Saturday, October 20, 2007

Do you have all your papers?

In English please:
After writing yesterday’s blog on the bureaucrats I thought I’d write another 10
traits of the true bureaucrat.

11. A real bureaucrat never asks “Can I help you?” a bureaucrat says “Can I help you!”
12. A true bureaucrat favorite calling is “Next!”
13. A true bureaucrat works for the clock.
14. Only a real bureaucrat will say “Sorry I can’t help you” and not tell you who can.
15. Real bureaucrats have to make you wait and will pretend to be busy.
16. If cornered a real bureaucrat is trained to say only one thing – “Sorry the system is down!”
17. If a bureaucrat smiles at you during your interview – you know you’ve had it.
18. A true bureaucrat never calls for backup or support to confirm anything.
19. A true bureaucrat somehow never received you file.
20. A true bureaucrat can foresee the future – the answer will be “NO”

“He is no clown that drives the plow, but he that doth clownish things” B.F 1735

“Each day I get up to a have another go at life” © Ricky Saunders 2007

According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.

In Gobbledygook Please:

Aetfr wirnitg ytsedreay's bolg on the beruaarcuts I tuohhgt I'd wtire atonehr 10 ttiars of the true buaerarcut.

11. A real bruaeuarct never akss "Can I hlep you?" a baeruuarct syas "can I hlep you!"
12. A ture buaerrcuat frovaite callnig is "Nxet!"
13. A ture bruaearcut wkros to the ccolk.
14. Olny a real baeruuarct wlil say "Srory I can't hlep you" and not tlel you who can.
15. Real bruearcutas hvae to make you wiat and wlil preetnd to be bsuy.
16. If cnocerend a real burecuarat is tarenid to say olny one tnihg - "Srory the syetsm is dwon!"
17. If a brucuaeart simels at you drunig yuor invretiew - you konw you've had it.
18. A ture beruacurat nveer cllas for bkcaup or soppurt to cnorifm atynnihg.
19. A treu buteaucrar sowehom nrvee rdceivee you feil.
20. A ture baerurcuat can fseroee the fuutre - the anwser wlil be "NO"

"He is no cwoln that devirs the polw, but he taht dtoh cnwolsih tgnihs" B.F 1375

"Ecah day I get up to a have anhtoer go at lfie" © Rciky Snuaedrs 2007

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