Friday, July 20, 2007

A Swift reply to the Critics of Scientology Part 2

In English Please:

Just got sent another reply to some comment somewhere by: Devtcomm

I am not sure what the article was about, some interesting facts though.

Come on People, get with the program. If you can't lobby your local MP's about concerns your have we will be heading back into the dark ages.
In America 84 percent of people agree that drug companies have "too much influence over the government officials who regulate them." More than two-thirds of those surveyed are concerned that drug companies actually pay the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to review and approve their drugs. It's a situation that turns drug companies into the "customers" of the FDA.

92 percent agree that pharmaceutical companies should disclose the results of ALL clinical trials, not just the ones with positive results that they wish to publicize. (Currently, drug companies can bury negative drug trials, and the FDA has in fact been caught conspiring with drug companies to keep negative drug data secret from the public.)

84 percent agree that advertisements should be outlawed for drugs with safety concerns. The United States is the only advanced nation in the world that allows drug companies to advertise directly to consumers. It was legalized in 1998 by the FDA, following political pressure and influence from the drug companies who knew that being able to promote fictitious diseases and push brand-name drugs would result in windfall profits. (Some drugs are sold at markups as high as 300,000% over the cost of their ingredients.)

The makers of Vioxx and Paxil had studies that indicated safety problems for years, but did not release those results to the public. - Consumer Reports

Rofecoxib (Vioxx) gained widespread acceptance among physicians treating patients with arthritis and other conditions causing chronic or acute pain. Worldwide, over 80 million people were prescribed rofecoxib at some time.

On September 30, 2004, Merck voluntarily withdrew rofecoxib from the market because of concerns about increased risk of heart attack and stroke associated with long-term, high-dosage use. Rofecoxib was one of the most widely used drugs ever to be withdrawn from the market. In the year before withdrawal, Merck had sales revenue of US$2.5 billion from Vioxx

Okay, so there is some random facts, these drugs in mention are not even Psychiatric drugs and as the legal bodies have no obligation under Law to record the adverse reaction to drugs and if you or someone you knew were not doing so well who are you going to turn to?
Don't you think we have enough drugs as it is, check for yourself drug profits and see what kind of society we have turned into, if we continue the way we are we will become a Drugged and Soulless society as some people would like you to be.
Listen to their Chatter, They will try to dissuade you, pretend to be your friends, they will work arduously to destroy any thing that will help , for they know well THEY cannot help, that any efforts by others to help others is seen as a threat. Be not one of them and think for yourself.

-- end

He's the best physician that knows the worthlessness of the most medicines. B.F 1733

There is no such thing as a poor Doctor. Ricky Saunders 2007

In gobbledygook please:

According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.

Just got sent atonher relpy to some cmmonet semohwree by: Devctmom

I am not srue waht the arcitle was auobt, smoe itneresitng fatcs thoguh.

Cmoe on Pelpoe, get wtih the porgarm. If you can't lboby yuor lacol MP's auobt cocnenrs yuor have we wlil be hdaenig bcak itno the drak aegs.
In Ameirca 84 pcrenet of poeple aerge that durg copmnaies have "too mcuh ilfnucnee oevr the goevnrnemt offcilais who rugeltae tehm." Mroe tahn t-owtrihds of tsohe srueveyd are ccnorened taht durg cmonapeis atcaully pay the FDA (oFod and Durg Aimdsinartitno) to rveeiw and apprvoe tehir dgurs. It's a stiauiton that turns durg compnaies into the "csuotmres" of the FDA.

92 prenect aerge taht phamrcauecital coapmeins sohlud dcsisole the rusetls of ALL cnilacil trails, not jsut the oens wtih potisvie ruselts that tehy wsih to pulbciize. (Curreltny, durg cmopnaeis can bruy neagitve drug tirlas, and the FDA has in fact been caguht cnoipsirng with durg cpmoinaes to keep nagevite durg dtaa sceert from the pulbic.)

84 precnet agere taht avdtreimestnes shuold be outalewd for dgurs wtih sefaty ccnoerns. The Utined Stetas is the only aavdcned nitaon in the wlrod taht alwols durg cpmoinaes to adevrtise dericlty to cnousrems. It was lageziled in 1998 by the FDA, flooliwng potilacil pserusre and ilfneunce from the durg cpmonaeis who kenw taht bieng able to pormtoe fiitctuois disesaes and psuh brna-dmane drgus wluod relust in wniafdll pforits. (moSe dgurs are sold at mkraups as high as 300,000% oevr the csot of thier ingreeidnts.)

The maekrs of Voixx and Pixal had sduteis that indiacted sefaty pborelms for yraes, but did not rlesaee thsoe rsetlus to the puilbc. - Csnouemr Rpetros

Refoocixb (iVxxo) giaend wedipsraed aecctpance aomng psyhcinais taerting paittnes with atrhritis and otehr cnotidnois csuaing corhinc or atuce pian. Wlrodwdie, over 80 mililon ppoele wree percsirbed roefocxib at some time.

On Spemetebr 30, 2004, Mreck vulotnraliy whtirdew rocefoixb form the marekt beacsue of ccnonres about inercaesd risk of heart atcatk and strkoe ascosaited wtih lont-germ, hihgod-sgae use. Refocixob was one of the msot wdiley used durgs eevr to be widhtarwn form the mkraet. In the year berofe widhtrawal, Mreck had slaes reveune of U$S2.5 bllioin form Vixox

Okay, so three is smoe rdnaom fcats, tehse dgurs in meitnon are not even Pcysaihtirc durgs and as the lagel bidoes have no oilbtagoin unedr Law to reocrd the adevsre reactoin to durgs and if you or sooemne you kenw were not dniog so wlel who are you going to turn to?
Don't you tnihk we have euongh drgus as it is, check for yosrulef durg portifs and see waht kind of scoteiy we hvae tnrued into, if we conitune the way we are we will beocme a Dguregd and Suollses scoitey as smoe ppoele wluod lkie you to be.
Lietsn to tehir Chatetr, They wlil try to dissdaue you, pterend to be yuor firdnes, tehy wlil work adrusuoly to detsory any tnihg taht wlil hlep , for tehy know well THEY cnnaot hlep, taht any efofrts by oehtrs to help ohtres is seen as a thraet. Be not one of tehm and tihnk for yuoesrlf.
-- end

He's the bset phisyican taht knwos the wrohtelnssess of the msot mideicens. B.F 1373

Trehe is no such tihng as a poor Dcotor. Rciky Suadners 2007

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