Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why does everyone want to join Scientology's elite?

In English Please:

Cyrus Brooks share with us “Why he joined the Sea Org*”

* Sea org – a Scientology Organization that have been entrusted with safeguarding of Advanced Scientology Materials, this organization consists of the most dedicated people on earth, who work, selfishly to keep Scientology the way L. Ron Hubbard intended.

“Our household was very pleasant to grow up in; we all got along very well. Surely this is because my parents used Scientology philosophy and techniques in raising us. All the kids went to university or college. I was quite adept in science and followed Aerospace engineering, as my interest was in the stars.

By the end of it, I was looking into positions in the Aerospace industry. Offers such as "modification of aircraft missile systems" were possible. There was much of this type of work and few of the type I was interested in due to a downturn in Aerospace. So in the end, I decided to change my route entirely. I realized that mankind didn’t need better missile systems. It always distressed me that the newest, best technology always went to weapons, before any other use. But what man really needed to do was to better himself so he could be trusted with his great scientific achievements.

So for that reason, I joined the
Church of Scientology as a staff member in Tokyo, as I was interested in the language and culture and in helping people use Scientology. I had done many courses over the years and was fairly skilled in Scientology already.

But even on staff I totally changed. I was really taking responsibility for society as a staff member and everything going on in it. I learned immensely what it means to produce and work as a staff member and really be "in exchange" with society. I also really confronted the true state of the planet that we see everyday and was effectively doing something about it.

In February 1997 I got promoted to the Sea Org in the Continental Liaison Office* here in
Sydney. By this time I had learned fairly fluent Japanese after living in Tokyo for almost a year. It was quite useful to me in Sydney with many of our public visiting our larger Church from Japan.

So, why did I join the Sea Org?

Joining the Sea Org was the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics. I looked at it for some time. It was pretty obvious that we needed to do something about this planet and if we don’t do something about it, it is just going to get worse and worse. I did it because it was needed. Not because it was easy and not for money. I did it because it needed to be done. The Sea Org is the group that is going to do the most for this planet. Absolutely! No doubt! If you look at actually doing anything on the planet, the number one answer is the Sea Org

The difference between being a public and being in the Sea Org is that you are in an environment where you apply LRH tech* every day. The experience I get here makes me feel very competent. I know how to apply Scientology not only in the church but in all aspects of life.

While I was at the Continental Liaison Office, I helped coordinate social reform and human rights activities for 3 years, helping expand these and helping them create a bigger impact.

I was then called to head the Community, Interfaith and Government affairs office at the Advanced Organization, the largest Scientology organization in the Southern Hemisphere, also at

Here I took over the legal affairs for the organization. Further, I took on the local public relations scene and ran a program to teach at-risk youth to read, with great success, and not one of them re-offending after the program. I have run (and still run) the Say No To Drugs program for 5 years and reached over 1.5 million people through the media and thousands more directly at fairs and festivals, signing youth up to a campaign called the Drug Free Ambassadors. They pledged to be Ambassadors in their communities for the Drug Free Message. Also, I ran the interfaith relations position and held open houses, events and seminars for several years, bringing together people of many different faiths. I also helped coordinate 2 exhibitions on What Is Scientology?, a world-wide traveling display, explaining to all visually what we are about and how we can help anyone, of any race, color or creed. I helped open the new
Dianetics & Scientology Center in Manila, and started the beginning of a new Anti-Drug campaign there. Further, I visited opinion leaders and officials, such as the Chief of Police and others, to give them our support in the community.”

Cyrus Brooks
Director of Special Affairs AOSH ANZO

*LRH Tech – LRH - is short for L.Ron Hubbard, Tech is short for Technology.

* C
ontinental Liaison Office – A Scientology management body that exist on as a bridge between International management and local Scientology organizations and is there to ensure International Management policies are being carried out in that area.


“An innocent Plowman is more worthy than a vicious Prince.” B.F 1734

“A man who knows where he is going will get there” Ricky Saunders 2007


According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters

in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.

The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.

This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.

In Gobbledygook please:

Curys Bkoors shrae wtih us "Why he jeniod the Sea Org"

Sea org - a Sneictloogy Onagrtazioin that hvae been enturtsed wtih saferaugnidg of Avdaecnd Scneiolotgy Mretalais, tihs oagrazinoitn constsis of the msot ddeciaetd plpoee on etrah, who work, seifllhsy to keep Sicnetgoloy the way L. Ron Hubbard innetedd.

"Our hesuoohld was vrey paelasnt to gorw up in; we all got anolg vrey well. Sruely tihs is bacesue my patners uesd Seicntgoloy polihosphy and tnhceeuqis in risiang us. All the kdis went to uinsrevtiy or celloge. I was qtiue apedt in seiccne and follewod Aorecapse ennigireeng, as my ietnsert was in the stras.

By the end of it, I was loikong itno pisooitns in the Asorecape isudnrty. Ofrefs scuh as "mofidacioitn of arifarct mssilie syetsms" were pssoilbe. Trehe was much of tihs tpye of work and few of the type I was intereetsd in due to a doutnwrn in Asoreapce. So in the end, I deicedd to cnahge my rtuoe eitnrley. I rilaeezd that miknand didn't need bteter mssilie systmes. It ayawls dsiertsesd me that the nesewt, bset tnhcegoloy ayawls went to wpaenos, before any oehtr use. But what man rlaely needed to do was to better hismlef so he cluod be tsuretd wtih his graet seicitnifc acheivetnems.

So for taht rsaeon, I jnioed the Chcruh of Sictneoolgy as a sfatf mbmeer in Tykoo, as I was iretnseetd in the lnagauge and cutlure and in hipleng ppoele use Seiclotnogy. I had dnoe many coesrus oevr the yraes and was frialy skliled in Sneicotlgoy aerlday.

But eevn on stfaf I ttoally chgnaed. I was raelly tikang reopsnibisltiy for scoteiy as a sfatf mebmer and evyreihtng gniog on in it. I laerend iemmsnley what it mnaes to pudorce and wrok as a stfaf mbmeer and rllaey be "in ehcxagne" wtih sicoety. I aslo relaly cnoftnored the ture satte of the penalt taht we see erevadyy and was efcefevitly dniog smoihteng abuot it.

In Fbeaurry 1997 I got pmoretod to the Sea Org in the Citnonatnel Lsiaion Ociffe* hree in Sndyey. By this tmie I had leenrad frialy fulnet Jpaasene aetfr living in Toyko for alsomt a yaer. It was qtiue ufesul to me in Sndyey wtih mnay of our pilbuc vtisinig our laregr Chruch form Japan.

So, why did I jion the Sea Org?

Jnionig the Sea Org was the gaersett good for the gaertest nmuebr of dmanycis. I lekood at it for smoe tmie. It was prtety ooivbus that we nedeed to do sohtemnig auobt tihs penalt and if we don't do stemoihng auobt it, it is jsut gonig to get wrose and wrose. I did it bceasue it was neeedd. Not buacese it was easy and not for menoy. I did it bacesue it nedeed to be dnoe. The Sea Org is the guorp taht is gniog to do the msot for tihs penalt. Aosbtulley! No duobt! If you look at atclauly doing atynhnig on the palent, the nebmur one anwser is the Sea Org

The dfiefrcnee beeewtn bnieg a pbuilc and bieng in the Sea Org is taht you are in an enivornemnt whree you apply LRH thce* erevy day. The erepxcneie I get here mekas me feel very cotepment. I konw how to alppy Sneictgoloy not olny in the chruch but in all acepsts of life.

Wlihe I was at the Cnoittnenal Liaison Oiffce, I heepld crooanidte saicol roferm and huamn rthgis avitctiies for 3 yraes, hipleng exapnd tsehe and heiplng them craete a bgiegr icapmt.

I was tehn cellad to haed the Cummontiy, Iretniafth and Gvoremnent affrias offcie at the Anavdced Orinagaziton, the lgraset Sneictolgoy onagrazitoin in the Shtuoren Heimpsehre, aslo at Sndyey.

Here I took oevr the lgeal aaffris for the ornagtazioin. Fhtruer, I took on the loacl pbuilc raleitons snece and ran a prgoram to taech air-tsk ytuoh to raed, wtih gaert succses, and not one of tehm r-effoednnig aetfr the pgorarm. I hvae run (and slitl rnu) the Say No To Durgs pgorarm for 5 yraes and rhcaeed oevr 1.5 million ppoele thguorh the mdeia and tuohnasds mroe dierltcy at frias and feitslavs, singing ytuoh up to a capmagin cllaed the Drug Fere Asabmasdros. Tehy pgdeled to be Asabmdasors in tiehr comminueits for the Drug Fere Meassge. Also, I ran the itnfreatih realnoits psooitin and hled oepn huoses, enevts and seanimrs for svereal yeras, brninigg ttegoher ppoele of mnay dffiernet ftiahs. I aslo hleped croonidtae 2 ehxibtiions on What Is Scietnoolgy?, a wrodldiw-e tevarnilg dipsaly, expliniang to all vusilaly waht we are aobut and how we can hlep anoyne, of any rcae, color or cered. I heepld oepn the new Daitencis & Seictngoloy Cetner in Mnalia, and sratetd the benigning of a new AtnD-irug capmagin trehe. Fuehtrr, I vtisied onipoin leredas and offciials, scuh as the Ceihf of Piloce and oehtrs, to gvie them our soppurt in the conummtiy."

Cryus Borkos

Dceriotr of Sicepal Aaffris ASOH ANZO

*LRH Tech – LRH - is short for L.Ron Hubbard, Tech is short for Technology.

* Cotnneniatl Lisiaon Offcie - A Sictneoolgy mganameent body taht esixt on as a birdge bwteeen Ietntanranoil management and lacol Seictngoloy onagraziitons and is tehre to esnure Inetnrtanoial Magannemet poliices are bieng crraeid out in taht aera.


"An innconet Pmwolan is more wohtry tahn a voicius Pnirce." B.F 1734

"A man who kwons whree he is giong will get trehe" Rkciy Sanuedrs 2007


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!