
In English please:
I recently did a course in Risk Management and how to manage risks. It lead me to think that we have become a society that thinks of almost everything as a risk. Risks are vital and should be taken into account, but there, like anything in life, should be some sort of REASON behind it. Some of the things I did when I was young had no reason or very little reason behind it, but it was fun to do.
One of the crazy things I got up when young were things I would never allow my children to do, the main reason being current society is so focused on laws and rules that not many get a chance to really live life. Computer games are frowned upon, but so are playing in the rain, climbing trees and swimming in a lake etc
At the age of about 8 I was already catching snakes, I went out one morning, it was a Saturday around about 9am. I left home thinking of what adventure I would be getting up to, TV wasn’t that popular and I didn’t want to hang around the house. I left my home and walked down the street towards the forest. I knew my way well for I have traveled this road many times. The sun was hidden by clouds, the day was not going to warm up and there was morning seemed gray. I had enough to eat and as I made my way to the forest which was close by, I picked up a small empty plastic drink bottle. I decided I was going snake hunting. I walked down the road, got to the end, crossed and was into the forest. My snake hunting experience was not much but I knew where snakes hid, under things, so I spend 40 minutes looking under things. I must say I was a bit scared; I was scared I might find an unusually large snake, which would not fit into my bottle. I looked under rocks and I had to be careful not to hurt the snakes if they lived under the rocks by crushing them if I lifted the rock and threw it aside. The grass was still wet from the previous night’s dew. I felt groggy but determined. My experience told me that I would more likely find a snake off the path a little bit away from people passing. I then saw these white rocks, they were not too big and easy to lift, and I lifted them and threw them aside. Under the rock was 2 snakes, next to each other, the were “baby” snakes 15 cm in length each. They had tiny horns on their heads and where whitish in color. I got a stick and placed them in my bottle; they didn’t even run or move away. I felt good, I achieved what I intended to do and got my snakes and did it within 1 hour of leaving home.
Later I learned that those 2 snakes were adders and if they did by chance had a little bite, I would not be writing this, however that is speculation, that is what could have been and if I did a risk assessment on what I did I probably would be a very high risk and potential death, but then I would have no story to tell.
“There's small Revenge in Words, but Words may be greatly revenged” B.F 1735
“The safest you could be in today’s society is alive but not DO anything” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
I receltny did a coruse in Risk Manganemet and how to mnaage rsiks. It ldaes me to thnik taht we hvae bmocee a scoeity taht tnihks of aomlst eevhtyring as a rsik. Rksis are vital and sluohd be tekan into aoccnut, but there, lkie aynhtnig in lfie, be smoe srot of REOSAN behnid it. smoe of the tnihgs I did when I was yonug had no rosaen bihend it, but it was fun to do, lfie is for the lviing.
Smoe of the czary thgnis I got up wehn yonug were tgnihs I wluod never aollw my cdlihern to do, the mian rsaeon bieng seicoty is so fcouesd on lwas and rules that not many get a ccnahe to really lvie lfie. Cupmoter gaems are fnwored uopn, but so are palniyg in the rain, cbmiling teres and smmiwnig in a lkae.
At the age of auobt 8 I was arldaey caihctng sankes, I went out one minrong, it was a Sarutady auornd auobt 9am. I lfet hmoe thniknig of waht avdnerute I wuold be gtteing up to, TV wsan't taht poalupr and I didn't want to hang anuord the hsuoe. I lfet my hmoe and wlaekd dwon the sertet todraws the ferost. I kenw my way well for I hvae tvareled tihs raod mnay tmies. The sun was hddien by cduols, the day was not gonig to warm up and three was minrong semeed gary. I had eonguh to eat and as I made my way to the froset wcihh was csole by, I picekd up a slaml emtpy palitsc dnirk blttoe. I ddiceed I was gonig sanke huitnng. I weklad dwon the road, got to the end, crosesd and was itno the fosert. My skane hitnung exepirecne was not much but I kenw wrehe skanes hid, udner tgnihs, so I spned 40 muniets likoong uednr tgnihs. I msut say I was a bit seracd; I was sacred I mihgt fnid an uusunllay lrage sanke, wihch wuold not fit itno my blttoe. I lekood udner rokcs and I had to be craeufl not to hrut the snkaes if tehy lvied unedr the rokcs by csurihng tehm if I lfietd the rcok and terhw it aisde. The gsars was slitl wet form the priveuos nhgit's dew. I flet gggory but detemrnied. My exrepneice tlod me taht I wluod more llekiy find a snkae off the path a lttile bit aawy form plpoee pssanig. I tehn saw tsehe whtie rokcs, they wree not too big and esay to lift, and I letfid them and trhew them aisde. Uednr the rock was 2 skanes, next to each oehtr, the wree "bbay" snakes 15 cm in ltgneh ecah. Tehy had tniy hrons on tiehr haeds and wrehe witihsh in coolr. I got a stcik and pcaled them in my bttoel; tehy ddin't eevn run or move aawy. I flet good, I aciheved waht I itnneedd to do and got my skanes and did it wtiihn 1 huor of levaing hmoe.
Ltaer I lraeend taht tsohe 2 saneks wree adreds and if they did by ccnahe had a llttie bite, I wuold not be wtirnig tihs, hwoeevr taht is spluceaiton, taht is waht colud hvae been and if I did a rsik asssenemst on waht I did I paborlby wolud be a very hgih rsik and petoaitnl dtaeh, but tehn I wluod hvae no stroy to tlel. Lfie is for lnivig.
"Tehre's small Rvegnee in Wodrs, but Wdros may be grltaey rveegned" B.F 1375
"The safset you colud be in tdoay's soeicty is avile but not DO antynihg" © Rkciy Saunreds 2007
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