Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Spanish court rules Scientology can be listed as a religion
6 hours ago MADRID (AFP) — A court in Spain has ruled in favour of listing the controversial Church of Scientology among the nation's official register of religions, according to a decision obtained by AFP Thursday.
The administrative tribunal of Madrid's High Court ruled that a 2005 justice ministry decision to scrap the church from the register was "against the law."
Responding to a petition filed by the church, the ruling said that no documents had been presented in court to demonstrate it was anything other than a religious entity.
"As a result it is more correct, and within a liberal interpretation which applies to the matter, to grant the requested inscription (in the list)," the text of the ruling said.
The Los Angeles-based Church of Scientology was founded in the United States in 1954 by science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, who described it as an "applied religious philosophy."
It teaches that technology can expand the mind and help solve problems and counts actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta among its 10 million members.
In 1993, after a long legal battle, the US Internal Revenue Service officially recognised it as a church for tax purposes.
The movement is still viewed with suspicion in many European countries, including Belgium, France, Germany and Greece, where opponents accuse it of manipulating members for financial ends.
It has been active since 1983 in Spain where it operates a large, luxurious head office in central Madrid.
Last April, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Russia had blocked Scientology from registering as a church in Moscow and ordered payment of 10,000 euros (13,000 dollars) in damages.
Copyright © 2007 AFP. All rights reserved
6 hours ago MADRID (AFP) — A court in Spain has ruled in favour of listing the controversial Church of Scientology among the nation's official register of religions, according to a decision obtained by AFP Thursday.
The administrative tribunal of Madrid's High Court ruled that a 2005 justice ministry decision to scrap the church from the register was "against the law."
Responding to a petition filed by the church, the ruling said that no documents had been presented in court to demonstrate it was anything other than a religious entity.
"As a result it is more correct, and within a liberal interpretation which applies to the matter, to grant the requested inscription (in the list)," the text of the ruling said.
The Los Angeles-based Church of Scientology was founded in the United States in 1954 by science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, who described it as an "applied religious philosophy."
It teaches that technology can expand the mind and help solve problems and counts actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta among its 10 million members.
In 1993, after a long legal battle, the US Internal Revenue Service officially recognised it as a church for tax purposes.
The movement is still viewed with suspicion in many European countries, including Belgium, France, Germany and Greece, where opponents accuse it of manipulating members for financial ends.
It has been active since 1983 in Spain where it operates a large, luxurious head office in central Madrid.
Last April, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Russia had blocked Scientology from registering as a church in Moscow and ordered payment of 10,000 euros (13,000 dollars) in damages.
Copyright © 2007 AFP. All rights reserved
Friday, November 2, 2007
This is Australia.
Youth for Human Rights
Hi Everyone,
If you are wondering why you are receiving this email, it is because you are in a position to do something about getting young people to learn something about their Human Rights and the Responsibilities that go with them. Perhaps you do a little or a lot towards this. Over the last few months I have been in the Northern Territory of Australia and it has brought home to me in stunning clarity the simple fact that whatever we are doing, it is simply not enough.
The Northern Territory is a beautiful, moving, confronting place which is matched in magnitude by it’s hidden problems. I have spent the last two months around Alice Springs and Uluru and in Darwin . I have been lucky enough to meet many fine people of different races, professions and backgrounds and have visited and stayed in different areas including a number of Aboriginal communities in Central Australia .
Here are some background facts that will help you get the picture, many you may already know.
1. A huge number of Aboriginal people out here do not speak English.
2. There are more than 400 Aboriginal languages.
3. Many of the Aboriginal people here have little or no knowledge of how the white or mainstream system works.
4. The Aboriginal communities out here have 80% unemployment while Alice Springs has 1,000 job vacancies.
5. The communities around Uluru live in absolute poverty although they own a multi million business venture and nominally receive 25% of the gate receipts from the Uluru National Park .
6. Many, so called, Aboriginal businesses are actually run by white people on good salaries while they return very little to the Aboriginal “owners”.
7. Some Aboriginal people nominated to board positions within these organizations have little or no understanding of the processes that they are taking part in.
8. The Aboriginal civilization or culture is a working system with high principles and moral laws and is the longest surviving civilization on earth. Where it exists, unaberated, it still works that way.
9. In many camps and communities the culture is weak and local customs have been perverted and changed to something else. This is where the problems of criminality, violence and substance abuse appear. These problems are real.
10. The tone level in some of the communities is apathy and there alcoholism is rife. Gambling is a prevalent pastime.
11. The evil that created the Stolen Generation is one group of people imposing their values on a another culture that they did not understand and that neither needed nor wanted that help.
12. The tragedy is that it is still happening, with actions taken on Aboriginal issues without the involvement of the leaders of Aboriginal communities. There are certainly some urgent and unacceptable problems that require immediate solutions and funding such as medical issues and crime against children where it does exist.
13. Some communities are dysfunctional, others are not.
14. Some problems are still being denied and hidden.
15. One major communication problem between Aboriginal and white people is misunderstood words from different usage. Aboriginal people use some key English words subtly, but significantly differently.
16. Another problem is the denial of real Australian history by many Australians.
a) The country was not empty or vacant when the British claimed it. “Terra Nullius Incognita” did not apply and has become a justification built on a lie.
b) The relationship between Aboriginal people settlers has included violence, massacres and death by disease in large numbers since the first 12 months of settlement when half the aboriginal population around Sydney was eradicated by the introduced disease, small pox.
c) The Aboriginal people did not agree to losing there land. They were then killed themselves for trespassing on what was suddenly not theirs after 40,000 years of access to get food from their traditional sources.
d) White men then mated with Aboriginal women; missionaries, station owners and staff, visiting sealers which created half caste children. These, the government thought at the time (1910 – 1970), might be better brought up as white while the Aboriginal culture was expected to die with their Mothers and families. There being no recognition of indigenous culture and Aboriginal people classified as wildlife until 1967. 50,000 children were taken or 10% of the current Aboriginal population.
What is the basis for a solution?
Commissioner Tom Calma saw the solution being human rights based where the rights are applied to all people. Good statement.
So what do we do?
We have initiated a program of Forums for Australian Youth (and adults) in co operation with indigenous groups and individuals.
These will involve education for all Australian kids in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and a workshop on it in the morning.
(Check out the Youth for Human Rights public service announcements of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on www.youthforhumanrights.org.au )
In the afternoon the film “Kanyini” will be shown. This is a beautiful and powerful explanation of Aboriginal philosophy that can impinge on and be understood by anyone. This will then be work shopped and attendees will be encouraged to plan a project that they can make real in their area. Go to www.kanyini. com and get a copy of the movie and watch it.
Here is why - Human Rights in the desert today.
We are all born equal in dignity and rights – unless you are Aboriginal in Central Australia, walk down a street in Central Australia and watch the difference.
Right to life – Aboriginal life expectancy 43 years
Right to a Nationality (Sovereignty)– The Government stance on no treaty with the Aboriginal people rests on the doctrine of “Terra Nullius”, no one was here before us, as a moral OK to take the land. Who is trying to kid who?
Marriage and Family – Between 1910 and 1972 50,000 Aboriginal kids were forcibly removed from their families to learn to be white.( I have seen the documentation and met the people)
The Right to your own things – Whose land?
The Right to Education – the majority are illiterate as teachers cannot speak their languages and the system is not working (there are 400)
Culture and Copyright – The culture and their system of civilization and laws have been weakened by successive Governments with policies of assimilation.
A Free and Fair World – Where no really effective education equals no understanding of basic human rights and leaves Communities open for exploitation. ?
Responsibility – The Aboriginal system of civilization depends on the responsibility of the individual to the community and all things connected to it. We have and are continuing to take this away by determining for the Aboriginal people with welfare dependency.
How are we doing? That is 9 rights out of 30 that I have seen over the last two months in our own country. To top it off Australia was one of the few countries to reject the UN Universal Declaration of Indigenous Human Rights last month in the General Assembly of the United Nations.
Human Rights must be made a reality, not just an idealistic dream, to do this we must educate all Australians in the truth and help us all find a way out together from our national shame. The truth shall set us free.
This is where our Human Rights and Indigenous Culture Education forums are vital to the future of our nation. Whether we run them or provide materials for you to run them does not matter. Our children are our future and human rights do begin with us.
Then perhaps acknowledgement of the past and an agreement to go forward together at last, as One Mob – Australia ,
Nigel Mannock
Youth for Human Rights – Asia Pacific
Hi Everyone,
If you are wondering why you are receiving this email, it is because you are in a position to do something about getting young people to learn something about their Human Rights and the Responsibilities that go with them. Perhaps you do a little or a lot towards this. Over the last few months I have been in the Northern Territory of Australia and it has brought home to me in stunning clarity the simple fact that whatever we are doing, it is simply not enough.
The Northern Territory is a beautiful, moving, confronting place which is matched in magnitude by it’s hidden problems. I have spent the last two months around Alice Springs and Uluru and in Darwin . I have been lucky enough to meet many fine people of different races, professions and backgrounds and have visited and stayed in different areas including a number of Aboriginal communities in Central Australia .
Here are some background facts that will help you get the picture, many you may already know.
1. A huge number of Aboriginal people out here do not speak English.
2. There are more than 400 Aboriginal languages.
3. Many of the Aboriginal people here have little or no knowledge of how the white or mainstream system works.
4. The Aboriginal communities out here have 80% unemployment while Alice Springs has 1,000 job vacancies.
5. The communities around Uluru live in absolute poverty although they own a multi million business venture and nominally receive 25% of the gate receipts from the Uluru National Park .
6. Many, so called, Aboriginal businesses are actually run by white people on good salaries while they return very little to the Aboriginal “owners”.
7. Some Aboriginal people nominated to board positions within these organizations have little or no understanding of the processes that they are taking part in.
8. The Aboriginal civilization or culture is a working system with high principles and moral laws and is the longest surviving civilization on earth. Where it exists, unaberated, it still works that way.
9. In many camps and communities the culture is weak and local customs have been perverted and changed to something else. This is where the problems of criminality, violence and substance abuse appear. These problems are real.
10. The tone level in some of the communities is apathy and there alcoholism is rife. Gambling is a prevalent pastime.
11. The evil that created the Stolen Generation is one group of people imposing their values on a another culture that they did not understand and that neither needed nor wanted that help.
12. The tragedy is that it is still happening, with actions taken on Aboriginal issues without the involvement of the leaders of Aboriginal communities. There are certainly some urgent and unacceptable problems that require immediate solutions and funding such as medical issues and crime against children where it does exist.
13. Some communities are dysfunctional, others are not.
14. Some problems are still being denied and hidden.
15. One major communication problem between Aboriginal and white people is misunderstood words from different usage. Aboriginal people use some key English words subtly, but significantly differently.
16. Another problem is the denial of real Australian history by many Australians.
a) The country was not empty or vacant when the British claimed it. “Terra Nullius Incognita” did not apply and has become a justification built on a lie.
b) The relationship between Aboriginal people settlers has included violence, massacres and death by disease in large numbers since the first 12 months of settlement when half the aboriginal population around Sydney was eradicated by the introduced disease, small pox.
c) The Aboriginal people did not agree to losing there land. They were then killed themselves for trespassing on what was suddenly not theirs after 40,000 years of access to get food from their traditional sources.
d) White men then mated with Aboriginal women; missionaries, station owners and staff, visiting sealers which created half caste children. These, the government thought at the time (1910 – 1970), might be better brought up as white while the Aboriginal culture was expected to die with their Mothers and families. There being no recognition of indigenous culture and Aboriginal people classified as wildlife until 1967. 50,000 children were taken or 10% of the current Aboriginal population.
What is the basis for a solution?
Commissioner Tom Calma saw the solution being human rights based where the rights are applied to all people. Good statement.
So what do we do?
We have initiated a program of Forums for Australian Youth (and adults) in co operation with indigenous groups and individuals.
These will involve education for all Australian kids in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and a workshop on it in the morning.
(Check out the Youth for Human Rights public service announcements of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on www.youthforhumanrights.org.au )
In the afternoon the film “Kanyini” will be shown. This is a beautiful and powerful explanation of Aboriginal philosophy that can impinge on and be understood by anyone. This will then be work shopped and attendees will be encouraged to plan a project that they can make real in their area. Go to www.kanyini. com and get a copy of the movie and watch it.
Here is why - Human Rights in the desert today.
We are all born equal in dignity and rights – unless you are Aboriginal in Central Australia, walk down a street in Central Australia and watch the difference.
Right to life – Aboriginal life expectancy 43 years
Right to a Nationality (Sovereignty)– The Government stance on no treaty with the Aboriginal people rests on the doctrine of “Terra Nullius”, no one was here before us, as a moral OK to take the land. Who is trying to kid who?
Marriage and Family – Between 1910 and 1972 50,000 Aboriginal kids were forcibly removed from their families to learn to be white.( I have seen the documentation and met the people)
The Right to your own things – Whose land?
The Right to Education – the majority are illiterate as teachers cannot speak their languages and the system is not working (there are 400)
Culture and Copyright – The culture and their system of civilization and laws have been weakened by successive Governments with policies of assimilation.
A Free and Fair World – Where no really effective education equals no understanding of basic human rights and leaves Communities open for exploitation. ?
Responsibility – The Aboriginal system of civilization depends on the responsibility of the individual to the community and all things connected to it. We have and are continuing to take this away by determining for the Aboriginal people with welfare dependency.
How are we doing? That is 9 rights out of 30 that I have seen over the last two months in our own country. To top it off Australia was one of the few countries to reject the UN Universal Declaration of Indigenous Human Rights last month in the General Assembly of the United Nations.
Human Rights must be made a reality, not just an idealistic dream, to do this we must educate all Australians in the truth and help us all find a way out together from our national shame. The truth shall set us free.
This is where our Human Rights and Indigenous Culture Education forums are vital to the future of our nation. Whether we run them or provide materials for you to run them does not matter. Our children are our future and human rights do begin with us.
Then perhaps acknowledgement of the past and an agreement to go forward together at last, as One Mob – Australia ,
Nigel Mannock
Youth for Human Rights – Asia Pacific
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Some news from the outback.

Click on picture for full article.
26 Sep 2007 — A Surprising Australian Welcome to the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Outback Goodwill Tour
Volunteer Ministers Goodwill tours travel to remote areas to bring one-on-one help and training, based on the Scientology Handbook, by L. Ron Hubbard, to remote locations. But if they expected the Australian Outback to be an ordinary place, the Goodwill Tour team quickly learned otherwise, as their arrival in Alice Springs coincided with the Henley-On-Todd River Race.
In a classic example of Australian humor, this "river race," now in its 46th consecutive year, is a rowing and sailing regatta held 1500 kms (932 miles) from any large body of water, and the boats, canoes and yachts that compete are bottomless shells, carried down the dry riverbed by teams of runners who race one another to the finish line on foot.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Last Respects
At a motivational seminar 3 men are asked to come up to the stage.
They are all asked, "When you are in your casket and friends and family are mourning upon you, what would you like to hear them say about you?
The first guy says, "I would like to hear them say that I was the great doctor of my time, and a great family man."
The second guy says, "I would like to hear that I was a wonderful husband and school teacher who made a huge difference in our children of tomorrow."
The last guy replies, "I would like to hear them say...... LOOK!!! HE'S MOVING!!!!!"
They are all asked, "When you are in your casket and friends and family are mourning upon you, what would you like to hear them say about you?
The first guy says, "I would like to hear them say that I was the great doctor of my time, and a great family man."
The second guy says, "I would like to hear that I was a wonderful husband and school teacher who made a huge difference in our children of tomorrow."
The last guy replies, "I would like to hear them say...... LOOK!!! HE'S MOVING!!!!!"
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Secret !

In English please:
Yesterday I watched a series called “The secret” it is a good show in that there is a secret and that you can have it.
First it told you what the secret was which is: the Law of Attraction
Originally 7 steps, on the TV series it only shows 4 steps. The other steps are blended in the series in another way.
"Seven Steps in Demonstration" first outlined in the famous non-denominational New Thought book Become What You Believe by Mildred Mann (1904 - 1971):
• Desire. Get a strong enthusiasm for that which you want in your life, a real longing for something which is not there now.
• Decision. Know definitely what it is that you want, what it is that you want to do or have, and be willing to pay in spiritual values.
• Ask. [When sure and enthusiastic] ask for it in simple, concise language. . . .
• Believe. Believe in the accomplishment with strong faith, consciously and subconsciously.
• Work. Work at it. . . a few minutes daily, seeing yourself in the finished picture. Never outline details, but rather see yourself enjoying the particular thing . . .
• Feel gratitude. Always remember to say, "Thank you, God," and begin to feel the gratitude in your heart. The most powerful prayer we can ever make is those three words, provided we really feel it.
• Feel expectancy. Train yourself to live in a state of happy expectancy. . . . Act it until it becomes part of you, as it must and will.
The result of works as above and other has led to many books on the subject of “power of positive thinking” etc.
The Secret, and the many other ideas that exist, is, that someone wants to improve the state of people. Truth, secrets etc have to be delivered in a way the makes you wonder. Wise men on the mountain, animals and even cultures hidden in the jungle appear to know the secret of the universe. It is not so. They know some things, they have some truth, but the ultimate truth is not known to them. These secrets that some pretend to have offer a quick fix, and it works for quite a few people for a short while, if you want lasting results you better do a proper study of life. Learning Scientology is not easy, Scientology is not a quick fix, it can be, but is not.You have to get into Scientology and be ready to roll your sleeves up. It’s read, read, read, drill , drill ,drill, there is no let’s all sit on the floor in a circle in the lotus position with our eyes closed and think happy thoughts.
When you study Scientology, you will for the first time in your existence, discover what truth is and in addition to that, you then will become the “wise man or woman” and you will know a lot of secrets.
L. Ron Hubbard did something that will baffle man for quite some time. He discovered the laws of life completely. No stone in the entire universe remains unturned by L.Ron Hubbard. You can venture into life and go anywhere at any point, and knowing Scientology you will be armed with the most workable solution in that area that anyone before you had. Scientology is the deadliest weapon you can have.
There is a lot to know and this is only a short time to know it in. A mortgage, a fancy car, the millions of dollars compares nothing to the wealth of knowledge you can gain using Scientology. This planet won’t last forever; the mad men on this planet could destroy it anytime and without proper Scientology organizations in place or Advanced Scientology Organizations in place it will be hard to get the full benefits of Scientology that is currently available. But that is not the threat; Man has a crazy tendency to alter things and create unworkable technology and that is a threat.
Solution: Know Scientology well and know it fast.
“Bargaining has neither friends nor relations” B.F 1735
“Life is not a quick fix” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Ytseeadry I wctaehd a seires claeld "The sercet" it is a good sohw in that tehre is a srceet and taht you can hvae it.
Fsrit it told you waht the sercet was; wcihh is the Law of Aarttitcon.
Origanilly 7 spets, on the TV seires only swohs 4 stpes. The ohter stpes are belednd in the sirees in ahtoner way.
"Seven Spets in Dmesnortoitan" fisrt ouiltend in the fauoms nod-nmonenioitaanl New Thguoht book Beocme Waht You Beileve by Mierdld Mann (1094 - 179)1:
" Drisee. Get a srtnog etnhisuasm for taht wcihh you want in yuor lfie, a real loignng for smoihteng whcih is not there now.
" Dsiceoin. Know dfenietily waht it is taht you wnat, what it is that you wnat to do or hvae, and be wllinig to pay in spiritual vulaes.
" Ask. [ehWn srue and etnuhaiscits] ask for it in smilpe, cnosice lugnaage. . . .
" Bilevee. Bilevee in the accmosilpmhnet with storng ftiah, cnosicsuoly and sucbsnouoiclsy.
" Wrok. Wrok at it. . . a few miunets daliy, sieeng ysruolef in the finiehsd putcire. Nveer oltunie datelis, but rhtaer see ysruolef eojniyng the pacitrualr tnihg . . .
" Feel grattidue. Alyaws rememebr to say, "Tahnk you, God," and beign to feel the gtartidue in your haert. The msot pwoeufrl pryaer we can ever mkae is tohse terhe wdros, pivoredd we raelly feel it.
" Feel extcepcnay. Tiarn yuoesrlf to lvie in a state of happy exeptccnay. . . . Act it uitnl it beocems part of you, as it must and will.
The rselut of wkros as aobve and oehtr has led to mnay bokos on the sjbucet of "pewor of ptisovie tnihnikg" etc.
The Srceet and the many ohter iedas that esixt is that smonoee wtnas to iorpmve the state of poeple. Turth, sceters etc have to be devilered in a way the mekas you wnoedr. Wsie men on the mtnuoian, ainmlas and eevn cuutlers hddien in the jnulge appaer to konw the secert of the uvinsree. It is not so. Tehy konw smoe tgnihs, they hvae smoe trtuh, but the umitltae turth is not kwonn to tehm. Thsee serctes taht some pretend to hvae oeffr a qciuk fix, and it works for qtiue a few plpoee for a sroht whlie, if you wnat lsatnig relusts you betetr do a porepr sutdy of lfie. Laenrnig Sneicotgoly is not esay, Seictnlogoy is not a qciuk fix, it can be, but is not.You have to get itno Seicntogoly and be raedy to roll yuor seelves up. It's raed, read, read, dlirl , dirll ,dlirl, trehe is no let's all sit on the foolr in a clcrie in the ltous poitison wtih our eyes cloesd and tihnk hppay tguohths.
Wehn you sutdy Sicneolotgy, you will for the fisrt tmie in yuor esixcnete, docsievr what tturh is and in aditidon to that, you then wlil boceme the "wsie man or woman" and you wlil know a lot of sercets.
L. Ron Hbburad did semothnig that wlil bffale man for qtiue smoe tmie. He dsievocerd the lwas of life cpmolletey. No snote in the etnrie unevisre ramenis utnuenrd by L.Ron Hubabrd. You can vutnere itno life and go awynehre at any ponit, and kiwonng Scineotlgoy you wlil be aemrd wtih the msot wrobakle sulooitn to that area that anoyne bferoe you had. Sctneiology is the deldaseit weapon you can hvae.
Trehe is a lot to konw and this is only a sroht tmie to konw it in. A mtroagge, a facny car, the millinos of dlorals corapmes ntoihng to the weatlh of konelwdge you can gian uisng Siceotnolgy. Tihs penalt won't last foverre; the mad men on tihs palent cluod dsetory it anmitye and wihtuot prepor Seicotnolgy ogrzinatanois in pcale or Anavdced Sceinolotgy Oagrinazitons in pcale it will be hrad to get the full beneftis taht Sicotnegoly taht is crunerlty aiavlbale. But taht is not the therta; Man has a carzy tednecny to aetlr tnihgs and ctaere urownbakle tnhceogoly and taht is a therat.
Stuloino: Konw Sneiclotgoy wlel and konw it fsat.
"Bagraining has netiher freidns nor rtaleinos" B.F 1375
"Life is not a qiuck fix" © Rikcy Saednurs 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Food for thought
In English please:
Seeing is believing?
A teacher was going to explain evolution to the children.
The teacher asked a little boy: Tommy do you see the tree outside?
TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside?
TEACHER: Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky.
TOMMY: Okay. (He returned a few minutes later) Yes, I saw the sky.
TEACHER: Did you see God?
TEACHER: That's my point. We can't see God because he isn't there. He
doesn't exist.
A little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions.
The teacher agreed and the little girl asked the boy:
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the tree outside?
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy do you see the grass outside?
TOMMY: Yessssss (getting tired of the questions by this time).
LITTLE GIRL: Did you see the sky?
TOMMY: Yessssss
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the teacher?
LITTLE GIRL: Do you see her brain?
LITTLE GIRL: Then according to what we were taught today in school, she
must not have one!
“In a discreet man's mouth, a publick thing is private.” B.F 1735
“I never forget a good deed, how did you say you helped me again?”
© Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Seieng is beilevnig?
A thcaeer was gniog to elpxian eulovoitn to the cdlihern.
The teahcer aksed a liltte byo: Tmmoy do you see the tere otuisde?
TCAEEHR: Tommy, do you see the garss otusdie?
TCAEHER: Go oistude and look up and see if you can see the sky.
TMMOY: Okay. (He ruterend a few muniets lreta) Yes, I saw the sky.
TAECREH: Did you see God?
TAECHRE: Taht's my pniot. We can't see God bceuase he isn't trehe. He
dseon't eixst.
A llttie gril skope up and wtnaed to ask the boy smoe qtseuinos.
The thcaeer agreed and the lttile gril aeksd the byo:
LTTILE GRIL: Tmmoy, do you see the tere ostudie?
LLTTIE GLRI: Tmmoy do you see the gsars ouistde?
TOMMY: Yessssss (egtnitg tierd of the qtseuoins by tihs temi).
LITTLE GLRI: Did you see the sky?
TYMMO: Yessssss
LLTTIE GLRI: Tmmoy, do you see the thcaeer?
LITTLE GRIL: Do you see her barin?
LTILTE GRIL: Tehn acrocnidg to waht we wree thguat toady in school, she
must not have one!
"In a drcsieet man's muoth, a puilbck tnihg is pavirte." B.F 1375
"I never fgroet a good deed, how did you say you hpleed me aiagn?"
© Rkciy Suaredns 2007
Seeing is believing?
A teacher was going to explain evolution to the children.
The teacher asked a little boy: Tommy do you see the tree outside?
TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside?
TEACHER: Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky.
TOMMY: Okay. (He returned a few minutes later) Yes, I saw the sky.
TEACHER: Did you see God?
TEACHER: That's my point. We can't see God because he isn't there. He
doesn't exist.
A little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions.
The teacher agreed and the little girl asked the boy:
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the tree outside?
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy do you see the grass outside?
TOMMY: Yessssss (getting tired of the questions by this time).
LITTLE GIRL: Did you see the sky?
TOMMY: Yessssss
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the teacher?
LITTLE GIRL: Do you see her brain?
LITTLE GIRL: Then according to what we were taught today in school, she
must not have one!
“In a discreet man's mouth, a publick thing is private.” B.F 1735
“I never forget a good deed, how did you say you helped me again?”
© Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Seieng is beilevnig?
A thcaeer was gniog to elpxian eulovoitn to the cdlihern.
The teahcer aksed a liltte byo: Tmmoy do you see the tere otuisde?
TCAEEHR: Tommy, do you see the garss otusdie?
TCAEHER: Go oistude and look up and see if you can see the sky.
TMMOY: Okay. (He ruterend a few muniets lreta) Yes, I saw the sky.
TAECREH: Did you see God?
TAECHRE: Taht's my pniot. We can't see God bceuase he isn't trehe. He
dseon't eixst.
A llttie gril skope up and wtnaed to ask the boy smoe qtseuinos.
The thcaeer agreed and the lttile gril aeksd the byo:
LTTILE GRIL: Tmmoy, do you see the tere ostudie?
LLTTIE GLRI: Tmmoy do you see the gsars ouistde?
TOMMY: Yessssss (egtnitg tierd of the qtseuoins by tihs temi).
LITTLE GLRI: Did you see the sky?
TYMMO: Yessssss
LLTTIE GLRI: Tmmoy, do you see the thcaeer?
LITTLE GRIL: Do you see her barin?
LTILTE GRIL: Tehn acrocnidg to waht we wree thguat toady in school, she
must not have one!
"In a drcsieet man's muoth, a puilbck tnihg is pavirte." B.F 1375
"I never fgroet a good deed, how did you say you hpleed me aiagn?"
© Rkciy Suaredns 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Universal Inbox
Friday, October 26, 2007
My 100th Post! Yippee

In English please:
A little explanation to this blog:
This is a personal blog that has to do with me and my interests. Some of my interests are:
Scientology, Studying and History.
My blog is titled Scientology et al.
Et Al, in this case means “and others”. So this is not wholly a Scientology blog but also about my experiences in life, though I do actively promote Scientology in my blog.
This blog usually has 2 sections:
1) In English please section
2) In Gobbledygook please section
When I first discovered the idea that people can read something with the letters being totally re-arranged it found it fascinating. I was speaking to friend at work and we thought it would be a good idea to create magazine that was totally jumbled up. We went on the basis, even if it was only one edition; it would sell, just as a novelty, as people would buy it for collection.
I started my blog and thought I’d implement this in my blog to see how it would work.
I then realized that I would like more people visiting my blog and that sometimes people mis-spell things when searching for something and this already had paid off. Sometimes a person type in a wrong word and my blog will come up in the search results.
I have seen many blogs and they are pretty much the same, I wanted to make my blog personal, not just another blog, but something that I could create on.
Doing this seemed to work for me.
I have on most pages a Quote from the works of Benjamin Franklin of his work called
“Poor Richard’s Almanac” . I selected Benjamin Franklin to show that there have been many wise person who has contributed to the forward advance of Man over the ages.
I would have used Quotes from L. Ron Hubbard but didn’t feel it was necessary as there are many a blog or website already doing that.
In addition, each person has a viewpoint about something, whether this viewpoint is right or wrong is beside the point, but there as many viewpoints or opinions as there are people.
You will see I have a quotation on my own on most of my entries. This quotation I usually dream up each day before “publishing” my blog. I do my quotations to be interesting.
It takes me about 1 hour to start my blog and then take it to completion. I do not like to spend more than 45mins to 1 hour on my blog a day. This means you will at times find errors on the blog, grammatical, spelling or otherwise. I do not do much editing due to time constraints but I know the errors will reduce over time.
My blog is at the time of this writing updated daily. I do not know what my theme will be until I get home and then start writing. It is mostly impromptu.
The reason I started this blog is due to the mis information some bad intentioned individuals spread about Scientology.
Scientology is there for anyone to find out about, there are no secrets, you do not have to do Scientology. Some people are so mad that they would stop others from doing it, which some mad people are currently promoting.
Find out for yourself.
“Tis easy to see, hard to foresee” B.F 1735
“There are no chains on the imagination”
© Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
A lttile ealpxitanon to tihs bgol:
This is a pesrnoal bolg taht has to do wtih me and my inretsets. Smoe of my ietnserts aer:
Sneicotgoly, Sutdniyg and Hotsiry.
My bolg is tltied Sicnelotgoy et al.
Et Al, in this csae mnaes "and oehtrs". So tihs is not wlohly a Sicneolotgy bolg but aslo auobt my exirepeecns in life, tuohgh I do acevitly poromte Sicotnelgoy in my blog.
This bolg uauslly has 2 sectnois:
1) In Enilgsh plaese seoitcn
2) In Goelbbgydook plsaee sceoitn
When I fisrt dsivocered the ieda taht people can raed stemonihg with the lteetrs bnieg tolatly rera-narged it fonud it fasanicitng. I was saepnikg to feirnd at wrok and we tohuhgt it wuold be a good ieda to certae mzagaine taht was tatolly jubmeld up. We wnet on the baiss, eevn if it was olny one eitidon; it wluod slel, jsut as a nlevoty, as poelpe wolud buy it for cloceliton.
I sattred my bolg and thuohgt I'd imelpnemt tihs in my bolg to see how it wuold wrok.
I tehn rlaeized taht I wluod lkie mroe people visinitg my bolg and taht stemoemis plpoee ms-silepl thgnis wehn sehcraing for smotenihg and tihs aerlady had piad off. Stemoemis a peosrn tpye in a wnorg wrod and my blog wlil cmoe up in the secrah reustls.
I have seen mnay blgos and tehy are prtety mcuh the smae, I wtnaed to mkae my bolg pesranol, not jsut atonehr blog, but sohtemnig that I cuold crtaee on.
Dniog tihs smeeed to wrok for me.
I hvae on most pegas a Qtoue form the wkros of Bneimajn Farlknin of his wrok claeld
"Poor Rciahrd's Aamlanc" . I seletced Bjnemain Frknailn to show taht tehre have been mnay wsie posren who has coirtnetubd to the fowrard aavdcne of Man oevr the ages.
Sceitnlosigot do hvae ohter ietnserts. I would hvae uesd Qtoues form L. Ron Habburd but ddin't feel it was nessecray as tehre are mnay a bolg or wisbete aerlday dniog taht.
In aditidon, each preosn has a viopwenit aobut smohtenig, whteher this vweiniopt is rhgit or wnorg is bedise the pniot, but three as many veiwniopts or onipinos as three are plpoee.
You will see I have a qutatooin on my own on most of my etnires. This qtoutaion I uauslly dream up each day bofere "pbuhsilnig" my bolg. I do my qtoutanois to be ietntsernig.
It tekas me aobut 1 huor to sratt my bolg and tehn tkae it to copmlteoin. I do not lkie to sepnd mroe tahn 4-51 huor on my blog a day. Tihs mnaes you wlil at tmies find eorrrs on the bolg, gmarmitaacl, seplilng or ohtwreise. I do not do much eidnitg due to tmie ctsnoartnis but I know the errors wlil rdeuce over tmie.
My bolg is at the tmie of tihs wtiring utadped dliay. I do not konw waht my thmee will be uitnl I get hmoe and tehn sratt wtirnig. It is mtsoly imrpmotpu.
The reosan I stetrad tihs bolg is due to the mis ifnamrotoin some bad ietnoitnend ividndiaul spread auobt Scneilotgoy.
Sicelotngoy is trehe for aoynne to find out aobut, three are no setercs, you do not have to do Sicnelotogy, but at the smae tmie you do not have to be so mad that you wluod stop otehrs from dniog it, whcih some mad poelpe are crrultney pmoritong.
"Tis esay to see, hrad to fseroee" B.F 1375
"Three are no cniahs on the imnigaoitan"
© Rkciy Sauredns 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A day in my Life.

In English please:
I am glad I grew up in an era where I was allowed to play the game of life and had the opportunity to experience life as a child. This means that I even at the age of 6 years of age was out and about, swimming in local Dams, going into the nearby forests on my own and had very little fear of “consequences” – If my mum knew of all the things I got up to as a child she would probably have locked me up in the house, however I lived a very simple life.
Saturday morning: I woke up, got out of bed, got dressed, didn’t make the bed, went to the bathroom, washed the face, and ate some breakfast which was usually a sandwich with margarine and peanut butter with jam.
Then I’d set about my adventure:
This particular day it is setting out on an exploration with my friends to discover where the water pipes go to. Roads usually have a drainage system and the water collects somewhere, we wanted to know where. I was about 8 years of age, I gathered 2 more friends and off we headed, into the bush, about 1 km from my home. We go to the dam, we use to call it the coffee dam, as the water had that color to it, the water was never clear.
We had to make our way to the pipe. It was about 1.5 meters in diameter so walking upright was quite easy, but looking into the pipe all you could see was darkness. The bottom of the pipe, covering about a foot in length was a constant stream of water.
The this area was soggy, with moss, bugs, spiders, frogs and things you knew was there but we just couldn’t see. Once we chased a snake into the pipe, so we knew snakes also lived there.
However these things didn’t daunt our young adventurous minds and we walked inside, I must say it was scary. We walked trying to not walk in the water, so we had to walk on either one side or the other of the water, in a round pipe this is not very easy as sometimes the water was more in certain places it made making a bit hard. We walked for 200 meters into the pipe. When looking back all I could see was the “light at the end of the tunnel” and it was getting really dark, the dampness was intense. As we could not see much ahead of us we decided to return, I think each of us was happy of coming out of the darkness.
We safely returned no injuries, no bites, and no breakages. Some people might say, oh! That’s stupid and think of all the things that could have gone wrong. My remark to them is: think of all the things that could potentially happen to you right this instant. You could go to the bathroom, slip, hit your head against something and be dead. A spider could be living in your house and bite you and you would be dead. You touch the stove and be electrocuted.
“Wealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it” B.F 1735
“Life is for the living, live it.” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Aontehr day in the lfie of Rciky Sdnuasre:
I am gald I gerw up in an era whree I was alolewd to paly the gmae of life and had the optropnutiy eepxeirnce lfie as a cihld. This mnaes that I eevn at the age of 6 yeras of age was out and aobut, siwmmnig in loacl Dams, giong itno the nbraey foserts on my own and had vrey llttie faer of "cesnouqneecs" - If my mum knew of all the tgnihs I got up to as a cihld she wuold paborbly hvae lkcoed me up in the hsuoe, hvewoer I lvied a very slpmie lfie.
Sutaadry minrong: I woke up, got out of bed, got dseresd, didn't mkae the bed, wnet to the bhtaoorm, wehsad the fcae, and ate smoe bkaerafst wcihh was uusally a saiwdnch wtih mgraranie and peunat bttuer wtih jam.
Then I'd set about my avdenrute:
Tihs ptraluciar day it is sttenig out on an exlptaroion wtih my frneids to divocser wrehe the waetr pipes go to. Raods ulausly hvae a dniargae syetsm and the wtaer clocelts sowemehre, we wetnad to know wrehe. I was about 8 yaers of age, I ghtaered 2 mroe freidns and off we hedaed, into the bsuh, aobut 1 km form my hmoe. We go to the dam, we use to call it the cffoee dam, as the wetar had taht color to it, the wetar was never caelr.
We had to mkae our way to the pipe. It was auobt 1.5 mretes in demaietr so wklaing ugirpht was qutie easy, but loonikg itno the ppie all you cuold see was dkrasens. The bottom of the pipe, coreving auobt a foot in ltgneh was a cnotsnat sertam of wetar.
The tihs aera was sggoy, with msos, bgus, sipders, frgos and tgnihs you kenw was trehe but we just cdluon't see. Ocne we chaesd a sanke itno the ppie, so we kenw skanes also levid trehe.
Hoewevr tsehe tgnihs didn't danut our ynuog aevdtnoruus mnids and we wlaekd idisne, I msut say it was scray. We wklaed triyng to not wlak in the waetr, so we had to wlak on eehtir one sdie or the oehtr of the waetr, in a ronud ppie tihs is not very esay as semoemits the water was more in ctreain pecals it mdae mkanig a bit hard. We waekld for 200 mretes itno the ppie. Wehn lkoonig back all I cuold see was the "lhgit at the end of the tunnel" and it was gttenig rllaey dark, the dmanpess was itnsnee. As we colud not see mcuh ahaed of us we dceedid to rruten, I tnihk ecah of us was happy of cnimog out of the drasenks.
We sefaly rteruend no iujneirs, no bties, and no baerkegas. Smoe plpoee mihgt say, oh! Taht's sputid and tnihk of all the thgnis taht cuold hvae gnoe wnorg. My rramek to tehm is: tnihk of all the tihgns that cluod ptotneially heppan to you rhgit tihs itsnnat. You cluod go to the btaoorhm, silp, hit yuor haed agasnit smoihteng and be daed. A spdier colud be liivng in yuor house and btie you and you wuold be daed. You tuoch the svote and be etcelucoretd.
"Welath is not his that has it, but his taht ejnyos it" B.F 1375
"Lfie is for the lnivig, lvie it." © Rciky Suadners 2007
oh! just a simple success from learning Scientology.

In English please:
Another Onslaught on the Book Science of Survival, Today I cleared up some long questions I had about purpose. What was the purpose to my existence? I had a pretty good idea as it was; but an overall purpose in life, not a Job or what I am going to do, but the question as to WHY BE ALIVE?
I have often heard when some scientist people will explain certain phenomena as just a “chemical reaction” in the mind. What a load of hogwash. Doctors and some other mad doctors (psychiatrists) believe drugs is the answer to a carbon oxygen body, this is even a bigger load of hogwash. Anti-biotic and certain medicines do have value, but the value is not measured in terms of dollars and cents. By the way to call these people “doctors” is way to nice, they should be called “butchers”.
There are a whole lot of people who do not want people to be engaged in or living life, it is hard to believe, these people are “alive” as well.
L. Ron Hubbard made certain discoveries and how he made them will be a mystery. That he made these discoveries is of course fact. I learned this from doing a practical representation of a concept, it was sort of hard to do this representation, but at the end I got more out of it than what I expected.
Any person who is alive today need to know this information. If you could know some of the “secrets” of the universe it would be cool, wouldn’t it? Well I can tell you, you will get the know the secret of secrets in this book.
The whole action of the spirit is engaged in the conquest of the material universe. Why?
Because that is what the theta universe does (theta universe in my own words would be “your ideas, your thoughts and others with their ideas and their thoughts”), as a theta universe there has to be some purpose and the purpose is so obvious yet so hidden under a lot of “human life”.
Ron wrote somewhere about a Thetan (spirit) being simple and then after that complicated things.
This understanding made many things clear. Why we need each person to be “helped”, “none make it out alone” concept and the whole brotherhood concept.
Why create bodies, why live life, why conquer, withdraw, conquer, withdraw, on and on and on. To have a game. I have been bored many a time ,thinking what to do and thinking, well now I know Scientology, I know I’ll be live again and I know I’ll be doing the same thing, like I have many times before.. Well that’s sort of ruins not knowing about the future.
Truth is, it is far more purposeful, far more fun to be in control of life. The manifestations that people have when Low emotionally just a manifestation. That’s all.
That is my success for the day.
“Do not do that which you would not have known” B.F 1735
“Death is a manifestation of no more life” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Anhtoer Osngualht on the Book Sicnece of Sruavivl, Tdoay I clraeed up smoe lnog qseunoits I had abuot ppruose. What was the pursope to my eixetscne? I had a pterty good idea as it was but an ovreall pruopse in life, not a Job or waht I am gonig to do, but the qtseuoin as to WHY BE AILVE?
I hvae ofetn heard wehn some sctneisit peolpe wlil epxlain catrein ponehnema as jsut a "cehaciml rcaeoitn" in the mnid. Waht a laod of hawgosh. Dtcoors and smoe ohter mad dtcoors (pysihcirtasts) bilevee dgurs is the aewsnr to a craobn ogyxen bdoy, tihs is eevn a bgiegr laod of hgosawh. Aitnoib-itc and ctreian meicidens do have vlaue, but the vulae is not maeuserd in tmres of dallors and cnets. By the way to clal tehse pelpoe "dootcrs" is way to ncie, tehy sluohd be claeld "bhctures".
Three are a whole lot of poelpe who do not want pelpoe to be egagned in or lnivig lfie, it is hrad to beilvee, tsehe pelpoe are "alvie" as well.
L. Ron Hbburad made cetrain dsivoceires and how he made them will be a myretsy. Taht he mdae tehse docsivreeis is of cruose fcat. I laenred tihs form diong a prtcacial rpesertneaiton of a ccnoept, it was sort of hrad to do tihs reserptneaiton, but at the end I got mroe out of it tahn waht I ecepxetd.
Any preosn who is avile tadoy need to know this iofnritamon. If you cuold some of the "srcetes" of the unirevse it wluod be cool, wluodn't it? Well I can tlel you, you wlil get the konw the sercet of srcetes in this book.
The whloe atcoin of the spriit is eagnegd in the cuqnoset of the mtaairel uevinsre. Why?
Bcesuae that is waht the tteha uinevsre deos (hteta uevinsre in my own wdros wluod be "your iaeds, yuor tohuthgs and ohtres wtih tiehr iedas and thier tohguths"), as a tteha uevinrse three has to be smoe puprose and the prusope is so ovbuois yet so hddien unedr a lot of "huamn lfie".
Ron wtore swemohree auobt a Tehatn (ripsti) being spmile and tehn atfer taht cpmoaciletd tgnihs.
This uednatsridnng mdae mnay tihgns claer. Why we need ecah psreon to be "hepled", "none make it out aolne" coecnpt and the wohle bortrehoohd cecnopt.
Why caerte bidoes, why lvie life, why conqeur, wdhtiarw, cuqnoer, wtiardhw, on and on and on. To hvae a gmae. I have been boerd mnay a tmie ,tnihnikg waht to do and tknihing, wlel now I konw Sneictgoloy, I know I'll be lvie aiagn and I know I'll be doing the smae thnig, like I hvae mnay temis bferoe.. Well that's srot of rnius not koniwng auobt the future.
Tturh is, it is far more ppruesoufl, far mroe fun to be in cnoortl of lfie. The mnafiesatnoits taht peolpe hvae wehn Low etomoinlaly jsut a minaseftatoin. Taht's all.
Taht is my scusecs for the day.
"Do not do taht wcihh you wuold not hvae known" B.F 1375
"Dtaeh is a mnasefiattoin of no mroe lfie" © Rkciy Sanuedrs 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Customer service 2/2

In English please:
Here are the other 10 traits of Superior Customer service:
11. A Customer Service representative always ask “How may I help you?”
12. A Customer Service representative never says “Next”, they say “Next Please.”
13. A Customer Service representative works around the customers.
14. A Customer Service representative will show you who can help you.
15. A Customer Service representative won’t let you wait.
16. A Customer Service representative when cornered says “Give me a second to sort it out”
17. A Customer Service representative who smiles at you during your interview – you know you’ve made it.
18. A Customer Service representative will also get others to him to help you.
19. A Customer Service representative will have all you information all organized.
20. A Customer Service representative foresees the Future – Another happy customer.
“He that lives upon Hope, dies farting” B.F 1735
“Are you living life or is life living you?” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Here are the day oehtr 10 tartis of Srepuoir Ctsuomer sivreec:
11. A Custmoer Seivrce rerpeesntitave ayawls ask "How may I hlep you?"
12. A Cuotsemr Sreivce rrpenesetatvie nveer says "Nxet", tehy say "Nxet Psaele."
13. A Csumoter Sivrece repseretatnvie wroks aruond the cotsumres.
14. A Ctsuemor Secivre rpeernesitatve wlil sohw you who can help you.
15. A Ctsuemor Svrecie rerpseneitatve won't let you wiat.
16. A Cumotser Svrecie represeatnitve when cenroerd says "Gvie me a snoced to srot it out"
17. A Custmoer Sivrece rrpeseentative who slimes at you dirung yuor inreteivw - you konw you've mdae it.
18. A Cumotser Sivrece rerpesetatnvie wlil aslo get oehtrs to him to hlep you.
19. A Ctsuemor Seivrce rrpeenestitave wlil hvae all you inofamroitn all orinagezd.
20. A Cuotsemr Serivce rrpeesneitatve froesees the Furute - Atonehr hppay cutsmoer.
"He taht lievs uopn Hope, deis fraitng" B.F 1375
"Are you lvinig lfie or is lfie liivng you?" © Rkciy Saednurs 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Art of Customer Service

In English please:
Due to covering the topic of bureaucracy it is only fair to show what Customer Service is all about.
Customer Service - Superior customer service is service that exceeds your customers' expectations and will make your business stand out from your competitors'
Click here to see source:
Top ten traits of a Superior Customer Service:
1. A real Customer representative will get personal, you genuine concern become their genuine interest.
2. A true Customer representative always look at you, they want to meet you first.
3. A true Customer representative likes to call you by name rather than by number.
4. A real Customer representative likes to deal with your problem themselves.
5. A real Customer representative will always give their direct number and you can see them directly.
6. A real Customer representative only has you as the important thing in the office.
7. The higher a real Customer representative the more chance you will be dealing with them in person.
8. A Customer representative will always talk to you about other interests and also will want to have a to have a conversation.
9. A Customer representative will laugh with you for as long as you know them.
10. The Ultimate Customer representative is someone you will enjoy talking to and know they are being sincere.
“Diligence is the Mother of Good-Luck” B.F 1736
“It is better to have service and not use it than need give service and not have it” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Due to cvoreing the tipoc of beruuaarccy it is only fiar to sohw waht Cotsuemr Svrecie is all aobut.
Csutoemr Serivce - Srepuoir cotsuemr sercive is sivrece that eecxdes yuor cuotsemrs' eepxtatcoins and will make your bsunises snatd out from yuor cpmoeittros'
Ccilk hree to see sruoce:
Top ten tiarts of a Spureoir Csuemotr Srecive:
1. A rael Cotsumer rrpeesetatnvie wlil get prenosal, you giunene cecnorn bmocee tiehr giunene iretnset.
2. A ture Cutsemor reserpeatnvite awlyas look at you, tehy wnat to meet you fsrit.
3. A ture Cusotemr rerpeestntavie likes to clal you by nmae ratehr tahn by nuebmr.
4. A rael Ctsuemor rerpetnesatvie lkies to dael wtih yuor plborem tsmehleevs.
5. A real Ctsuemor rerpeestntavie wlil alawys give tehir dricet numebr and you can see tehm deritcly.
6. A rael Ctsuoemr rpesertnetavie olny has you as the iropmnatt tnihg in the ofifce.
7. The hhgier a rael Ctsuemor rrpeenesttavie the mroe cnahce you will be dlaeing wtih them in psreon.
8. A Cotsuemr rerpeseatnvite wlil aawlys to about ohter ietnrsets to hvae a corevnasoitn.
9. A Ctsuemor rerpetnesvitae wlil lguah wtih you for as lnog as you konw them.
10. The Ulittame Csutmoer rerpesatneitve is semoone you wlil enojy tlaikng to and know tehy are bnieg scniere.
"Dliegicne is the Mtoher of GdoouL-ck" B.F 1736
"It is better to hvae sercive and not use it tahn need gvie srecive and not hvae it" © Rciky Suadnres 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Do you have all your papers?

In English please:
After writing yesterday’s blog on the bureaucrats I thought I’d write another 10
traits of the true bureaucrat.
11. A real bureaucrat never asks “Can I help you?” a bureaucrat says “Can I help you!”
12. A true bureaucrat favorite calling is “Next!”
13. A true bureaucrat works for the clock.
14. Only a real bureaucrat will say “Sorry I can’t help you” and not tell you who can.
15. Real bureaucrats have to make you wait and will pretend to be busy.
16. If cornered a real bureaucrat is trained to say only one thing – “Sorry the system is down!”
17. If a bureaucrat smiles at you during your interview – you know you’ve had it.
18. A true bureaucrat never calls for backup or support to confirm anything.
19. A true bureaucrat somehow never received you file.
20. A true bureaucrat can foresee the future – the answer will be “NO”
“He is no clown that drives the plow, but he that doth clownish things” B.F 1735
“Each day I get up to a have another go at life” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Aetfr wirnitg ytsedreay's bolg on the beruaarcuts I tuohhgt I'd wtire atonehr 10 ttiars of the true buaerarcut.
11. A real bruaeuarct never akss "Can I hlep you?" a baeruuarct syas "can I hlep you!"
12. A ture buaerrcuat frovaite callnig is "Nxet!"
13. A ture bruaearcut wkros to the ccolk.
14. Olny a real baeruuarct wlil say "Srory I can't hlep you" and not tlel you who can.
15. Real bruearcutas hvae to make you wiat and wlil preetnd to be bsuy.
16. If cnocerend a real burecuarat is tarenid to say olny one tnihg - "Srory the syetsm is dwon!"
17. If a brucuaeart simels at you drunig yuor invretiew - you konw you've had it.
18. A ture beruacurat nveer cllas for bkcaup or soppurt to cnorifm atynnihg.
19. A treu buteaucrar sowehom nrvee rdceivee you feil.
20. A ture baerurcuat can fseroee the fuutre - the anwser wlil be "NO"
"He is no cwoln that devirs the polw, but he taht dtoh cnwolsih tgnihs" B.F 1375
"Ecah day I get up to a have anhtoer go at lfie" © Rciky Snuaedrs 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
How to beat bureaucracy.

In English please:
We at one time or another have to face bureaucracy, some of us have to face it once in awhile and sometime we are faced with it every day.
What is bureaucracy?
Bureaucracy - 1. Frustrating rules: complex rules and regulations applied rigidly.
2. Administrative system: an administrative system, especially in a government, that divides work into specific categories carried out by special departments of no elected officials. ® Ms Encarta Dictionary.
I like definition number one as it defines truly the system of Government we have today.
What is the solution to bureaucracy?
I know of a fail proof system that first was shared to me by my good mate Tim.
He said: “there is one way to get things done with bureaucrats , if you use this system you will always win and it’s very simple; All you have to do is have the papers they want, that’s the only solution that always work.”
Simple. If they want paper A, you give them paper A, if they want Paper A, B and C, then give them A, B and C and you will be all right.
Now some might think that they win if you do that. Well that is not the case;
No amount of arguing and reason works, no amount of pleading and begging,
The moment you try to reason or get upset, they switch off completely and go into customer service mode which is precise.
“I understand” = your chances for your application to be approved is Zero and
“I’ll check with my supervisor” = your chances for your application to be approved is now a definite Zero.
There is only one thing that works and that is: give them what they want, papers. They don’t want excuses, reasons or anything else, just papers filled in and signed.
Here are the top ten traits of a bureaucrats.
1. A real Bureaucrat never gets personal.
2. A true bureaucrat will never look at you, only at the papers you hand him.
3. A true bureaucrat hate to call you by name, you will only be referred to by number.
4. A real bureaucrat has a duty to refer you to another department or section.
5. If by chance you happen to be sitting or stand in front of a real bureaucrat, you would have needed to pass at least 5 others – there is no direct ticket to a real bureaucrat – ever!
6. A true bureaucrat have only 2 important things on his desk. 1 are forms and the other is a stamp.
7. The higher the bureaucrat in rank the less chance of ever being put through to them on the phone.
8. A bureaucrat that talks to you on any subject other than what you are there for is still on probation.
9. A bureaucrat that laughs with you, started that week or is a Temp.
10. An ultimate bureaucrat is someone you never will meet or speak to, but will sign all your letters.
“Strange, that he who lives by Shifts, can seldom shift himself.” B.F 1735
“Using policy and procedure to stop things from getting done or to stop people”
© Ricky Saunders definition of bureaucracy. 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
The Art of baecarucary.
We at one tmie or aonehtr hvae to face beruaarcacy, smoe of us hvae to fcae it ocne in awlihe and semomite we are fcaed with it erevy day.
Waht is buaercarcay?
Buaeararccy - 1. Furrtsanitg ruels: cpmoelx relus and realugtoins apilped rigildy
2. Admnisirtavite ssytem: an animdrtsiitave stsyem, ecepsllaiy in a gvoenremnt, that divides wrok into sicepifc cetairoges craired out by sicepal dapetrnemts of no eeltced offilaics. ® Ms Ecntraa Dicitanory
I like dfeiitinon nbmuer one as it dnifees trluy the setsym of Gorevnemnt we hvae today.
What is the soitulon to beuacararcy?
I konw of a fial porof setsym taht first was srahed to me by my good mtae Tim.
He sdia: "trehe is one way to get tihngs dnoe wtih baecaruarts , if you use this ssyetm you wlil aawlys win and it's vrey slpmie; All you hvae to do is have the ppares tehy wnat, taht's the olny sotuloin taht alawys wrok."
Spmile. If they wnat pepar A, you gvie tehm ppaer A, if tehy wnat Ppaer A, B and C, tehn gvie tehm A, B and C and you wlil be all right.
Now smoe might tnihk taht tehy win if you do taht. Wlel that is not the caes;
No amnuot of agriung and reosan wkros, no auomnt of plidaeng and bggenig,
The mmonet you try to rosaen or get uespt, tehy swctih off clpmoteley and go itno csumoter sreivce mdoe wcihh is picerse
"I unsredtnad" = your chnaecs for your ailpptacion to be aorppevd is Zreo and
"I'll chcek with my spuvreiosr" = yuor ccnahes for yuor appaciliton to be appevord is now a dnifetie Zero.
Trehe is olny one tnihg taht wkros and taht is: gvie them what tehy wnat, ppaers. Tehy don't wnat eucxses, raenoss or ahtyning esle, jsut papres flield in and sgined.
Here are the top ten tartis of a beruaarcats.
1. A rael Buaercartas never get pesranol.
2. A ture buaercatars wlil never look at you, olny at the prepas you hnad him.
3. A ture bearucaarts htae to call you by nmae, you will olny be rereferd to by nmuber.
4. A real beaaruarcts has to refer you to antoehr dapeemtrnt or sceiton.
5. If by chcnae you hppaen to be sttinig or stnad in fornt of a rael bruaearcat, you wuold hvae neeedd to pass at laest 5 ohtres - trehe is no dicert tiekct to a real bruaercaat - ever!
6. A ture buaearrcat have olny 2 imropnatt tihngs on his dsek. 1 are froms and the ohter is a smatp.
7. The hehgir the buaercarat in rnak the lses ccnahe of eevr bieng put throguh to them on the pohne.
8. A baerucaart taht tlaks to you on any sucejbt oehtr tahn waht you are tehre for is slitl on porbtaion.
9. A buaercarat taht lhguas wtih you, stetrad taht week or is a Tmep.
10. An uitlamte buaercarat is soemnoe you never wlil meet or saepk to, but will sgin all your lettres.
"Srtnage, taht he who levis by Sihfts, can sleodm sfiht hesmilf." B.F 1735
"Unisg pciloy and pordecrue to sotp tgnihs form gtenitg dnoe or to stop ppoele"
© Rkciy Suanreds dfetinioin of baeurcacary. 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Build Positive Attitudes That Guarantee Success
Taken from: http://networkingtodayarchives.blogspot.com/2007/10/build-positive-attitudes-that-guarantee.html

By Barbara Bartlein
If you are a supervisor or manager, you know the drain of negative, energy sucking employees. They not only cannibalize your time but they feed off their co-workers until everyone feels depleted. Energy suckers are also contagious; snaring unsuspecting colleagues into their web of negativity, blaming, and poor performance.
Companies, like 3M, recognize that you can’t afford to have negative, non-performing employees on the payroll. When 3M management laid off the bottom 10% (the poorest performers) at one facility—their productivity skyrocketed 18%. When they laid off another 10% (the next poorest performers) —productivity went up another 5%. It was clear that negative employees not only are less productive, they cost more to have around.
Negative employees often are “retired on the job.” That is, they are spending time waiting for retirement, vacation, or a personal day. They do just enough to get by and stay off the radar screen. They are grueling to supervise as their performance and attitude are slippery and difficult to quantify and explain. Yet, their negative force in the organization is felt by the team and the bottom line.
If positive energy is so important, then why does negativity cost companies 300 billion dollars a years according to Gallup Organization? Because positive energy doesn’t just happen by osmosis or at a once a year motivational conference. Successful companies know that positive cultures are created like anything else. They develop processes, systems, and habits that are ingrained in the corporate culture and each individual employee.
Here are seven characteristics of a positive employee that you should look for in your team and yourself:
• Positive employees do more than what is expected.
They are always looking for the next challenge and initiate changes. They find out what is expected and then do their best to exceed those expectations. Positive employees are never satisfied with the bare minimum, they show pride in doing their best.
• Positive employees enjoy their work.
Yes, a job is still a job and there is always something to complain about if you look for it. But positive employees decide that they will like their jobs and approach each day with anticipation. They focus on the pluses of their situation not the negatives. They are grateful to have a position that works for their life and pays the bills.
• Positive employees practice thought stopping.
A technique for replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, thought stopping is a conscious decision to change thinking habits. Like a highway, negative thoughts have well established neurological pathways through your brain. The more traffic the pathway gets, the larger it becomes until it is automatic. Create a new pathway by replacing a negative thought immediately with a positive one. Say it out loud or write it down. After two or three weeks of practice, the new positive thoughts will become second nature.
• Positive employees know that hard work brings its own rewards.
Of course hard work is good for the company and good for the customer. But the best employees work hard because it is also good for them. They know that it brings its own rewards and feeds competence and self-esteem. Positive employees know that it is possible to “dry rot” when their talents, creativity, and energy are not used for positive results.
• Positive employees see the upside to every situation.
Anyone can find the negatives in a situation but winners stay motivated by seeing the positives. They let go of minor annoyances and look at how they can make things better. They know that challenges offer learning opportunities. They use humor to help keep a perspective and balance their lives.
• Positive employees stay away from the energy suckers.
They know that energy suckers are contagious and they don’t want to get infected. Positive employees avoid the negative grapevine and don’t participate by listening. While the negative employee may view them as “pollyannish,” the positive employee knows that life is a lot more fun without the negativity.
• Positive employees require positive leaders.
To build a positive company it is essential to not only have positive leaders but a leadership team who believes in nurturing and developing a culture of positive energy. Energy flows in all directions but can be buried if there is not attention from the top. There must be a commitment and plan to nurture the culture and the employees.
Remember if you growl all day, you will feel dog-tired all night.
Barbara Bartlein is The People Pro and President of Great Lakes Consulting Group. She offers keynotes, seminars and consulting to help you build your business and balance your life. She can be reached at 888-747-9953, by e-mail at: barb@barbbartlein.com or visit her Web site at www.ThePeoplePro.com
Published Networking Today, October 2007

By Barbara Bartlein
If you are a supervisor or manager, you know the drain of negative, energy sucking employees. They not only cannibalize your time but they feed off their co-workers until everyone feels depleted. Energy suckers are also contagious; snaring unsuspecting colleagues into their web of negativity, blaming, and poor performance.
Companies, like 3M, recognize that you can’t afford to have negative, non-performing employees on the payroll. When 3M management laid off the bottom 10% (the poorest performers) at one facility—their productivity skyrocketed 18%. When they laid off another 10% (the next poorest performers) —productivity went up another 5%. It was clear that negative employees not only are less productive, they cost more to have around.
Negative employees often are “retired on the job.” That is, they are spending time waiting for retirement, vacation, or a personal day. They do just enough to get by and stay off the radar screen. They are grueling to supervise as their performance and attitude are slippery and difficult to quantify and explain. Yet, their negative force in the organization is felt by the team and the bottom line.
If positive energy is so important, then why does negativity cost companies 300 billion dollars a years according to Gallup Organization? Because positive energy doesn’t just happen by osmosis or at a once a year motivational conference. Successful companies know that positive cultures are created like anything else. They develop processes, systems, and habits that are ingrained in the corporate culture and each individual employee.
Here are seven characteristics of a positive employee that you should look for in your team and yourself:
• Positive employees do more than what is expected.
They are always looking for the next challenge and initiate changes. They find out what is expected and then do their best to exceed those expectations. Positive employees are never satisfied with the bare minimum, they show pride in doing their best.
• Positive employees enjoy their work.
Yes, a job is still a job and there is always something to complain about if you look for it. But positive employees decide that they will like their jobs and approach each day with anticipation. They focus on the pluses of their situation not the negatives. They are grateful to have a position that works for their life and pays the bills.
• Positive employees practice thought stopping.
A technique for replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, thought stopping is a conscious decision to change thinking habits. Like a highway, negative thoughts have well established neurological pathways through your brain. The more traffic the pathway gets, the larger it becomes until it is automatic. Create a new pathway by replacing a negative thought immediately with a positive one. Say it out loud or write it down. After two or three weeks of practice, the new positive thoughts will become second nature.
• Positive employees know that hard work brings its own rewards.
Of course hard work is good for the company and good for the customer. But the best employees work hard because it is also good for them. They know that it brings its own rewards and feeds competence and self-esteem. Positive employees know that it is possible to “dry rot” when their talents, creativity, and energy are not used for positive results.
• Positive employees see the upside to every situation.
Anyone can find the negatives in a situation but winners stay motivated by seeing the positives. They let go of minor annoyances and look at how they can make things better. They know that challenges offer learning opportunities. They use humor to help keep a perspective and balance their lives.
• Positive employees stay away from the energy suckers.
They know that energy suckers are contagious and they don’t want to get infected. Positive employees avoid the negative grapevine and don’t participate by listening. While the negative employee may view them as “pollyannish,” the positive employee knows that life is a lot more fun without the negativity.
• Positive employees require positive leaders.
To build a positive company it is essential to not only have positive leaders but a leadership team who believes in nurturing and developing a culture of positive energy. Energy flows in all directions but can be buried if there is not attention from the top. There must be a commitment and plan to nurture the culture and the employees.
Remember if you growl all day, you will feel dog-tired all night.
Barbara Bartlein is The People Pro and President of Great Lakes Consulting Group. She offers keynotes, seminars and consulting to help you build your business and balance your life. She can be reached at 888-747-9953, by e-mail at: barb@barbbartlein.com or visit her Web site at www.ThePeoplePro.com
Published Networking Today, October 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
A calculated risk.

In English please:
I recently did a course in Risk Management and how to manage risks. It lead me to think that we have become a society that thinks of almost everything as a risk. Risks are vital and should be taken into account, but there, like anything in life, should be some sort of REASON behind it. Some of the things I did when I was young had no reason or very little reason behind it, but it was fun to do.
One of the crazy things I got up when young were things I would never allow my children to do, the main reason being current society is so focused on laws and rules that not many get a chance to really live life. Computer games are frowned upon, but so are playing in the rain, climbing trees and swimming in a lake etc
At the age of about 8 I was already catching snakes, I went out one morning, it was a Saturday around about 9am. I left home thinking of what adventure I would be getting up to, TV wasn’t that popular and I didn’t want to hang around the house. I left my home and walked down the street towards the forest. I knew my way well for I have traveled this road many times. The sun was hidden by clouds, the day was not going to warm up and there was morning seemed gray. I had enough to eat and as I made my way to the forest which was close by, I picked up a small empty plastic drink bottle. I decided I was going snake hunting. I walked down the road, got to the end, crossed and was into the forest. My snake hunting experience was not much but I knew where snakes hid, under things, so I spend 40 minutes looking under things. I must say I was a bit scared; I was scared I might find an unusually large snake, which would not fit into my bottle. I looked under rocks and I had to be careful not to hurt the snakes if they lived under the rocks by crushing them if I lifted the rock and threw it aside. The grass was still wet from the previous night’s dew. I felt groggy but determined. My experience told me that I would more likely find a snake off the path a little bit away from people passing. I then saw these white rocks, they were not too big and easy to lift, and I lifted them and threw them aside. Under the rock was 2 snakes, next to each other, the were “baby” snakes 15 cm in length each. They had tiny horns on their heads and where whitish in color. I got a stick and placed them in my bottle; they didn’t even run or move away. I felt good, I achieved what I intended to do and got my snakes and did it within 1 hour of leaving home.
Later I learned that those 2 snakes were adders and if they did by chance had a little bite, I would not be writing this, however that is speculation, that is what could have been and if I did a risk assessment on what I did I probably would be a very high risk and potential death, but then I would have no story to tell.
“There's small Revenge in Words, but Words may be greatly revenged” B.F 1735
“The safest you could be in today’s society is alive but not DO anything” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
I receltny did a coruse in Risk Manganemet and how to mnaage rsiks. It ldaes me to thnik taht we hvae bmocee a scoeity taht tnihks of aomlst eevhtyring as a rsik. Rksis are vital and sluohd be tekan into aoccnut, but there, lkie aynhtnig in lfie, be smoe srot of REOSAN behnid it. smoe of the tnihgs I did when I was yonug had no rosaen bihend it, but it was fun to do, lfie is for the lviing.
Smoe of the czary thgnis I got up wehn yonug were tgnihs I wluod never aollw my cdlihern to do, the mian rsaeon bieng seicoty is so fcouesd on lwas and rules that not many get a ccnahe to really lvie lfie. Cupmoter gaems are fnwored uopn, but so are palniyg in the rain, cbmiling teres and smmiwnig in a lkae.
At the age of auobt 8 I was arldaey caihctng sankes, I went out one minrong, it was a Sarutady auornd auobt 9am. I lfet hmoe thniknig of waht avdnerute I wuold be gtteing up to, TV wsan't taht poalupr and I didn't want to hang anuord the hsuoe. I lfet my hmoe and wlaekd dwon the sertet todraws the ferost. I kenw my way well for I hvae tvareled tihs raod mnay tmies. The sun was hddien by cduols, the day was not gonig to warm up and three was minrong semeed gary. I had eonguh to eat and as I made my way to the froset wcihh was csole by, I picekd up a slaml emtpy palitsc dnirk blttoe. I ddiceed I was gonig sanke huitnng. I weklad dwon the road, got to the end, crosesd and was itno the fosert. My skane hitnung exepirecne was not much but I kenw wrehe skanes hid, udner tgnihs, so I spned 40 muniets likoong uednr tgnihs. I msut say I was a bit seracd; I was sacred I mihgt fnid an uusunllay lrage sanke, wihch wuold not fit itno my blttoe. I lekood udner rokcs and I had to be craeufl not to hrut the snkaes if tehy lvied unedr the rokcs by csurihng tehm if I lfietd the rcok and terhw it aisde. The gsars was slitl wet form the priveuos nhgit's dew. I flet gggory but detemrnied. My exrepneice tlod me taht I wluod more llekiy find a snkae off the path a lttile bit aawy form plpoee pssanig. I tehn saw tsehe whtie rokcs, they wree not too big and esay to lift, and I letfid them and trhew them aisde. Uednr the rock was 2 skanes, next to each oehtr, the wree "bbay" snakes 15 cm in ltgneh ecah. Tehy had tniy hrons on tiehr haeds and wrehe witihsh in coolr. I got a stcik and pcaled them in my bttoel; tehy ddin't eevn run or move aawy. I flet good, I aciheved waht I itnneedd to do and got my skanes and did it wtiihn 1 huor of levaing hmoe.
Ltaer I lraeend taht tsohe 2 saneks wree adreds and if they did by ccnahe had a llttie bite, I wuold not be wtirnig tihs, hwoeevr taht is spluceaiton, taht is waht colud hvae been and if I did a rsik asssenemst on waht I did I paborlby wolud be a very hgih rsik and petoaitnl dtaeh, but tehn I wluod hvae no stroy to tlel. Lfie is for lnivig.
"Tehre's small Rvegnee in Wodrs, but Wdros may be grltaey rveegned" B.F 1375
"The safset you colud be in tdoay's soeicty is avile but not DO antynihg" © Rkciy Saunreds 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Safeguard and improve your environment.
In spirit of blog action day which by the way was 15th October 2007, it is only fair to
mention the Way to Happiness Video as can be viewed below, enjoy!
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mention the Way to Happiness Video as can be viewed below, enjoy!
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Monday, October 15, 2007
Blog Action Day ! it's here

In English please:
Blog action day has arrived! My theme is based on the Way To Happiness book by L.Ron Hubbard the precept* number 12 “Safeguard and Improve your environment” and the sub heading of:
12-1 “Be of Good Appearance”

From this I learned that the way I look, the way I present myself has a great influence to those around me.
12-2 “Take care of your own Area”

From this I learned if I don’t take care of my own area, then others might do the same and before we know it, it’s a nobody gives a damn attitude.
12-3 “Help take care of the planet”

From this I learned that I can do something about the planet, which after all is my home as much as it is everyone else’s. That by supporting activities like Blog Action Day, we can together raise awareness of the issues facing us.
*Precept : a rule, instruction, or principle that guides somebody's actions, especially one that guides moral behavior. Ms Encarta Dictionary.
Littering: The art of leaving your mess on someone else’s.
Art. Creation by humans: creation by human endeavor rather than by nature.
This type of art some might find amusing, most people don’t – don’t stand for it.
If you ever wondered how a mess gets formed and if you watch people who litter you will see a pattern to their creation. It is a creation, a creation of a Mess. In my opinion they are creating a place they are comfortable with, a place they are familiar with; their homes and in my opinion people who leave a mess, even the dropping of can after drinking leads to the whole area being messed up. Think of it, if everyone dropped their cans or litter wherever they want, if every person did it, what would your city or environment would be like?
There is no way that a person who litters today does not think of it a misdemeanor. It is socially unacceptable almost anywhere in the world. A bum, living on the streets, would get upset with you, if you dumped rubbish in his cardboard box house.
This message is not intended for such a person. The way to stop littering is to stop your friends from making a mess, if they are leaving their rubbish behind; you ask them to throw it in the bin. if you are afraid to offend them, simply pick it up, let them see you, and throw it in the bin. if you did that one action, a few times, you will see they will get the idea and will pick up their mess with them. It is only when you leave you the mess and give up, thinking there is nothing you can do about it that things get out of hand.
I have seem many people, take the responsibility of cleaning up a mess, in a park or beach front, pick something up and discard it, it wasn’t even theirs.
When I go to the beach or park, It nice to have a clean area. Sometimes my misinformed friends would say “Oh we got to give the cleaners a job”, and I would say “Not if you the cleaner”
If you make the mess, you clean it up, if you could enjoy your meal, enjoy picking up the mess you left.
So this day and from here on forth, be litter free, support real art, don’t follow the bums design, it is not going to make you rich and you wont attract money but only more flies !

“Fish & Visitors stink in 3 days” B.F 1735
“If you make you bed you sleep in it , I make my mess so I clean it” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Bolg aciton day has arrived! My tmehe is bsaed on the Way To Hppanises book by L.Ron Hbuabrd the prpecet* nuebmr 12 "Sefaguard and Ipmvore yuor evnnorinemt" and the sub hdaenig of:
12-1 "Be of Good Appaercnae"
Form tihs I lenraed taht the way I look, the way I persnet mesylf has a graet inlfcneue to tohse auornd me.
1-22 "Tkae crae of yuor own Aera"
Form tihs I lnraeed if I don't tkae crae of my own aera, then oehtrs mgiht do the smae and bfeore we konw it, it's a nobdoy gievs a dman attitude.
1-23 "Hlep take crae of the penalt"
Form tihs I lnraeed taht I can do stemonihg auobt the plnaet, wcihh atfer all is my hmoe as mcuh as it is evreoyne else's. Taht by suroppnitg atcvieitis like Bolg Aitcon Day, we can tgohteer rsiae awarneses of the iusses facnig us.
Lttiregni: The art of livaeng yuor mess on smooene else's.
Art. Ctaerion by hnamus: caertoin by hmuan eaednovr rtaehr tahn by narute.
Tihs tpye of art smoe mgiht find amunisg, msot poelpe don't - don't snatd for it.
If you ever wednoerd how a mess gets froemd and if you wacth ppoele who lettir you wlil see a ptatren to trehe caeroitn. It is a caeriton, a ctaerion of a Mses. In my oipoinn tehy are ctaernig a plcae tehy are comtrofalbe wtih, a place tehy are fmaailir wtih; thier hemos. In my onipoin poelpe who lvaee a mses, eevn the drponipg of can afetr dknirnig laeds to the wlohe aera benig messed up. Thnik of it, if eevyrnoe droeppd tiehr cnas or lttier werehevr tehy want, if eevry peosrn did it, what wuold your ctiy or enivornnemt wuold be lkie?
Trehe is no way taht a posren who ltitres tdoay deos not thnik of it a medsiemaonr. It is sicoally uccanpelbate aomlst aynrehwe in the wolrd. A bum, living on the strtees, wluod get uespt wtih you, if you dpmued rbbuish in his cbdraraod box hsuoe.
This meassge is not ietndned for scuh a peosrn. The way to stop lettiirng is to sotp yuor firedns form making a mses, if they are lenivag tiehr rbusibh bhedni; you ask tehm to torhw it in the bin. if you are aiarfd to offned tehm, simply pcik it up, let tehm see you, and thorw it in the bin. if you did taht one aoitcn, a few temis, you wlil see they will get the ieda and wlil pcik up tiehr mses wtih them. It is olny when you levae you the mess and gvie up, thikning trehe is nhtoing you can do abuot it taht tgnihs get out of hand.
I have seem many poelpe, tkae the repssnobilitiy of cleaning up a mses, in a prak or bcaeh fnort, pcik sohteming up and diracsd it, it wsan't even triehs.
Wehn I go to the bcaeh or park, It ncie to have a caeln aera. Sotememis my msinifemrod fneirds wuold say "Oh we got to gvie the celnares a job", and I wluod say "Not if you the cnaeler"
If you make the mses, you claen it up, if you cuold eojny yuor mael, eojny pciknig up the mses you lfet.
So tihs day and form here on ftroh, be ltietr fere, spuropt rael art, don't follow the bums deisgn, it is not gonig to mkae you rcih and you wnot attcart menoy but olny mroe feils !
"Fsih & Vtisiros sitnk in 3 dyas" B.F 1735
"If you mkae you bed you selep in it , I make my mess so I caeln it" © Rkciy Sdnuaers 2007
On the search. Part 2/2

In English Please:
Now I learned something interesting, that some people like to accept information that is not true, some people felt “better” if you told them a lie and if you told the truth they would not accept it. It was like the lies supported something they agreed with and the truth went against it.
Okay now what would life be without Scientology. Someone who has never experienced it would not really miss it. But if it was here and it did offer you hope and if that hope was denied you by someone misinforming you about it and thus, lets say you read something in the papers or who heard it from a ‘friend’, and as a result you decided not to find out about Scientology.
Let us assume that later, on your quest to find some answer to the questions you have, such as “Where do I come from?” or “Where will I go when I die?” and “What is purpose of life?” and the other questions you might have. Then you discovered the Religion of Scientology had the answers all along but now you could not have the answers. I am sure you would be mad at those who diverted you, those who misguided you.
There potentially can be a life without Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard was very concerned at Atomic War in the 1950’s and the threat some madmen had towards human life. Governments today have enough nuclear power to wipe all life from earth and that would be one way to deny everyone the truth Scientology has to offer.
A more subtle way is turn a person away from it so that they never find out. There are a lot of good and a lot of bad out in the world. Luckily there is more good than bad, but some people are working very hard to outweigh the bad against the good. If you do not think it so, look at drug dealers and what their aims are. Then look at the amount of people on street drugs. If that is not convincing then look at the jails, these days they don’t throw people in jail because they were rude to you in a store, they would have had to commit a crime to be sentenced to jail and they didn’t turn themselves in when the committed the crime. Many criminals don’t get caught when they commit their first crime. It is usually an accumulation of crimes and then finally getting caught or betrayed or something. This means the criminal in Jail, had to first cause crime in the society in which you live before he/she was caught.
looking again at what would life be without Scientology? For you who don’t know Scientology, life without Scientology will be – no hope whatsoever and no real help anywhere as it is for you right now.
For those who do know Scientology, it will be a knowledge that we had the chance and were too lazy to get that knowledge fast enough, that we didn’t take every breathing moment to secure that knowledge for self and others, for those who know Scientology know that to be without it would be worse than not knowing it existed at all.
So when Chairman of the Board released the “Wake-Up Call” in 2001 – you truly have to appreciate where he is coming from.
“Look before, or you'll find yourself behind” B.F 1735
“Why is it when a person leaves a job, they have a farewell party for them, sometimes it seems like they want to ensure the person is leaving and the farewell is to ensure that” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Now I laerend smotenihg iretneitsng, taht some poelpe lkie to apecct inmrofoitan that is not ture, smoe pelpoe flet "btteer" if you told tehm a lie and if you tlod the trtuh tehy wluod not apecct it. It was lkie the leis suoppetrd smoteihng tehy aeergd to and the tturh went aiagsnt it.
Okay now what wluod life be wiuohtt Sneictgoloy. Semonoe who has never erepxcneied it wuold not rellay miss it. But if it was hree and it did offer you a hpoe and if taht hpoe was dneied you by smoenoe minisrofimng you about it and thus, let say you raed somhtenig in the prepas, who hraed it form a 'fneird', and as a rluset you decdied not to fnid out.
Let us aussme that letar you tehn on yuor qseut to find smoe awsner to the qseutinos you hvae scuh as "Wehre do I come form?" "Where will I go when I die?" "Waht is pprusoe of lfie?" and the hunerdd otehr qeusoitn poelpe hvae. And tehn you docsierevd the Rgileoin of Scneilotgoy had the aewsnrs all anolg but you colud not have the awsnres. I am sure you wuold be mad at tsohe who dvietred you, tsohe who mgsiuiedd you.
Tehre pnetotllaiy can be a lfie wiuohtt Sceiotngoly, L. Ron Hurabbd was vrey ccnonreed at Aimotc War in the 1590's and the taerht smoe mmdaen had trawods hamun life. Grevoemnnts tdoay hvae euongh nelcuar pewor to wpie all life form earth taht wuold be one way to dney evoyrene the tturh Scitneology has to oeffr.
A mroe sbutle way is trun a preson aawy form it so that they neevr fnid out. Three are a lot of good and a lot of bad out in the world. Lkcuily trehe is mroe good tahn bad, but smoe plpoee are wronikg very hrad to outewgih the bad aagnist the good. If you do not tnihk it so, look at durg dlaeres and waht tiehr aims are. Tehn look at the anuomt of ppoele on seertt dgurs. If taht id not covnninicg tehn look at the jalis, tehse dyas tehy don't torhw pelpoe in jail becasue tehy wree rdue to you in a stroe, they wluod hvae had to cmoimt a cmire to be setnneecd to jial and tehy ddin't trun tsmehleevs in wehn the cotimmted the crmie. Mnay cirnimlas don't get chguat wehn tehy cimmot tiehr fsrit cirme. It is ulausly an acmucaluiton of cemirs and tehn fillany gitteng chguat or bteyared or stemohnig. Tihs maens the crimianl in Jail, had to fsrit cuase cmire in the soteicy in wcihh you live bferoe hs/ehe was cguaht.
So really waht wluod lfie be wtihout Sneicotgoly? For you who don't know Sctneiogoly, lfie wiuohtt Sicelotnogy will be - no hpoe wstaheoevr and no real hlep aynhwere.
For tohse who do know Seicntoolgy, it wlil be a kwonldege taht we had the cahcne and wree too lzay to get taht kwongdele fsat eonguh, that we ddin't tkae eevry baernihtg mnemot to sucere taht kondelwge for slef and otrehs, for tohse who konw Sneicotlogy konw taht to be wohtiut it wuold be wsroe tahn not knniwog it eixsetd at all.
So wehn Criahamn of the Braod raeleesd the "W-ekaUp Call" in 2001 - you trluy hvae to appicertae wrehe he is conimg form.
"Look bferoe, or you'll fnid ysruolef bhenid" B.F 1375
"Why is it wehn a preson levaes a job, tehy hvae a ferawell ptray for tehm, It seems mroe like tehy want to esnrue the posren is lvaeing and taht he never rutenrs" © Ricky Sanureds 2007
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