Friday, July 27, 2007
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
Straight out of Dianetics

In English please:
Pleasure is the positive commodity. It is enjoyment of work, contemplation of deeds well done; it is a good book or a good friend; it is taking all the skin off one’s knees climbing the Matterhorn*; it is hearing the kid first say daddy; it is a brawl on the Bund* at shanghai or the whistle of amour from a doorway; it’s adventure and hope and enthusiasm and “someday I’ll learn to paint”; it’s eating a good meal or kissing a pretty girl or playing a stiff game of bluff on the stock exchange. It’s what Man does the he enjoys doing; It’s what Man does that he enjoys contemplating; it’s what Man does the he enjoys remembering; and it may be just the talk of things he knows he’ll never do.
Man will endure a lot of pain to obtain a little pleasure. LRH from the
Chapter Goal of Man pg 39, Dianetics – The Modern Science of Mental Health.
*Bund – a famous landmark in Shanghai, China, a boulevard along the Huang-p’u River linec with parks and European style buildings
*Matterhorn – a famous mountain peak in the Alps rising 14,692 feet (4,478 meters). It is located on the border of Switzerland and Italy.
In Scientology I had a misunderstanding on the cause of pain. I thought from a Scientology point of view “all pain is bad”, or that one should seek to avoid pain. Well from the above statement this is not true. I have seen once
a kid running , having a good time and he slip and fell to the ground, his father was a Scientologist as well and I was facing the kid, the kid got up and was looking at me and he did not seem hurt at all and so I started to talk to him. His dad had a look saying telepathically “shoosh! Be quiet!” I could see from the expression on his face.
It is not wise to talk to a person who has been injured or ill, but one must observe what is going on, a person might be having a ball of a time rollerblading and get into all sorts of trouble. It would be unwise to start telling everyone “Shoosh! Quiet, hey you Shoosh! And putting you pointing finger on your lips with a serious and stern look on your face, and even when the “victim” starts talking you Shoosh Him, “quiet you!, you gonna give yourself and engram!”
I can remember a few times getting hurt playing some sport of something and yet not feeling bad even though it hurt, the excitement and even the hurt was no a consideration as to what was accomplished or done.
I believe life is for the living, I can tell you for sure my mis-understanding of this is no more!
Great Talkers, little Doers. B.F 1733
Great Talker, must be a politician. Ricky Saunders 2007
In gobbledygook please:
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Sictneoolgy I had a musinedtsrnanidg on the cuase of pain. I tuohhgt from a Sicnetogoly point of veiw “all pain is bad”, or taht one suohld seek to aiovd pian. Well from the avobe stetaemnt tihs is not ture. I have seen once
a kid runnnig , hvaing a good tmie and he silp and fell to the guornd, his fhtaer was a Seicnotlgosit as well and I was ficang the kid, the kid got up and was lkoonig at me and he did not seem hurt at all and so I satetrd to talk to him. His dad had a look siyang telpetahacilly “sohosh! Be qeiut!” I cuold see form the exerpssion on his fcae.
It is not wise to talk to a preosn who has been inujerd or ill, but one msut osbvree waht is gniog on, a preson mgiht be hvanig a blal of a time rlolbredalnig and get itno all stros of toruble. It would be unwsie to satrt teillng eveyrnoe “ohSosh! Qeiut, hey you Sohsoh! And puttnig you pnionitg fniegr on yuor lips wtih a seirous and sretn look on yuor fcae, and eevn wehn the “vtciim” sttras tklanig you Sohosh Him, “iuqet you!, you gonna gvie yuosrelf and ergnam!”
I can remember a few tiems gtenitg hrut plyanig some sprot of semohting and yet not fleenig bad even tuohgh it hrut, the eicxmetnet and even the hrut was no a csnodiareiton as to waht was accmopsilehd or dnoe.
I bilevee lfie is for the living, I can tell you for sure my msiu-dnsreatidnng of this is no mroe!
Gaert Taklres, liltte Dreos. B.F 1373
Gerat Tklaer, must be a pilocitain. Rciky Suaednrs 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
The Mind self protecting
I am still making good progress on my Dianetics book, I am 76 pages into it and I must say I am getting a good grasp of the Mind, and what causes the aberrations in people. But what I discovered today was what the influence of Drugs has on people, what it reduces and that it can cause moments of unconsciousness and, in that, a person is likely to pick up not only the bad residual of the drugs but also the unwanted mental phenomena connected with during the times when drugs are taken. A simple cannabis joint can leave one feeling emotional lacking throughout one’s life depending on the circumstance in which it is taken. The woody and lightheaded feeling could easily follow one around for a long time. The Mind needs to protect the organism from harm, even though at that moment many people will tell how ‘good’ they feel when taking drugs but those are times that the body will try to protect itself from the intake of drugs in mental and in physical ways. The drug is not needed in the body to help it function and when it is used when not needed what do you think the result will be? A bad experience for sure in more ways than one.
He's a Fool that makes his Doctor his Heir. B.F 1733
A Doctor that visits patients in their home, never, there’s no money in it. Ricky Saunders 2007
In Gobbledygook please:
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
I am sitll mkaing good prrgoses on my Dnaitecis book, I am 76 paegs into it and I msut say I am gtteing a good gsarp of the Mind, and waht cuaess the aberrtanois in pelpoe. But what I dsivoceerd toady was waht the ilfnuecne of Drugs has on poelpe, what it rudeces and taht it can cause moemtns of uocnncsoisusens and, in that, a pesron is lekily to pcik up not olny the bad risedual of the dgurs but aslo the uawntned mnetal pnehmonea cnonceetd with duirng the tmies when drgus are taekn. A smiple cnnabais jiont can lvaee one fleenig emooitanl lkcanig torhuohgut o’ens life dpeedning on the ccrimuatscne in wihch it is tkaen. The wodoy and lihgehtaedd fleeing colud ealisy flloow one arnuod for a lnog tmie. The Mind needs to porcett the oagrnsim from harm, even thuogh at taht monemt mnay pepole wlil tell how ‘gdoo’ tehy feel wehn tkanig drgus but tohse are temis that the bdoy wlil try to ptorcet itlesf from the inatke of dgurs in mnetal and in pyhsical wyas. The drug is not ndeeed in the body to help it fcnuoitn and wehn it is uesd wehn not ndeeed what do you thnik the ruselt wlil be? A bad epxreinece for srue in mroe wyas tahn one.
He's a Fool taht mekas his Dcotor his Hier. B.F 1733
A Dtcoor that vitiss pitanets in their hmoe, never, treh’es no moeny in it. Ricky Suadnres 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Youth for Human Rights
Visit Youth for Human Rights Website to view the human rights videos, they will blow your mind!
In English please
Beware of the young Doctor & the old Barber B.F 1733
Beware of the Old Doctor and the New Hairdresser Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Berawe of the yonug Dcotor & the old Braebr B.F 1373
Bawere of the Old Dtcoor and the New Hriaerdsser Rciky Snuaedrs 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The New Dianetics Book !
Started the New Dianetics book Extension Course today, I can definitely say that the reading is a bit easier, but the most striking thing for me about the New Dianetics Book is that the words are defined as they are used at that time, this was a problem before as sometimes a word in the Scientology and Dianetics Technical dictionary defines a word in a certain way, but this definition does not apply to the word as it was used in 1950. In fact words as they were used in 1950 could only be cleared with a dictionary of 1950 or before, later words might be used differently, however later dictionaries can be used. The task of putting it all together must have been a massive task, not only in massive amounts of research, but in accuracy of definition as it is being used after all , One mis-definition could lead to a complete mis-understanding of the texts and complete texts after that. So I must say
He that drinks fast pays slow. B.F 1733
He that drinks slow is planning his escape. Ricky Saunders 2007
In gobbledygook please:
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
Sttraed the New Dienacits book Exetsnion Cruose today, I can deifinlety say taht the raeidng is a bit esaier, but the msot striikng thnig for me abuot the New Dnaiitecs Book is that the wdros are deifend as tehy are used at that time, this was a pborelm bofere as someitems a word in the Sicnelotgoy and Daiencits Tehcinacl dictionary difenes a wrod in a ctreain way, but tihs denifition deos not alppy to the wrod as it was uesd in 1590. In fcat wdros as they wree used in 1590 cuold olny be caelerd wtih a diitcanory of 1590 or berofe, later wdros mgiht be uesd dfifretnely, hwoeevr laetr dcitioanreis can be uesd. The task of pttuing it all togteehr must hvae been a mssavie tsak, not only in msavise amnuots of reaescrh, but in acuccary of dfeiinoitn as it is bnieg used afetr all , One mi-sfediniiton cuold laed to a cmopelte m-sinudertsaidnng of the ttxes and copmltee ttxes after that. So I msut say Rlegiious Tcehlongoy Cneetr, the keepres of the Tdaramerk of Sicnetolgoy has dnoe a sepurb job. The books, the leutcers, the dfeniitinos are all azaming.
He taht dnirks fsat pays solw. B.F 1373
He taht dirkns solw is pnalnnig his espace. Rciky Snuareds 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
A Swift reply to the Critics of Scientology Part 2
Just got sent another reply to some comment somewhere by: Devtcomm
I am not sure what the article was about, some interesting facts though.
Come on People, get with the program. If you can't lobby your local MP's about concerns your have we will be heading back into the dark ages.
92 percent agree that pharmaceutical companies should disclose the results of ALL clinical trials, not just the ones with positive results that they wish to publicize. (Currently, drug companies can bury negative drug trials, and the FDA has in fact been caught conspiring with drug companies to keep negative drug data secret from the public.)
84 percent agree that advertisements should be outlawed for drugs with safety concerns. The
The makers of Vioxx and Paxil had studies that indicated safety problems for years, but did not release those results to the public. - Consumer Reports
Rofecoxib (Vioxx) gained widespread acceptance among physicians treating patients with arthritis and other conditions causing chronic or acute pain. Worldwide, over 80 million people were prescribed rofecoxib at some time.
Okay, so there is some random facts, these drugs in mention are not even Psychiatric drugs and as the legal bodies have no obligation under Law to record the adverse reaction to drugs and if you or someone you knew were not doing so well who are you going to turn to?
Don't you think we have enough drugs as it is, check for yourself drug profits and see what kind of society we have turned into, if we continue the way we are we will become a Drugged and Soulless society as some people would like you to be.
Listen to their Chatter, They will try to dissuade you, pretend to be your friends, they will work arduously to destroy any thing that will help , for they know well THEY cannot help, that any efforts by others to help others is seen as a threat. Be not one of them and think for yourself.
He's the best physician that knows the worthlessness of the most medicines. B.F 1733
There is no such thing as a poor Doctor. Ricky Saunders 2007
In gobbledygook please:
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
Just got sent atonher relpy to some cmmonet semohwree by: Devctmom
I am not srue waht the arcitle was auobt, smoe itneresitng fatcs thoguh.
Cmoe on Pelpoe, get wtih the porgarm. If you can't lboby yuor lacol MP's auobt cocnenrs yuor have we wlil be hdaenig bcak itno the drak aegs.
In Ameirca 84 pcrenet of poeple aerge that durg copmnaies have "too mcuh ilfnucnee oevr the goevnrnemt offcilais who rugeltae tehm." Mroe tahn t-owtrihds of tsohe srueveyd are ccnorened taht durg cmonapeis atcaully pay the FDA (oFod and Durg Aimdsinartitno) to rveeiw and apprvoe tehir dgurs. It's a stiauiton that turns durg compnaies into the "csuotmres" of the FDA.
92 prenect aerge taht phamrcauecital coapmeins sohlud dcsisole the rusetls of ALL cnilacil trails, not jsut the oens wtih potisvie ruselts that tehy wsih to pulbciize. (Curreltny, durg cmopnaeis can bruy neagitve drug tirlas, and the FDA has in fact been caguht cnoipsirng with durg cpmoinaes to keep nagevite durg dtaa sceert from the pulbic.)
84 precnet agere taht avdtreimestnes shuold be outalewd for dgurs wtih sefaty ccnoerns. The Utined Stetas is the only aavdcned nitaon in the wlrod taht alwols durg cpmoinaes to adevrtise dericlty to cnousrems. It was lageziled in 1998 by the FDA, flooliwng potilacil pserusre and ilfneunce from the durg cpmonaeis who kenw taht bieng able to pormtoe fiitctuois disesaes and psuh brna-dmane drgus wluod relust in wniafdll pforits. (moSe dgurs are sold at mkraups as high as 300,000% oevr the csot of thier ingreeidnts.)
The maekrs of Voixx and Pixal had sduteis that indiacted sefaty pborelms for yraes, but did not rlesaee thsoe rsetlus to the puilbc. - Csnouemr Rpetros
Refoocixb (iVxxo) giaend wedipsraed aecctpance aomng psyhcinais taerting paittnes with atrhritis and otehr cnotidnois csuaing corhinc or atuce pian. Wlrodwdie, over 80 mililon ppoele wree percsirbed roefocxib at some time.
On Spemetebr 30, 2004, Mreck vulotnraliy whtirdew rocefoixb form the marekt beacsue of ccnonres about inercaesd risk of heart atcatk and strkoe ascosaited wtih lont-germ, hihgod-sgae use. Refocixob was one of the msot wdiley used durgs eevr to be widhtarwn form the mkraet. In the year berofe widhtrawal, Mreck had slaes reveune of U$S2.5 bllioin form Vixox
Okay, so three is smoe rdnaom fcats, tehse dgurs in meitnon are not even Pcysaihtirc durgs and as the lagel bidoes have no oilbtagoin unedr Law to reocrd the adevsre reactoin to durgs and if you or sooemne you kenw were not dniog so wlel who are you going to turn to?
Don't you tnihk we have euongh drgus as it is, check for yosrulef durg portifs and see waht kind of scoteiy we hvae tnrued into, if we conitune the way we are we will beocme a Dguregd and Suollses scoitey as smoe ppoele wluod lkie you to be.
Lietsn to tehir Chatetr, They wlil try to dissdaue you, pterend to be yuor firdnes, tehy wlil work adrusuoly to detsory any tnihg taht wlil hlep , for tehy know well THEY cnnaot hlep, taht any efofrts by oehtrs to help ohtres is seen as a thraet. Be not one of tehm and tihnk for yuoesrlf.
-- end
He's the bset phisyican taht knwos the wrohtelnssess of the msot mideicens. B.F 1373
Trehe is no such tihng as a poor Dcotor. Rciky Suadners 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
A Swift reply to the Critics of Scientology
I found this reply to a nasty posting and thought I'd share it with you - the Author: Devtcomm.
What is the issue really? Scientology or the fact that Scientology helps people. Is it L.Ron Hubbard or the fact that he wanted to help people.
Any person who has some objection to Scientology could only be asked one question? "If you feel Scientology’s plan to help people who are facing problems is wrong then can you do better than just criticize? Why not put your hard work, your constant “dedication” to better use, why not support the your local community to keep kids of drugs or spend your time working to reform criminals or help reform the growing number of illiterates, ah but that means you would have to help someone, nonetheless
Why the attention on Scientology? Do critics fight so hard for people “rights” when the Nigerian scammers do people in, did you know in Nuhu Ribadu, head of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission says cash and assets worth more than $700 million were recovered from suspects between May 2003 and June 2004. More than 500 suspects have been arrested, more than 100 cases are before the courts and 500 others are under investigation. Yet hardly a constant public uproar.
Someone shouts loudly “oh, we have to ‘protect’ the people, from Scientology”, protect the people from what? That Scientology will take you money?
You don’t have to give it you know! A few say Scientology is about making money. Is making money wrong? Scientology organizations consists of people, they have families, they need to put their kids through school, they need to eat, they have mortgages, the rent has to be paid, you make a donation to Scientology, your money does not go into a big vault where some Scrooge baths in the money. Like any organization, a University for example you pay $50,000 to become a doctor, does anyone ask where the money goes? Hardly. Many people will get mildly upset when their bank boasts of profit in excess of $2 billion dollars. Yet banks continue to operate. And really what good do banks do to you, what do they give you in return for $2 billion they made from you? No one seems to ask! No a few would rather attack Scientology because Scientology is out to “make” money. – After awhile it looks really silly.
As a result of this does the
A few people say they ‘did’ Scientology and suddenly decide that they have some dispute with Scientology and thus leave demanding refund for services or whatever, yet if you leave the Church of Scotland after having an argument with the local minister when you read in the paper he was spending your donations in a brothel without his wife’s knowledge like Reverent Alec Shuttleworth did? Not very likely, you would more likely feel embarrassed. Would you even go so far as to blame Jesus, as he is the founder of the Church and state his wrong doings? I think not.
Ok, does anyone really care that the
Who cares that Charles Shreeve Peterson, the one of the early Morman pioneers who had been married 3 times and had 17 children and practiced in plural marriages? If one is interested in the private lives person of leadership. Yes one could say things were different then, like slavery!
And on human rights did the public ram the doors down of the American Psychiatric Association when Psychiatrists turned Rosemary Kennedy, sister of President John F. Kennedy, into a zombie with pre-frontal lobotomy procedure, an organization that forcefully removed a part of her brain is looked upon a favorable and these same people who criticize Scientology will not condemn this type of behavior, asked them.
There is a lot wrong with the world, anyone can sit and point out the flaws in others, in organizations, in people. If you are real lazy you can even go so far as to discourage others from doing something about the flaws you see.
L.Ron Hubbard never said ‘follow me and thou shall be saved’. What he said you can find out about it by buying and reading his basics books. Yes that’s right BUY his books and then read it.
-- This response or its views have not been endorsed by any Scientology organization or persons and any use of the Scientology copyrighted words such as Scientology and L.Ron Hubbard have been used with much regard to it’s proprietary rights.
I only wish my enemies would tell me who they are ! Ricky Saunder 2007
In gobbledygook please:
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
I fonud tihs rlpey to a nsaty ptsonig and tuohhgt I'd share it wtih you - the Atuohr Dvectomm.
What is the isuse really? Scneitology or the fcat that Seicotnolgy hples poeple. Is it L.Ron Hbbuard or the fcat that he watned to hlep pepole.
Any preson who has smoe ojbtceoin to Sicentology cuold olny be asekd one quseoitn? "If you feel Seictnolygo’s paln to help ppoele who are fcanig pborelms is worng tehn can you do btteer than jsut ctiricize? Why not put yuor hrad wrok, yuor cotsnnat “edidcitaon” to bteter use, why not spuprot the your lacol comminuty to keep kdis of dgurs or spned your time wroikng to roferm crminilas or help roferm the gorniwg numebr of iilletartes, ah but taht menas you wolud hvae to hlep smoenoe, nnotelehses
Why the aettitnon on Sicnelotgoy? Do ciritcs fgiht so hrad for poelpe “rgisth” wehn the Ngieiran scamemrs do ppoele in, did you know in Nhuu Rabidu, haed of the Enocmoic and Faninical Cmires Cmomsioisn syas csah and asstes wroth mroe tahn $070 mllioin wree reocreved form spsucets bwteeen May 2003 and Jnue 2004. Mroe tahn 500 spsutces have been arretsed, more tahn 100 csaes are bferoe the cruots and 500 ohtres are uednr inevstagioitn. Yet hdraly a csnonatt pbuilc urpaor.
Semonoe suohts loduly “oh, we hvae to ‘orpcett’ the peolpe, from Scneilotygo”, ptorcet the pepole form waht? Taht Sicnelotgoy wlil tkae you menoy?
You d’not hvae to gvie it you know! A few say Seicnlotogy is auobt mikang mnoey. Is mkanig mnoey worng? Sicenotolgy orginaaztions cnossits of people, tehy hvae fmaiiles, tehy need to put tehir kdis torhguh sohcol, tehy need to eat, tehy hvae mogtrgaes, the rnet has to be piad, you mkae a dnotaion to Scneitoolgy, yuor menoy deos not go into a big vualt where smoe Srcogoe btahs in the money. Lkie any ograinaziton, a Uvinrestiy for emaxple you pay $50,000 to bceome a dcotor, does aynnoe ask wehre the mnoey geos? Hdraly. Many ppoele wlil get midlly uspet wehn tiehr bank bosats of proift in eecxss of $2 bllioin dollras. Yet bknas cnonitue to oeprtae. And really waht good do bknas do to you, waht do tehy gvie you in rutern for $2 blioiln tehy made form you? No one seems to ask! No a few wuold rtaher atatck Seicotnlogy bacesue Seicntogoly is out to “kame” menoy. – Atfer awhlie it lkoos rellay silly.
How mnay hvae herad auobt Wliliam Crttos or the fact taht he and svearel ohter wree ivnvloed in the biggset sacm unisg the Bpaitst Fodnutaoin of Airnoza sacimmng mroe tahn 11,000 invtseros aorcss the cnuotry of auobt $855 million.
As a ruselt of tihs deos the Baitpst Cuhcrh eevr get a mtneion of bad perss cnotniullay and are all Baptsit cuhrhces vweied dcsirimianetly beacsue of what happneed in Arzinoa. Deos Rgoer Wilailms aellge fnuoder of Btpasim eevn get a mtneoin dunirg the eitnre tiral of the Sacm?
A few ppoele say tehy ‘idd’ Sicnetlogoy and sddunely decdie that tehy hvae smoe diupste wtih Sicneotlgoy and thus lvaee dameidnng rfenud for svreecis or wtaheevr, yet if you levae the Cuhcrh of Socaltnd aetfr hvaing an augrnemt wtih the lcoal minister wehn you read in the paepr he was sepdning yuor dnoitaons in a borehtl whtiuot his wefi’s konwelgde like Reveernt Alec Stuhtwelotrh did? Not vrey lkiley, you wluod more lkiley feel eabmrarssed. Wuold you eevn go so far as to bmale Jesus, as he is the fonuedr of the Cuhcrh and state his wrong diogns? I thnik not.
Ok, does aoynne relaly crae taht the Vatacin Ctiy (ehqdarauetrs of the Roamn Chtaoilc Cuhcrh) ttoal iocnme for 2001 was US $173.525 mllioin, if a Cuhrch is out to mkae menoy.
Who craes taht Chaelrs Sheerve Peterosn, the one of the elray Mmroan pnoieers who had been mairred 3 tmies and had 17 cliherdn and practecid in pulral mrraigaes? If one is ietnrtseed in the pvirtae lvies preosn of leaderhsip. Yes one cluod say thgnis wree dfiefernt tehn, lkie svalery!
And on human rhgits did the plbuic ram the droos dwon of the Aremcian Pcysaihtric Asscotaiion wehn Pysihcairttss tnrued Rsomeray Knedeny, ssietr of Pseredint John F. Kenndey, itno a zbmoie wtih pref-ortnal lotobmoy prcoderue, an oragintazoin taht frocelufly romeevd a prat of her biarn is loekod uopn a fovaarble and tehse smae poelpe who ctircizie Seicotnlgoy wlil not cnodmen this tpye of bheavoir, asekd tehm.
Trehe is a lot wnorg with the wrold, anynoe can sit and piont out the flwas in otehrs, in oagrzintaoins, in pelpoe. If you are rael lzay you can eevn go so far as to dsiocaruge oehtrs form diong sotemhing aobut the flaws you see.
L.Ron Huabbrd never siad ‘oflolw me and tohu slahl be svaed’. Waht he siad you can find out auobt it by byuing and raeidng his bsacis books. Yes ttah’s rgiht BUY his books and tehn raed it.
-- Tihs rseopsne or its vweis hvae not been eodnesrd by any Seicnlotgoy orgnazitaoin or peosrns and any use of the Sicetnology cypoirghetd wrods scuh as Scieotngoly and L.Ron Hburabd hvae been uesd with much regrad to i’ts pporeirtary rithgs.
Tehre is no liltte emeny. B.F 1373
I only wsih my emeneis wluod tlel me who they are ! Rkciy Suaednr 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
In English Please:
This story is taken from:
The Essiac Story
Unbelievably true!
Rene Caisse was a nurse living in Canada who for a period of almost sixty years treated hundreds of people with a herbal remedy she called Essiac (Her name spelled backwards). She discovered this remedy through a patient in the hospital where she worked who had been cured of cancer. The patient had used a herbal remedy given her by an Ojibwa herbalist. Rene left the hospital in 1922 at age 33 and went to Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada where she began administering Essiac to all who came to her.
The majority of those whom she treated came on referral with letters from their physicians certifying they had incurable or terminal forms of cancer and they had been given up on by the medical profession as untreatable. Rene began gathering the plants and preparing the herbal remedy herself in her own kitchen, in a building lent to her for her patients. She administered Essiac both orally and by injection.
In cases where there was severe damage to life support organs, her patients died but they lived far longer than the medical profession had predicted, and, significantly, they lived free of pain. Still others, listed as hopeless and terminal, but without severe damage to life support organs, were cured and lived 35-45 years (many are still living).
So startling was the effectiveness of this simple herbal remedy, it could not be ignored, and the Canadian Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Parliament became involved. Friends, former patients, and grateful families petitioned Canadian officialdom for Rene Caisse's right to administer the remedy to anyone who asked for it without the threat of interference from authorities. Fifty-five thousand signatures were collected on the petition. In1938, Essiac came within three votes of being legalised by the Ontario government as a remedy for terminal cancer patients.
Elisabeth Robinson: To begin with, Dr. Glum, can you tell us a little about how you became interested in the story you tell in Calling of an Angel, and how you learned about Rene Caisse and her work?
Dr. Gary Glum: A personal friend of mine knew this woman, whose name I have promised not to reveal, who was living in Detroit, Michigan. Twenty years ago she had been diagnosed with cervical cancer in a Detroit hospital where she was eventually given up as incurable and terminal. She was given about ten days to live. She convinced her husband to make a trip to Bracebridge, Canada where she went to see Rene Caisse.
She was treated with the herbal remedy developed by Rene - Essiac - and in a short time she didn't have a cancer cell in her body. So after that time this woman began dedicating her life to disseminating information about Essiac in the United States. When I met her, she was the only person in possession of the original herbal formula who would relinquish it. I got the formula for Essiac from her. That's how it began.
When I started, all I had was a piece of paper. I thought, what am I going to do with this? I decided the best way to go would be to find the information behind Essiac and put it in a book form and bring it to the world. I learned about Rene Caisse from Mary McPherson who was a very close personal friend of Rene's; not only a friend but also a patient. Mary's mother and her husband were also patients, they were all treated for cancer and cured by Rene. Mary worked with Rene beginning in the 1930's and she had in her possession all these documents that had to do with Essiac over the 40 years Rene administered it. All the documents Rene had were destroyed by the Canadian Ministry of Health and Welfare at the time of her death in 1978. They burned all that information in fifty-five gallon drums behind her home.
Elisabeth Robinson: Why?
Dr. Gary Glum: Because they don't want this information in the hands of the public or the press or anybody else. They indeed found out what Essiac was in 1937. The Royal Cancer Commission hearings had then come to the same conclusion that Rene had - that Essiac was a cure for cancer.
Elisabeth Robinson: What is Essiac exactly?
Dr. Gary Glum: Essiac is a non-toxic herbal cure for cancer that's been with us since 1922. It's a formula made from four very common herbs. I would guess that virtually every person in the US today has been touched by cancer, either personally or through a loved one. If this information is true, and the effectiveness of this remedy is actually medically documented, many lives could be saved.
Elisabeth Robinson: Why do you think the information on Essiac is not more widely known?
Dr. Gary Glum: The information is withheld because cancer is the second largest revenue producing business in the world, next to the petrochemical business. Money and power suppress this truth. No one has ever sought to cure cancer; only control it. I mean, the research institutes, federal governments, pharmaceutical companies, anybody that has a vested interest in the health care of cancer, including the American Cancer Society, the Canadian Cancer Society, any of these so-called benefactors to those who have contracted this disease - all of these institutions are involved in the money and power around cancer.
These institutions have influence over government and regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA recommends only allopathic treatments for cancer and other life threatening diseases. It does not approve nor make legal alternative treatments of any kind.
Elisabeth Robinson: You're saying that Essiac is in a position similar to, for example, Laetrile.
Dr. Gary Glum: Yes, the only reason laetrile was stopped, and it couldn't be stopped any other way, was through the insurance companies. The insurance companies sent down a directive to all allopathic physicians stating that they could not cover them in any malpractice suit in the event they were treating people with any substance not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Elisabeth Robinson: In your book you mention that the Brusch clinic in Massachusetts worked with Rene Caisse and with Essiac during the early 1960's. Is this clinic still doing research with Essiac?
Dr. Gary Glum: Dr. Charles A. Brusch is not practicing at this time. he was a personal physician to the late John F. Kennedy. Dr. Brusch worked with Rene Caisse from 1959 to 1962. He worked with thousands of cancer patients. He also worked with the Presidential Cancer Commission, with others like Dr Armand Hammer, the American Cancer Society, and the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Brusch presented his findings after ten years of research, he had come to the conclusion that, in his own words, Essiac is a cure for cancer, period. All studies done at laboratories in the United States and Canada support this conclusion.
Whereupon the federal government issued a gag order and said - you've got one of two choices, either you keep quiet about this or we'll haul you off to military prison and you'll never be heard of again. So we never heard another word out of him.
Brusch's' Essiac patients included Ted Kennedy's son who had a sarcoma on his leg, and who had his leg amputated. He was being treated at this time by the Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts.
Dr. Farber didn't know how to save him, because no one had ever lived with this type of sarcoma. So what he did was go to Dr. Brusch and say, how are we going to save Ted Kennedy's son and Dr. Brusch made the suggestion to put him on Essiac whereafter he didn't have a cancer cell in his body. But all this time information has been hidden from the general public.
Elisabeth Robinson: Why?
Dr. Gary Glum: As I said, money and power.
Elisabeth Robinson: Do yon know whether the remedy is being used or tested anywhere today in the US or Canada?
Dr. Gary Glum: Right now, Essiac is being used in every state in the United States, it's throughout Canada, into Mexico, it's in Australia, Europe, Asia and recently also in Africa.
Elisabeth Robinson: So the message of Essiac is beginning to make its way worldwide, but it's still known only on a very limited basis.
Dr. Gary Glum: Of course now you also have the problem of herbal distributing companies throughout the world that are substituting yellow dock and curly dock for sheep sorrel, which is the critical ingredient in Essiac. The sheep sorrel is the herbal ingredient in Essiac that was found to be responsible for the destruction of cancer cells in the body or their amalgamation where metastasised cancer cells actually return to the original tumour site. That research was done by Dr. Chester Stock at Sloan-Kettering in New York for over a three-year period. But when they gathered that information, they withheld it from the general public - yet they gave it to the Canadian Ministry of Health and Welfare. The Canadian government then immediately banned that herb for sale and distribution.
Elisabeth Robinson: Banned a common weed like sheep's sorrel?
Dr. Gary Glum: Yes, sheep's sorrel is just a common weed that grows in abundance throughout North America and into Canada.
Elisabeth Robinson: Just a common weed. Well, it seems that banning sheep sorrel would not be very effective if you could identify it for yourself.
Dr. Gary Glum: Yes, its just a question of identifying the plant and then harvesting it correctly and drying it properly and then putting it together with the other herbs. Rene would harvest the Sheep sorrel - Rumex acetosella -when it was four to six inches high. She cut it back and it would grow up again, and she'd cut it back again. She would do that about three times and then she would let it go to seed. It will grow to 14 or 18 inches. She would take the herb cutting home and lay them out at room temperature to dry them. She'd let the cutting sit there for three or four days before she'd begin luring the herbs. Then she'd turn them every two days until they were properly dry, which took about ten days to two weeks. It takes about a bushel of harvested sheep sorrel to produce one pound of the dried powdered herb which is used in the formula.
Elisabeth Robinson: Do you have the formula? It's not in your book. You do mention a video in the book.
Dr. Gary Glum: Yes, I have it. Anyone can get it from me, free of charge. We don't sell the video anymore. We simply mail the formula to anyone who asks for it.
Elisabeth Robinson: Sun Bear told me you had problems getting the book published and distributed. What kind of problems?
Dr. Gary Glum: There wasn't a publishing company that would publish it. No one wanted to run the risk of a wrongful death suit. So I published the book myself. And as soon as I did, the IRS came in and slapped about a half million dollars in tax against me and said, You know this has got nothing to do with taxes. It's all about cancer. They actually started hauling the pallets of books out of my medical practice offices and confiscating them. I also had thousands of books that were confiscated by the Canadian government at customs. I have never received any of those books back. The only ones I have now are hidden in storage facilities.
Elisabeth Robinson: That's incredible - why do you think they are so interested in keeping this book out of circulation?
Dr. Gary Glum: Money and power, as I've said. Cancer is the largest revenue producing business in the world, next to the petrochemical business. In Canada the book is being held up by the Ministry of Health & Welfare because they say it is advertising.
Elisabeth Robinson: Advertising what, the video you don't sell anymore?
Dr. Gary Glum: No, a cure for cancer.
Elisabeth Robinson: Can you explain what you mean by the publishers fearing a wrongful death suit?
Dr. Gary Glum: What you're dealing with is giving people a formula that they can make and use in the privacy of their own homes without the approval of the AMA or the FDA or anybody else. If any attorney or any family member should decide, for whatever reason, the reason someone expired was from the use of Essiac, then you are putting yourself up for a wrongful death suit. The contention is that if it isn't approved by the FDA, there's no legality in using it when you're dealing with a life threatening disease.
When Rene Caisse set-up her clinical trials in Canada to test Essiac, she was given government permission to treat terminally ill cancer patients who had been given up for hopeless by the medical profession. That was one criteria. Secondly, this was all to be certified by a pathology report. And third, she could not charge anything for her services. She agreed to all these criteria and proceeded to treat people with Essiac. Many she treated were still there 35 years later to bury her when she died at age 90.
The best that anyone can do is just try to disseminate this information to the public and let people make their own choices. That's all you can do. And just say, look, if you feel Essiac has value in your life and the lives of your loved ones, you have the right to make this remedy and use it in the privacy of your own home and without anyone's approval.
You know, in 1937 Essiac came within three votes of being legalised as a treatment for cancer. People had gathered over 55,000 signatures on a petition to allow Rene to continue to use Essiac. The only reason the vote fell short, she found out later, was that the College of Physicians and Surgeons met and said to Parliament, if you don't respond to the political pressure and legalise Essiac, then we'll take a sincere look and give this woman a fair hearing. So Parliament didn't legalise Essiac. So following the Royal Cancer Commission hearings, Rene was allowed to continue her practice but only within the criteria I mentioned before, which allowed the Ministry of Health & Welfare to restrict people's access to Essiac treatments. I know this because I have a copy of the hearing transcripts which I got from Mary McPherson, which is some of the information that did not get burned when Rene died.
Elisabeth Robinson: You mentioned that earlier. What exactly was burned?
Dr. Gary Glum: All her research for that 40 year period of time. All the names, all her clinical data that she had collected. Her files and records.
Elisabeth Robinson: What about the records of the Brusch Clinic?
Dr. Gary Glum: It seems these would be convincing evidence. As far as I know all that material has been destroyed also. I knew that Rene had worked with Dr. Brusch from 1959 to 1962, so I went to Dr. Brusch's home in Cambridge, Massachusetts whereupon he delivered to me the only material he had left in his files on Essiac. One of those files was his own personal file where he had treated and cured his own cancer with Essiac. I have his personal records. All the information in my book is verified by a sheet of paper with a signature and a date on it, and those sheets and signatures are all originals. They are not copies.
Elisabeth Robinson: Have you had any personal experiences with Essiac?
Dr. Gary Glum: Yes, I can give you an example. He was a twelve year old boy named Toby Wood. He had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, which is one of the most virulent of all leukaemias. He had been on chemotherapy for four years and radiation for three. His mother's only hope in life was to find a cure for him.
She went everywhere. She tried every alternative treatment. Her last stop was Dr. Alvazados in Athens, Greece where her sons white cell count was 186,000. He had no red blood cells and no platelets. He was haemorrhaging to
death. So they transfused Toby in Greece, and put him on a plane to Alaska where he was given less than five days to live.
I met his mother's sister in Los Angeles while I was putting the book together and she asked if there was any credibility here. We sat down and talked. She then borrowed the money for a flight to Anchorage and delivered a bottle of Essiac. By the time she got there, Toby was given three days to live. He was in a state of complete deterioration. He was given Essiac and all the haemorrhaging stopped within 24 hours. Within three months all his blood tests were normal.
I arrived in Alaska later that year and met him. Toby Wood did die, and we finally found a pathologist who would do an extensive autopsy. We knew hat he didn't have leukaemia anymore. We wanted to find out what was the cause of death. It took four months to get the report back. The pathologist autopsied the brain, testicles, and all life support organs, including the bone marrow. Cause of death was damage to the myocardial sac of the heart, a result of the chemotherapy. This was the first report anywhere in medical history of anyone surviving lymphoblastic leukaemia.
That information was taken to AP and UPI but they said it was not newsworthy. Our information on Essiac has been sent around the world twice through Publisher's Weekly magazine in a huge two-page ad. We received no responses at all from any publishing company world-wide, no producers, directors, throughout the United States, no talk show programs, none of that. We can't access the media. No one wants this information disseminated.
And it's not just the media either. It includes the herbal companies who are now substituting the curly dock for sheep sorrel. So people are getting the wrong ingredients for Essiac, not to mention the five or six other formulas that are circulating which are different from the one I send out. These false formulas are being disseminated. There is a disinformation campaign going on here, somehow.
Elisabeth Robinson: Has this disinformation campaign started just since your book has been out?
Dr. Gary Glum: Previous to my book, none of this information was available to the general public at all. The public had no information outside of a few assorted articles. Certainly the Essiac formula was not available to the general public at all. All that information was held by the Resperin Corporation in Toronto, Canada, which supposedly is a private institution. However, they work hand in glove with the Canadian Ministry of Health & Welfare, who works directly with the American Food and Drug Administration and the National Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. The Essiac formula was never given to anyone by Resperin.
Elisabeth Robinson: Did the Resperin Corporation do any research on Essiac?
Dr. Gary Glum: They've done research since 1978 when the formula was relinquished to them by Rene for the purchase price of one dollar. As soon as they got the formula, they told Rene they had no further use for her. She had been under the distinct impression from the Ministry of Health & Welfare and the Resperin Corporation that she was to lead the research activities that they so desperately wanted to put together.
But Rene had already done clinical trials. She had names and records. She thought the Resperin Corporation was politically powerful and had money enough to get Essiac into the public sector without compromising her values, then she found out the Corporation was working closely with the government and administration. and the Ministry of Health & Welfare. So now people who were terminally ill and given up as hopeless had to go through a federal bureaucratic maze to get the remedy. By then, for most of these people, it was too late.
But even when people were cured, that information was not released to the public. Resperin ran research tests on Essiac. One test was conducted in Northern Canada and the documents were falsified. For example, one man was listed as dead who a few months later knocked on Rene's door and said, you know I want to thank you for the Essiac and being part of this experimental program. Yet he was listed as dead in the research project findings.
Elisabeth Robinson: It's beginning to seem amazing that any information at all about this remedy has survived the conspiracy of silence or outright destruction of records and so on.
Dr. Gary Glum: The only reason Essiac is known today is by word of mouth and because Essiac is what it is. What will keep Essiac known is its effectiveness. Rene said it years ago. She said, look, if Essiac doesn't have any merit let me put it out there. If it doesn't have merit, it will kill itself. Of course she knew full well if people had the correct herbs, the remedy would stand on its own. And that is exactly what Essiac has done over this period of time that we've been disseminating the information.
Rene also found that Essiac was a strong preventative. These findings were substantiated by Dr. Albert Schatz at Temple University who discovered the cure for tuberculosis. Rene also found that Essiac would normalise the thyroid gland. My wife was on two grains of thyroid since the sixth grade. After I met her, she started taking Essiac, and she hasn't taken a grain of thyroid since. Rene also found that Essiac would heal stomach ulcers within three or four weeks. She felt that ulcers were a precursor to cancer.
Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin, wanted to work with Rene. She had clinical cases where a person on insulin discontinued it with the Essiac, since no one knew how Essiac would interact with the insulin. Apparently Essiac regulated the pancreas in cases of diabetes mellitus. So these people then became insulin-free. Another thing I've found with Essiac is that I've experienced almost perfect health. It's amazing. I sleep like a baby, have all kinds of energy, and no sickness, not even a cold or flu. I also worked with the AIDS Project Los Angeles through their Long Beach and San Pedro districts. They had sent 179 patients home to die. They all had pneumocystis carinii and histoplasmosis. Their weight was down to about 100 pounds. Their T-4 cell counts were less than ten. The Project gave me five of these patients. I took them off the AZT and the DDI and put them on Essiac three times a day. Those are the only ones alive today. The other 174 are dead!
Elisabeth Robinson: That is incredible - but what kind of lives are they leading today?
Dr. Gary Glum: They're exercising three times a day, eating three meals a day. Their weight is back to normal. For all intents and purposes you wouldn't know they were sick a day in their lives. But this information is not being disseminated either because AIDS is on the horizon as another big money-maker. The Chairman of the AIDS project in Los Angeles makes over US$ 100,000 a year.
Elisabeth Robinson: So, in your own personal experience, this herbal remedy works to - I'm going to quote you here and saycure - cancer, thyroid conditions, diabetes, AIDS, ulcers...etc..
Dr. Gary Glum: It also cures the common cold. Essiac elevates the immune system. I've been taking one ounce a day for seven years, and in seven years I haven't had a cold, flu or a virus.
Elisabeth Robinson: And all of this from a simple Native herbal remedy?
Dr. Gary Glum: Yes, although Rene did alter it. She altered it with Turkish rhubarb root (Rheum palmatum). Turkish rhubarb has a 5,000 year history. It actually came up from India into China and then was taken by the British. Turkish rhubarb root certainly is not native to this country nor available here.
Elisabeth Robinson: Herbs from foreign countries are fumigated and irradiated, so is it a good idea to use the Turkish rhubarb?
Dr. Gary Glum: You can substitute ordinary rhubarb root. The other two ingredients are burdock root (Arctium lappa) and the inner bark of slippery elm (Ulmus fulva). They are easy to obtain, usually. Sheep sorrel, Rumex acetosella, is what destroys the cancer cells. The other three herbs are blood purifiers. Essiac elevates the enzyme system and gives all cancer patients and all AIDS patients the enzymes that have been destroyed. Essiac elevates the enzymes system; it elevates the hormone system, which elevates the immune system, so the body can cure its own disease.
Elisabeth Robinson: What about quantities?
Dr. Gary Glum: Some herbs are toxic. Even its worst enemy could never lay claim that Essiac had any deleterious side effects whatever. You can take Essiac safely, through all the clinical trials that have been done, up to six ounces a day. That's two ounces in the evening, two in the morning and two around noontime. That's a high dosage. Rene had the correct herbs and she used as little as one ounce a week.
Elisabeth Robinson: Gary, it's been very interesting to speak to yon.
Dr. Gary Glum: It's been a pleasure, you're opening a Pandora's Box, you know, publishing this interview.
Elisabeth Robinson: I think you're the one who's done that.
Would you tell people how to get your book and the information on Essiac?
Dr. Gary Glum: They simply call me in California on (310) 271 9931). The book is US$35.00. The formula is free. In July 1991, the Canadian Journal of Herbalism published an article, "Old Ontario Remedies", about Essiac. The article gives specific information on the ingredients of Essiac and includes descriptions of the herbs.
Sheep sorrel, for example, is a folk remedy for tumours. The article also warns of high oxalic acid content in two of the herbs, making the remedy unsafe for persons with kidney ailments or arthritic conditions (See Cat's Claw .. Ed). The article concludes: Essiac is not a hoax or a fraud, to hear experiences described by the patients themselves cannot help but convince observers that dramatic and beneficial changes definitely took place in many but not all of those who received the remedy. Although the focus on Essiac has been as a cancer treatment, it alleviated and sometimes cured many chronic and degenerative conditions because it cleanses the blood as well as the liver and strengthens the immune system.
Write: Ontario Herbalists Association, M.J. Pimental, 7 Alpine Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6P 3R6 for information on obtaining a copy of the July 1991 issue, Vol xii, no iii of the Canadian Journal of Herbalism.
Supplies Needed: 5 gallon stainless steel pot, with lid. 3 gallon stainless steel pot. Stainless steel fine-mesh double strainer. Stainless steel funnel. Stainless steel spatula. 12 or more 16-ounce amber glass bottles with airtight caps (not childproof caps). 2 gallons sodium-free distilled water. Measuring cup. Kitchen scale with ounce measurements.
Essiac Formula: 6.5 cups of burdock root - cut. (Arctium Lappa). 16 oz. Sheep Sorrel Herb - powdered. (Rumex Acetocella). 1 oz. Turkey Rhubarb Root - powdered. (Rheum Palmatum). 4 oz. Slippery Elm Bark - powdered. (Ulmus Fulve)
- Mix Essiac Formula thoroughly.
- Bring sodium-free distilled water to a rolling boil in 5-gallon pot with lid on. (Approximately 30 minutes at sea level.)
- Stir in 1 cup of Essiac Formula. Replace lid and continue boiling for 10 minutes.
- Turn off stove. Scrape down sides of pot with spatula and stir mixture thoroughly. Replace lid.
- Allow pot to remain closed for 12 hours; then turn stove to full heat for 20 minutes.
- Turn off stove. Strain liquid into 3-gallon pot, and clean 5-gallon pot and strainer. Then strain filtered liquid back into 5-gallon pot.
- Use funnel to pour hot liquid into bottles immediately, taking care to tighten cap
Allow bottles to cool; then tighten caps again. 8.Refrigerate. Essiac contains no preservative agents. If mould should develop in bottle, discard immediately. Caution: All bottles and caps must be sterilised after use if you plan to re-use them for Essiac. Bottle caps must be washed and rinsed thoroughly, and may be cleaned with a 3%solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide in water.
Directions for use: Heat 4 tablespoons (2 oz.) sodium-free distilled water in a stainless steel pot. Add 4 tablespoons of Essiac (shake bottle first). Mix and drink. Take at bedtime on an empty stomach at least 2 hours after eating.
Questions regarding recipe should be directed to the author Dr. Gary Glum. Silent Walker Publishing. PO Box 92856. Los Angeles. CA 90009. U.S.A.
Caution: There is some concern about the high levels of oxalic acid which can be produced by Sheep Sorrel and therefore Essiac should not be used by people with impaired kidney function or arthritis without first seeking the advice of a suitably qualified herbal practitioner.
Essiac can also be given to animals.
Essiac Tincture is available from Genesis
The fool hath made a vow, I guess,
Never to let the Fire have peace. B.F 1733
Never to let the TV channel have peace! Ricky Saunders 2007
In Gobbledygook please:
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
The Essaic Sroty
Ubneliavelby ture!
Rene Ciasse was a nusre lviing in Cnaada who for a peoird of alsomt sxity yraes teretad hdnuders of pelpoe with a hbreal reemdy she claeld Esisac (eHr nmae sepelld bcakwdras). She dsivocreed this remedy trhoguh a pitanet in the hoipstal wrehe she worekd who had been cerud of canecr. The paitnet had uesd a hbreal remedy gevin her by an Obijwa hbrealist. Rnee lfet the hpsoatil in 1292 at age 33 and went to Barbecirgde, Oatniro, Canada whree she bgean adminsiretnig Essiac to all who came to her.
The maojirty of thsoe whom she teretad cmae on reefarrl wtih letetrs form their psyhciains cerfitiyng tehy had inrucbale or teimrnal fmros of ccnaer and tehy had been gievn up on by the mdecial pforessoin as utneratable. Rene bagen ghtaireng the platns and prapering the hreabl rmeedy hesrlef in her own kctihen, in a biulidng lent to her for her ptaitnes. She adiminetserd Essiac btoh orllay and by inejitcon.
In csaes wehre tehre was severe dmagae to lfie spuoprt oagrns, her paeitnts deid but tehy lvied far lgnoer tahn the midecal porefisson had peridcted, and, sgifincinatly, tehy levid free of pian. Slitl otehrs, litsed as hpoleess and tmreianl, but wihtout severe damage to life support ornags, wree crued and levid 34-55 yeras (mnay are sitll livign).
So satrltnig was the efceftinevess of this sipmle hbreal remedy, it cluod not be igroned, and the Canadain Minitsry of Hetlah and Welafre and the Plraiemant baceme iovnlved. Feirdns, fmroer pitanets, and gartfeul falimeis ptetinoied Canaaidn oifficlaodm for Rnee Casise's rgiht to adnimitser the rmedey to aoynne who aksed for it witohut the terhat of inretfeernce form aturohtiies. Ftfi-yvife tuohsand sngiatuers wree cloeltced on the pitetoin. I91n38, Eissac came whtiin there vtoes of bnieg lgelaised by the Onratio goevrmnent as a reemdy for tmreanil ccnaer paeittns.
Eliasebth Riboosnn: To bigen with, Dr. Gulm, can you tlel us a lttile aobut how you baceme ietnertsed in the story you tell in Cllanig of an Angel, and how you laenred about Rnee Caisse and her work?
Dr. Gary Glum: A pesrnoal firend of mnie kenw tihs woamn, wsohe nmae I have porimsed not to revael, who was lviing in Dertiot, Mcihagin. Tnewty yaers ago she had been daigonsed wtih crecival ccnaer in a Dteiort hpsoital whree she was evtneually gvien up as incarulbe and tremnial. She was gevin aobut ten dyas to lvie. She cnoivcned her hbsuand to mkae a trip to Bracrbedige, Caanda whree she wnet to see Rene Csiase.
She was taeretd wtih the hbreal remedy devoleepd by Rene - Esaisc - and in a short tmie she ddin't have a ccnaer cell in her bdoy. So atfer that tmie tihs wmoan bgean ddeciitang her life to dissimetaning infrotamion aobut Essaic in the Unietd States. When I met her, she was the olny psreon in psoesssion of the ogirianl hbreal fmroula who wuold relniiuqsh it. I got the froumla for Eissac form her. Taht's how it bgean.
Wehn I straetd, all I had was a peice of pepar. I tuohhgt, waht am I gonig to do wtih this? I dceedid the bset way to go wolud be to fnid the ifnoamroitn bhenid Eissac and put it in a book from and birng it to the wlrod. I laenred auobt Rnee Csiase form Mray McehPosrn who was a vrey clsoe psreanol firned of Rnee's; not only a feirnd but aslo a paitent. Mray's mohter and her husband were aslo pateitns, tehy wree all taeretd for cnaecr and crued by Rene. Mray wkroed wtih Rnee bigennnig in the 1390's and she had in her pssosseoin all tehse dcomuents taht had to do with Eissac oevr the 40 years Rnee adiminsreted it. All the duconemts Rnee had were dtseoreyd by the Canaidan Mniirtsy of Haetlh and Wlefrae at the time of her daeth in 1798. Tehy bruend all taht inofamrtoin in ftfi-yfvie glaoln dmurs bihend her hmoe.
Eliasbteh Riboosnn: Why?
Dr. Gray Gulm: Bceuase tehy don't wnat tihs inofamroitn in the hnads of the plbuic or the prses or anbydoy esle. Tehy iedned fnuod out what Eissac was in 1397. The Roayl Caecnr Cmosimison heiragns had tehn cmoe to the smae ccnoulison that Rnee had - that Eissac was a crue for ccnaer.
Elisebath Rbosnino: Waht is Eissac eaxtcly?
Dr. Gray Glmu: Eissac is a not-nixoc hebral crue for cancer taht's been with us since 1292. It's a formlua mdae form four vrey common hbres. I wluod geuss taht vritaully eevry perosn in the US tdoay has been tohcued by cnaecr, eihter presanolly or torhguh a loevd one. If this iofnmritaon is ture, and the efftcevineess of tihs remedy is atcaully midelacly ducoemtned, mnay levis cuold be svaed.
Esilbateh Ribonsno: Why do you tnihk the ifnromatoin on Essaic is not mroe wedily kwonn?
Dr. Gary Gulm: The inofmritaon is whtihled bcesuae ccnaer is the sceond lraegst revenue prdocuing buisenss in the world, nxet to the prtehcoemical bsueniss. Mnoey and pwoer sppuerss this tturh. No one has ever sought to cure ccnare; only conrtol it. I mean, the reserach insittutes, fedearl govreemntns, pahrmecatuacil coapmeins, abynody taht has a vtseed itnreest in the heatlh care of cnacer, inlcdunig the Aemracin Cnaecr Soictey, the Canaidan Ccnaer Scoitey, any of tsehe sc-olaled benefacotrs to tsohe who have cnoartetcd tihs desisae - all of tsehe itsnituoitns are iovnlevd in the menoy and pwoer aornud ccnaer.
Tsehe itsntituoins have inlfneuce over gevomnrnet and relugatory anegceis scuh as the Food and Durg Adiminstritaon. The FDA remocemnds olny allapotihc trtaemnets for cnacer and other lfie terhtanenig desisaes. It does not apprvoe nor mkae legal altretanive tertanemts of any kind.
Esilbaeth Riboosnn: You're saiyng taht Essiac is in a pisooitn similar to, for emaxlpe, Ltearile.
Dr. Gray Gulm: Yes, the olny reosan leartlie was spotepd, and it cuoldn't be sotpped any oehtr way, was trhoguh the isnruance cpmoaeins. The iusnrnace cmonapeis snet down a deritcvie to all allotapihc pyhcisains statnig that tehy cluod not coevr tehm in any maplcaritce siut in the enevt tehy were treanitg ppoele wtih any susbnatce not appvored by the Food and Durg Aimdsinarttoin.
Elsibaeth Robinnos: In your book you mtneoin taht the Brusch clniic in Msashcaesutts wroked wtih Rnee Ciasse and with Essiac duirng the early 1690's. Is tihs clinic still dniog resecrah wtih Eissac?
Dr. Gary Glmu: Dr. Cahelrs A. Bursch is not prtcaicing at this tmie. he was a psreonal pyhsciain to the ltae John F. Knendey. Dr. Bsurch wkroed wtih Rnee Csiase from 1599 to 1962. He wkroed wtih tohsuadns of ccnaer pitanets. He aslo wkroed wtih the Pseridtneial Cnaecr Cmomssioin, wtih ohtres lkie Dr Aramnd Hmmaer, the Amirecan Ccnaer Sicotey, and the Nitaoanl Ccnaer Itsntiute. Dr. Bsurch prseneetd his fdniigns atfer ten yraes of reserach, he had cmoe to the ccnolisuon that, in his own words, Essaic is a crue for cnaecr, preoid. All studeis done at labroaotreis in the Utined Satets and Canada supoprt this cocnsuloin.
Wheruepon the fedreal gevormnnet issued a gag order and said - you've got one of two cohices, eiehtr you keep queit aobut this or we'll hual you off to mliiatry prosin and you'll nveer be herad of aagin. So we nveer haerd antoehr wrod out of him.
Burcsh's' Essaic ptaneits ilcndued Ted Knnedey's son who had a saocrma on his leg, and who had his leg apmutated. He was bnieg taerted at this tmie by the Fbraer Caecnr Isntittue in Bsootn, Mssaacsuhtets.
Dr. Fbraer ddin't know how to svae him, beacsue no one had eevr lvied with tihs type of sracmoa. So waht he did was go to Dr. Bsurch and say, how are we going to save Ted Kenendy's son and Dr. Burcsh mdae the sggusetoin to put him on Essaic wrehaetfer he ddin't hvae a caecnr clel in his body. But all this time iofnamrtoin has been hddien from the gerenal public.
Esilebath Robsnion: Why?
Dr. Gray Gmul: As I siad, mnoey and pewor.
Esilatebh Ribosnno: Do yon konw wehtehr the remdey is benig uesd or ttseed awynrehe tadoy in the US or Canada?
Dr. Gray Glmu: Rihgt now, Esaisc is bieng uesd in erevy state in the Unetid States, it's trhuoghuot Candaa, itno Mxecio, it's in Asurtilaa, Erupoe, Aisa and rcenelty aslo in Airfca.
Elasibteh Ribosnon: So the msegase of Eissac is bigenning to make its way wlroiwdde, but it's sitll kwonn olny on a vrey limietd baiss.
Dr. Gray Gmul: Of cruose now you aslo have the problem of heabrl dsitbirtunig cpmoinaes thuorgohut the wolrd taht are susbitutitng ylleow dcok and culry dock for seehp srorel, which is the ciritacl inergidnet in Eissac. The sheep sorrel is the heabrl irgndeinet in Essaic taht was fuond to be rpseosnlbie for the dtsecuriton of caecnr clles in the bdoy or thier amalgamaiton whree mteatsisased ccnaer cells atclauly rterun to the oiriganl tuomur stie. That reseacrh was dnoe by Dr. Cehsetr Stcok at SaolK-nteetirng in New York for oevr a terhy-eaer pireod. But when tehy gtaeherd taht ifnomrtaion, tehy whtihled it form the gneearl plbuic - yet they gvae it to the Canaidan Misintry of Hlaeth and Weflare. The Cnaadain gvoreemnnt tehn iemmidatley bnaend taht herb for slae and ditsirubiton.
Esilbaeth Riboosnn: Banned a cmomon weed lkie sehep's srroel?
Dr. Gray Glum: Yes, seehp's soerrl is just a common weed taht grwos in aubadnnce thuorohgut Ntroh Aemrcia and itno Caanda.
Esilebath Ribosnno: Jsut a cmmoon weed. Well, it semes taht bnaning sehep sroerl wluod not be very efeftcvie if you cluod ineditfy it for yruolesf.
Dr. Gray Gulm: Yes, its jsut a qeusiton of iedtnyfiing the plnat and tehn havretsnig it crortcely and drying it prporely and tehn puttnig it tegotehr wtih the ohter hebrs. Rene wolud hvraest the Sehep sorerl - Rmuex acteoeslla -ehwn it was fuor to six ihcnes hgih. She cut it bcak and it wluod gorw up aagin, and she'd cut it bcak agian. She wuold do taht aobut terhe tiems and tehn she wuold let it go to seed. It wlil gorw to 14 or 18 ihcnes. She wluod tkae the hreb cuittng hmoe and lay them out at room teepmtarrue to dry tehm. She'd let the ctuitng sit three for trhee or four dyas bofere she'd bigen lunirg the hbres. Tehn she'd trun them eevry two dyas utnil tehy wree porreply dry, whcih took aobut ten dyas to two weeks. It tekas aobut a bhsuel of hravseetd sehep sorrel to prudoce one puond of the dried pwodered hreb which is uesd in the fmrolua.
Elibaseth Robniosn: Do you have the fmroula? It's not in yuor book. You do mneiton a vdieo in the book.
Dr. Gray Glum: Yes, I hvae it. Aoynne can get it form me, fere of crahge. We don't slel the vdieo amynore. We smilpy mial the fromula to aynone who asks for it.
Elibaseth Ribonnos: Sun Baer tlod me you had porelbms gttenig the book plbuihsed and dsiirtbuetd. What kind of prbolmes?
Dr. Gray Gulm: Tehre wsan't a pbuilihsng cpmonay that wolud plbusih it. No one wtnaed to run the rsik of a wnorfgul daeth siut. So I publiehsd the book mylesf. And as soon as I did, the IRS cmae in and spalped aobut a hlaf million dlloras in tax aagisnt me and said, You know tihs has got nhtoing to do wtih texas. It's all aobut cnaecr. Tehy actullay satretd haunilg the pllates of bokos out of my midecal pcartcie ofcifes and cfnoiscitang tehm. I aslo had tohasudns of bkoos taht wree cfnoicsetad by the Canaidan gvoreemnnt at ctsuoms. I hvae never rceieved any of those books bcak. The olny oens I have now are hdiedn in sotrage ficatileis.
Elibasteh Ribonnos: That's icnderible - why do you tnihk tehy are so inetrseetd in keipeng tihs book out of criuctaloin?
Dr. Gray Glmu: Moeny and power, as I've siad. Caecnr is the lgraset reevune prdouicng bisunses in the wlrod, nxet to the petrcohecimal bsuinses. In Cnadaa the book is bieng held up by the Mniirtsy of Hetlah & Wflerae bcesuae they say it is aevdritisng.
Eliasbeth Riboosnn: Advretinisg what, the viedo you don't sell aynomre?
Dr. Gray Gmul: No, a crue for cnaecr.
Esilbaeth Rbosnion: Can you elpxian waht you maen by the plbuhsires fraenig a wrgnoufl dtaeh siut?
Dr. Gray Gmul: Waht you're daeilng with is gviing poelpe a fomrula taht tehy can mkae and use in the pirvcay of tiehr own hmoes wituoht the arppoavl of the AMA or the FDA or aynobdy else. If any atroteny or any falimy mmeebr sohuld deicde, for whetaver reosan, the resaon semonoe epxerid was form the use of Esaisc, tehn you are puittng yuosrlef up for a worfgnul daeth siut. The cnonetoitn is taht if it isn't aprpoevd by the FDA, tehre's no lgelaity in usnig it wehn you're daeilng with a lfie thaeretning dsiaese.
Wehn Rene Csiase s-teup her cnilical trlais in Canada to tset Eissac, she was gevin gevonremnt pmresioisn to terat tremilanly ill cnacer pitatnes who had been gvien up for hpoelses by the mecidal prosefison. Taht was one ctirreia. Senocdly, tihs was all to be cretified by a ptaohlgoy rperot. And tihrd, she cluod not cahgre ayntnihg for her servecis. She ageerd to all tsehe ciretria and pcoreeedd to traet poelpe with Eissac. Many she traeetd were stlil trehe 35 yaers letar to bury her wehn she deid at age 90.
The bset that anoyne can do is jsut try to dissmeintae tihs inofrmtaion to the pbuilc and let peolpe mkae thier own ciohecs. Taht's all you can do. And jsut say, look, if you feel Esisac has value in yuor lfie and the levis of yuor loevd ones, you hvae the rhgit to make tihs redemy and use it in the pvircay of yuor own hmoe and without aynone's arppavol.
You konw, in 1397 Essaic cmae witihn there vtoes of bnieg lgelasied as a tertamnet for cnacer. Poelpe had gtahered oevr 55,000 sngiutaers on a ptetioin to allow Rnee to coitnune to use Essiac. The only rsaeon the vote flel sroht, she fonud out laetr, was that the Coellge of Phsyiaicns and Suroegns met and said to Prailamnet, if you don't reopsnd to the potilcial pserruse and leaglsie Essaic, then we'll tkae a scniree look and give tihs wmoan a fiar haeirng. So Praailnemt ddin't leaglsie Eissac. So flooliwng the Rayol Caecnr Comsimoisn heragnis, Rnee was allewod to ctnounie her parctice but olny whtiin the crietria I mneoitend bofere, wihch alloewd the Minitsry of Haelth & Wlerafe to rsertcit poelpe's access to Essiac trtaenemts. I konw tihs bceuase I have a copy of the hraeing trnascirtps wcihh I got form Mray MPcehsron, wihch is smoe of the infrotamoin taht did not get bruned when Rnee deid.
Elsiatebh Ribosnno: You metnioend that eraeilr. Waht excalty was burned?
Dr. Gray Gulm: All her reaescrh for that 40 yaer pireod of time. All the nmaes, all her cilcinal dtaa that she had cloceletd. Her flies and rcerods.
Eilsatebh Ribosnno: What about the rcerods of the Brsuch Cilinc?
Dr. Gary Glmu: It seems tsehe wuold be cnovnicnig evedicne. As far as I konw all taht metarial has been dseorteyd aslo. I kenw taht Rnee had worked with Dr. Bursch form 1599 to 1962, so I wnet to Dr. Burcsh's hmoe in Cbmairgde, Msacassuhttes wrehueopn he dilereved to me the olny mtaeiral he had lfet in his flies on Essaic. One of thsoe files was his own psreanol file wehre he had taeretd and cuerd his own ccnaer wtih Esaisc. I hvae his psrenoal recrods. All the iofnamrtoin in my book is vreified by a seeht of ppaer wtih a sginutare and a date on it, and tohse sheets and sngitaerus are all oirginals. Tehy are not cipoes.
Elisbateh Ribosnno: Hvae you had any peosranl epxireeecns wtih Essaic?
Dr. Gray Gmul: Yes, I can gvie you an emaxlpe. He was a tewlve yaer old boy nmaed Tboy Wood. He had atuce lmyhpoalbtsic leakuemia, wihch is one of the msot vurinelt of all lekueaaims. He had been on cehomehtrpay for fuor yaers and ridataoin for terhe. His mhtoer's olny hope in lfie was to fnid a cure for him.
She wnet erevyehwre. She teird eevry atlretanvie tertanemt. Her last stop was Dr. Aavlazdos in Athnes, Geerce wrehe her snos whtie cell cuont was 186,000. He had no red boold clles and no pallettes. He was heaomhrrigang to
daeth. So tehy tarsnsufed Tboy in Gerece, and put him on a pnale to Alksaa wehre he was gevin less tahn fvie dyas to lvie.
I met his mtoehr's stsier in Los Aegnels while I was ptuitng the book tegoehtr and she aeksd if tehre was any ceridlibtiy here. We sat dwon and tlaked. She tehn brroewod the mnoey for a filhgt to Anhcaroge and dilevreed a btolte of Eissac. By the time she got tehre, Toby was gevin terhe days to live. He was in a state of cpmotele dtereroitaoin. He was gvien Esaisc and all the hmearoahrnigg soteppd wiihtn 24 huors. Wtihin terhe mtnohs all his bolod ttses wree nmroal.
I arrevid in Aalksa letar that year and met him. Tboy Wood did die, and we fanilly found a paohtlgosit who would do an exnetsvie atuopsy. We knew hat he ddin't hvae lkuemeaia aynmroe. We wnaetd to fnid out what was the cuase of detah. It took fuor motnhs to get the report bcak. The ptaholosigt aotuspeid the brian, ttselcies, and all lfie suopprt oagrns, ilcnidung the bone mraorw. Cuase of daeth was dmagae to the moycdraail sac of the hraet, a rselut of the cehtomeharpy. Tihs was the frist rperot awynhere in meidcal hitsroy of aoynne svruiving lpmyohlbsaitc luekmeaia.
Taht iofnmraiton was tekan to AP and UPI but they siad it was not newswtrohy. Our ifnomrtaion on Essiac has been snet aornud the wolrd twice thorguh Plbuhsier's Weekly magaizne in a huge towp-age ad. We recevied no rsepsnoes at all from any plbusihnig cpmoany wro-dlwdie, no pordecurs, dritceors, torhguuoht the Utined Stetas, no tlak sohw pgorarms, none of taht. We can't acecss the mdeia. No one wtnas this ifnoramiton dssieimntaed.
And it's not jsut the meida etiehr. It icnuleds the hbreal copmaines who are now susbtittuing the clruy dock for sheep sorrel. So poelpe are gtteing the wrong ignrdeietns for Esisac, not to mneiton the fvie or six oehtr froumals that are ccriualnitg wihch are diffrenet form the one I sned out. Thsee false froumals are bieng dssiimetaned. There is a dsifnirotamoin cpmaiagn giong on hree, semoohw.
Eilsaebth Ribosnno: Has tihs disniofrtamoin cmapgian sratetd jsut scnie yuor book has been out?
Dr. Gray Glum: Pverious to my book, none of tihs ifnmroaoitn was avliaalbe to the genearl puilbc at all. The pbuilc had no ifnomration ostuide of a few assoretd aitrcels. Cetrialny the Eissac froumla was not aavilbale to the geenral public at all. All that inroftamion was hled by the Rserepin Coprrotaoin in Toronto, Cnadaa, whcih sppusoeldy is a prvitae itsnitution. Hwoever, they wrok hnad in golve with the Canadain Mniirtsy of Haetlh & Wlefrae, who wroks dircelty with the Aemrcian Food and Drug Adimintsartion and the Nitanoal Isntittue in Bhteseda, Maralynd. The Eissac froumla was never given to aoynne by Rpseiren.
Esilbateh Rbosnino: Did the Reepsrin Cooprtarion do any reseacrh on Eissac?
Dr. Gray Gmul: They've done resecrah scnie 1978 when the fmroula was rleiqnuisehd to tehm by Rnee for the puhcrsae pcire of one dloalr. As soon as tehy got the foumrla, they tlod Rene tehy had no furehtr use for her. She had been udner the dsiticnt imrpsesion from the Mnitsiry of Hlaeth & Welrafe and the Rserepin Cprootarion taht she was to laed the reserach atciviteis that tehy so dseeptarley wnated to put tegoehtr.
But Rnee had arlaedy done clniiacl tirals. She had nmaes and reocdrs. She thguoht the Rseepirn Corparotoin was ploitacilly pewoufrl and had menoy enguoh to get Esisac itno the puilbc stceor wiohtut copmorsiming her vulaes, then she fnuod out the Coopraroitn was wokrnig csolley wtih the gorevemnnt and amdnitsiraiton. and the Minitsry of Haelth & Wleafre. So now pepole who wree tremnillay ill and given up as hpoelses had to go thrguoh a feedral bueruarcaitc maze to get the reemdy. By tehn, for most of these ppoele, it was too late.
But even wehn ppoele wree cuerd, taht iofnamrtion was not relsaeed to the pbuilc. Reseprin ran rseraech ttses on Essaic. One tset was cnocudetd in Norhtren Caanda and the ducomtnes were falisifed. For eaxmple, one man was listed as daed who a few mnoths letar kconked on Rnee's door and siad, you know I wnat to tahnk you for the Eissac and bieng part of tihs epxireematnl pgorarm. Yet he was ltsied as daed in the rseraech prjocet fdnignis.
Esilbaeth Robninos: It's beiginnng to seem azamnig taht any ifnrotamion at all auobt tihs remedy has suivrved the cosnpicary of selince or otugirht dtseructoin of rocerds and so on.
Dr. Gary Gulm: The only rsaeon Esaisc is kwonn tdoay is by wrod of mtuoh and beuacse Essaic is waht it is. Waht will keep Esaisc konwn is its eefftcevisens. Rene said it yeras ago. She said, look, if Esaisc deosn't hvae any mreit let me put it out trehe. If it dosen't hvae mreit, it will klil iteslf. Of course she knew full wlel if ppoele had the crorect hebrs, the redemy wuold stnad on its own. And taht is ecaxlty waht Esisac has done over tihs preoid of tmie taht we've been diessimanitng the iofnrmtaoin.
Rene aslo fnuod taht Eissac was a sortng pvernettavie. Tsehe fdninigs wree sbuatsitnaetd by Dr. Alrebt Sahctz at Tpmele Uvinesrtiy who dsicoeverd the crue for teburucsolis. Rnee aslo fnuod taht Eissac wluod nmroailse the tryhoid glnad. My wfie was on two garnis of tyhiord sicne the stxih grade. Atfer I met her, she satrted tkanig Essiac, and she hasn't taken a grian of tryhiod sicne. Rene aslo found that Essiac wluod hael stamoch ulecrs witihn there or fuor wekes. She felt that ueclrs were a pcersruor to cnaecr.
Sir Ferredcik Bnating, the co-sidoceverr of iusniln, wnaetd to wrok with Rene. She had cnilcial cesas where a psreon on isnilun dcsinoitneud it wtih the Esisac, scnie no one kenw how Esaisc wluod ietncart wtih the iusnlin. Aappnerlty Eissac rugealetd the pcnaeras in cesas of dbaieets mlletius. So tehse peolpe tehn bcemae isnlunif-ere. Atonher tnihg I've fnuod with Eissac is taht I've epxerneiecd alomst pfreect hlaeth. It's amzaing. I seelp like a bbay, hvae all kdnis of enegry, and no skcienss, not eevn a clod or flu. I also worekd wtih the AIDS Prjocet Los Agneles trhuogh tehir Long Beach and San Pedro dsirtitcs. Tehy had snet 179 patients home to die. Tehy all had puenmoyctsis crainii and hiotslpsamoiss. Their wieght was dwon to aobut 100 podnus. Their T-4 clel cuotns wree lses tahn ten. The Pjorcet gave me fvie of thsee paittnes. I took tehm off the AZT and the DDI and put tehm on Esaisc there tiems a day. Thsoe are the olny oens alvie tadoy. The oehtr 174 are dead!
Elibaseth Robninos: That is ircneidlbe - but waht knid of levis are they ldaeing tadoy?
Dr. Gray Gulm: They're erexsicnig terhe temis a day, eitang there meals a day. Thier wehgit is bcak to normal. For all ietntns and pruposes you woudln't know they were sick a day in thier lvies. But this ifnoamriton is not benig disesmniated ehtier bacesue AIDS is on the hiroozn as anhtoer big moyenm-aekr. The Cahiamrn of the AIDS porject in Los Angeles mekas oevr US$ 100,000 a yaer.
Eilastebh Robnisno: So, in yuor own psrenoal eepxeircne, tihs hbreal rmedey wroks to - I'm gonig to qtoue you hree and scyarue - cnacer, tryhiod cnodtiinos, dbaietes, ADIS, uclres...etc..
Dr. Gray Glmu: It aslo cerus the comomn cold. Esaisc elvetaes the immnue ssyetm. I've been tikang one ocnue a day for seven yraes, and in seevn yaers I hevan't had a clod, flu or a vuris.
Eilasbteh Rboniosn: And all of tihs form a simple Ntavie heabrl remedy?
Dr. Gray Glmu: Yes, alhtguoh Rene did aetlr it. She atlreed it wtih Tkrusih rhuabrb root (Rehum paamltum). Tkrusih rhbuarb has a 5,000 yaer hsiotry. It atclauly cmae up form Idnia itno Chnia and then was tekan by the British. Truiksh rhaburb root ctrenialy is not ntavie to this cotnury nor aavlibale hree.
Esilaebth Riboosnn: Hebrs form ferogin cuonirtes are fumigtaed and irradiaetd, so is it a good ieda to use the Tkruish rbuharb?
Dr. Gray Gulm: You can ssbuitutte oridnray rbuhrab root. The otehr two ignreeidnts are brudcok root (rAtcuim lpapa) and the iennr brak of spilepry elm (Umlus fvlua). Tehy are esay to oatbin, uslauly. Seehp soerrl, Remux acteesolla, is waht detsyors the ccnaer clels. The oehtr terhe hbres are blood purifires. Esaisc elavetes the eyznme sytsem and gvies all cnaecr paeitnts and all ADIS ptaneits the enmyzes that have been dertsoyed. Eissac elavetes the enyzems ssymet; it elvetaes the horomne stsyem, wcihh eveltaes the iummne stsyem, so the bdoy can crue its own desisae.
Eilasebth Rbosnino: What auobt qauitneits?
Dr. Gray Gulm: Some hbres are toixc. Eevn its wrost eenmy cluod never lay cialm taht Essaic had any deleetiruos sdie efftces wahtever. You can tkae Essaic saefly, torhguh all the cnilcial trilas taht hvae been dnoe, up to six ocnues a day. That's two ocnues in the eevnnig, two in the moinrng and two auornd nnootime. Taht's a hgih dasoge. Rnee had the corrcet hebrs and she uesd as little as one oucne a week.
Elasiebth Rbonisno: Gray, it's been vrey inreteitsng to spaek to yon.
Dr. Gary Glmu: It's been a plsaerue, you're onepnig a Paodnra's Box, you know, puilbhsnig this inreteivw.
Eliasebth Rboiosnn: I thnik you're the one who's dnoe taht.
Wluod you tlel poelpe how to get yuor book and the ifnoamrtion on Essaic?
Dr. Gray Gmul: Tehy simlpy clal me in Claofinria on (130) 271 9139). The book is US3$5.00. The fmroula is free. In Jluy 1991, the Canadain Jruoanl of Hbrelasim plbuisehd an atrilce, "Old Oatniro Remedeis", aobut Esisac. The atrlcie gevis sepicifc inforamiton on the ignridenets of Esaisc and inlcedus dercsiitpnos of the hbres.
Sheep srroel, for emaxlpe, is a flok rmedey for tmuorus. The atrcile also warns of high olaxic aicd ctnoent in two of the hbres, mkanig the rmedey unasfe for psrenos wtih kiendy aiemltns or atrhritic codnitinos (eSe Cat's Calw .. Ed). The arcitle ccnoledus: Eissac is not a haox or a fraud, to haer expreienecs dcserbied by the pitatnes tmehsleevs cnanot hlep but cnonivce oesbrrevs that dartamic and bneifeical cahnges dfeitinley took pcale in mnay but not all of tohse who reecived the rmeedy. Atlohguh the fucos on Essaic has been as a ccnaer tertamnet, it allvetaied and smoemites cuerd many chorinc and denegetarvie codnioitns bacesue it celasnes the boold as wlel as the levir and serttgnnehs the immnue ssyetm.
Wirte: Oatniro Heabrlsits Asscoaitoin, M.J. Peminatl, 7 Apline Ave., Torotno, Otnirao, Caanda M6P 3R6 for ifnoamrtion on otbaining a copy of the July 1991 isuse, Vol xii, no iii of the Canaidan Juoanrl of Hebrasilm.
Spuilpes Needde: 5 gllaon satlnises seetl pot, wtih lid. 3 glaoln satinless seetl pot. Siatnsels steel feni-mseh dbuole stranier. Satielnss setel fnnuel. Satilnses steel saptlua. 12 or mroe 1-6ounce abmer gsals botelts wtih arithgit cpas (ont chipdlroof cpas). 2 glanols sido-muerfe disliteld waetr. Msaerunig cup. Kicthen slace wtih onuce measuremetns.
Eissac Fmroalu: 6.5 cpus of burcodk root - cut. (rAcitum Lpaap). 16 oz. Seehp Srroel Hreb - pworeded. (muRex Aectoeclla). 1 oz. Tuekry Ruhbarb Root - pdwoered. (ehRum Paamltum). 4 oz. Silpprey Elm Brak - pdwoeerd. (Uumls Fuvle)
1. Mix Essaic Fmroula thouorlhgy.
2. Bring sdoimu-erfe distielld waetr to a rollnig biol in 5ag-llon pot wtih lid on. (pArpxomiatley 30 munites at sea level.)
3. Sitr in 1 cup of Essaic Fmrolua. Rlpeace lid and ctnounie biolnig for 10 mitunes.
4. Trun off sotve. Srcpae dwon sdies of pot wtih sptaula and sitr mxiutre trohguohly. Rlpecae lid.
5. Allow pot to ramein clesod for 12 huosr; then trun svote to flul haet for 20 munites.
6. Trun off sotve. Srtain luqiid itno 3ag-olln pot, and clean 5ag-olln pot and srtaenir. Tehn stiarn ftlireed luqiid bcak itno 5g-laoln pot.
7. Use fnuenl to puor hot luqiid into bttoles iemmdaitley, tkaing care to tgihetn cap
Aollw bttoels to cloo; tehn thgiten cpas aiagn. 8.Rerfegiarte. Essaic cnoatnis no pservreitave aegtns. If molud shuold delevop in bottle, dsiracd immidetaley. Cautoin: All bottels and caps must be stireliesd afetr use if you plan to r-euse them for Esisac. Bttole caps msut be wahsed and rniesd throuohgly, and may be celnaed with a 3%sotuloin of food gdare hdyrgoen preodixe in wetar.
Dirceoitns for use: Haet 4 tlbaesopnos (2 oz.) sdomui-erfe dsilitled wtaer in a siatelnss seetl pot. Add 4 tbaselpnoos of Essiac (skahe btotle frits). Mix and drink. Take at bdetime on an epmty stoamch at least 2 hruos aetfr eitang.
Qutseoins ragedring repice shuold be direetcd to the atuohr Dr. Gray Gulm. Sielnt Walker Pbuilshnig. PO Box 92586. Los Angeles. CA 90009. U.S.A.
Catunoi: Three is some ccnoern abuot the hgih levles of oxalic acid wcihh can be pdorecud by Sheep Sroerl and tehrofere Essaic sholud not be used by poeple wtih iapmerid kiendy fucnoitn or arthirits wtiohut frist seeikng the advcie of a stiulbay qlauified hrebal paritctoienr.
Eissac can aslo be gievn to aminlas.
Eissac Tintcrue is aavillbae form Gneeiss
The fool htah mdae a vow, I guess,
Never to let the Fire hvae paece. B.F 1373
The damn fool mdae a vow , for srue,
Neevr to let the TV cnahenl hvae pecae! Rikcy Sadnuers 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
An endlessly nice day :)
In English please:
I made this Short Tutorial to enable Firefox users to install the right-click dictionary and some other useful add-ons.
If you use Internet Explorer as your browser, then the following won’t apply to you. However you can still take advantage of a little program called the right click dictionary:
Please note there are many other ways to do the tasks mentioned below. These are only based on my experience and how I went about it set it out. If you have a better program or way, please let me know.
Topics covered here will be:
1) Setup a right mouse-click feature to give you the option to search the definition of a word while using Firefox. (Using an online-dictionary)
(Mozilla Firefox, the alternate internet browser to Microsoft Internet Explorer)
2) To install an Add-on to stop Ads (advertisements) from displaying or to remove them from a web page you regularly visit.
I do not recommend any on-line dictionaries. However Microsoft Encarta Dictionary is a nice gradient for me, so I use it.
Step A – Installing your Dictionary add-on.
- Open the Firefox browser
- Click on or copy and paste into you browser:
- Click on the Green “install now” button.
- A small window will pop-up, if you feel comfortable to install the program, Click Install.
- Another window will pop-up and start the install, after it completes it will ask you to restart Firefox. – Click Restart Firefox.
- If you have browsers open it will pop-up a “confirm close” box , Click “Close tabs”
- The browser will close and take you back to the last page(s) you were viewing.
- Your dictionary is NOW installed.
- When you select a word to look up, it by default opens a new window.
Step B – Selecting your Online Dictionary
- The default dictionary the Add-on uses is “The Free Dictionary”
- You can add almost any online dictionary that you prefer (limit of 4 dictionaries). I will only go over setting up the Microsoft Encarta online Dictionary.
- On your browser go to the heading “Tools” , Click on it
- Then Click on “Add-ons”
- Click on the “Dictionary search” Picture. This will highlight the selection, this will give you 3 extra buttons “Options” “Disable” and “Uninstall”.
- Click on the button that says “Options”
- You can add up to 4 dictionaries. Copy and Paste the following: Search Encarta Dictionary for "$"
- Paste or write the above in the Box that says Text:
- In the URL type :$.html
- It has to be exactly as above – this is important.
- After you have done the above it should read something like this:
- Dictionary 2
Text: Search Encarta Dictionary for "$"
- URL:$.html
- Click “ok” and you done.
Now you can high-light a word, right click it and you will see an option to “Search Encarta Dictionary for "word", select that and you are all set.
Why you need ad block?
When you are clearing a word, you do not want the clutter of ads that might not only be distracting but introduce more misunderstood words. You just want that word, its definitions, the derivation and the pronunciation and as little messages as possible. Adblock is also handy for web pages you regularly visit where you do not wish to the ads to be present, in fact if you do not want any pictures shown that is on a web page , ad block will prevent them from showing.
Ads change and you will need to use Ad Block regularly as ads or pictures get renewed on the web pages you visit. Ad block will remove about 95% of ads if they in picture format; if the Ad is not in picture format it will of course not be removed.
Companies like Yahoo have reoccurring ads, meaning if you ad-block an ad, their ads are set up to rotate through a whole list of ads, but if you just keep ad blocking them eventually you will block many of their unwanted ads. There are also custom ways you can set up Ad block, this you can explore as you choose. For more info visit
Step C – Installing Adblock.
- Click on or copy and paste into you browser:
- Click on the Green “install now” button.
- A small window will pop-up, if you feel comfortable to install the program, click Install.
- Another window will pop-up and start the install, after it completes it will ask you to restart Firefox. – Click Restart Firefox.
- If you have browsers open it will pop-up with a box stating “ confirm close”, Click “Close tabs”
- The browser will close and take you back to the last page(s) you were viewing.
- Your Adblock is NOW installed.
Step D – Using Adblock.
- Go to or just right click a word to look up.
- Point your mouse over any image or writing and right click it. At the bottom of your Right-click pop-up will be an option to Adblock image.
- Click Adblock Image
- An “Ablock Preferences Box” will pop-up. Just Click “OK”
- Repeat for ALL images you do not wish to see.
Optional: Customize the Firefox Browser look
There are many useful add-ons that you can use. One that I find useful is Theme called “ Blue Ice”, this changes the Firefox interface and gives it a blue ice look.
Blue Ice theme can be found here.
- Click on the Green “install now” button.
- A small window will pop-up, if you feel comfortable to install the program, click Install.
- Another window will pop-up and start the install, after it completes it will ask you to restart Firefox. – Click Restart Firefox.
- If you have browsers open it will pop-up with a box stating “ confirm close”, Click “Close tabs”
- The browser will close and take you back to the last page(s) you were viewing.
- Your New Theme Blue Ice is NOW installed.
- You need to select the Theme for use.
- Click on Tools.
- Click on Add-ons
- On the top of the Add-ons box you have 2 choices “Extensions” or “Themes”
- Click on Themes.
- Click on the New installed Theme , in this case “blue Ice”, then click on “select theme”
- Close the Browser completely and restart it
- Your new theme is now active.
Another good theme is “myfirefox”
-- end --
“Snowy winter, a plentiful harvest.” B.F 1733
“Snowy winter, make that a double order from
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Oaky . Fisrtly I mdae this Sroht Toturail to enbale Fiferox uesrs to itsnlal the rigth-ilcck dciitanory and smoe ohter uesufll a-ddons.
If you use Itnnreet Elpxoerr as yuor bworser, then the flloiwong wno’t alppy to you. Hwoveer you can slitl take avdtnaage of a ltitle pgorram claeld the rgiht cilck dciitoanyr: http//:nectraa.msn.c/mocneten/faerut/seiditcoranyuq/kciD_citoirany_Dwolnoad.aspx
Plsaee ntoe trehe are mnay oehtr wyas to do the tsaks meitnenod bolew. Tsehe are olny besad on my exrepience and how I wnet aobut it set it out. If you have a btteer prrgoam or way, pelase let me konw.
Tipocs cvoreed hree will be:
1) Seutp a rhgit muo-eslccik feutare to gvie you the otpoin to saerch the difetinoin of a word whlie uisng Fierofx. (Unisg an olnenid-tciianory)
(oMizlla Feriofx, the atlrentae inretnet borswer to Mrciosfot Itnreent Elpxoerr)
2) To inatsll an Addo-n to sotp Ads (adrevsitemetns) form disalpiyng or to rmeove tehm from a web pgae you rgelulray vsiit.
3) Otpoinla: Ctsuimoze the Frifeox Bworesr look.
I do not roceemmnd any ol-nnie dtcioiniraes. Hoewevr Micorosft Enracta Dicitoanry is a ncie gdareint for me, so I use it.
Setp A – Itsnlailng yuor Dicitonary a-ddon.
1. Oepn the Frieofx borswer
2. Ccilk on or copy and ptsae itno you bworser:
3. Clcik on the Geern “nislatl now” btuton.
4. A smlal wdniow wlil p-poup, if you feel cmofoatrlbe to isnlatl the pgorarm, Click Isntall.
5. Atonher wniodw will p-poup and satrt the inatsll, atfer it cmopletes it will ask you to rtserat Frifeox. – Click Rtserat Friofex.
6. If you have boreswrs oepn it wlil ppou-p a “cfnorim colse” box , Cilck “lCsoe tbas”
7. The broswer wlil csole and tkae you bcak to the lsat pegas() you wree veiwnig.
8. Yuor dicitanory is NOW inatselld.
9. When you slecet a wrod to look up, it by dafelut oepns a new wdniow.
Setp B – Selectnig your Oilnne Dtcioinary
1. The dafeult dtcinoiray the Addo-n uess is “hTe Fere Dciitorany”
2. You can add aomlst any onilne dtcinoiray taht you prfeer (milit of 4 ditcnoiirase). I wlil only go oevr stteing up the Mrcisofot Encarta onnile Dcioitanry.
3. On yuor browser go to the hdaenig “Tloos” , Cilck on it
4. Then Click on “dA-dnos”
5. Clcik on the “ciDoitnray searhc” Ptcirue. Tihs wlil hhgigilht the slecetoin, tihs wlil gvie you 3 etxra bttuons “Oitpsno” “iDsbael” and “inUtsnlal”.
6. Cilck on the butotn taht syas “tpOiosn”
7. You can add up to 4 dtcioianeirs. Cpoy and Psate the flloiwogn: Saecrh Enactra Dcioitanry for "$"
8. Psate or wtire the avobe in the Box that syas Ttxe:
9. In the URL tpye : htt:p//au.enactra.msn.c/moidcoitran_y/$.html
10. It has to be ecaxlty as aobve – tihs is iopmtrnat.
11. Atfer you have dnoe the aobve it shuold raed semotnihg like thsi:
12. Dtcinoiray 2
Tetx: Seacrh Enactra Dtciinoary for "$"
13. ULR: http://au.ecntraa.msn.cmod/ciitnora/_y$.html
14. Ccilk “ko” and you dnoe.
Now you can hhgi-lihgt a wrod, rihgt cilck it and you wlil see an otpoin to “eScrah Ecnrata Diitcanory for "wrod", slecet taht and you are all set.
Why you need ad block?
Wehn you are celirang a wrod, you do not wnat the clutter of ads taht mhgit not olny be dtsicarnitg but irtnudoce mroe msiuednsrootd words. You jsut want taht wrod, its deiftininos, the direaviton and the porncnutaioin and as ltitle meassges as pssobile. Albdcok is aslo hdnay for web pegas you reglulray vsiit wrehe you do not wsih to the ads to be peresnt, in fcat if you do not want any ptcierus sohwn that is on a web page , ad bcolk wlil prveent tehm from swohnig.
Ads chagne and you will need to use Ad Bcolk rugerally as ads or pciuters get renewed on the web pegas you vsiit. Ad bolck will remvoe aobut 95% of ads if tehy in pciutre fmroat; if the Ad is not in pcirute froamt it wlil of cruose not be romeevd.
Cmonapeis like Yhaoo have roeccrurnig ads, maening if you a-dbolck an ad, tehir ads are set up to ratote thrguoh a wohle lsit of ads, but if you jsut keep ad blocikng tehm enevtlauly you will bcolk many of thier uawnnetd ads. Tehre are aslo ctsuom wyas you can set up Ad bcolk, tihs you can expolre as you chsooe. For mroe ifno vsiit hptt/:/
Setp C – Isnlatilng Adlbock.
1. Ccilk on or cpoy and ptsae itno you broswre:
2. Ccilk on the Green “niatsll nwo” bttuon.
3. A samll winodw wlil popu-p, if you feel cfmooratlbe to intsall the porrgam, ccilk Intsall.
4. Aonhter window wlil p-poup and sratt the inslatl, atfer it cpmoelets it wlil ask you to reatsrt Ferifox. – Clcik Rsetrat Friofex.
5. If you hvae bworress oepn it wlil pou-pp with a box stanitg “ cnorifm clsoe”, Click “Csole tsba”
6. The boreswr wlil colse and tkae you bcak to the last pgaes() you were viiweng.
7. Yuor Albdcok is NOW instaelld.
Step D – Using Abdcolk.
1. Go to hptt//:au.eacntra.msn.c/mocidtoinra_yw/ord.hmtl or jsut rihgt ccilk a wrod to look up.
2. Piont yuor muose oevr any imgae or wrtinig and rhgit ccilk it. At the btootm of yuor Rhgic-tlcik ppo-up will be an opoitn to Adbolck image.
3. Ccilk Albdcok Image
4. An “bAolck Perrefcnees Bxo” wlil p-poup. Jsut Cilck “KO”
5. Rpeeat for ALL igames you do not wsih to see.
Opoitlan: Cutsimoze the Fireofx Bworesr look
Three are many useufl ad-dons that you can use. One taht I fnid ufesul is Tmehe cllaed “ Blue Iec”, this cnahegs the Feriofx intfrecae and gvies it a bule ice look.
Bule Ice tehme can be fnuod hree.
1. htpt:s/a/oddns.mzollia.or/geU-nS/rifefoxa/ddo/n8035
2. Clcik on the Geren “itsnlal nwo” button.
3. A slaml widnow wlil popu-p, if you feel cfmotrobale to isnatll the pgorarm, cilck Isnlatl.
4. Antoehr wniodw will popu-p and sratt the isnatll, afetr it cpmoelets it wlil ask you to resatrt Firofex. – Ccilk Retsrat Feriofx.
5. If you hvae bworsers oepn it wlil pop-up wtih a box stating “ cnofrim csole”, Ccilk “olCse tasb”
6. The brwoesr will close and take you bcak to the last pgas(e) you were veiiwng.
7. Yuor New Thmee Bule Ice is NOW itsnaelld.
8. You need to select the Thmee for use.
9. Ccilk on Tools.
10. Ccilk on Addo-ns
11. On the top of the Addno-s box you hvae 2 chcioes “xEetsninos” or “hTesem”
12. Cilck on Tehmes.
13. Clcik on the New itsnalled Thmee , in tihs csae “blue Ice”, tehn clcik on “lesect thmee”
14. Csole the Brwoesr cpmotelely and rtserat it
15. Yuor new tmehe is now acvite.
Atonehr good tehme is “myrifofex”
-- end --
“Snwoy wnietr, a pleitnufl hvraset.” B.F 1733
“onSwy wtnier, mkae that a duoble oedrr form Chnia” Rkciy Suandres 2007