Friday, September 28, 2007

Flourish and Prosper!

In English please:

I have come to realize that a common phrase or sort of “humorous” expression are ones where somebody would say: “If you don’t try, you can’t fail” or “Why bother trying, you just going to loose anyway”.
These phrases and many others, in my opinion, come from people who have failed so many times in life; they see this as a way of life. However when they enjoy a good meal, or watch a good movie, it doesn’t occur to them, that if the people who made that good meal, or the crew that directed that movie had the same idea, it wouldn’t have been done.

A good representation of this is found in the Way to Happiness precept “Flourish and Prosper” which can be viewed below.
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“One Mend-fault is worth two Findfaults, but one Findfault is better than
two Makefaults. “B.F 1735

“The little good he does is worth more than the none” © Ricky Saunder 2007

According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.

In gobbledygook please:

I have cmoe to rezilae taht a common prhsae or srot of "homuruos" exerpssoin is one wrehe smoobedy wluod say "If you don't try, you can't fial" or "Why behtor tyrnig, you just gonig to lsooe aawyny". Thsee parhses and many otehrs, in my opinion, cmoe form pepole who hvae fliaed so mnay temis in lefi; tehy see tihs as a way of lfie. Hwoveer wehn tehy eojny a good mael, or wacth a good mvoie, it dosen't occur to tehm, taht if the peolpe who mdae taht good mael, or the cerw taht dcerietd that mivoe had the smae ieda, it wluodn't hvae been dnoe.

A good rrpeneseatoitn of tihs is fnuod in the Way to Happnises pcerpet "Fuolrish and Porsepr" wihch can be vweied bolew.

"One Me-dnuaflt is wtroh two Fniuafdtls, but one Fidnuaflt is better tahn
two Mekauaftls. "B.F 1375

"The llttie good he deos is wotrh more than the nnoe" © Rciky Snuader 2007

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