Thursday, August 23, 2007

What is Dianetics ?

In English please:

WHAT IS DIANETICS? (extracted from

DIANETICS — The all-time self help bestseller

If you’ve ever felt there was something holding you back in life, ruining your plans and stopping you from being who you want to be, you were right.

The fact is, there is a single source of all your problems, stress, unhappiness and self-doubt. It’s called the reactive mind — the hidden part of your mind that stores all painful experiences and then uses them against you.

Dianetics gets rid of the reactive mind. It’s the only thing that does.

With over 20,000,000 copies in dozens of languages, Dianetics has remained a bestseller for more than fifty years. Now used in more than 150 nations, Dianetics brings dramatic and permanent improvement to people all over the world.

Read Dianetics and discover:

# The real reason for unexplained pains, negative emotions and unhappy relationships in your life
# Exactly what is destroying your belief in yourself and how Dianetics helps you get rid of it so you become more you
# The precise technology that blows away the barriers in your life - forever.

Don’t live with insecurity, negative thoughts and irrational behavior. Use Dianetics and get rid of your reactive mind.


He's a Fool that makes his Doctor his Heir B.F 1733

There no is more a fool and than a fool in love Ricky Saunders 2007


According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.


In gobbledygook please:

WAHT IS DAINETICS? (xetcaretd form

DNAITEICS — The allit-me slef hlep btseesellr

If yuov’e eevr flet tehre was semoihtng hloidng you bcak in life, ruiinng yuor plnas and stoippng you from bieng who you wnat to be, you were rihgt.

The fcat is, there is a snilge suocre of all your pbormels, srtess, uhnppaeniss and sefl-uodbt. It’s called the retcavie mnid — the hdiedn prat of yuor mnid taht sotres all pianufl expireneces and then uses tehm aagsnit you.

Daienitcs gets rid of the raeitcve mnid. I’ts the only thing taht deos.

Wtih over 20,000,000 cipoes in dzoens of lgnagaues, Dainetcis has rameenid a bsetslleer for mroe tahn ffity yraes. Now used in mroe than 150 ntaions, Daitencis brnigs dratamic and peamrnent irpmvomeent to ppoele all oevr the wrold.

Raed Daientcis and dsiocrev:

# The real rsaeon for unepxalnied panis, ngeavite etomoins and uhnappy realitnosihps in yuor lfie
# Exaclty waht is dtseryonig yuor bileef in yruoeslf and how Dianetcis hleps you get rid of it so you boceme more you
# The pericse thcenology taht blwos aawy the barirres in your lfie - ferover.

D’not live wtih insucertiy, negtavie tohhguts and iarrtinoal bheivaor. Use Dnaietics and get rid of yuor rcaetive mnid.


He's a Fool taht maeks his Docotr his Heir B.F 1373

Tehre no is mroe a fool and tahn a fool in lvoe Rikcy Suandres 2007


Aoccridng to resraech at an elgnsih uinrevisty, it dseon't matter in waht oedrr the lterets
in a wrod are, the olny ipmroatnt thnig is taht the fsrit and lsat leettr is at the rgiht palce.
The rset can be a toatl mess and you can stlil read it whtiuot porlbem.
This is beacuse we do not raed evrey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a whole.

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