Monday, September 3, 2007

Some Definitions - Dianetics Lectures

In English please:

Okay for anyone who has listened to the Dianetics lectures, you will have come across these three words. If you are an expert in the field and feel these definitions are not accurate, please leave me a note.

Topology: a word coined in 1930 by Solomon Lefschetz, a mathematician. It is the study of surfaces that can be stretched, bent or twisted, e.g. a rubber band. Stretching a rubber band changes the shape of the band. Another use for it as an example in Map Design, you have countries bordering each other and you have 4 colors, you do not want any bordering countries sharing the same color and so you use topology do achieve this if that makes any sense.

Symbolic Logic:
– it is using symbols and trying to make it mean something, the symbols in this case are A,B,C,D etc
The letters A,B,C,D etc are used to replace a sentence. For example: “it is raining”.
So instead of writing that sentence you write. “A”. Then we write another sentence. “there is clouds”
So this sentence we replace by the letter “B”.
To join the two sentence we need some kind of connection, like a “and” “or” or “if” etc and thus conclude: A and B. = It is raining AND there is clouds.

Symbolic logic goes further to turn any word into a symbol, even the ‘and” and ‘if” is put into a symbol and then goes on to complicate the whole process by naming things in Latin. It is a fascinating subject and you can gain good understanding of it at:

Transfinite cardinals:
Transfinite means going beyond infinity as of a number, when you count and you can’t count no more of you say to yourself it goes to infinity. When someone asks well what is infinity plus 1, you could say the answer is transfinite, meaning it is beyond infinity.
A cardinal is a number such as 1, 2, 3 etc. it’s just a number showing how much of something. 15 apples , 34 pears etc. The 15 and 34 are cardinal numbers.
A system was devised and this system is not fact! it is called Transfinite Cardinals you replace the “I don’t know what infinity plus 1 is with some symbols which was invented by the mathematicians , one of the symbols used is a word from the Hebrew Alphabet. The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Aleff and so it let’s say when you reach infinity it is called Aleff and to be truly Mathematical we say Aleff-null. Then when we say infinity plus 1, you can now answer Aleff-one. They have really over complicated this one.


"You cannot pluck roses without fear of thorns, Nor enjoy a fair wife without danger of horns." B.F 1734

"If the things you want are the things you need then what you have is what you needed!" Ricky Saunders 2007


According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.

In gobbledygook please:

In Egnlsih pelaes:

Okay for aoynne who has letsiend to the Daiitencs lceuters, you wlil hvae cmoe asorcs these terhe wdros and I tuohght I'd celar them peporrly. If you are an epxert in the feild and feel tsehe difeitinons are not acructae, psaele lvaee me a ntoe.

opoTgoly/<:naps> a word cioend in 1390 by Sloomon Lcsfeehtz, a mhtaeamicitan. It is the sutdy of suafrecs taht can be stcterehd, bnet or tsiwetd, e.g. a rbbuer bnad. Sertihctng a rubber band cgnahes the spahe of the bnad. Atonehr use for it as an eaxlpme in Map Disegn, you hvae cnuoeirts bdroireng ecah ohter and you hvae 4 cloros, you do not wnat any broiredng cuortneis sahnirg the smae cloor and so you use tlopoogy do achivee tihs if taht maeks any ssnee.

Sybmloic Lgo<:ci/psna> – it is unisg smylobs and tniyrg to mkae it maen smoihteng , the sybmols in tihs csae are A,B,C,D etc
The lterets A,B,C,D etc are used to ralpece a senetcne. For eaxelpm: “it is riaingn”.
So isnaetd of wirtnig taht snecnete you wtire. “A”. Tehn we write ahtoner snenetce. “htere is cuolsd”
So this setnence we recalpe by the lteetr “B”.
To jion the two stneecne we need smoe kind of cnocenoitn, lkie a “nad” “ro” or “if” etc and tuhs concedul: A and B. = It is rnianig AND tehre is cuolds.

Sbmyolic loigc geos futrher to turn any wrod into a sobmyl, eevn the ‘dna” and ‘fi” is put itno a syobml and tehn geos on to clpmoitace the whloe prosecs by nimang tihngs in Laitn. It is a faicstaning sbucejt and you can gian good uednatsrnidng of it at:

Tnarfsitine cidralans<:aps/n> Tarifsninte mnaes gonig bnoyed inftiniy as of a nmuebr, wehn you cuont and you ca’nt conut no mroe of you say to yoesrulf it geos to ifninity. Wehn smonoee akss wlel waht is ifntiniy puls 1, you cluod say the aewsnr is trnafstinie, minaeng it is bnoyed iifntiny.
A canidral is a nebmur scuh as 1, 2, 3 etc. i’ts jsut a nbmuer swohing how mcuh of somtehnig. 15 aelpps , 34 paers etc. The 15 and 34 are cidraanl snumber.
A syetsm was deesivd and tihs syetsm is not fcat! it is claeld Tarifsninte Cidraanls you ralpece the “I do’nt konw waht ifninity puls 1 is with smoe sbmylos wihch was intneved by the mehtamtaaicins , one of the smyobls uesd is a wrod form the Heerbw Aahplbet. The fisrt letter of the Heerbw alahpebt is Alfef and so it le’ts say wehn you recah inniftiy it is cellad Afelf and to be trluy Mtaehtamiacl we say Affelun-ll. Tehn when we say inifntiy plus 1, you can now asnewr Aelfno-fe. They hvae rlaely over cpmoilctaed tihs one.


"You cnnaot pculk rsoes wohtiut faer of tnrohs, Nor enojy a fiar wfie wohtiut dgnaer of hrons." B.F 1374

"If the tihngs you want are the tgnihs you need tehn waht you hvae is waht you nedeed!" Rikcy Sdnuaers 2007

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