Monday, July 23, 2007

The Mind self protecting

In English please:

I am still making good progress on my Dianetics book, I am 76 pages into it and I must say I am getting a good grasp of the Mind, and what causes the aberrations in people. But what I discovered today was what the influence of Drugs has on people, what it reduces and that it can cause moments of unconsciousness and, in that, a person is likely to pick up not only the bad residual of the drugs but also the unwanted mental phenomena connected with during the times when drugs are taken. A simple cannabis joint can leave one feeling emotional lacking throughout one’s life depending on the circumstance in which it is taken. The woody and lightheaded feeling could easily follow one around for a long time. The Mind needs to protect the organism from harm, even though at that moment many people will tell how ‘good’ they feel when taking drugs but those are times that the body will try to protect itself from the intake of drugs in mental and in physical ways. The drug is not needed in the body to help it function and when it is used when not needed what do you think the result will be? A bad experience for sure in more ways than one.

He's a Fool that makes his Doctor his Heir. B.F 1733

A Doctor that visits patients in their home, never, there’s no money in it. Ricky Saunders 2007

In Gobbledygook please:

According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.

I am sitll mkaing good prrgoses on my Dnaitecis book, I am 76 paegs into it and I msut say I am gtteing a good gsarp of the Mind, and waht cuaess the aberrtanois in pelpoe. But what I dsivoceerd toady was waht the ilfnuecne of Drugs has on poelpe, what it rudeces and taht it can cause moemtns of uocnncsoisusens and, in that, a pesron is lekily to pcik up not olny the bad risedual of the dgurs but aslo the uawntned mnetal pnehmonea cnonceetd with duirng the tmies when drgus are taekn. A smiple cnnabais jiont can lvaee one fleenig emooitanl lkcanig torhuohgut o’ens life dpeedning on the ccrimuatscne in wihch it is tkaen. The wodoy and lihgehtaedd fleeing colud ealisy flloow one arnuod for a lnog tmie. The Mind needs to porcett the oagrnsim from harm, even thuogh at taht monemt mnay pepole wlil tell how ‘gdoo’ tehy feel wehn tkanig drgus but tohse are temis that the bdoy wlil try to ptorcet itlesf from the inatke of dgurs in mnetal and in pyhsical wyas. The drug is not ndeeed in the body to help it fcnuoitn and wehn it is uesd wehn not ndeeed what do you thnik the ruselt wlil be? A bad epxreinece for srue in mroe wyas tahn one.

He's a Fool taht mekas his Dcotor his Hier. B.F 1733

A Dtcoor that vitiss pitanets in their hmoe, never, treh’es no moeny in it. Ricky Suadnres 2007

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