
In English please:
Yesterday I watched a series called “The secret” it is a good show in that there is a secret and that you can have it.
First it told you what the secret was which is: the Law of Attraction
Originally 7 steps, on the TV series it only shows 4 steps. The other steps are blended in the series in another way.
"Seven Steps in Demonstration" first outlined in the famous non-denominational New Thought book Become What You Believe by Mildred Mann (1904 - 1971):
• Desire. Get a strong enthusiasm for that which you want in your life, a real longing for something which is not there now.
• Decision. Know definitely what it is that you want, what it is that you want to do or have, and be willing to pay in spiritual values.
• Ask. [When sure and enthusiastic] ask for it in simple, concise language. . . .
• Believe. Believe in the accomplishment with strong faith, consciously and subconsciously.
• Work. Work at it. . . a few minutes daily, seeing yourself in the finished picture. Never outline details, but rather see yourself enjoying the particular thing . . .
• Feel gratitude. Always remember to say, "Thank you, God," and begin to feel the gratitude in your heart. The most powerful prayer we can ever make is those three words, provided we really feel it.
• Feel expectancy. Train yourself to live in a state of happy expectancy. . . . Act it until it becomes part of you, as it must and will.
The result of works as above and other has led to many books on the subject of “power of positive thinking” etc.
The Secret, and the many other ideas that exist, is, that someone wants to improve the state of people. Truth, secrets etc have to be delivered in a way the makes you wonder. Wise men on the mountain, animals and even cultures hidden in the jungle appear to know the secret of the universe. It is not so. They know some things, they have some truth, but the ultimate truth is not known to them. These secrets that some pretend to have offer a quick fix, and it works for quite a few people for a short while, if you want lasting results you better do a proper study of life. Learning Scientology is not easy, Scientology is not a quick fix, it can be, but is not.You have to get into Scientology and be ready to roll your sleeves up. It’s read, read, read, drill , drill ,drill, there is no let’s all sit on the floor in a circle in the lotus position with our eyes closed and think happy thoughts.
When you study Scientology, you will for the first time in your existence, discover what truth is and in addition to that, you then will become the “wise man or woman” and you will know a lot of secrets.
L. Ron Hubbard did something that will baffle man for quite some time. He discovered the laws of life completely. No stone in the entire universe remains unturned by L.Ron Hubbard. You can venture into life and go anywhere at any point, and knowing Scientology you will be armed with the most workable solution in that area that anyone before you had. Scientology is the deadliest weapon you can have.
There is a lot to know and this is only a short time to know it in. A mortgage, a fancy car, the millions of dollars compares nothing to the wealth of knowledge you can gain using Scientology. This planet won’t last forever; the mad men on this planet could destroy it anytime and without proper Scientology organizations in place or Advanced Scientology Organizations in place it will be hard to get the full benefits of Scientology that is currently available. But that is not the threat; Man has a crazy tendency to alter things and create unworkable technology and that is a threat.
Solution: Know Scientology well and know it fast.
“Bargaining has neither friends nor relations” B.F 1735
“Life is not a quick fix” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Ytseeadry I wctaehd a seires claeld "The sercet" it is a good sohw in that tehre is a srceet and taht you can hvae it.
Fsrit it told you waht the sercet was; wcihh is the Law of Aarttitcon.
Origanilly 7 spets, on the TV seires only swohs 4 stpes. The ohter stpes are belednd in the sirees in ahtoner way.
"Seven Spets in Dmesnortoitan" fisrt ouiltend in the fauoms nod-nmonenioitaanl New Thguoht book Beocme Waht You Beileve by Mierdld Mann (1094 - 179)1:
" Drisee. Get a srtnog etnhisuasm for taht wcihh you want in yuor lfie, a real loignng for smoihteng whcih is not there now.
" Dsiceoin. Know dfenietily waht it is taht you wnat, what it is that you wnat to do or hvae, and be wllinig to pay in spiritual vulaes.
" Ask. [ehWn srue and etnuhaiscits] ask for it in smilpe, cnosice lugnaage. . . .
" Bilevee. Bilevee in the accmosilpmhnet with storng ftiah, cnosicsuoly and sucbsnouoiclsy.
" Wrok. Wrok at it. . . a few miunets daliy, sieeng ysruolef in the finiehsd putcire. Nveer oltunie datelis, but rhtaer see ysruolef eojniyng the pacitrualr tnihg . . .
" Feel grattidue. Alyaws rememebr to say, "Tahnk you, God," and beign to feel the gtartidue in your haert. The msot pwoeufrl pryaer we can ever mkae is tohse terhe wdros, pivoredd we raelly feel it.
" Feel extcepcnay. Tiarn yuoesrlf to lvie in a state of happy exeptccnay. . . . Act it uitnl it beocems part of you, as it must and will.
The rselut of wkros as aobve and oehtr has led to mnay bokos on the sjbucet of "pewor of ptisovie tnihnikg" etc.
The Srceet and the many ohter iedas that esixt is that smonoee wtnas to iorpmve the state of poeple. Turth, sceters etc have to be devilered in a way the mekas you wnoedr. Wsie men on the mtnuoian, ainmlas and eevn cuutlers hddien in the jnulge appaer to konw the secert of the uvinsree. It is not so. Tehy konw smoe tgnihs, they hvae smoe trtuh, but the umitltae turth is not kwonn to tehm. Thsee serctes taht some pretend to hvae oeffr a qciuk fix, and it works for qtiue a few plpoee for a sroht whlie, if you wnat lsatnig relusts you betetr do a porepr sutdy of lfie. Laenrnig Sneicotgoly is not esay, Seictnlogoy is not a qciuk fix, it can be, but is not.You have to get itno Seicntogoly and be raedy to roll yuor seelves up. It's raed, read, read, dlirl , dirll ,dlirl, trehe is no let's all sit on the foolr in a clcrie in the ltous poitison wtih our eyes cloesd and tihnk hppay tguohths.
Wehn you sutdy Sicneolotgy, you will for the fisrt tmie in yuor esixcnete, docsievr what tturh is and in aditidon to that, you then wlil boceme the "wsie man or woman" and you wlil know a lot of sercets.
L. Ron Hbburad did semothnig that wlil bffale man for qtiue smoe tmie. He dsievocerd the lwas of life cpmolletey. No snote in the etnrie unevisre ramenis utnuenrd by L.Ron Hubabrd. You can vutnere itno life and go awynehre at any ponit, and kiwonng Scineotlgoy you wlil be aemrd wtih the msot wrobakle sulooitn to that area that anoyne bferoe you had. Sctneiology is the deldaseit weapon you can hvae.
Trehe is a lot to konw and this is only a sroht tmie to konw it in. A mtroagge, a facny car, the millinos of dlorals corapmes ntoihng to the weatlh of konelwdge you can gian uisng Siceotnolgy. Tihs penalt won't last foverre; the mad men on tihs palent cluod dsetory it anmitye and wihtuot prepor Seicotnolgy ogrzinatanois in pcale or Anavdced Sceinolotgy Oagrinazitons in pcale it will be hrad to get the full beneftis taht Sicotnegoly taht is crunerlty aiavlbale. But taht is not the therta; Man has a carzy tednecny to aetlr tnihgs and ctaere urownbakle tnhceogoly and taht is a therat.
Stuloino: Konw Sneiclotgoy wlel and konw it fsat.
"Bagraining has netiher freidns nor rtaleinos" B.F 1375
"Life is not a qiuck fix" © Rikcy Saednurs 2007
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