I found this reply to a nasty posting and thought I'd share it with you - the Author: Devtcomm.
What is the issue really? Scientology or the fact that Scientology helps people. Is it L.Ron Hubbard or the fact that he wanted to help people.
Any person who has some objection to Scientology could only be asked one question? "If you feel Scientology’s plan to help people who are facing problems is wrong then can you do better than just criticize? Why not put your hard work, your constant “dedication” to better use, why not support the your local community to keep kids of drugs or spend your time working to reform criminals or help reform the growing number of illiterates, ah but that means you would have to help someone, nonetheless
Why the attention on Scientology? Do critics fight so hard for people “rights” when the Nigerian scammers do people in, did you know in Nuhu Ribadu, head of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission says cash and assets worth more than $700 million were recovered from suspects between May 2003 and June 2004. More than 500 suspects have been arrested, more than 100 cases are before the courts and 500 others are under investigation. Yet hardly a constant public uproar.
Someone shouts loudly “oh, we have to ‘protect’ the people, from Scientology”, protect the people from what? That Scientology will take you money?
You don’t have to give it you know! A few say Scientology is about making money. Is making money wrong? Scientology organizations consists of people, they have families, they need to put their kids through school, they need to eat, they have mortgages, the rent has to be paid, you make a donation to Scientology, your money does not go into a big vault where some Scrooge baths in the money. Like any organization, a University for example you pay $50,000 to become a doctor, does anyone ask where the money goes? Hardly. Many people will get mildly upset when their bank boasts of profit in excess of $2 billion dollars. Yet banks continue to operate. And really what good do banks do to you, what do they give you in return for $2 billion they made from you? No one seems to ask! No a few would rather attack Scientology because Scientology is out to “make” money. – After awhile it looks really silly.
As a result of this does the
A few people say they ‘did’ Scientology and suddenly decide that they have some dispute with Scientology and thus leave demanding refund for services or whatever, yet if you leave the Church of Scotland after having an argument with the local minister when you read in the paper he was spending your donations in a brothel without his wife’s knowledge like Reverent Alec Shuttleworth did? Not very likely, you would more likely feel embarrassed. Would you even go so far as to blame Jesus, as he is the founder of the Church and state his wrong doings? I think not.
Ok, does anyone really care that the
Who cares that Charles Shreeve Peterson, the one of the early Morman pioneers who had been married 3 times and had 17 children and practiced in plural marriages? If one is interested in the private lives person of leadership. Yes one could say things were different then, like slavery!
And on human rights did the public ram the doors down of the American Psychiatric Association when Psychiatrists turned Rosemary Kennedy, sister of President John F. Kennedy, into a zombie with pre-frontal lobotomy procedure, an organization that forcefully removed a part of her brain is looked upon a favorable and these same people who criticize Scientology will not condemn this type of behavior, asked them.
There is a lot wrong with the world, anyone can sit and point out the flaws in others, in organizations, in people. If you are real lazy you can even go so far as to discourage others from doing something about the flaws you see.
L.Ron Hubbard never said ‘follow me and thou shall be saved’. What he said you can find out about it by buying and reading his basics books. Yes that’s right BUY his books and then read it.
-- This response or its views have not been endorsed by any Scientology organization or persons and any use of the Scientology copyrighted words such as Scientology and L.Ron Hubbard have been used with much regard to it’s proprietary rights.
I only wish my enemies would tell me who they are ! Ricky Saunder 2007
In gobbledygook please:
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
I fonud tihs rlpey to a nsaty ptsonig and tuohhgt I'd share it wtih you - the Atuohr Dvectomm.
What is the isuse really? Scneitology or the fcat that Seicotnolgy hples poeple. Is it L.Ron Hbbuard or the fcat that he watned to hlep pepole.
Any preson who has smoe ojbtceoin to Sicentology cuold olny be asekd one quseoitn? "If you feel Seictnolygo’s paln to help ppoele who are fcanig pborelms is worng tehn can you do btteer than jsut ctiricize? Why not put yuor hrad wrok, yuor cotsnnat “edidcitaon” to bteter use, why not spuprot the your lacol comminuty to keep kdis of dgurs or spned your time wroikng to roferm crminilas or help roferm the gorniwg numebr of iilletartes, ah but taht menas you wolud hvae to hlep smoenoe, nnotelehses
Why the aettitnon on Sicnelotgoy? Do ciritcs fgiht so hrad for poelpe “rgisth” wehn the Ngieiran scamemrs do ppoele in, did you know in Nhuu Rabidu, haed of the Enocmoic and Faninical Cmires Cmomsioisn syas csah and asstes wroth mroe tahn $070 mllioin wree reocreved form spsucets bwteeen May 2003 and Jnue 2004. Mroe tahn 500 spsutces have been arretsed, more tahn 100 csaes are bferoe the cruots and 500 ohtres are uednr inevstagioitn. Yet hdraly a csnonatt pbuilc urpaor.
Semonoe suohts loduly “oh, we hvae to ‘orpcett’ the peolpe, from Scneilotygo”, ptorcet the pepole form waht? Taht Sicnelotgoy wlil tkae you menoy?
You d’not hvae to gvie it you know! A few say Seicnlotogy is auobt mikang mnoey. Is mkanig mnoey worng? Sicenotolgy orginaaztions cnossits of people, tehy hvae fmaiiles, tehy need to put tehir kdis torhguh sohcol, tehy need to eat, tehy hvae mogtrgaes, the rnet has to be piad, you mkae a dnotaion to Scneitoolgy, yuor menoy deos not go into a big vualt where smoe Srcogoe btahs in the money. Lkie any ograinaziton, a Uvinrestiy for emaxple you pay $50,000 to bceome a dcotor, does aynnoe ask wehre the mnoey geos? Hdraly. Many ppoele wlil get midlly uspet wehn tiehr bank bosats of proift in eecxss of $2 bllioin dollras. Yet bknas cnonitue to oeprtae. And really waht good do bknas do to you, waht do tehy gvie you in rutern for $2 blioiln tehy made form you? No one seems to ask! No a few wuold rtaher atatck Seicotnlogy bacesue Seicntogoly is out to “kame” menoy. – Atfer awhlie it lkoos rellay silly.
How mnay hvae herad auobt Wliliam Crttos or the fact taht he and svearel ohter wree ivnvloed in the biggset sacm unisg the Bpaitst Fodnutaoin of Airnoza sacimmng mroe tahn 11,000 invtseros aorcss the cnuotry of auobt $855 million.
As a ruselt of tihs deos the Baitpst Cuhcrh eevr get a mtneion of bad perss cnotniullay and are all Baptsit cuhrhces vweied dcsirimianetly beacsue of what happneed in Arzinoa. Deos Rgoer Wilailms aellge fnuoder of Btpasim eevn get a mtneoin dunirg the eitnre tiral of the Sacm?
A few ppoele say tehy ‘idd’ Sicnetlogoy and sddunely decdie that tehy hvae smoe diupste wtih Sicneotlgoy and thus lvaee dameidnng rfenud for svreecis or wtaheevr, yet if you levae the Cuhcrh of Socaltnd aetfr hvaing an augrnemt wtih the lcoal minister wehn you read in the paepr he was sepdning yuor dnoitaons in a borehtl whtiuot his wefi’s konwelgde like Reveernt Alec Stuhtwelotrh did? Not vrey lkiley, you wluod more lkiley feel eabmrarssed. Wuold you eevn go so far as to bmale Jesus, as he is the fonuedr of the Cuhcrh and state his wrong diogns? I thnik not.
Ok, does aoynne relaly crae taht the Vatacin Ctiy (ehqdarauetrs of the Roamn Chtaoilc Cuhcrh) ttoal iocnme for 2001 was US $173.525 mllioin, if a Cuhrch is out to mkae menoy.
Who craes taht Chaelrs Sheerve Peterosn, the one of the elray Mmroan pnoieers who had been mairred 3 tmies and had 17 cliherdn and practecid in pulral mrraigaes? If one is ietnrtseed in the pvirtae lvies preosn of leaderhsip. Yes one cluod say thgnis wree dfiefernt tehn, lkie svalery!
And on human rhgits did the plbuic ram the droos dwon of the Aremcian Pcysaihtric Asscotaiion wehn Pysihcairttss tnrued Rsomeray Knedeny, ssietr of Pseredint John F. Kenndey, itno a zbmoie wtih pref-ortnal lotobmoy prcoderue, an oragintazoin taht frocelufly romeevd a prat of her biarn is loekod uopn a fovaarble and tehse smae poelpe who ctircizie Seicotnlgoy wlil not cnodmen this tpye of bheavoir, asekd tehm.
Trehe is a lot wnorg with the wrold, anynoe can sit and piont out the flwas in otehrs, in oagrzintaoins, in pelpoe. If you are rael lzay you can eevn go so far as to dsiocaruge oehtrs form diong sotemhing aobut the flaws you see.
L.Ron Huabbrd never siad ‘oflolw me and tohu slahl be svaed’. Waht he siad you can find out auobt it by byuing and raeidng his bsacis books. Yes ttah’s rgiht BUY his books and tehn raed it.
-- Tihs rseopsne or its vweis hvae not been eodnesrd by any Seicnlotgoy orgnazitaoin or peosrns and any use of the Sicetnology cypoirghetd wrods scuh as Scieotngoly and L.Ron Hburabd hvae been uesd with much regrad to i’ts pporeirtary rithgs.
Tehre is no liltte emeny. B.F 1373
I only wsih my emeneis wluod tlel me who they are ! Rkciy Suaednr 2007
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