
In English please:
A little explanation to this blog:
This is a personal blog that has to do with me and my interests. Some of my interests are:
Scientology, Studying and History.
My blog is titled Scientology et al.
Et Al, in this case means “and others”. So this is not wholly a Scientology blog but also about my experiences in life, though I do actively promote Scientology in my blog.
This blog usually has 2 sections:
1) In English please section
2) In Gobbledygook please section
When I first discovered the idea that people can read something with the letters being totally re-arranged it found it fascinating. I was speaking to friend at work and we thought it would be a good idea to create magazine that was totally jumbled up. We went on the basis, even if it was only one edition; it would sell, just as a novelty, as people would buy it for collection.
I started my blog and thought I’d implement this in my blog to see how it would work.
I then realized that I would like more people visiting my blog and that sometimes people mis-spell things when searching for something and this already had paid off. Sometimes a person type in a wrong word and my blog will come up in the search results.
I have seen many blogs and they are pretty much the same, I wanted to make my blog personal, not just another blog, but something that I could create on.
Doing this seemed to work for me.
I have on most pages a Quote from the works of Benjamin Franklin of his work called
“Poor Richard’s Almanac” . I selected Benjamin Franklin to show that there have been many wise person who has contributed to the forward advance of Man over the ages.
I would have used Quotes from L. Ron Hubbard but didn’t feel it was necessary as there are many a blog or website already doing that.
In addition, each person has a viewpoint about something, whether this viewpoint is right or wrong is beside the point, but there as many viewpoints or opinions as there are people.
You will see I have a quotation on my own on most of my entries. This quotation I usually dream up each day before “publishing” my blog. I do my quotations to be interesting.
It takes me about 1 hour to start my blog and then take it to completion. I do not like to spend more than 45mins to 1 hour on my blog a day. This means you will at times find errors on the blog, grammatical, spelling or otherwise. I do not do much editing due to time constraints but I know the errors will reduce over time.
My blog is at the time of this writing updated daily. I do not know what my theme will be until I get home and then start writing. It is mostly impromptu.
The reason I started this blog is due to the mis information some bad intentioned individuals spread about Scientology.
Scientology is there for anyone to find out about, there are no secrets, you do not have to do Scientology. Some people are so mad that they would stop others from doing it, which some mad people are currently promoting.
Find out for yourself.
“Tis easy to see, hard to foresee” B.F 1735
“There are no chains on the imagination”
© Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
A lttile ealpxitanon to tihs bgol:
This is a pesrnoal bolg taht has to do wtih me and my inretsets. Smoe of my ietnserts aer:
Sneicotgoly, Sutdniyg and Hotsiry.
My bolg is tltied Sicnelotgoy et al.
Et Al, in this csae mnaes "and oehtrs". So tihs is not wlohly a Sicneolotgy bolg but aslo auobt my exirepeecns in life, tuohgh I do acevitly poromte Sicotnelgoy in my blog.
This bolg uauslly has 2 sectnois:
1) In Enilgsh plaese seoitcn
2) In Goelbbgydook plsaee sceoitn
When I fisrt dsivocered the ieda taht people can raed stemonihg with the lteetrs bnieg tolatly rera-narged it fonud it fasanicitng. I was saepnikg to feirnd at wrok and we tohuhgt it wuold be a good ieda to certae mzagaine taht was tatolly jubmeld up. We wnet on the baiss, eevn if it was olny one eitidon; it wluod slel, jsut as a nlevoty, as poelpe wolud buy it for cloceliton.
I sattred my bolg and thuohgt I'd imelpnemt tihs in my bolg to see how it wuold wrok.
I tehn rlaeized taht I wluod lkie mroe people visinitg my bolg and taht stemoemis plpoee ms-silepl thgnis wehn sehcraing for smotenihg and tihs aerlady had piad off. Stemoemis a peosrn tpye in a wnorg wrod and my blog wlil cmoe up in the secrah reustls.
I have seen mnay blgos and tehy are prtety mcuh the smae, I wtnaed to mkae my bolg pesranol, not jsut atonehr blog, but sohtemnig that I cuold crtaee on.
Dniog tihs smeeed to wrok for me.
I hvae on most pegas a Qtoue form the wkros of Bneimajn Farlknin of his wrok claeld
"Poor Rciahrd's Aamlanc" . I seletced Bjnemain Frknailn to show taht tehre have been mnay wsie posren who has coirtnetubd to the fowrard aavdcne of Man oevr the ages.
Sceitnlosigot do hvae ohter ietnserts. I would hvae uesd Qtoues form L. Ron Habburd but ddin't feel it was nessecray as tehre are mnay a bolg or wisbete aerlday dniog taht.
In aditidon, each preosn has a viopwenit aobut smohtenig, whteher this vweiniopt is rhgit or wnorg is bedise the pniot, but three as many veiwniopts or onipinos as three are plpoee.
You will see I have a qutatooin on my own on most of my etnires. This qtoutaion I uauslly dream up each day bofere "pbuhsilnig" my bolg. I do my qtoutanois to be ietntsernig.
It tekas me aobut 1 huor to sratt my bolg and tehn tkae it to copmlteoin. I do not lkie to sepnd mroe tahn 4-51 huor on my blog a day. Tihs mnaes you wlil at tmies find eorrrs on the bolg, gmarmitaacl, seplilng or ohtwreise. I do not do much eidnitg due to tmie ctsnoartnis but I know the errors wlil rdeuce over tmie.
My bolg is at the tmie of tihs wtiring utadped dliay. I do not konw waht my thmee will be uitnl I get hmoe and tehn sratt wtirnig. It is mtsoly imrpmotpu.
The reosan I stetrad tihs bolg is due to the mis ifnamrotoin some bad ietnoitnend ividndiaul spread auobt Scneilotgoy.
Sicelotngoy is trehe for aoynne to find out aobut, three are no setercs, you do not have to do Sicnelotogy, but at the smae tmie you do not have to be so mad that you wluod stop otehrs from dniog it, whcih some mad poelpe are crrultney pmoritong.
"Tis esay to see, hrad to fseroee" B.F 1375
"Three are no cniahs on the imnigaoitan"
© Rkciy Sauredns 2007
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