In English please:
If you think the Maiden Voyage Event II for 2007 was spectacular, or even if you never heard of it before, I am going to give you a brief overview of it.
It’s is essentially called “The Basics” why?
Well here is a little quote to explain.
“A chronological study of materials is necessary for the complete training of a truly top-grade expert in these lines. He can see how the subject progressed and so is able to see which are the highest levels of development. Not the least advantage in this is the defining of words and terms for each, when originally used, was defined, in most cases, with considerable exactitude, and one is not left with any misunderstoods.” L.Ron Hubbard excerpted from “The Materials of Scientology”
The Basics consists of newly restored books and lectures by L.Ron Hubbard which build the foundation of Scientology. Not only are these books and lectures beautifully presented but the also present what never before was available, a technology about the mind and the spirit that is to be found nowhere else.
Anyone reading these books completely and in doing so attempts to understand what is being written will find that in them pure fascination, they will take you on a journey that so many people want to travel and wanted to travel. These books and lectures will lay a rock solid foundation for anyone who is interested in life. My theory is, you are living life, you might as well know the rules, you might as well know the Basics. The Basics will give you the rules, it will tell you how the game is being played and instead of being at the effect end of life you now can be at cause end of life, just by reading the books and listening to the lectures.
Currently there is a major push to get as many people onto and through the basic books. Why? Well it is all about stability; Scientology means “Study of Knowledge” or “Knowing how to know”. With any study you need to learn the fundamentals or the rest really won’t make sense. This applies to all study, not just Scientology. And if you think this is not true, try teaching a small child mathematical equations before teaching him arithmetic, you will have a hard time.
Scientology is a based on scientific principles about the mind, spirit and life. These are things you can observe. Like any science you have to know the basics, before you can fully grasps the more technical stuff, you got to know the basics before you can apply the more technical information. It is just fact.
If you are not doing the Basic courses, or if you do not even know what the Scientology Basics are, you better get busy because you are being left behind.
Love well, whip well. B.F 1733
Nobody can whip well with Love, but you can love to whip. Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
If you tihnk the Miaedn Voayge Enevt II for 2007 was scepcatualr, or even if you never hraed of it bofere, I am gonig to gvie you a biref oevivrew of it.
It's is essentially caleld "The Bsacis" why?
Wlel hree is a lttile qtoue to epxalin.
The Bsaics cosnists of newly rsetroed books and ltceerus by L.Ron Hubbard whcih biuld the fouadniton of Scientology. Not olny are thsee bokos and ltcerues baetufiluly pserneetd but the aslo psernet waht nveer beofre was aavlibale, a tenhcoolgy aobut the mind and the sipirt taht is to be fuond nhworee esle.
Aynone rdaenig tehse bkoos cmoelplety and in dniog so atetmtps to udnetsrnad waht is bieng wirtten will fnid taht in tehm prue fsacanioitn, they will take you on a juoenry taht so many pepole wnat to traevl and waetnd to traevl. Tsehe bkoos and ltcerues wlil lay a rcok silod fnuotadion for anoyne who is ietnersetd in lfie. My tehory is, you are living life, you mgiht as wlel know the rlues, you mgiht as wlel konw the Bascis. The Bisacs wlil give you the relus, it wlil tell you how the gmae is benig plyaed and insaetd of benig at the effcet end of lfie you now can be at csuae end of life, jsut by reaidng the books and litseinng to the lceuters.
Cuerrnlty trehe is a mjaor push to get as many ppoele otno and trhguoh the bsaic bkoos. Why? Wlel it is all aobut sbatliyti; Seicnotlgoy menas "Sutdy of Konlwdege" or "Konwnig how to konw". With any sutdy you need to laern the fdnumatnelas or the rest rlaely won't mkae sense. This appleis to all sutdy, not just Scitneology. And if you tnihk tihs is not ture, try tcaehnig a slaml chlid mahtetamacil eauqitons bferoe tcaehing him atirhemitc, you wlil hvae a hard tmie.
Seicotngoly is a besad on seicitnfic pricnlpies aobut the mind, spriit and life. Tehse are tihngs you can oesbrve. Like any sicnece you hvae to know the bsacis, bferoe you can fully grapss the mroe tcehnacil stfuf, you got to konw the bisacs bofere you can apply the mroe tenhccial iofnamroitn. It is jsut fcat.
If you are not diong the Basic cruoses, or if you do not eevn konw what the Siceotngoly Bsacis are, you btteer get bsuy beuacse you are bieng lfet bheind.
Lvoe wlel, wihp wlel. B.F 1373
Nobody can whip wlel wtih Love, but you can love to whip. Rciky Snuaders 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
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