaeon for unepxalnied panis, ngeavite etomoins and uhnappy realitnosihps in yuor lfie
# Exaclty waht is dtseryonig yuor bileef in yruoeslf and how Dianetcis hleps you get rid of it so you boceme more you
# The pericse thcenology taht blwos aawy the barirres in your lfie - ferover.
D’not live wtih insucertiy, negtavie tohhguts and iarrtinoal bheivaor. Use Dnaietics and get rid of yuor rcaetive mnid.
He's a Fool taht maeks his Docotr his Heir B.F 1373
Tehre no is mroe a fool and tahn a fool in lvoe Rikcy Suandres 2007
Aoccridng to resraech at an elgnsih uinrevisty, it dseon't matter in waht oedrr the lterets
in a wrod are, the olny ipmroatnt thnig is taht the fsrit and lsat leettr is at the rgiht palce.
The rset can be a toatl mess and you can stlil read it whtiuot porlbem.
This is beacuse we do not raed evrey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a whole.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
We're Back !

In English please:
I am now on page 320 in my Dianetics book. What have I learned thus far? That the ills of man, the true source of pain and suffering in Man, have an answer. Dianetics is that Answer and not only is it an answer but also provides a workable approach to that answer. If anybody has read Dianetics, and I mean read, not skipping through , but read, page after page, there is no way in the world that you would not wind up a better person just by reading it. It tells you what the exact answer is.
If you have these questions or feel this way in life:
Why do I feel the way I do?
Answer: Here
Question: Why do I get sad for no reason?
Answer: Here
Question: Why do I lack confidence?
Answer: Here
Question: Why won’t my aches and pains go away?
Answer: Here
Question: Why do my emotions swing so much?
Answer: Here
Question: What are the strange thoughts I keep on having?
Answer: Here
Question: Why am I Here?
Answer: Here
Question: What is my purpose?
Answer: Here
Question: Why are people so mean sometimes?
Answer: Here
Question: Why do people do the bad things in life?
Answer: Here
Question: Why is it o one understands me?
Answer: Here
Question: I feel lots of negativity?
Answer: Here
Question: Is there any hope for me?
Answer: Here
Question: Why does love hurt so much?
Answer: Here
Question: Do we really have to lose our loved ones?
Answer: Here
Question: Can I make a difference?
Answer: Here
Question: I want to help?
Answer: Here
Question: I feel like the whole world is against me?
Answer: Here
Question: I can’t hear anything?
Answer: Here
Question: I can’t feel anything?
Answer: Here
Question: I can’t hear anything?
Answer: Here
Yep – if you have come this far you might think it a bit trite to have the same link for different questions, trite or not, it is an answer and a consistent one for that.
A house without woman & Fire-light is like a body without soul or sprite. B.F 1733
A home with fire light is probably on fire! Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
I am now on page 320 in my Diaenitcs book. What have I lenraed tuhs far? Taht the ills of man, the ture sruoce of pian and suffreing in Man, have an awsner. Dianetics is that Asnewr and not only is it an anwser but also provides a worklbae arppaoch to that awsner. If anobydy has raed Dinaitecs, and I maen read, not skippnig torhguh , but raed, pgae atfer pgae, there is no way in the wrold that you wuold not wnid up a btteer psreon jsut by rdaenig it. It tlels you waht the excat awsner is.
If you hvae thsee qseuitnos or feel this way in lfie:
Why do I feel the way I do?
Asnwre: Here
Qseutino: Why do I get sad for no resaon?
Asnwre: ereH
Qseutnoi: Why do I lcak condifcnee?
Awsnre: eHer
Qeusoitn: Why won't my aches and pians go away?
Anwsre: reHe
Questino: Waht are the sartgne tuohthgs I keep on hivang?
Awsner: reH
Qeutsnoi: Why am I Here?
Asnwre: Here
Qseutnoi: Waht is my pprusoe?
Awsnre: eHer
Qeustoin: Why are poeple so maen semomites?
Anwser: Here
Qseutnoi: Why do poelpe do the bad tihgns in life?
Awsnre: eher
Qseutnoi: Why is it o one undreatsdns me?
Awsnre: eHr
Qeusoitn: I feel lots of nagevittiy?
Answre: heer
Qutsenoi: Is tehre any hpoe for me?
Anwsre: <Here
Qseuiton: Why deos love hrut so much?
Asnewr: Here
Qeusitno: Do we rlaely hvae to lsoe our levod oens?
Asnwre: eHer
Qeustoin: Can I mkae a dffirecnee?
Ansewr: reH
Qutsenoi: I want to hlep?
Asnewr: reHe
Qeuitsno: I feel like the whloe world is aganist me?
Awsner: eH
Qseutoin: I can't hear anyihtng?
Anewsr: Here
Qeutsion: I can't feel antynihg?
Asnewr: eHr
Qeutsion: I can't haer anythnig?
Awsnre: reH/
Yep - if you hvae cmoe tihs far you mhgit thnik it a bit ttire to hvae the smae link for diffreent qeusitons, tirte or not, it is an awsner and a coisnetsnt one for taht.
A hsuoe wtihuot wmoan & Feril-ihgt is lkie a bdoy wituoht soul or sirpte. B.F 1733
A hmoe with fire lgiht is prabobly on frie! Rkciy Snuaders 2007
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