
In English Please:
Now I learned something interesting, that some people like to accept information that is not true, some people felt “better” if you told them a lie and if you told the truth they would not accept it. It was like the lies supported something they agreed with and the truth went against it.
Okay now what would life be without Scientology. Someone who has never experienced it would not really miss it. But if it was here and it did offer you hope and if that hope was denied you by someone misinforming you about it and thus, lets say you read something in the papers or who heard it from a ‘friend’, and as a result you decided not to find out about Scientology.
Let us assume that later, on your quest to find some answer to the questions you have, such as “Where do I come from?” or “Where will I go when I die?” and “What is purpose of life?” and the other questions you might have. Then you discovered the Religion of Scientology had the answers all along but now you could not have the answers. I am sure you would be mad at those who diverted you, those who misguided you.
There potentially can be a life without Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard was very concerned at Atomic War in the 1950’s and the threat some madmen had towards human life. Governments today have enough nuclear power to wipe all life from earth and that would be one way to deny everyone the truth Scientology has to offer.
A more subtle way is turn a person away from it so that they never find out. There are a lot of good and a lot of bad out in the world. Luckily there is more good than bad, but some people are working very hard to outweigh the bad against the good. If you do not think it so, look at drug dealers and what their aims are. Then look at the amount of people on street drugs. If that is not convincing then look at the jails, these days they don’t throw people in jail because they were rude to you in a store, they would have had to commit a crime to be sentenced to jail and they didn’t turn themselves in when the committed the crime. Many criminals don’t get caught when they commit their first crime. It is usually an accumulation of crimes and then finally getting caught or betrayed or something. This means the criminal in Jail, had to first cause crime in the society in which you live before he/she was caught.
looking again at what would life be without Scientology? For you who don’t know Scientology, life without Scientology will be – no hope whatsoever and no real help anywhere as it is for you right now.
For those who do know Scientology, it will be a knowledge that we had the chance and were too lazy to get that knowledge fast enough, that we didn’t take every breathing moment to secure that knowledge for self and others, for those who know Scientology know that to be without it would be worse than not knowing it existed at all.
So when Chairman of the Board released the “Wake-Up Call” in 2001 – you truly have to appreciate where he is coming from.
“Look before, or you'll find yourself behind” B.F 1735
“Why is it when a person leaves a job, they have a farewell party for them, sometimes it seems like they want to ensure the person is leaving and the farewell is to ensure that” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Now I laerend smotenihg iretneitsng, taht some poelpe lkie to apecct inmrofoitan that is not ture, smoe pelpoe flet "btteer" if you told tehm a lie and if you tlod the trtuh tehy wluod not apecct it. It was lkie the leis suoppetrd smoteihng tehy aeergd to and the tturh went aiagsnt it.
Okay now what wluod life be wiuohtt Sneictgoloy. Semonoe who has never erepxcneied it wuold not rellay miss it. But if it was hree and it did offer you a hpoe and if taht hpoe was dneied you by smoenoe minisrofimng you about it and thus, let say you raed somhtenig in the prepas, who hraed it form a 'fneird', and as a rluset you decdied not to fnid out.
Let us aussme that letar you tehn on yuor qseut to find smoe awsner to the qseutinos you hvae scuh as "Wehre do I come form?" "Where will I go when I die?" "Waht is pprusoe of lfie?" and the hunerdd otehr qeusoitn poelpe hvae. And tehn you docsierevd the Rgileoin of Scneilotgoy had the aewsnrs all anolg but you colud not have the awsnres. I am sure you wuold be mad at tsohe who dvietred you, tsohe who mgsiuiedd you.
Tehre pnetotllaiy can be a lfie wiuohtt Sceiotngoly, L. Ron Hurabbd was vrey ccnonreed at Aimotc War in the 1590's and the taerht smoe mmdaen had trawods hamun life. Grevoemnnts tdoay hvae euongh nelcuar pewor to wpie all life form earth taht wuold be one way to dney evoyrene the tturh Scitneology has to oeffr.
A mroe sbutle way is trun a preson aawy form it so that they neevr fnid out. Three are a lot of good and a lot of bad out in the world. Lkcuily trehe is mroe good tahn bad, but smoe plpoee are wronikg very hrad to outewgih the bad aagnist the good. If you do not tnihk it so, look at durg dlaeres and waht tiehr aims are. Tehn look at the anuomt of ppoele on seertt dgurs. If taht id not covnninicg tehn look at the jalis, tehse dyas tehy don't torhw pelpoe in jail becasue tehy wree rdue to you in a stroe, they wluod hvae had to cmoimt a cmire to be setnneecd to jial and tehy ddin't trun tsmehleevs in wehn the cotimmted the crmie. Mnay cirnimlas don't get chguat wehn tehy cimmot tiehr fsrit cirme. It is ulausly an acmucaluiton of cemirs and tehn fillany gitteng chguat or bteyared or stemohnig. Tihs maens the crimianl in Jail, had to fsrit cuase cmire in the soteicy in wcihh you live bferoe hs/ehe was cguaht.
So really waht wluod lfie be wtihout Sneicotgoly? For you who don't know Sctneiogoly, lfie wiuohtt Sicelotnogy will be - no hpoe wstaheoevr and no real hlep aynhwere.
For tohse who do know Seicntoolgy, it wlil be a kwonldege taht we had the cahcne and wree too lzay to get taht kwongdele fsat eonguh, that we ddin't tkae eevry baernihtg mnemot to sucere taht kondelwge for slef and otrehs, for tohse who konw Sneicotlogy konw taht to be wohtiut it wuold be wsroe tahn not knniwog it eixsetd at all.
So wehn Criahamn of the Braod raeleesd the "W-ekaUp Call" in 2001 - you trluy hvae to appicertae wrehe he is conimg form.
"Look bferoe, or you'll fnid ysruolef bhenid" B.F 1375
"Why is it wehn a preson levaes a job, tehy hvae a ferawell ptray for tehm, It seems mroe like tehy want to esnrue the posren is lvaeing and taht he never rutenrs" © Ricky Sanureds 2007
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