Taken from web page: http://www.scientologytoday.org/press/708212233581_scn-int.html
25 Aug 2007 — Scientology Disaster Relief Team Calls for Volunteers to Help
With today's announcement that the search for more survivors from last week's Peruvian earthquake has ended, efforts are now concentrated on bringing help to the more than 100,000 left homeless. The Scientology Disaster Relief Team, headquartered in the City of Pisco, Peru, is mobilizing volunteers from around the world and will train anyone who wants to help in the relief effort.

Peru President Alan Garcia announced today that rebuilding this region is his government's highest priority, but getting needed supplies to victims of the disaster, particularly in and around the city of Pisco and outlying mountain areas, is an urgent problem.
Donations of funds and supplies are pouring in from governments and organizations. The United Nations has pledged a million dollars in relief funds and Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, South Korea, the United States, France and Spain are among the countries sending aid, including medicine, water and food.
Scientology Volunteer Ministers, who were in Iquitos, Peru, making final preparations for a planned August 18th launch of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Amazon Goodwill Tour, postponed their project and flew to the City of Pisco, where they are now directing the work of the Scientology Disaster Relief Team forming up in that area.
Volunteer Ministers provide urgently needed relief for local residents, and administrative skill to bring order and ensure maximum help in times of disaster. They are also specialists in trauma relief. They not only help on a one-on-one basis but they also train local agencies, organizations and individuals in these techniques.
Their expertise comes from experience gained at hundreds of disaster sites including the Indian Ocean tsunamis of 2004, and natural disasters in the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Africa and in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the US.
"Volunteers have arrived in Peru from as far away as Mexico City and Los Angeles," said Veronica Albano, spokesperson for the Scientology Volunteer Ministers. "One volunteer from Mexico City was thrilled that not only was his visa and that of one of his colleagues rushed through, but he also received an official letter giving them access to the disaster zone."
On learning about the Scientology Disaster Relief Team, another volunteer, a 19-year-old Peruvian student in Los Angeles, California, contacted his friends in his hometown of Lima, and he and his friends have joined the team. "I am not a Scientologist," he said "but I know that this Volunteer Ministers Disaster Relief program has been effective for many years in helping other areas struck by disasters, and I know I can make a difference. That's why I decided to go."
For the past three decades the Volunteer Ministers program, created by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, has been living up to its motto, that no matter how bad it is "Something CAN be Done About It." To find out how to join the Volunteer Ministers team or to donate to support those on the ground in Peru, contact 1-800-HELP-4-YU or email the Volunteer Ministers Coordinator at vm@volunteerministers.org.
Spread the News:
Take this remark from Richard poor and lame,
Whate'er's begun in anger ends in shame. B.F 1744
Take this remark from Ricky, average and tame,
Take responsibility, don;t live in blame. Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Taken from web page: http://www.scientologytoday.org/press/708212233581_scn-int.html
25 Aug 2007 — Seicotnlogy Dsisater Rileef Team Calls for Vlouneetrs to Hlep
With toady's aonnnucement that the seacrh for mroe svruirovs form lsat week's Pureivan etrauqhake has edned, efrofts are now cnonecartetd on brniigng hlep to the mroe tahn 100,000 lfet hmoleses. The Seicotnolgy Dsisaetr Relief Taem, hdaeauqrreted in the Ctiy of Psico, Preu, is mbolizinig vonuleetrs form aronud the wrold and wlil tiarn aynnoe who wnats to hlep in the rileef effort.
Peru Predisnet Alan Graica annocnued tdoay taht reublidnig tihs rigeon is his gevormnent's hiehgst proiirty, but gtteing ndeeed suplpies to viitcms of the dasisetr, ptraucirally in and aornud the city of Picso and oltuniyg mnuotian aeras, is an uegrnt prbolem.
Dnoatoins of fnuds and sppuiles are poirung in form gvonremtnes and ogrinazaitnos. The Uinetd Naoitns has pelegdd a miillon dollars in rileef fdnus and Bzaril, Mixeco, Aegritnna, Stuoh Kroea, the Uinetd Sattes, Fnarce and Siapn are anomg the cotnueirs sending aid, ilcnunidg mideicne, waetr and food.
Sictneology Vuloetner Mniietsrs, who wree in Iquotis, Preu, mikang fanil pperaaroitns for a palnned Augsut 18th lacnuh of the Sicnelotgoy Voultneer Mniisetrs Azamon Gowdolil Tuor, psoptenod tehir pjorect and felw to the City of Pisco, whree tehy are now dricenitg the wrok of the Sicnelotgoy Diassetr Rileef Taem fomring up in taht aera.
Voultneer Minitsres pvordie uegrltny nedeed reeilf for lcoal risenedts, and amdinistarvite slikl to bnirg oredr and esnrue mamixum help in tmies of dsiaster. Tehy are aslo scepiilatss in tuarma rleeif. They not olny hlep on a oeno--none baiss but tehy aslo trian lacol aegicnes, oagrnaziitnos and idnvidilaus in tehse tecinhuqes.
Tehir eepxrtsie comes form epxreneice gianed at hunderds of dasitser setis inclidung the Indian Ocaen tnusaims of 2004, and nutaarl dsisaetrs in the Plihippenis, Iodnensia, Austrilaa, Afrcia and in the afrettamh of Hrruciaens Krtania and Rtia in the US.
"Vuloneetrs have arrvied in Preu form as far aawy as Mxeico City and Los Angeels," said Vreinoca Aablno, spekoepssron for the Sictneogoly Voluetner Minitsers. "One vlotnueer from Mxeico Ctiy was trhilled taht not olny was his vsia and taht of one of his collaeeugs rsuhed torhguh, but he aslo rceieevd an ofcifail letter gvinig tehm accses to the dasitser znoe."
On lraening aobut the Sicneotgoly Diastser Reeilf Taem, atonehr vulotneer, a 1y-9eralo-d Perivuan stduent in Los Agnlees, Cilarofina, ctnoatced his firdnes in his hemootwn of Lmia, and he and his frneids hvae jonied the taem. "I am not a Seictnlooigst," he said "but I know taht tihs Voultneer Minisetrs Dasisetr Reilef program has been effetcvie for many yaers in hleping oehtr aaers sturck by disasrets, and I konw I can mkae a dffienerce. Taht's why I decedid to go."
For the psat terhe dcedaes the Vonuleter Mnitsires pgorram, certaed by Sicneotolgy Fouednr L. Ron Hubbard, has been living up to its mttoo, taht no mtaetr how bad it is "Smoetnihg CAN be Done About It." To fnid out how to jion the Vlonueter Mnitsires team or to dnotae to spuprot tsohe on the grnuod in Preu, contact 1-800-HELP-4-YU or email the Vlonueetr Mintsires Coodraniotr at vm@volunteerministers.org
Srpaed the Nswe:
Tkae tihs remrak from Ricrahd poor and lmae,
Whate'er's bugen in anegr edns in shmae. B.F 1474
Tkae tihs rmerak form Rciky, aevarge and tame,
Take resposniibilty, dno;t lvie in blmae. Ricky Sauednrs 2007
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