
In English please:
Blog action day has arrived! My theme is based on the Way To Happiness book by L.Ron Hubbard the precept* number 12 “Safeguard and Improve your environment” and the sub heading of:
12-1 “Be of Good Appearance”

From this I learned that the way I look, the way I present myself has a great influence to those around me.
12-2 “Take care of your own Area”

From this I learned if I don’t take care of my own area, then others might do the same and before we know it, it’s a nobody gives a damn attitude.
12-3 “Help take care of the planet”

From this I learned that I can do something about the planet, which after all is my home as much as it is everyone else’s. That by supporting activities like Blog Action Day, we can together raise awareness of the issues facing us.
*Precept : a rule, instruction, or principle that guides somebody's actions, especially one that guides moral behavior. Ms Encarta Dictionary.
Littering: The art of leaving your mess on someone else’s.
Art. Creation by humans: creation by human endeavor rather than by nature.
This type of art some might find amusing, most people don’t – don’t stand for it.
If you ever wondered how a mess gets formed and if you watch people who litter you will see a pattern to their creation. It is a creation, a creation of a Mess. In my opinion they are creating a place they are comfortable with, a place they are familiar with; their homes and in my opinion people who leave a mess, even the dropping of can after drinking leads to the whole area being messed up. Think of it, if everyone dropped their cans or litter wherever they want, if every person did it, what would your city or environment would be like?
There is no way that a person who litters today does not think of it a misdemeanor. It is socially unacceptable almost anywhere in the world. A bum, living on the streets, would get upset with you, if you dumped rubbish in his cardboard box house.
This message is not intended for such a person. The way to stop littering is to stop your friends from making a mess, if they are leaving their rubbish behind; you ask them to throw it in the bin. if you are afraid to offend them, simply pick it up, let them see you, and throw it in the bin. if you did that one action, a few times, you will see they will get the idea and will pick up their mess with them. It is only when you leave you the mess and give up, thinking there is nothing you can do about it that things get out of hand.
I have seem many people, take the responsibility of cleaning up a mess, in a park or beach front, pick something up and discard it, it wasn’t even theirs.
When I go to the beach or park, It nice to have a clean area. Sometimes my misinformed friends would say “Oh we got to give the cleaners a job”, and I would say “Not if you the cleaner”
If you make the mess, you clean it up, if you could enjoy your meal, enjoy picking up the mess you left.
So this day and from here on forth, be litter free, support real art, don’t follow the bums design, it is not going to make you rich and you wont attract money but only more flies !

“Fish & Visitors stink in 3 days” B.F 1735
“If you make you bed you sleep in it , I make my mess so I clean it” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Bolg aciton day has arrived! My tmehe is bsaed on the Way To Hppanises book by L.Ron Hbuabrd the prpecet* nuebmr 12 "Sefaguard and Ipmvore yuor evnnorinemt" and the sub hdaenig of:
12-1 "Be of Good Appaercnae"
Form tihs I lenraed taht the way I look, the way I persnet mesylf has a graet inlfcneue to tohse auornd me.
1-22 "Tkae crae of yuor own Aera"
Form tihs I lnraeed if I don't tkae crae of my own aera, then oehtrs mgiht do the smae and bfeore we konw it, it's a nobdoy gievs a dman attitude.
1-23 "Hlep take crae of the penalt"
Form tihs I lnraeed taht I can do stemonihg auobt the plnaet, wcihh atfer all is my hmoe as mcuh as it is evreoyne else's. Taht by suroppnitg atcvieitis like Bolg Aitcon Day, we can tgohteer rsiae awarneses of the iusses facnig us.
Lttiregni: The art of livaeng yuor mess on smooene else's.
Art. Ctaerion by hnamus: caertoin by hmuan eaednovr rtaehr tahn by narute.
Tihs tpye of art smoe mgiht find amunisg, msot poelpe don't - don't snatd for it.
If you ever wednoerd how a mess gets froemd and if you wacth ppoele who lettir you wlil see a ptatren to trehe caeroitn. It is a caeriton, a ctaerion of a Mses. In my oipoinn tehy are ctaernig a plcae tehy are comtrofalbe wtih, a place tehy are fmaailir wtih; thier hemos. In my onipoin poelpe who lvaee a mses, eevn the drponipg of can afetr dknirnig laeds to the wlohe aera benig messed up. Thnik of it, if eevyrnoe droeppd tiehr cnas or lttier werehevr tehy want, if eevry peosrn did it, what wuold your ctiy or enivornnemt wuold be lkie?
Trehe is no way taht a posren who ltitres tdoay deos not thnik of it a medsiemaonr. It is sicoally uccanpelbate aomlst aynrehwe in the wolrd. A bum, living on the strtees, wluod get uespt wtih you, if you dpmued rbbuish in his cbdraraod box hsuoe.
This meassge is not ietndned for scuh a peosrn. The way to stop lettiirng is to sotp yuor firedns form making a mses, if they are lenivag tiehr rbusibh bhedni; you ask tehm to torhw it in the bin. if you are aiarfd to offned tehm, simply pcik it up, let tehm see you, and thorw it in the bin. if you did taht one aoitcn, a few temis, you wlil see they will get the ieda and wlil pcik up tiehr mses wtih them. It is olny when you levae you the mess and gvie up, thikning trehe is nhtoing you can do abuot it taht tgnihs get out of hand.
I have seem many poelpe, tkae the repssnobilitiy of cleaning up a mses, in a prak or bcaeh fnort, pcik sohteming up and diracsd it, it wsan't even triehs.
Wehn I go to the bcaeh or park, It ncie to have a caeln aera. Sotememis my msinifemrod fneirds wuold say "Oh we got to gvie the celnares a job", and I wluod say "Not if you the cnaeler"
If you make the mses, you claen it up, if you cuold eojny yuor mael, eojny pciknig up the mses you lfet.
So tihs day and form here on ftroh, be ltietr fere, spuropt rael art, don't follow the bums deisgn, it is not gonig to mkae you rcih and you wnot attcart menoy but olny mroe feils !
"Fsih & Vtisiros sitnk in 3 dyas" B.F 1735
"If you mkae you bed you selep in it , I make my mess so I caeln it" © Rkciy Sdnuaers 2007
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