Tuesday, July 17, 2007

An endlessly nice day :)

In English please:

I made this Short Tutorial to enable Firefox users to install the right-click dictionary and some other useful add-ons.

If you use Internet Explorer as your browser, then the following won’t apply to you. However you can still take advantage of a little program called the right click dictionary: http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/quick_Dictionary_Download.aspx

Please note there are many other ways to do the tasks mentioned below. These are only based on my experience and how I went about it set it out. If you have a better program or way, please let me know.

Topics covered here will be:

1) Setup a right mouse-click feature to give you the option to search the definition of a word while using Firefox. (Using an online-dictionary)

(Mozilla Firefox, the alternate internet browser to Microsoft Internet Explorer)

2) To install an Add-on to stop Ads (advertisements) from displaying or to remove them from a web page you regularly visit.

3) Optional: Customize the Firefox Browser look.

I do not recommend any on-line dictionaries. However Microsoft Encarta Dictionary is a nice gradient for me, so I use it.

Step A – Installing your Dictionary add-on.

  1. Open the Firefox browser
  2. Click on or copy and paste into you browser:


  1. Click on the Green “install now” button.
  2. A small window will pop-up, if you feel comfortable to install the program, Click Install.
  3. Another window will pop-up and start the install, after it completes it will ask you to restart Firefox. – Click Restart Firefox.
  4. If you have browsers open it will pop-up a “confirm close” box , Click “Close tabs”
  5. The browser will close and take you back to the last page(s) you were viewing.
  6. Your dictionary is NOW installed.
  7. When you select a word to look up, it by default opens a new window.

Step B – Selecting your Online Dictionary

  1. The default dictionary the Add-on uses is “The Free Dictionary”
  2. You can add almost any online dictionary that you prefer (limit of 4 dictionaries). I will only go over setting up the Microsoft Encarta online Dictionary.
  3. On your browser go to the heading “Tools” , Click on it
  4. Then Click on “Add-ons”
  5. Click on the “Dictionary search” Picture. This will highlight the selection, this will give you 3 extra buttons “Options” “Disable” and “Uninstall”.
  6. Click on the button that says “Options”
  7. You can add up to 4 dictionaries. Copy and Paste the following: Search Encarta Dictionary for "$"
  8. Paste or write the above in the Box that says Text:
  9. In the URL type : http://au.encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/$.html
  10. It has to be exactly as above – this is important.
  11. After you have done the above it should read something like this:
  12. Dictionary 2

Text: Search Encarta Dictionary for "$"

  1. URL: http://au.encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/$.html
  2. Click “ok” and you done.

Now you can high-light a word, right click it and you will see an option to “Search Encarta Dictionary for "word", select that and you are all set.


Why you need ad block?

When you are clearing a word, you do not want the clutter of ads that might not only be distracting but introduce more misunderstood words. You just want that word, its definitions, the derivation and the pronunciation and as little messages as possible. Adblock is also handy for web pages you regularly visit where you do not wish to the ads to be present, in fact if you do not want any pictures shown that is on a web page , ad block will prevent them from showing.

Ads change and you will need to use Ad Block regularly as ads or pictures get renewed on the web pages you visit. Ad block will remove about 95% of ads if they in picture format; if the Ad is not in picture format it will of course not be removed.

Companies like Yahoo have reoccurring ads, meaning if you ad-block an ad, their ads are set up to rotate through a whole list of ads, but if you just keep ad blocking them eventually you will block many of their unwanted ads. There are also custom ways you can set up Ad block, this you can explore as you choose. For more info visit http://adblockplus.org

Step C – Installing Adblock.

  1. Click on or copy and paste into you browser:


  1. Click on the Green “install now” button.
  2. A small window will pop-up, if you feel comfortable to install the program, click Install.
  3. Another window will pop-up and start the install, after it completes it will ask you to restart Firefox. – Click Restart Firefox.
  4. If you have browsers open it will pop-up with a box stating “ confirm close”, Click “Close tabs”
  5. The browser will close and take you back to the last page(s) you were viewing.
  6. Your Adblock is NOW installed.

Step D – Using Adblock.

  1. Go to http://au.encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/word.html or just right click a word to look up.
  2. Point your mouse over any image or writing and right click it. At the bottom of your Right-click pop-up will be an option to Adblock image.
  3. Click Adblock Image
  4. An “Ablock Preferences Box” will pop-up. Just Click “OK”
  5. Repeat for ALL images you do not wish to see.

Optional: Customize the Firefox Browser look

There are many useful add-ons that you can use. One that I find useful is Theme called “ Blue Ice”, this changes the Firefox interface and gives it a blue ice look.

Blue Ice theme can be found here.

  1. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3085
  2. Click on the Green “install now” button.
  3. A small window will pop-up, if you feel comfortable to install the program, click Install.
  4. Another window will pop-up and start the install, after it completes it will ask you to restart Firefox. – Click Restart Firefox.
  5. If you have browsers open it will pop-up with a box stating “ confirm close”, Click “Close tabs”
  6. The browser will close and take you back to the last page(s) you were viewing.
  7. Your New Theme Blue Ice is NOW installed.
  8. You need to select the Theme for use.
  9. Click on Tools.
  10. Click on Add-ons
  11. On the top of the Add-ons box you have 2 choices “Extensions” or “Themes”
  12. Click on Themes.
  13. Click on the New installed Theme , in this case “blue Ice”, then click on “select theme”
  14. Close the Browser completely and restart it
  15. Your new theme is now active.

Another good theme is “myfirefox”


-- end --

“Snowy winter, a plentiful harvest.” B.F 1733

“Snowy winter, make that a double order from China” Ricky Saunders 2007

According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.

In Gobbledygook please:

Oaky . Fisrtly I mdae this Sroht Toturail to enbale Fiferox uesrs to itsnlal the rigth-ilcck dciitanory and smoe ohter uesufll a-ddons.

If you use Itnnreet Elpxoerr as yuor bworser, then the flloiwong wno’t alppy to you. Hwoveer you can slitl take avdtnaage of a ltitle pgorram claeld the rgiht cilck dciitoanyr: http//:nectraa.msn.c/mocneten/faerut/seiditcoranyuq/kciD_citoirany_Dwolnoad.aspx

Plsaee ntoe trehe are mnay oehtr wyas to do the tsaks meitnenod bolew. Tsehe are olny besad on my exrepience and how I wnet aobut it set it out. If you have a btteer prrgoam or way, pelase let me konw.

Tipocs cvoreed hree will be:

1) Seutp a rhgit muo-eslccik feutare to gvie you the otpoin to saerch the difetinoin of a word whlie uisng Fierofx. (Unisg an olnenid-tciianory)

(oMizlla Feriofx, the atlrentae inretnet borswer to Mrciosfot Itnreent Elpxoerr)

2) To inatsll an Addo-n to sotp Ads (adrevsitemetns) form disalpiyng or to rmeove tehm from a web pgae you rgelulray vsiit.

3) Otpoinla: Ctsuimoze the Frifeox Bworesr look.

I do not roceemmnd any ol-nnie dtcioiniraes. Hoewevr Micorosft Enracta Dicitoanry is a ncie gdareint for me, so I use it.

Setp A – Itsnlailng yuor Dicitonary a-ddon.

1. Oepn the Frieofx borswer
2. Ccilk on or copy and ptsae itno you bworser:


3. Clcik on the Geern “nislatl now” btuton.
4. A smlal wdniow wlil p-poup, if you feel cmofoatrlbe to isnlatl the pgorarm, Click Isntall.
5. Atonher wniodw will p-poup and satrt the inatsll, atfer it cmopletes it will ask you to rtserat Frifeox. – Click Rtserat Friofex.
6. If you have boreswrs oepn it wlil ppou-p a “cfnorim colse” box , Cilck “lCsoe tbas”
7. The broswer wlil csole and tkae you bcak to the lsat pegas() you wree veiwnig.
8. Yuor dicitanory is NOW inatselld.
9. When you slecet a wrod to look up, it by dafelut oepns a new wdniow.

Setp B – Selectnig your Oilnne Dtcioinary

1. The dafeult dtcinoiray the Addo-n uess is “hTe Fere Dciitorany”
2. You can add aomlst any onilne dtcinoiray taht you prfeer (milit of 4 ditcnoiirase). I wlil only go oevr stteing up the Mrcisofot Encarta onnile Dcioitanry.
3. On yuor browser go to the hdaenig “Tloos” , Cilck on it
4. Then Click on “dA-dnos”
5. Clcik on the “ciDoitnray searhc” Ptcirue. Tihs wlil hhgigilht the slecetoin, tihs wlil gvie you 3 etxra bttuons “Oitpsno” “iDsbael” and “inUtsnlal”.
6. Cilck on the butotn taht syas “tpOiosn”
7. You can add up to 4 dtcioianeirs. Cpoy and Psate the flloiwogn: Saecrh Enactra Dcioitanry for "$"
8. Psate or wtire the avobe in the Box that syas Ttxe:
9. In the URL tpye : htt:p//au.enactra.msn.c/moidcoitran_y/$.html
10. It has to be ecaxlty as aobve – tihs is iopmtrnat.
11. Atfer you have dnoe the aobve it shuold raed semotnihg like thsi:
12. Dtcinoiray 2

Tetx: Seacrh Enactra Dtciinoary for "$"

13. ULR: http://au.ecntraa.msn.cmod/ciitnora/_y$.html
14. Ccilk “ko” and you dnoe.

Now you can hhgi-lihgt a wrod, rihgt cilck it and you wlil see an otpoin to “eScrah Ecnrata Diitcanory for "wrod", slecet taht and you are all set.


Why you need ad block?

Wehn you are celirang a wrod, you do not wnat the clutter of ads taht mhgit not olny be dtsicarnitg but irtnudoce mroe msiuednsrootd words. You jsut want taht wrod, its deiftininos, the direaviton and the porncnutaioin and as ltitle meassges as pssobile. Albdcok is aslo hdnay for web pegas you reglulray vsiit wrehe you do not wsih to the ads to be peresnt, in fcat if you do not want any ptcierus sohwn that is on a web page , ad bcolk wlil prveent tehm from swohnig.

Ads chagne and you will need to use Ad Bcolk rugerally as ads or pciuters get renewed on the web pegas you vsiit. Ad bolck will remvoe aobut 95% of ads if tehy in pciutre fmroat; if the Ad is not in pcirute froamt it wlil of cruose not be romeevd.

Cmonapeis like Yhaoo have roeccrurnig ads, maening if you a-dbolck an ad, tehir ads are set up to ratote thrguoh a wohle lsit of ads, but if you jsut keep ad blocikng tehm enevtlauly you will bcolk many of thier uawnnetd ads. Tehre are aslo ctsuom wyas you can set up Ad bcolk, tihs you can expolre as you chsooe. For mroe ifno vsiit hptt/:/dalbkcoulps.org

Setp C – Isnlatilng Adlbock.

1. Ccilk on or cpoy and ptsae itno you broswre:


2. Ccilk on the Green “niatsll nwo” bttuon.
3. A samll winodw wlil popu-p, if you feel cfmooratlbe to intsall the porrgam, ccilk Intsall.
4. Aonhter window wlil p-poup and sratt the inslatl, atfer it cpmoelets it wlil ask you to reatsrt Ferifox. – Clcik Rsetrat Friofex.
5. If you hvae bworress oepn it wlil pou-pp with a box stanitg “ cnorifm clsoe”, Click “Csole tsba”
6. The boreswr wlil colse and tkae you bcak to the last pgaes() you were viiweng.
7. Yuor Albdcok is NOW instaelld.

Step D – Using Abdcolk.

1. Go to hptt//:au.eacntra.msn.c/mocidtoinra_yw/ord.hmtl or jsut rihgt ccilk a wrod to look up.
2. Piont yuor muose oevr any imgae or wrtinig and rhgit ccilk it. At the btootm of yuor Rhgic-tlcik ppo-up will be an opoitn to Adbolck image.
3. Ccilk Albdcok Image
4. An “bAolck Perrefcnees Bxo” wlil p-poup. Jsut Cilck “KO”
5. Rpeeat for ALL igames you do not wsih to see.

Opoitlan: Cutsimoze the Fireofx Bworesr look

Three are many useufl ad-dons that you can use. One taht I fnid ufesul is Tmehe cllaed “ Blue Iec”, this cnahegs the Feriofx intfrecae and gvies it a bule ice look.

Bule Ice tehme can be fnuod hree.

1. htpt:s/a/oddns.mzollia.or/geU-nS/rifefoxa/ddo/n8035
2. Clcik on the Geren “itsnlal nwo” button.
3. A slaml widnow wlil popu-p, if you feel cfmotrobale to isnatll the pgorarm, cilck Isnlatl.
4. Antoehr wniodw will popu-p and sratt the isnatll, afetr it cpmoelets it wlil ask you to resatrt Firofex. – Ccilk Retsrat Feriofx.
5. If you hvae bworsers oepn it wlil pop-up wtih a box stating “ cnofrim csole”, Ccilk “olCse tasb”
6. The brwoesr will close and take you bcak to the last pgas(e) you were veiiwng.
7. Yuor New Thmee Bule Ice is NOW itsnaelld.
8. You need to select the Thmee for use.
9. Ccilk on Tools.
10. Ccilk on Addo-ns
11. On the top of the Addno-s box you hvae 2 chcioes “xEetsninos” or “hTesem”
12. Cilck on Tehmes.
13. Clcik on the New itsnalled Thmee , in tihs csae “blue Ice”, tehn clcik on “lesect thmee”
14. Csole the Brwoesr cpmotelely and rtserat it
15. Yuor new tmehe is now acvite.

Atonehr good tehme is “myrifofex”


-- end --

“Snwoy wnietr, a pleitnufl hvraset.” B.F 1733

“onSwy wtnier, mkae that a duoble oedrr form Chnia” Rkciy Suandres 2007

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