
In English please:
Another Onslaught on the Book Science of Survival, Today I cleared up some long questions I had about purpose. What was the purpose to my existence? I had a pretty good idea as it was; but an overall purpose in life, not a Job or what I am going to do, but the question as to WHY BE ALIVE?
I have often heard when some scientist people will explain certain phenomena as just a “chemical reaction” in the mind. What a load of hogwash. Doctors and some other mad doctors (psychiatrists) believe drugs is the answer to a carbon oxygen body, this is even a bigger load of hogwash. Anti-biotic and certain medicines do have value, but the value is not measured in terms of dollars and cents. By the way to call these people “doctors” is way to nice, they should be called “butchers”.
There are a whole lot of people who do not want people to be engaged in or living life, it is hard to believe, these people are “alive” as well.
L. Ron Hubbard made certain discoveries and how he made them will be a mystery. That he made these discoveries is of course fact. I learned this from doing a practical representation of a concept, it was sort of hard to do this representation, but at the end I got more out of it than what I expected.
Any person who is alive today need to know this information. If you could know some of the “secrets” of the universe it would be cool, wouldn’t it? Well I can tell you, you will get the know the secret of secrets in this book.
The whole action of the spirit is engaged in the conquest of the material universe. Why?
Because that is what the theta universe does (theta universe in my own words would be “your ideas, your thoughts and others with their ideas and their thoughts”), as a theta universe there has to be some purpose and the purpose is so obvious yet so hidden under a lot of “human life”.
Ron wrote somewhere about a Thetan (spirit) being simple and then after that complicated things.
This understanding made many things clear. Why we need each person to be “helped”, “none make it out alone” concept and the whole brotherhood concept.
Why create bodies, why live life, why conquer, withdraw, conquer, withdraw, on and on and on. To have a game. I have been bored many a time ,thinking what to do and thinking, well now I know Scientology, I know I’ll be live again and I know I’ll be doing the same thing, like I have many times before.. Well that’s sort of ruins not knowing about the future.
Truth is, it is far more purposeful, far more fun to be in control of life. The manifestations that people have when Low emotionally just a manifestation. That’s all.
That is my success for the day.
“Do not do that which you would not have known” B.F 1735
“Death is a manifestation of no more life” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Anhtoer Osngualht on the Book Sicnece of Sruavivl, Tdoay I clraeed up smoe lnog qseunoits I had abuot ppruose. What was the pursope to my eixetscne? I had a pterty good idea as it was but an ovreall pruopse in life, not a Job or waht I am gonig to do, but the qtseuoin as to WHY BE AILVE?
I hvae ofetn heard wehn some sctneisit peolpe wlil epxlain catrein ponehnema as jsut a "cehaciml rcaeoitn" in the mnid. Waht a laod of hawgosh. Dtcoors and smoe ohter mad dtcoors (pysihcirtasts) bilevee dgurs is the aewsnr to a craobn ogyxen bdoy, tihs is eevn a bgiegr laod of hgosawh. Aitnoib-itc and ctreian meicidens do have vlaue, but the vulae is not maeuserd in tmres of dallors and cnets. By the way to clal tehse pelpoe "dootcrs" is way to ncie, tehy sluohd be claeld "bhctures".
Three are a whole lot of poelpe who do not want pelpoe to be egagned in or lnivig lfie, it is hrad to beilvee, tsehe pelpoe are "alvie" as well.
L. Ron Hbburad made cetrain dsivoceires and how he made them will be a myretsy. Taht he mdae tehse docsivreeis is of cruose fcat. I laenred tihs form diong a prtcacial rpesertneaiton of a ccnoept, it was sort of hrad to do tihs reserptneaiton, but at the end I got mroe out of it tahn waht I ecepxetd.
Any preosn who is avile tadoy need to know this iofnritamon. If you cuold some of the "srcetes" of the unirevse it wluod be cool, wluodn't it? Well I can tlel you, you wlil get the konw the sercet of srcetes in this book.
The whloe atcoin of the spriit is eagnegd in the cuqnoset of the mtaairel uevinsre. Why?
Bcesuae that is waht the tteha uinevsre deos (hteta uevinsre in my own wdros wluod be "your iaeds, yuor tohuthgs and ohtres wtih tiehr iedas and thier tohguths"), as a tteha uevinrse three has to be smoe puprose and the prusope is so ovbuois yet so hddien unedr a lot of "huamn lfie".
Ron wtore swemohree auobt a Tehatn (ripsti) being spmile and tehn atfer taht cpmoaciletd tgnihs.
This uednatsridnng mdae mnay tihgns claer. Why we need ecah psreon to be "hepled", "none make it out aolne" coecnpt and the wohle bortrehoohd cecnopt.
Why caerte bidoes, why lvie life, why conqeur, wdhtiarw, cuqnoer, wtiardhw, on and on and on. To hvae a gmae. I have been boerd mnay a tmie ,tnihnikg waht to do and tknihing, wlel now I konw Sneictgoloy, I know I'll be lvie aiagn and I know I'll be doing the smae thnig, like I hvae mnay temis bferoe.. Well that's srot of rnius not koniwng auobt the future.
Tturh is, it is far more ppruesoufl, far mroe fun to be in cnoortl of lfie. The mnafiesatnoits taht peolpe hvae wehn Low etomoinlaly jsut a minaseftatoin. Taht's all.
Taht is my scusecs for the day.
"Do not do taht wcihh you wuold not hvae known" B.F 1375
"Dtaeh is a mnasefiattoin of no mroe lfie" © Rkciy Sanuedrs 2007
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