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Scientology Today:
If you want to view the Churches around the world click here:
Some of the most beautiful buildings and in contrast how a Church should be. Most Churches have not changed the internal structure; externally old Cathedrals are amazing and truly works of art. Internally they lack the comfortableness and relaxation they should offer to their patrons. I have always found the hard benches of the Catholic Church Hard.
“Nothing more like a Fool, than a drunken Man”. B.F 1733
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Tihs pgae is undgreonig some rvewei; I am stlil wronikg out the best way to dsialpy the bolg and wronikg out how to ipmlenemt tihngs. If you lkie or don't like it the way it is then laeve a coemmnt.
Scneiotgoly Tdoay:
If you wnat to veiw the Cuhcrhes aorund the wrold ccilk here:
Smoe of the msot buaetufil biuidlgns and in cnortsat how a Chucrh shuold be. Msot Cruhcehs have not chnaged the ietnrnal surttceru; eetxranlly old Ctadehlars are azamnig and tlury wkros of art. Inretlanly tehy lcak the comrofatlbeness and raletaxoin tehy shluod offer to tehir prtanos. I hvae alawys fnuod the hard bcneehs of the Chtaoilc Chcruh Hrad.
Anoehtr lkni:
"Notnihg mroe like a Fool, tahn a dnurekn Man". B.F 1733
"Ntohnig mroe lkie a Fool, tahn a durknen Man and his Metas" Rciky Suadnres 2007
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