Saturday, September 29, 2007
Learning can be fun.
In English please:
I am on page 200 of the Science of Survival book, now some people might think that I am taking my time to complete this book but I am doing other actions as well and spending every free minute getting through the Science of Survival book. I am finding the book very easy to read.
Any person who studies in the Scientology Organization is required to use something called “study tech” it’s something you would want if you were studying at university, school or in fact if you interested in any sort of study.
Many people have a bad idea of study, especially if you were put through 12 years of it and then another few years after that. Scientology Study technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard will give you the tools so that you can study with confidence and with full understanding. If you are wise enough to find out about this study technology , I can guarantee you that you will be very upset with the current education system for not using this in schools to help people with study. You will find many study ‘difficulties’ are resolved with this simple, yet effective approach to study. Give it a go.
“Three may keep a Secret, if two of them are dead.” B.F 1735
“Learning and living goes hand in hand” © Ricky Saunders 2007
In gobbledygook please:
I am on pgae 200 of Seiccne of Svruvial, no some poeple mihgt think taht I am tikang my tmie to coelpmte but I am dniog otehr aoitcns as wlel and sdnepnig erevy fere mniute gtenitg torhguh Sicnece of Svruiavl book. I am fdninig the book very esay to raed.
Any psreon who sidutes in the Sceiotngoly Ogranzitaoin is riuqered to use stemoihng caleld "sutdy tceh" it's sotemnihg you wolud wnat if you were sydutnig at uvinretisy, scoohl or in fcat if you iretntseed in any srot of sutdy.
Mnay pepole hvae a bad ieda of stduy, eepsaiclly if you wree put trhuogh 12 yeras of it and tehn atonehr few after. Sicotneolgy Sutdy tcelonhgoy delevepod by L. Ron Hburabd wlil gvie you the tolos so taht you can sduty wtih cofnnedice and flul undreatsidnng. If you are wsie eguonh to fnid out aobut sduty, I can gunaraete you taht you will be vrey uspet wtih the cerrunt educaoitn ssyetm for not unisg this in sohclos to hlep poelpe with sutdy. You wlil fnid mnay sduty 'dffiicutleis' are rloseved wtih tihs sipmle, yet eceffitve aprpcaoh to sduty. Give it a go.
"Terhe may keep a Sceret, if two of them are daed." B.F 1375
"Lraening and linivg geos hand in hnad" © Rkciy Sadnures 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Flourish and Prosper!
I have come to realize that a common phrase or sort of “humorous” expression are ones where somebody would say: “If you don’t try, you can’t fail” or “Why bother trying, you just going to loose anyway”.
These phrases and many others, in my opinion, come from people who have failed so many times in life; they see this as a way of life. However when they enjoy a good meal, or watch a good movie, it doesn’t occur to them, that if the people who made that good meal, or the crew that directed that movie had the same idea, it wouldn’t have been done.
A good representation of this is found in the Way to Happiness precept “Flourish and Prosper” which can be viewed below.
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Press Play to load video.
“One Mend-fault is worth two Findfaults, but one Findfault is better than
two Makefaults. “B.F 1735
“The little good he does is worth more than the none” © Ricky Saunder 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
I have cmoe to rezilae taht a common prhsae or srot of "homuruos" exerpssoin is one wrehe smoobedy wluod say "If you don't try, you can't fial" or "Why behtor tyrnig, you just gonig to lsooe aawyny". Thsee parhses and many otehrs, in my opinion, cmoe form pepole who hvae fliaed so mnay temis in lefi; tehy see tihs as a way of lfie. Hwoveer wehn tehy eojny a good mael, or wacth a good mvoie, it dosen't occur to tehm, taht if the peolpe who mdae taht good mael, or the cerw taht dcerietd that mivoe had the smae ieda, it wluodn't hvae been dnoe.
A good rrpeneseatoitn of tihs is fnuod in the Way to Happnises pcerpet "Fuolrish and Porsepr" wihch can be vweied bolew.
"One Me-dnuaflt is wtroh two Fniuafdtls, but one Fidnuaflt is better tahn
two Mekauaftls. "B.F 1375
"The llttie good he deos is wotrh more than the nnoe" © Rciky Snuader 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Do you have the Courage?
In English please:
Today my study came in just a bit too close to home, that is, a little more to do with me that expected. It was a little but of an embarrassment or more a realization how I have acted in certain situations. In the book Science of Survival, L. Ron Hubbard does not put forth his findings on human behavior in a palatable way; it is in your face!
More to the point being the characteristics of people in certain emotional levels, people who are in grief are known to cry and just like people who are happy tend to smile, but I was not in for a treat like this, it had to do with the more sinister actions of people and their emotional level, this I must say was very confronting.
There is not one person who reads this book that will not go through some realization that they have acted in a very low emotional tone at one point or another. The good thing about this is that the moment an action is realized, I find myself going thorough it and then I am at cause over it. It is a must read book, it will without a doubt put you on a higher mental plane just by reading it.
“Some are weatherwise, some are otherwise.” B.F 1735
“My boss said “I want it done like yesterday! And I said “but why didn’t you ask me yesterday?” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Tadoy my sutdy cmae in jsut a bit too clsoe to home, that is, a litlte mroe to do wtih me that excepetd. It was a lttile but of an ebmrrassamnet or mroe a reilatazoin how I hvae aetcd in creiatn sautiitnos. In the book Seicnce of Svruavil, L. Ron Habburd deos not put froth his fiidngns on human bvaheoir in a patalbale way; it is in yuor face!
Mroe to the pniot bnieg the charatcireitscs of ppoele in ceiatrn eitomanol lleves, poelpe who are in geirf are kwonn to cry and just like plpoee who are happy tned to simle, but I was not in for a terat lkie tihs, it had to do wtih the mroe sitsiner acoitns of people and tiehr etomanoil level, this I msut say was vrey cfnotnornig.
Tehre is not one peosrn who rdaes tihs book taht wlil not go trhguoh smoe rlaeiitazon taht tehy hvae atced in a very low etomnoial tnoe at one piont or aonehtr. The good thnig abuot tihs is taht the memont an aitcon is reilaezd, I fnid myeslf giong trohoguh it and tehn I am at csuae oevr it. It is a msut read book, it wlil whtiuot a duobt put you on a hhgier metnal palne jsut by raednig it.
"Some are wtaehiwrese, smoe are ohtiwrese." B.F 1735
"My bsos said "I wnat it dnoe lkie yetsedray! And I siad "but why didn't you ask me yetseadry?" © Rkciy S
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
From effect to Cause..
In English please:
As I’m reading the chapters of Science of Survival I am beginning to see how Dianetics relates to Scientology. In Dianetics there were some mention of Theta and the Spirit, With Science of Survival, more and more mention is being made, today however, I discovered the breakpoint between being the at the effect point in Dianetics to the Cause point in Scientology. What does this mean? Dianetics the Science of the Mind in only interested in what has happened to the individual, the effect he has received. I read one sentence and a very short one at that, about theta and this sentence put the individual at cause over what is happening. This and many other fundamental principles about human life can only be discovered in the book Science of Survival – I must say that that if you Just read Science of Survival, you will gain a lot of information, but if you read Dianetics first, you will gain a wealth of information and you will better understand why there is such as thing as the emotional scale in Scientology.
“Beauty & folly are old companions” B.F 1734
“etc etc ,I have nothing to say ” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
As I'm rdaenig the cahtpers of Sicecne of Sivruavl I am bennignig to see how Daientics rtalees to Scineolotgy. In Daientics three wree smoe mitneon of Tehta and the Sripit, With Sccneie of Svruiavl, mroe and mroe metnoin is bnieg mdae, tdoay hewoevr, I docsievred the brkaeiopnt between bnieg the at the efceft ponit in Dnaiecits to the Csuae pniot in Sneicotolgy. Waht deos tihs mean? Dinacites the Sicnece of the Mnid in olny iretneetsd in what has hpaepend to the idnviiaudl, the effcet he has reecevid. I read one senetnce and a very sroht one at taht, about theta and this setnecne put the idndiviaul at casue over waht is hppanineg. Tihs and many oehtr fadnuemnatl pirncpiels aobut hmuan life can olny be dsievocerd in the book Sicecne of Sruvival - I msut say taht that if you Jsut read Siccnee of Svruavil, you wlil gian a lot of iofnrtamoin, but if you read Denaitcis fsrit, you wlil gian a waetlh of ifnmroitaon and you will btteer uednrtsand why three is such as tihng as the eitomnoal slace in Sicenolotgy.
"Btuaey & folly are old coapmnoins" B.F 1374
"etc etc ,I ahve nohitng to say" © Rikcy Snuareds 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Did you hear what I said?
In English please:
Another onslaught to on the quest to know.
This time It was in chapters about Sonic, I tell you reading Science of survival is a breeze. I have read it before and attempted to read a few times, but I never got really got as much out of it as I am getting it now, the data is the same, but the changes in it are hardly noticeably. The thing that is noticeably is that I am getting the data. Sonic, it’s just the ability to recall sound, how hard can that be. Well for a long time I have not really understood the terms in Science of Survival fully, I got some idea, but when Senior Scientology Executive talked about conceptual understanding, then this is it, I am getting that now 100% from the Basics. Before the Basics there was Scientology, A gold mine of technology where the data you got, as it was then was valuable, comparing it to any existing technology about the human mind and the thing called the spirit. Now Scientology is a Diamond fortress of technology where the data is you get is crystal clarity and full understanding PLUS a rock solid certainty when you listen to the lectures.
When I listened to LRH Audit a PC on Dianetics, I got what he was doing, why? Because I understand the book.
I can’t wait to get the Science of Survival lectures.
“A good Man is seldom uneasy, an ill one never easie.” B.F 1734
“If this live if worth living and things are worth knowing then nothing is more important that living life knowing” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Aonehtr osnlhguat to on the quset to konw.
Tihs tmie It was in cpahrets abuot Soinc, I tell you rdaenig Sccneie of svruiavl is a beerze. I hvae raed it bferoe and atettpmed to raed a few tmies, but I never got rellay got as mcuh out of it as I am gtetnig it now, the dtaa is the same, but the cahgnes in it are hradly ncitobaely. The tnihg that is nitoecbaly is taht I am gttenig the data. Snoic, it's just the alibtiy to rcelal suond, how hrad can taht be. Well for a lnog tmie I hvae not rllaey uedntsrood the tmres in Sneicce of Sruvival fully, I got some ieda, but when Sineor Seicotngoly Exeucvite tklaed auobt coecnautpl urednsdnating, tehn tihs is it, I am gteitng taht now 100% form the Bsacis. Bferoe the Bcisas three was Scneilotogy, A glod mnie of tnhcegoloy wrehe the dtaa you got, as it was tehn was vlabaule, cmopnirag it to any extsiing tceonhlgoy auobt the huamn mind and the tnihg cllaed the sripit. Now Sneicotlgoy is a Domaind fortsers of tehclongoy wrehe the dtaa is you get is ctsyral cltiray and flul unedsrnatnidg PULS a rcok soild cetrianty wehn you ltsien to the lutceers.
When I ltsiened to LRH Aidut a PC on Denaiitcs, I got waht he was diong, why? Bacesue I udnrenatsd the book.
I can't wiat to get the Sicnece of Svruival ltceerus.
"A good Man is sodlem usaeny, an ill one never esaie." B.F 1374
"If tihs live if wtroh living and tnihgs are wtroh knoiwng tehn nohtnig is mroe iropmtnat that living lfie koniwng" © Rciky Snuaedrs 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
NO. You can’t have that! - essay on kids
In English please:
When my child was very young, about 3 years old, I had a problem of getting her to understand that certain things cost money and others things cost more money and that there is a “value system”, to a child the concept of a ice-cream has more value than a late model BMW and if asked to choose, the ice-cream will be top choice, especially though the eyes of a 3 year old. My child did not really understand why you can’t have it and of course would get upset for not being able to have it, thinking we as parents we denying them something for no reason, which of course is not true.
Now, I, like many parents don’t like to say ‘NO’ to their kids. And like many parents when you go shopping, the kids tend to demand all sorts of things and just ‘know’ what to say and do to get these things. I believe there is a point in any Parents life that if Ronald McDonald appeared at that time that would have been his certain death. McDonalds has caused me more heartache than all supermarkets and any other fast food franchise combined and this is something shared by almost any parent, however McDonalds is not at fault for being successful.
During one of these moments of stress, to put it mildly, I devised a plan to TAKE BACK CONTROL OF MY LIFE. I want to make my child happy and give her what she needs, but at the same time, teaching a method of moderation and exchange.
I grew up in an era where punishment was considered the ideal method of educating the youth and contrary to popular belief, it did steer me away from certain courses of action, however the end result was more harm than good. So punishment, use of threat and force, does not really mean much to a young child, the only thing it communicates is that you do not love them and that’s why you are mad.
Some Kids I know are very hard to manage, we have seen them all and often we thank the dear Lord, they are not ours. But the parents are stuck with them and this leave a problem for that parent.
Discipline is vital to any child as it is to an adult. Punishment and Discipline is not the same thing. Discipline has many incorrect definitions as far as raising children go and a more correct one would be:
“Training to act in accordance with established rules; accustoming to systematic and regular action; drill.” Webster Dictionary, 1913
I then devised and ran a proposed “Reward System” as it was known to me and “Good Points” as it was known to my daughter.
What did this do?
It gave her enough power and put her cause over the things she wanted.
How did it work?
I explained to her the system first of how the household operated, basically that the reason we go to work it to pay for things such as Holiday trips, meals when we eat out and other things that she would understand at her age. I would tell her I get ‘good point’ form my Boss, when I go to work, when I get there on time etc.
Talking about Electricity or a phone bill, rent, rates etc doesn’t mean much to a 3 year old, but saying you need money or points to pay for the plane to take us The Theme park is something she might understand. Then because she doesn’t necessarily know the value system of money, that if you showed her a dollar coin, shiny and bright and a 100 dollar note, she’ll take the shiny coin, so money doesn’t have any significance, yet. Not all kids are like this, some kids are smarter than others but as a general rule, I followed the above.
Then I made a sort of deal with her, no remember the above does not happen in 1 day. It takes a couple of days to get her kids to understand what you talking about, but you want them to get a reality of what you saying, so when you take them to the supermarket, you show them that you are paying for stuff, you mention that that is what people do and that is why they stand in line for.
The idea you want to get across to your kids is that, there is an exchange system. You give something and in return you get something and with this system you can have whatever you want as long as you have what is required to give.
I then introduced the “Reward System”. It started like this. I took a piece of paper and on it I wrote her name, in big colors. Then I said to her that for any good things she does she will receive a reward. And when she did something good, like packed away her stuff, or went to bed early, I made asked her how she wanted to make the mark or tick, usually it would have to be a star or heart and then I made it. It took at first some patience but it paid off at the end. Now when we went shopping I would indicate to her that if she could have whatever she wanted in the store that she liked and she just had to use her ‘good points’
Now I started adding arbitrary numbers to items, making items not too easy to get, but not too hard. She use to love getting milkshake drinks and would nag and nag for it, now all I said was “milkshake drinks is 5 good points”. Eventually she learned the system and I always kept my word, it didn’t matter what she wanted, MacDonald’s, Toys, etc, all of it required good points. Sometimes she would work for days to get a certain amount of points for say a skipping rope which would cost 50 good points. It meant that she will have help a lot around the house and do some clean up or something to earn those points. The most important thing about the point system is to keep it updated each week and get her to decide what she wants. After this was introduced I never again had to say the dreadful words “you can’t have that”, now it was “that cost _____ points”. Sometime she would say how many points for a “dog” or “cat” and because the apartment we stayed in did not allow animals it would be “500 points” and she would say, I’m going to make that. And I would say, Good on you. After accumulating say 50 or even 80 points, we just have to step into a store and she’d see something she likes. She’s say , I want that how many points, and I’d say “60 points” and remind her that she is saving for a dog, she say, I’ll make more points, of course, the temptation of the toys in the store always tends to make her spend her points. The main thing here is she gets to decide in what she wants and she knows that if something is a certain amount of points, no matter what it is, she will get it, because that the “reward system” today she is old enough to understand money and instead of saying “good points” I just have to say $1 or 50c.
On birthdays and special occasions, I would tell her that she does not have to use her points, but that I would have to use my points as this is special. She really liked this.
Also when she got a good school report or did something really good, she would of course get bonus points, 10 points for being “student of the week”
Again the emphasis is on reward.
Now what did I do when she wasn’t co-operative? Never, as a rule take away points for bad behavior. Non acceptable behavior does not accumulate “bad points”, bad points do not exist, only good points, if she did a non acceptable action, it would be ignored or dealt with the appropriate action, but never mention or threaten to take away points or that they will lose points or any such thing. All your hard work will be lost if you make that mistake and you and whatever you do thereafter will be treated with suspicion; it will then take awhile to win back the trust.
At no time, ever, no matter what she did, did I say you can’t use the points. If you make a promise, you have to keep it, no matter what. Even if they make you so mad, you still have to keep it, unless they decide to change it or no longer are interested in it.
Discipline as per the definition above can take on many forms, but I find in dealing with kids you have to be just a little bit above their level necessary to get you communication across. And sometimes you will find that level of theirs is pretty high. The main thing with discipline as a system it has to be compared to something. The system has to be something real, not what you don’t like. It is the overall plan you have for the child, be it they grow up a be successful or do well in life or whatever, then you look and see if the discipline is directing them towards that goal. Even as enforcing bed time or something like that, the moment you enforce discipline as a action because they ‘annoying’ you or that the kids are getting on your nerves, then you need to get some Dianetics auditing.
This is not an essay on how to discipline, there are too many opinions on that already, but as a note, it is something that is needed only to the degree keeps the kids happy.
Idea of Good or Bad
Now kids don’t really know what is good or bad, they know but they don’t have the same idea that we have. For example. A kid will think staying up really late at night is good and you making them go to bed early - bad.
So when you introduce the concept of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ you will have to refer to what is generally socially considered ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and not what you think is ‘good’ or ‘bad’.
Socially ‘swearing in public’ is considered bad and being helpful to other is considered ‘good’. Personally you might think swearing at another in front the kids as ‘good’ and
kids touching things in stores as ‘bad’.
Think for a moment what is your idea of a ‘good boy’ or ‘good girl’ is and you’ll see some interesting things and all you need to do is compare what you think a good boy or girl should be doing to what society considers a good boy or girl should be doing. And society does not mean you social club or local church or your family, but society as a whole.
Doing the above can be a trial for some and easy for others. The skills you need to do the above are simple communication, an understanding of children and basic understanding of the mind. This information can be gotten at any Church Of Scientology. There are some books on the subject of Children that covers some of the points mentioned here as well as the book the Way to Happiness that has a section on children. Take this information, if you seriously have the best interests for your kids at heart. Of course a must read is the Scientology booklet “Children” as this would give you a foundation on how to treat children in general.
There you have my opinion on raising kids and giving them power of choice, self determinism and knowledge of exchange regarding money. This system is not the best system or the only system, it’s just a system. It might work for you or it might not, but if you seriously want control especially when you go shopping, then this is the way to do it.
© Ricky Saunders 2007
“He that would live in peace & at ease,
Must not speak all he knows, nor judge all he sees” B.F 1736
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Wehn my cihld was vrey ynuog, aobut 3 yeras old, I had a porelbm of gttenig her to urednsnatd that creiatn thgnis csot moeny and ohtres tnihgs csot mroe menoy and taht trehe is a "vulae stsyem", to a clihd the cecnopt of a iecerc-am has mroe vlaue tahn a ltae medol BMW and if asked to cohose, the icrc-eeam wlil be top cciohe, epseclaily though the eeys of a 3 yaer old. My cihld did not raelly uednsrnatd why you can't hvae it and of cuosre wluod get upset for not bieng albe to hvae it, tknihnig we as peratns we deynnig tehm stemohnig for no raeosn, which of csruoe is not ture.
Now, I, lkie mnay partnes don't lkie to say 'NO' to tiehr kdis. And like mnay pnerats wehn you go sohnippg, the kdis tend to dmeand all srots of tgnihs and just 'konw' waht to say and do to get tsehe tnihgs. I bleveie trehe is a ponit in any Pnerats lfie that if Rlanod MoDcnlad aepperad at taht tmie taht wluod have been his creiatn detah. MoDclands has cesuad me mroe haeatrhce than all srepuamkrtes and any otehr fsat food frnasihce cmoenibd and tihs is smoteihng shraed by asomlt any pranet, hoewevr MoDcdlans is not at fualt for bnieg scucesfsul.
Dirung one of thsee momnets of srtses, to put it mdlily, I dsiveed a paln to TKAE BACK CTNOORL OF MY LFIE. I wnat to mkae my cihld hppay and gvie her waht she ndees, but at the smae tmie, tcaeihng a meohtd of medoitaron and ehcxgnae.
I gerw up in an era wrehe psinuemhnt was cnosedired the iaedl mteohd of euditacng the ytuoh and ctnorary to plupoar beilef, it did seetr me away form catrein couesrs of aoitcn, hvewoer the end ruselt was mroe hram than good. So psinumhent, use of trheat and fcroe, deos not rllaey maen mcuh to a ynuog chlid, the olny tnihg it commcinuetas is taht you do not lvoe tehm and that's why you are mad.
Smoe Kdis I know are very hrad to mnagae, we hvae seen tehm all and oetfn we tnahk the daer Lrod, tehy are not orus. But the peratns are stcuk wtih them and tihs lvaee a plborem for taht perant.
Dicsipilne is vtial to any clihd as it is to an aludt. Pinuemhsnt and Dsiiclpnie is not the smae tihng. Dcsiilpine has mnay icnerroct denifinoits as far as riasing cdlihern go and a mroe crrocet one wuold be:
"Triniang to act in aoccradcne wtih eatslbhsied rluse; aucctsimong to stsyameitc and rgealur atcnoi; dlirl." Wsbeetr Dtcinoiray, 1913
I then deesivd and ran a proposed "Rweard Stsyem" as it was kwonn to me and "Good Pniots" as it was kwonn to my dhguaetr.
Waht did tihs do?
It gave her enguoh pewor and put her csuae oevr the tnihgs she wetnad.
How did it wrok?
I elpxaenid to her the ssyetm fsrit of how the huoeshold opearetd, bcisallay taht the reosan we go to wrok it to pay for thnigs scuh as Hdiloay tpirs, mlaes when we eat out and ohter thigns that she wuold udnretsnad at her age. I wluod tlel her I get 'good pniot' from my Boss, wehn I go to work, wehn I get trehe on time etc.
Tlaikng auobt Eelirtcticy or a pnohe blil, rnet, retas etc deosn't maen mcuh to a 3 yaer old, but syaing you need menoy or pniots to pay for the pnale to tkae us The Tehme prak is semohtnig she mgiht uednsrnatd. Tehn buacese she deosn't nceasseliry konw the vulae ssyetm of money, that if you swohed her a dloalr cion, snihy and bgirht and a 100 dallor ntoe, she'll take the snihy cion, so moeny dosen't have any siingfcicnae, yet. Not all kdis are lkie this, smoe kids are stramer tahn oehtrs but as a genearl rlue, I followed the abvoe.
Then I mdae a srot of dael with her, no remember the abvoe does not heppan in 1 day. It tekas a cpuole of dyas to get her kdis to unsrednatd waht you tklanig abuot, but you want tehm to get a rlaetiy of waht you siyang, so when you tkae them to the sepuramrekt, you sohw tehm taht you are pyanig for sfutf, you mtneion taht taht is waht poeple do and taht is why tehy snatd in lnie for.
The ieda you want to get aorcss to yuor kdis is taht, tehre is an ehcxnage syetsm. You gvie smohteing and in rterun you get sohtemnig and wtih tihs setsym you can have wahteevr you wnat as lnog as you have waht is riuqeerd to gvie.
I tehn irtnudoecd the "Rrawed Stsyem". It satetrd lkie tihs. I took a pceie of pepar and on it I worte her nmae, in big coolrs. Then I siad to her taht for any good tihgns she deos she wlil recevie a rewrad. And wehn she did stemonihg good, lkie pkcaed away her stfuf, or wnet to bed elray, I mdae asked her how she wetnad to make the mrak or tcik, uusllay it wuold hvae to be a star or hraet and tehn I mdae it. It took at frist some peitacne but it piad off at the end. Now wehn we wnet sohpping I wluod incidate to her taht if she cluod hvae wetahver she wetnad in the sotre taht she lkied and she just had to use her 'good pniots'
Now I strated aiddng abrtirary numrebs to imets, mikang imets not too easy to get, but not too hrad. She use to lvoe gitteng miklkahse dnirks and wuold nag and nag for it, now all I siad was "msklikahe dnirks is 5 good piotns". Etnevlauly she leenrad the setsym and I awlays kpet my wrod, it ddin't mettar waht she wetnad, ManoDcald's, Tyos, etc, all of it reuqerid good piotns. Smoteimes she wolud wrok for dyas to get a cetrian anuomt of piotns for say a skipping rope wcihh wluod cost 50 good ptnios. It mnaet that she wlil hvae hlep a lot aornud the hosue and do smoe caeln up or semonihtg to eran tsohe potnis. The most ipmrotnat thing aobut the pniot ssyetm is to keep it uadpetd ecah week and get her to dcedie waht she wtnas. After tihs was itnudorecd I never agian had to say the daerdufl wdros "you can't hvae taht", now it was "that csot _____ piotns". Semomite she wluod say how many pionts for a "dog" or "cat" and becuase the araptemnt we seyatd in did not aollw ainlams it wluod be "500 ptnios" and she wluod say, I'm giong to mkae that. And I wolud say, Good on you. Atfer auccmlutanig say 50 or eevn 80 pniots, we jsut have to setp itno a sotre and she'd see semoihtng she lekis. She's say , I wnat that how many ptnios, and I'd say "60 ptnios" and renimd her taht she is saivng for a dog, she say, I'll mkae mroe pniots, of coruse, the teatpmoitn of the toys in the sotre awlyas tdnes to make her sepnd her ptnios. The mian tnihg hree is she gtes to dicede in waht she watns and she konws taht if semoihtng is a catrein amnuot of piotns, no mttaer waht it is, she wlil get it, becuase that the "reawrd syetsm" tadoy she is old eguonh to uednatsrnd menoy and itsnaed of siyang "good ptnios" I jsut have to say $1 or 50c.
On btriyadhs and sicepal occsanois, I wluod tlel her that she deos not hvae to use her ptnios, but taht I wolud hvae to use my poitns as tihs is sepaicl. She rllaey lekid tihs.
Also wehn she got a good school reoprt or did soemihtng rellay good, she wluod of cruose get bunos ptnios, 10 ptnios for benig "sdutnet of the week"
Aagin the ehpmisas is on reawrd.
Now waht did I do wehn she wsan't cpo-oareitve? Never, as a rule tkae aawy pniots for bad baheoivr. Non acctpealbe beivahor deos not amucctalue "bad pniots", bad pionts do not esixt, olny good ptnios, if she did a non aeccpbatle action, it wolud be iongerd or dlaet wtih the arpppoairte aoitcn, but never mitneon or trheetan to tkae aawy ptnios or taht tehy wlil lose pniots or any scuh tnihg. All yuor hrad wrok will be lsot if you make taht msitkae and you and wtaheevr you do theretfaer wlil be teretad wtih ssupoicin; it wlil tehn tkae alihwe to win bcak the tsurt.
At no time, eevr, no mttaer waht she did, did I say you can't use the ponits. If you make a pimorse, you hvae to keep it, no maettr waht. Eevn if tehy mkae you so mad, you stlil hvae to keep it, ulness tehy dicede to chnage it or no lgnoer are ineteretsd in it.
Dcsiilpine as per the dfeinitoin aobve can take on many fmros, but I fnid in dlaenig wtih kdis you have to be jsut a llttie bit avobe tiehr level nesecrasy to get you cmmoinuitacon arcsos. And semomites you wlil fnid that level of tiehrs is pretty hgih. The mian tnihg with disicilpne as a stsyem it has to be cpmoerad to smohtenig. The stsyem has to be semotihng rael, not what you don't lkie. It is the oarevll plan you hvae for the cihld, be it tehy gorw up a be seccuufssl or do wlel in lfie or whetaevr, tehn you look and see if the dsicilpine is drienitcg tehm trawods taht gaol. Eevn as erofnnicg bed time or stemoihng like that, the memont you enfroce dsipicilne as a acoitn buacese they 'annniyog' you or that the kdis are gettnig on yuor nvrees, then you need to get smoe Dainetics atiduing.
Tihs is not an essay on how to dispicnile, tehre are too mnay opoinins on taht arlaedy, but as a ntoe, it is sotemihng taht is ndeeed olny to the drgeee kpees the kdis hppay.
Ieda of Good or Bad
Now kdis don't rellay konw waht is good or bad, tehy konw but tehy don't hvae the same idea taht we have. For epmaxle. A kid wlil tihnk styanig up rellay late at nhgit is good and you mkaing them go to bed early - bad.
So when you iortnudce the ccnopet of 'good' and 'bad' you will hvae to rfeer to waht is gerenally scoailly cisnodreed 'good' or 'bad' and not what you tnihk is 'good' or 'bad'.
Sicolaly 'sewnirag in pbulic' is cnodisered bad and benig hleufpl to oehtr is cnosdiered 'good'. Posrelanly you mhgit think saewnirg at atonehr in fnort the kdis as 'good' and
kdis tocunihg tnihgs in stoers as 'bad'.
Tnihk for a mnemot waht is yuor ieda of a 'good boy' or 'good gril' is and you'll see smoe inerettsnig thnigs and all you need to do is copmrae waht you tnihk a good boy or gril sohlud be dniog to waht scoteiy coisndres a good boy or gril sohlud be doing. And seicoty does not maen you scoail culb or lcoal chcruh or yuor fmaliy, but scoitey as a wlohe.
Dniog the avobe can be a tairl for smoe and esay for ohtres. The skills you need to do the aobve are spmile commucinoitan, an unsredatidnng of cdlihern and bisac unredsatnidng of the mnid. Tihs ifnrotamoin can be gttoen at any Cuhcrh Of Seictngoloy. Tehre are some bkoos on the sucejbt of Cdlihern taht crevos smoe of the potnis mitneenod hree as well as the book the Way to Happsenis taht has a sitceon on cliherdn. Tkae tihs inofamroitn, if you soiresuly hvae the bset iretnsets for your kids at hraet. Of cruose a msut raed is the Sneictlogoy blkooet "Cliherdn" as this wuold gvie you a fuotadnion on how to taert clihdern in genearl.
All rhgit trehe you hvae my opnioin on raising kdis and gviing tehm power of cciohe, slef dreteminsim, knodelwge of eahcxgne rragenidg menoy. This setsym is not the bset ssytem or the olny stsyem, it's jsut a sysetm. It mgiht wrok for you or it mhgit not, but if you soireusly want cnortol ecepsllaiy wehn you go sppohnig, then tihs is the way to do it.
© Rikcy Snuaders 2007
"He taht wuold lvie in pcaee & at esae,
Must not spaek all he knows, nor jgdue all he sees" B.F 1376
Saturday, September 22, 2007
It's time to lend a Helping Hand!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Don't delay ! you just have to find out.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Come on ! Get your Basics in!
Since the Release of the Basics, I have not gotten my complete package of Books and lectures to avail myself to the Spiritual technology of Dianetics and Scientology. Now truthfully I have been slack since the release of the Basics books and Lectures and didn’t get them right away.
When I read the book Dianetics originally, I could understand for the first time people, I knew what made people do the things they do, I had a strong intention to get EVERYONE to read the book. Every person I met, I would tell about it, I was so excited and I just wanted people to know about the book and so they too will know the answer.
I basically read most of the books by L. Ron Hubbard after that and have since then learned quite a bit. With the release of the Basic Books AND for the first time the Lectures that go with it I saw the importance of getting this as soon as possible to get the complete picture.
Religious Technology Center knows how important the Basic Book and lectures are, and what difference this will make to all people who actually read the books AND listen to the lectures.
I now can say I have my Basics in, what about you?
“It is better to take many Injuries than to give one” B.F 1735
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Snice the Resaele of the Baiscs, I trhtuuflly have not gtoetn my copmtele paakcge of Bkoos and ltceerus to avial mlesyf to the Siriptaul tcenhgoloy of Diaitencs and Sictneogoly. Now thturuflly I hvae been scalk scnie the relesae of the Baiscs bkoos and Lcerutes and d’ndit get tehm rhgit aawy.
Wehn I raed the book Ditenacis oigiranlly, I cuold udnrenatsd for the fisrt tmie ppoele, I kenw waht mkae poeple do the thigns they do, I had a sortng inetnoitn to get EREVOYNE to raed the book. Erevy preosn I met, I wluod tlel auobt it, I was so exeticd
and I jsut wtnaed poeple to know auobt the book and so tehy too wlil konw the aewsnr.
I bcisaally read most of the books by L. Ron Hubbard aetfr taht and hvae scnie then lenraed qtiue a bit. Wtih the resaele of the Bisac Bosok AND for the fisrt tmie the Lutceers taht go with it I saw the iropmcnate of getnitg tihs as soon as pssoible to get the copmlete piuctre.
Rilegiuos Tnhceloogy Ctneer konws how imtropnat of the Bsacis and the lerutces, and waht dfiefcnere tihs will mkae to all pepole who atcllauy raed the bkoos AND ltisen to the lectrues.
I now can say I hvae my Baciss in, waht auobt you?
"It is beettr to tkae mnay Inirujes tahn to gvie one" B.F 1735
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Know your ABC's
Today I covered some more interesting aspects of this thing called spirit and its energy, theta. It’s like your ABC; when you go to school, you learn the ABC, so you then can learn to read, write, spell your name and eventually you are able to read complex words like these. In Scientology it's like you’re A.R. C, when you go on course you learn your ARC, A for Affinity, R for reality and C for Communication. When you know your ARC very well, you could say you know a part of the spirit very well. A rock, as dead as it is, cannot give affinity, cannot communicate unless someone threw it at you and really does not share you love for Cats (reality).
My understanding of this is increasing as I am making way through the chapter. I do not want to reveal to much as the data in the book is the data. My win or successes of it cannot substitute the data, for when you read it, you will find that it affects or has broader application to an area of your life, which only you can experience or know about. And as a reminder for people who do read this blog, whatever is written here is no substitute for the data contained in the books of L.Ron Hubbard, even if quoted; that this blog is not an interpretation the Scientology Religion or what I write here is used as a standard of what a Scientologist is or should be.
I am making that clear as I want people to find out for themselves, that each person develop a truth about the subject though discovery of the Technology of Dianetics and Scientology, by reading the Actual books or L.Ron Hubbard, By listening to his recorded lectures and doing his courses. I am the source of this blog, not the source of Dianetics or Scientology, Only L.Ron Hubbard, rightfully, can hold that title.
“Who pleasure gives,
Shall joy receive.” B.F 1734
“A sniffle here a sniffle there, seems like I miss something
or is it the germs in the air” Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook Please:
Tadoy I cvoreed smoe mroe itnretsenig aepscts of tihs tnihg claled sripit and its eengry, thtea. It's lkie your ABC, wehn you go to sohcol, you lraen the ABC, so you tehn can lraen to raed, wirte, slepl your nmae and enevlautly you are albe to raed cpmoelx wdros lkie thsee. In Sictneoolgy it lkie you're A.R. C, wehn you go on cuosre you lraen yuor ARC, A for Afnifity, R for rilaety and C for Cmmounacioitn. Wehn you konw yuor ARC vrey wlel, you cluod say you konw a part of the spriit vrey wlel. A rcok, as daed as it is, canont give aifftiny, cnaont commcinuate unelss sooemne terhw it at you and rlaely deos not sahre you lvoe for Ctas (laertiy).
My unredsatnidng of tihs is icnerisang as I am mkaing way torhguh the cpahetr. I do not wnat to reeval to much as the dtaa in the book is the dtaa. My win or sccussees of it cnnaot sutsbtitue the dtaa, for wehn you raed it, you will find that it afftces or has boredar ailppcaoitn to an aera of yuor lfie, wcihh olny you can epxerneice or konw abuot. And as a rimedner for plpoee who do raed tihs bolg, wtahveer is wttiren here is no stsbuutite for the dtaa coatnined in the books of L.Ron Hubbard, even if qtoude; taht tihs blog is not an ietnrpteritaon the Scieotngoly Rileoign or waht I wtire is uesd as a satadnrd of waht a Seicnolotsigt is or suohld be.
I am mkaing that caelr as I wnat plpoee to fnid out for tehmesvles, that each pesron develop a turth auobt the sujbect tohguh docsievry of the Teconholgy of Denaitcis and Sneicotgoly, by reidang the Acautl bkoos or L.Ron Hubbard, By lsiinetng to his rocedred lceeruts and diong his cruoess. I am the suocre of this bolg, not the suocre of Dnaicites or Seicotnlogy, Olny L.Ron Hubbard, rthgifully, can hold taht tltie.
"Who paelruse gvies,
Slahl joy rceviee." B.F 1374
"A sfinlfe here a sffinle trehe, seems lkie I msis semonihtg
or is it the gemrs in the air" Rikcy Sdnuares 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Progress is being made.
In English please:
OK today I started on the Chapter about Affinity, Reality and Communication. Wow! Anyone who wants to know some of the secrets of the universe should read this chapter as it reveals some nice secrets, the Laws that governs the Physical Universe and the Laws that govern the Spiritual Universe. How can anyone be alive and not know these fundamental laws, it is so natural and part of everyone. No one should neglect to read and understand the data contained in Science of Survival for already I can see how important this information is to my survival.
Just by looking at a person and assessing their well being, you can determine how much of life they have in them. Before Scientology, people sort of just thought “well, that’s they way it is, there’s nothing you can do about it” well this is a big a lie.
I discovered today that using some basic principles in the book Dianetics, not even like using Dianetic therapy on them, just using the information on change of environment and education , you can change their life.
A change of Environment I realized could be going for a run, when you never use to, education could be to find learn how to operate a new computer, and these things will lift a person and make them feel better. Many would say, it’s too simple, anyone can do that, but if you look around you, you find that many do not, and many do not know what is the right way and what is the wrong way, it is all mixed with. Science of Survival and this chapter I am reading is making me smart, life smart, you can be smart too.
“Would you persuade, speak of Interest, not of Reason.” B.F 1734
“I say I am and therefore I’ll be” Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
OK tadoy I sratetd on the Ctpaher auobt Afftiniy, Raeltiy and Cmmoinuitacon. Wow! Anoyne who wnats to konw smoe of the sceters of the uinevsre sohlud read this ctpaher as it rveelas some ncie srcetes, the Lwas taht govnres the Psyhacil Uvinsree and the Lwas taht grevon the Sriputial Uinsreve. How can aynnoe be avile and not konw tsehe fumadnatnel lwas, it is so naarutl and prat of eevoyrne. No one sluohd neelgct to raed and undeatsrnd the dtaa cnoiatend in Scicnee of Sruvival for aerlady I can see how ipmonatrt tihs irofnitamon is to my sruivavl.
Just by looikng at a psreon and asessnisg tiehr wlel bnieg, you can dterenime how mcuh of lfie tehy hvae in tehm. Bferoe Sceiotnlogy, ppoele sort of jsut thuohgt "wlel, taht's tehy way it is, trehe's nhtoing you can do auobt it" well this is a big a lie.
I divocseerd tadoy taht unisg smoe bsaic pnirpicels in the book Daitenics, not eevn lkie uisng Dinateic tehpary on them, just unisg the ifnoamroitn on chgnae of eivnmnornet and euditacon , you can chgnae thier life.
A chgnae of Evnnoriemnt I rezilaed cuold be gniog for a run, wehn you nveer use to, ecuditaon cuold be to fnid leran how to oarepte a new cotupmer, and thsee thgnis wlil lfit a posren and mkae tehm feel btteer. Mnay wuold say, it's too spmile, aoynne can do taht, but if you look anuord you, you fnid taht many do not, and mnay do not konw waht is the rhgit way and waht is the wnorg way, it is all miexd wtih. Seiccne of Suvrvial and tihs chpaetr I am ridaeng is mikang me smrat, lfie sramt, you can be smrat too.
"Wluod you preausde, sepak of Iretnset, not of Resaon." B.F 1734
"I say I am and threofere I'll be" Rkciy Suanreds 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Blog action day - take part and do something
What it's all about
On October 15th - Blog Action Day, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone's mind.
In its inaugural year, Blog Action Day will be co-ordinating bloggers to tackle the issue of the environment.
What Each Blogger Will Do
Bloggers can participate on Blog Action Day in one of two ways:
Publish a post on their blog which relates to an issue of their own choice pertaining to the environment.
For example: A blog about money might write about how to save around the home by using environmentally friendly ideas. Similarly a blog about politics might examine what weight environmental policy holds in the political arena.
Posts do not need to have any specific agenda, they simply need to relate to the larger issue in whatever way suits the blogger and readership. Our aim is not to promote one particular viewpoint, only to push the issue to the table for discussion.
- Commit to donating their day’s advertising earnings to an environmental charity of their choice. There is a list of "official" Blog Action Day charities on the site, however bloggers are also free to choose an alternate environmental charity to donate to if they wish.
And that’s it.
If they choose bloggers can also promote the initiative itself. However they are also free to simply post on topic on the right day or discreetly donate to a charity without publicizing Blog Action Day.
what to do next
Blogs of every variety from huge top 100 blogs to small, niche sites are going to be participating, find out who is involved. You can also learn about who is behind the initiative and read through some frequently asked questions. Or if you are ready, find out about getting your blog involved.
“Don't value a man for the Quality he is of, but for the Qualities he possesses.” B.F 1734
“A kind word goes further than a harsh one” Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Waht it's all auobt
On Otcebor 1t5h - Bolg Aitcon Day, bloeggrs auornd the web will untie to put a snilge imtropnat iusse on erevoyne's mind.
In its iguanuarl yaer, Blog Atcion Day will be c-oodrtaninig bggolers to tlkcae the iusse of the erivnomnnet.
What Ecah Bloeggr Wlil Do
Blggoers can praitpictae on Bolg Atcoin Day in one of two wasy:
1. Pilbush a psot on thier blog wcihh rleaets to an isuse of tehir own ciohce ptreiniang to the erivnmnonet.
For eaxmlpe: A bolg auobt mnoey mhgit write aobut how to svae aronud the home by unisg enivrmnotnellay feirldny ideas. Sialimlry a bolg abuot ptilocis mgiht emaxnie what wiehgt erivnmnoatnel ploicy hodls in the ptiloical arena.
Ptsos do not need to hvae any spficeic aegdna, they spmily need to ralete to the lraegr isuse in whaveter way stius the bggoler and reasredihp. Our aim is not to pmortoe one ptracialur viopwenit, olny to psuh the isuse to the tlbae for disucsoisn.
2. Cmmoit to danoitng tiehr day's avdtrenisig einrangs to an eivnnoremnatl chiraty of tehir ciohce. Three is a lsit of "offaicil" Bolg Atcoin Day chiraites on the stie, hoewevr bgolgers are aslo free to cohose an aetltanre eivnmnorneatl cirahty to dotane to if they wish.
And taht's it.
If they cohose blogregs can aslo portome the iintaivite itself. Hwoever they are aslo fere to silpmy psot on topic on the rhgit day or dsiercltey dnotae to a cahtiry whtiuot pilbuizicng Bolg Acoitn Day.
waht to do nxet
Blgos of erevy viratey from hgue top 100 bgols to samll, niche sties are gniog to be ptraicpitaing, find out who is ilovnevd. You can aslo lraen about who is bihend the itinitaive and read trhuogh smoe fuqernelty asekd qtseuoins. Or if you are raedy, fnid out auobt gteitng yuor bolg ilovnved.
"Don't vulae a man for the Qlautiy he is of, but for the Qlauieits he psoesesss." B.F 1374
"A knid wrod goes furehtr tahn a hsrah one" Rikcy Saednurs 2007
Many others have wins too.
This article is taken from:
Just Another Scientologist expressing their views on Dianetics and the Basics.
Recently, I posted my thoughts on evaluation on my pam-phlets blog.
Here's some more thoughts.
I was reading the new edition of Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health yesterday and in the forword on How to Read this Book, (p 2 of hardcover) Mr. Hubbard talks about the "underevaluation" of facts because we "knew it all along." He points out that a fact is never important without proper evaluation of it and its precise relationship to other facts.
So I began to think, not only about should we evaluate, but when should we evaluate and the correct evaluation of importance.
Of course, we evaluate all the time. We decide something is important or unimportant. We even decide that something is important but that we can't or won't do something about it, or that, despite its importance, we will do something else.
Sometimes we are actually making decisions that fit our best interests. But often, we are reacting to hidden influences.
Evaluating for yourself (making decisions about what is important or unimportant to you) is one thing, but what about evaluating for others? Well, parents evaluate for their kids. "You should go to school. You should go to bed at 9." In so doing, they establish a structure for the child. Guidance on what is good, important and proper.
But from 1945, a phase started when parents were kind of encouraged NOT to evaluate for their kids. (This was attributed to psychologist Dr. Spock's book and labeled "permissive child-rearing." I'm not sure how many people actually read his book and how many simply formed their ideas based on little data and a lot of evaluation.) A generation grew up under this "permissive" philosophy.
I should say that I'm blogging in an area that I admittedly don't know that much about, having not had children. But I did grow up in this era of permissive child-rearing, so I have some thoughts about it. So what happened? Well, as I see it, it didn't work. Children need guidance, direction -- a moral code.
A child (or adult) without proper guidance, education and a moral code is unpredictable and disruptive. Psychology (talk therapy) failed, and Into this disrupted child-rearing scene stepped the psychiatrists. The psychiatrists are highly suseptible to hidden influences. There is no scientific body of knowledge behind the psychiatrist. Did you know that? They are people trained as doctors, then psychology, and then let loose on the world. They have a manual called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) which contains a list of "mental illnesses" they have "voted in." Yes, VOTED in.
Wikipedia notes that there is controversy about the DSM because roughly 50% of the authors who previously defined psychiatric disorders have had or have financial relationships with pharmaceutical industries and drug companies. (Also see "Experts Debunk DSM.") In today's psychiatry, if you get diagnosed as mentally ill, you're sure to end up on some psychiatric drug! You may not know that many of the men and women incarcerated in our prisons are on some sort of psychiatric mediation. They get their "daily meds". They may get out of jail, but not free. They are now addicted to some very powerful drugs.
But I digress. On the topic of evaluation, this is an area which is under-evaluated. You may think, well, there is a Science of Mental Health, and the psychiatrists have it all taken care of and we now have these brand new psychiatric drugs which handle these poor mentally ill people.
Take a good look for yourself, my friend. These drugs are often lethal. These "experts" don't know what they're doing, and the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. Who benefits from the current psychiatric and drug scene? Well, the psychiatrist. He now has a "solution" that doesn't take any time at all — write a prescription. And the drug manufacturer, who now has an expanding clientele.
Inform yourself at the Citizens Commission on Human Rights website. Your correct evaluation of this scene is the first step towards a saner world.
“Don't think to hunt two hares with one dog.” B.F 1734
“The pretty girl the handsome guy
We often see but afraid to
A beautiful face, a gentle smile
a memory is made that last
for awhile;
We dismiss the thought as we continue
to walk;
And makes excuses as to why we
did’nt talk;
If the moment is there don’t
Take the chance before it’s too
For love has no boundaries so don’t
be shy;
You never know who’ll you meet
if you try.”
Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Tihs artlcie is tekan form:
Ahtoner Scielotnoigst eerpxnissg tiehr views on Dnaiecits and the Bsacis.
Rceltney, I ptsoed my tohguths on elavuation on my p-mahptels blog. Hree's smoe mroe tohhguts.
I was raednig the new etidoin of Denaiitcs, the Moredn Sceicne of Matnel Htlaeh yseetrady and in the fowrord on How to Raed this Book, (p 2 of hcdraorev) Mr. Habburd tklas abuot the "uredneavauloitn" of ftcas buacese we "knew it all aolng." He piotns out taht a fcat is neevr ipmatront wohtiut peporr eavulitaon of it and its persice rleoitanhsip to otehr facts.
So I bgean to tihnk, not only abuot sohlud we eavaulte, but when suohld we evaulate and the cerroct eavaultoin of imoptracne.
Of cousre, we elavtaue all the time. We dcedie semotnihg is iropmatnt or uinropmtnat. We eevn dcedie taht smoteihng is imropatnt but that we can't or won't do stemohnig aobut it, or taht, dsetipe its ipmatronce, we wlil do smotenihg esle.
Smoetiems we are acutally mkanig dcesinois taht fit our bset inretsets. But oetfn, we are rcaenitg to hddien ifnulcnees.
Eulavtanig for yuoesrlf (ikamng dceoisins auobt waht is iropmnatt or upminatront to you) is one tnihg, but waht aobut eulavanitg for othres? Wlel, pratnes eulavtae for their kdis. "You shluod go to scoohl. You sohlud go to bed at 9." In so donig, tehy eatssilbh a scurtrute for the cihld. Gadiucne on waht is good, ipmronatt and prpoer.
But form 1495, a psahe staetrd when pratnes wree kind of ecnruoaegd NOT to eulavate for their kids. (Tihs was attbirtued to pyslohcgosit Dr. Scopk's book and labeeld "pesimrvise cihdlr-iraeng." I'm not srue how mnay plpoee atcually raed his book and how mnay smilpy fmroed thier iaeds besad on ltitle dtaa and a lot of elavauoitn.) A gnetareoin gerw up uednr tihs "premissive" phsolipohy.
I sholud say taht I'm blgonigg in an aera taht I amdtitldey don't konw that mcuh aobut, hnivag not had chdliern. But I did grow up in tihs era of pimresisve cdlihaer-nirg, so I hvae some tohhguts aobut it. So waht hpapneed? Wlel, as I see it, it didn't wrok. Cdlihern need gadiunce, dceritoin -- a mroal cdoe.
A clihd (or adtlu) wohtiut peporr gdiucnae, edacuoitn and a mroal cdoe is urpncidebatle and drsitpuvie. Pyslohcgoy (latk tarehyp) fiaeld, and Itno tihs dursietpd cihdler-irang secne setpped the pyscihtatsirs. The phcysrtaitsis are hgilhy sesubitple to heddin iulfnecnes. Tehre is no sceitnfiic bdoy of knowlgdee bihend the pshcytaisirt. Did you know that? Tehy are poeple tarenid as dotcors, tehn pysclohgoy, and tehn let lsooe on the wlrod. Tehy have a manaul caelld the Daingtsoic and Sttasicital Munaal of Meatnl Dosiedrrs (MSD) wcihh coatnnis a lsit of "metnal illseness" tehy hvae "voetd in." Yes, VOTED in.
Wkidepiia ntoes taht tehre is ctnoorevrsy auobt the DSM besuace rhguoly 50% of the aturohs who previosuly defenid pcysaihirtc dsiroreds have had or hvae faninaicl raleoithsnips wtih pmrahcatueacil isudnirtes and durg cmopnaeis. (Also see "Epxrets Dnubek DSM.") In today's pysihcarty, if you get daigonsed as mentllay ill, you're srue to end up on smoe phcysrtaiic durg! You may not konw taht many of the men and wemon iacnrarecetd in our pirnoss are on smoe srot of phcystairic mideoitan. Tehy get thier "daliy mdes". Tehy may get out of jial, but not free. Tehy are now addetcid to smoe very powefrul dgurs.
But I dgierss. On the tipoc of eulavtaoin, tihs is an area wcihh is uredn-avetauled. You may thnik, wlel, trehe is a Sneicce of Matnel Hetlah, and the pysihcairtsts hvae it all tkaen care of and we now have thsee bnard new pyshctaiirc drgus wcihh hnalde tehse poor melatnly ill ppoele.
Tkae a good look for ysruolef, my feirnd. Tsehe dgurs are oetfn lahtel. Tsehe "eepxtrs" don't know waht tehy're diong, and the emporer isn't weranig any colhtes. Who benetifs form the crurnet phcysrtaiic and durg scnee? Wlel, the phcysrtaiist. He now has a "souliton" taht dosen't tkae any tmie at all - wirte a perircsptoin. And the drug munafutcaerr, who now has an eapxdnnig cltneilee.
Iofnrm ysruolef at the Czitines Cmmosioisn on Huamn Rigths wsbetie. Yuor corrcet eulavaiton of tihs secne is the fsrit setp tawodrs a senar wrold.
"Don't thnik to hnut two haers wtih one dog." B.F 1374
"The pttery gril the hanosdme guy
We otfen see but arfaid to
A baefituul fcae, a gltnee smlie
a mromey is made taht lsat
for awhile;
We dimssis the tguohht as we citnoune
to wlak
And mkaes esucxes as to why we
did'nt tkla;
If the mnemot is there don't
Tkae the chcnae bferoe it's too
For love has no eenmy do so don't
be shy;
You nveer konw who'll you meet
if you try." Riyck Suadners 2070
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Why does everyone want to join Scientology's elite?
In English Please:
Cyrus Brooks share with us “Why he joined the Sea Org*”
* Sea org – a Scientology Organization that have been entrusted with safeguarding of Advanced Scientology Materials, this organization consists of the most dedicated people on earth, who work, selfishly to keep Scientology the way L. Ron Hubbard intended.
“Our household was very pleasant to grow up in; we all got along very well. Surely this is because my parents used Scientology philosophy and techniques in raising us. All the kids went to university or college. I was quite adept in science and followed Aerospace engineering, as my interest was in the stars.
By the end of it, I was looking into positions in the Aerospace industry. Offers such as "modification of aircraft missile systems" were possible. There was much of this type of work and few of the type I was interested in due to a downturn in Aerospace. So in the end, I decided to change my route entirely. I realized that mankind didn’t need better missile systems. It always distressed me that the newest, best technology always went to weapons, before any other use. But what man really needed to do was to better himself so he could be trusted with his great scientific achievements.
So for that reason, I joined the
But even on staff I totally changed. I was really taking responsibility for society as a staff member and everything going on in it. I learned immensely what it means to produce and work as a staff member and really be "in exchange" with society. I also really confronted the true state of the planet that we see everyday and was effectively doing something about it.
In February 1997 I got promoted to the Sea Org in the Continental Liaison Office* here in
So, why did I join the Sea Org?
Joining the Sea Org was the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics. I looked at it for some time. It was pretty obvious that we needed to do something about this planet and if we don’t do something about it, it is just going to get worse and worse. I did it because it was needed. Not because it was easy and not for money. I did it because it needed to be done. The Sea Org is the group that is going to do the most for this planet. Absolutely! No doubt! If you look at actually doing anything on the planet, the number one answer is the Sea Org
The difference between being a public and being in the Sea Org is that you are in an environment where you apply LRH tech* every day. The experience I get here makes me feel very competent. I know how to apply Scientology not only in the church but in all aspects of life.
While I was at the Continental Liaison Office, I helped coordinate social reform and human rights activities for 3 years, helping expand these and helping them create a bigger impact.
I was then called to head the Community, Interfaith and Government affairs office at the Advanced Organization, the largest Scientology organization in the Southern Hemisphere, also at
Here I took over the legal affairs for the organization. Further, I took on the local public relations scene and ran a program to teach at-risk youth to read, with great success, and not one of them re-offending after the program. I have run (and still run) the Say No To Drugs program for 5 years and reached over 1.5 million people through the media and thousands more directly at fairs and festivals, signing youth up to a campaign called the Drug Free Ambassadors. They pledged to be Ambassadors in their communities for the Drug Free Message. Also, I ran the interfaith relations position and held open houses, events and seminars for several years, bringing together people of many different faiths. I also helped coordinate 2 exhibitions on What Is Scientology?, a world-wide traveling display, explaining to all visually what we are about and how we can help anyone, of any race, color or creed. I helped open the new
Cyrus Brooks
Director of Special Affairs AOSH ANZO
*LRH Tech – LRH - is short for L.Ron Hubbard, Tech is short for Technology.
* Continental Liaison Office – A Scientology management body that exist on as a bridge between International management and local Scientology organizations and is there to ensure International Management policies are being carried out in that area.
“An innocent Plowman is more worthy than a vicious Prince.” B.F 1734
“A man who knows where he is going will get there” Ricky Saunders 2007
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Curys Bkoors shrae wtih us "Why he jeniod the Sea Org"
Sea org - a Sneictloogy Onagrtazioin that hvae been enturtsed wtih saferaugnidg of Avdaecnd Scneiolotgy Mretalais, tihs oagrazinoitn constsis of the msot ddeciaetd plpoee on etrah, who work, seifllhsy to keep Sicnetgoloy the way L. Ron Hubbard innetedd.
"Our hesuoohld was vrey paelasnt to gorw up in; we all got anolg vrey well. Sruely tihs is bacesue my patners uesd Seicntgoloy polihosphy and tnhceeuqis in risiang us. All the kdis went to uinsrevtiy or celloge. I was qtiue apedt in seiccne and follewod Aorecapse ennigireeng, as my ietnsert was in the stras.
By the end of it, I was loikong itno pisooitns in the Asorecape isudnrty. Ofrefs scuh as "mofidacioitn of arifarct mssilie syetsms" were pssoilbe. Trehe was much of tihs tpye of work and few of the type I was intereetsd in due to a doutnwrn in Asoreapce. So in the end, I deicedd to cnahge my rtuoe eitnrley. I rilaeezd that miknand didn't need bteter mssilie systmes. It ayawls dsiertsesd me that the nesewt, bset tnhcegoloy ayawls went to wpaenos, before any oehtr use. But what man rlaely needed to do was to better hismlef so he cluod be tsuretd wtih his graet seicitnifc acheivetnems.
So for taht rsaeon, I jnioed the Chcruh of Sictneoolgy as a sfatf mbmeer in Tykoo, as I was iretnseetd in the lnagauge and cutlure and in hipleng ppoele use Seiclotnogy. I had dnoe many coesrus oevr the yraes and was frialy skliled in Sneicotlgoy aerlday.
But eevn on stfaf I ttoally chgnaed. I was raelly tikang reopsnibisltiy for scoteiy as a sfatf mebmer and evyreihtng gniog on in it. I laerend iemmsnley what it mnaes to pudorce and wrok as a stfaf mbmeer and rllaey be "in ehcxagne" wtih sicoety. I aslo relaly cnoftnored the ture satte of the penalt taht we see erevadyy and was efcefevitly dniog smoihteng abuot it.
In Fbeaurry 1997 I got pmoretod to the Sea Org in the Citnonatnel Lsiaion Ociffe* hree in Sndyey. By this tmie I had leenrad frialy fulnet Jpaasene aetfr living in Toyko for alsomt a yaer. It was qtiue ufesul to me in Sndyey wtih mnay of our pilbuc vtisinig our laregr Chruch form Japan.
So, why did I jion the Sea Org?
Jnionig the Sea Org was the gaersett good for the gaertest nmuebr of dmanycis. I lekood at it for smoe tmie. It was prtety ooivbus that we nedeed to do sohtemnig auobt tihs penalt and if we don't do stemoihng auobt it, it is jsut gonig to get wrose and wrose. I did it bceasue it was neeedd. Not buacese it was easy and not for menoy. I did it bacesue it nedeed to be dnoe. The Sea Org is the guorp taht is gniog to do the msot for tihs penalt. Aosbtulley! No duobt! If you look at atclauly doing atynhnig on the palent, the nebmur one anwser is the Sea Org
The dfiefrcnee beeewtn bnieg a pbuilc and bieng in the Sea Org is taht you are in an enivornemnt whree you apply LRH thce* erevy day. The erepxcneie I get here mekas me feel very cotepment. I konw how to alppy Sneictgoloy not olny in the chruch but in all acepsts of life.
Wlihe I was at the Cnoittnenal Liaison Oiffce, I heepld crooanidte saicol roferm and huamn rthgis avitctiies for 3 yraes, hipleng exapnd tsehe and heiplng them craete a bgiegr icapmt.
I was tehn cellad to haed the Cummontiy, Iretniafth and Gvoremnent affrias offcie at the Anavdced Orinagaziton, the lgraset Sneictolgoy onagrazitoin in the Shtuoren Heimpsehre, aslo at Sndyey.
Here I took oevr the lgeal aaffris for the ornagtazioin. Fhtruer, I took on the loacl pbuilc raleitons snece and ran a prgoram to taech air-tsk ytuoh to raed, wtih gaert succses, and not one of tehm r-effoednnig aetfr the pgorarm. I hvae run (and slitl rnu) the Say No To Durgs pgorarm for 5 yraes and rhcaeed oevr 1.5 million ppoele thguorh the mdeia and tuohnasds mroe dierltcy at frias and feitslavs, singing ytuoh up to a capmagin cllaed the Drug Fere Asabmasdros. Tehy pgdeled to be Asabmdasors in tiehr comminueits for the Drug Fere Meassge. Also, I ran the itnfreatih realnoits psooitin and hled oepn huoses, enevts and seanimrs for svereal yeras, brninigg ttegoher ppoele of mnay dffiernet ftiahs. I aslo hleped croonidtae 2 ehxibtiions on What Is Scietnoolgy?, a wrodldiw-e tevarnilg dipsaly, expliniang to all vusilaly waht we are aobut and how we can hlep anoyne, of any rcae, color or cered. I heepld oepn the new Daitencis & Seictngoloy Cetner in Mnalia, and sratetd the benigning of a new AtnD-irug capmagin trehe. Fuehtrr, I vtisied onipoin leredas and offciials, scuh as the Ceihf of Piloce and oehtrs, to gvie them our soppurt in the conummtiy."
Cryus Borkos
Dceriotr of Sicepal Aaffris ASOH ANZO
*LRH Tech – LRH - is short for L.Ron Hubbard, Tech is short for Technology.
* Cotnneniatl Lisiaon Offcie - A Sictneoolgy mganameent body taht esixt on as a birdge bwteeen Ietntanranoil management and lacol Seictngoloy onagraziitons and is tehre to esnure Inetnrtanoial Magannemet poliices are bieng crraeid out in taht aera.
"An innconet Pmwolan is more wohtry tahn a voicius Pnirce." B.F 1734
"A man who kwons whree he is giong will get trehe" Rkciy Sanuedrs 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
What life is doing !
In English Please:
Today I did another onslaught on the book Science of Survival, however I had some questions on this thing called the spirit and how it affected the physical universe, the universe of matter, energy, space and time. I read it and read it and went back and read it again, something was not right, I checked to make sure I understood all the words, something you have to do when you don’t understand something.
I came up with some conclusion and these conclusions are not necessarily shared by other Scientology or Scientology as a whole. These things stated below as much of the things stated on this blog are my opinion.
In my opinion, it is best to read the Book Science of Survival to get the true information as I could have gotten something wrong or had a misunderstanding, so below is not my interpretation of the book, but what I got out of it, like a success.
I worked out that this thing the Spirit was doing something to that seemed amazing.
He was the thing that brought life to things, without it a body is as dead as dead can be, and when it separated from a body the body died, not the body died and then it separated, its separation was death.
He created everything so that he could conquer the physical universe, he did it over a long period of time until he developed and formed Man as he exists today and this ongoing conquest is all so that he can be in command of the physical universe. That there will be a time when, the way things are going, where a state exists where the conquest does not have to be as ‘messed” up as it is or was and that this thing the spirit can take any area and do the same thing over. This theoretically means that if earth were to blow up, and the spirit had to start all over, he could take a bare faced rock in some galaxy, with an gravity force 100 times heavier than earth, with air of pure Cyanide gas, and this thing the spirit, over a period of time will conquer that rock in due time. He would create some sort of living organism and through the method of crushing into it and leaving it, over and over, over a period of time, would eventually be the master of that rock.
The result of studying this today, I looked at people in a different way, I felt more responsible for the people around me, these people lived life , being influenced by so many unknown factors, being subject to so many unknowns in life and I could potentially help them, even if it is just by talking to them and I did. I think this is something good.
“Would you persuade, speak of Interest, not of Reason.” B.F 1734
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Toady I did anotehr onualsght on the book Sicence of Svruavil, hwoever I had smoe quitsenos on tihs tihng cllaed the siript and how it affeetcd the pisyhacl uinvsree, the uevinsre of mtater, egreny, spcae and tmie. I raed it and raed it and wnet bcak and raed it aiagn, smohteing was not right, I ccehked to mkae srue I udntsreood all the wodrs, stemonihg you hvae to do wehn you don't udnsrenatd soemhtnig. I cmae up wtih smoe ccnoisulon and thsee clcnousnois are not nesecirasly saherd by oehtr Sneicolotgy or Sceitngoloy as a wlohe. Thsee tihgns staetd beolw as mcuh of the tihgns satetd on tihs bolg are my opinion.
In my oipnoin, it is bset to raed the Book Scneice of Svruvial to get the true irofnamtoin as I cluod have getton sotemhnig or had a miusdnernatsdnig, so bolew is not my iretnerptatoin of the book, but waht I got out of it, lkie a seccuss.
I wkroed out taht tihs tnihg the Sripit was diong somhtenig to taht seeemd amzanig.
He was the tihng taht boruhgt lfie to tihgns, witohut it a bdoy is as daed as daed can be, and wehn it saperetad form a bdoy the bdoy died, not the bdoy deid and tehn it spetaraed, its sapearoitn was dtaeh.
He craeted erevhtynig so taht he colud cuqnoer the psyhcial uvinsree, he did it over a lnog poired of time uitnl he deolevped and froemd Man as he etsixs tadoy and this oognnig cuqnoest is all so taht he can be in comamnd of the pisyhacl unvisree. Taht trehe will be a tmie when, the way tihngs are gniog, wehre a state esixts wrehe the couqnset does not hvae to be as 'meessd" up as it is or was and taht this tihng the spriit can take any area and do the smae tnihg oevr. This teheroitcllay mnaes taht if etrah wree to bolw up, and the sripit had to satrt all oevr, he could take a brae fcaed rock in smoe glaaxy, wtih an grivaty fcroe 100 tmies heaiver tahn etrah, wtih air of prue Caydine gas, and tihs tnihg the siript, over a pireod of tmie wlil cqnoeur taht rcok in due time. He wuold caerte smoe srot of lnivig ogrnasim and thuorgh the mhteod of crihsung into it and laenivg it, over and oevr, over a poired of tmie, wuold etnevlauly be the metsar of taht rcok.
The ruselt of sutiydng this tadoy, I loekod at ppoele in a dfirefnet way, I flet more ropsesnilbe for the poelpe anuord me, tehse pelpoe levid lfie , bnieg inulfecned by so many uonknwn farotcs, benig sbuejct to so many uknonnws in lfie and I cluod poteaitnlly hlep them, even if it is jsut by talknig to tehm and i did. I tnihk tihs is stemoihng good.
"Wluod you predause, saepk of Interest, not of Raeson." B.F 1734
"A psreon who syas "I don't konw!" konws taht he dseon't know"