This article is taken from:
Just Another Scientologist expressing their views on Dianetics and the Basics.
Recently, I posted my thoughts on evaluation on my pam-phlets blog.

Here's some more thoughts.
I was reading the new edition of Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health yesterday and in the forword on How to Read this Book, (p 2 of hardcover) Mr. Hubbard talks about the "underevaluation" of facts because we "knew it all along." He points out that a fact is never important without proper evaluation of it and its precise relationship to other facts.
So I began to think, not only about should we evaluate, but when should we evaluate and the correct evaluation of importance.
Of course, we evaluate all the time. We decide something is important or unimportant. We even decide that something is important but that we can't or won't do something about it, or that, despite its importance, we will do something else.
Sometimes we are actually making decisions that fit our best interests. But often, we are reacting to hidden influences.
Evaluating for yourself (making decisions about what is important or unimportant to you) is one thing, but what about evaluating for others? Well, parents evaluate for their kids. "You should go to school. You should go to bed at 9." In so doing, they establish a structure for the child. Guidance on what is good, important and proper.
But from 1945, a phase started when parents were kind of encouraged NOT to evaluate for their kids. (This was attributed to psychologist Dr. Spock's book and labeled "permissive child-rearing." I'm not sure how many people actually read his book and how many simply formed their ideas based on little data and a lot of evaluation.) A generation grew up under this "permissive" philosophy.
I should say that I'm blogging in an area that I admittedly don't know that much about, having not had children. But I did grow up in this era of permissive child-rearing, so I have some thoughts about it. So what happened? Well, as I see it, it didn't work. Children need guidance, direction -- a moral code.
A child (or adult) without proper guidance, education and a moral code is unpredictable and disruptive. Psychology (talk therapy) failed, and Into this disrupted child-rearing scene stepped the psychiatrists. The psychiatrists are highly suseptible to hidden influences. There is no scientific body of knowledge behind the psychiatrist. Did you know that? They are people trained as doctors, then psychology, and then let loose on the world. They have a manual called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) which contains a list of "mental illnesses" they have "voted in." Yes, VOTED in.
Wikipedia notes that there is controversy about the DSM because roughly 50% of the authors who previously defined psychiatric disorders have had or have financial relationships with pharmaceutical industries and drug companies. (Also see "Experts Debunk DSM.") In today's psychiatry, if you get diagnosed as mentally ill, you're sure to end up on some psychiatric drug! You may not know that many of the men and women incarcerated in our prisons are on some sort of psychiatric mediation. They get their "daily meds". They may get out of jail, but not free. They are now addicted to some very powerful drugs.
But I digress. On the topic of evaluation, this is an area which is under-evaluated. You may think, well, there is a Science of Mental Health, and the psychiatrists have it all taken care of and we now have these brand new psychiatric drugs which handle these poor mentally ill people.
Take a good look for yourself, my friend. These drugs are often lethal. These "experts" don't know what they're doing, and the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. Who benefits from the current psychiatric and drug scene? Well, the psychiatrist. He now has a "solution" that doesn't take any time at all — write a prescription. And the drug manufacturer, who now has an expanding clientele.
Inform yourself at the Citizens Commission on Human Rights website. Your correct evaluation of this scene is the first step towards a saner world.
“Don't think to hunt two hares with one dog.” B.F 1734
“The pretty girl the handsome guy
We often see but afraid to
A beautiful face, a gentle smile
a memory is made that last
for awhile;
We dismiss the thought as we continue
to walk;
And makes excuses as to why we
did’nt talk;
If the moment is there don’t
Take the chance before it’s too
For love has no boundaries so don’t
be shy;
You never know who’ll you meet
if you try.”
Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Tihs artlcie is tekan form:
Ahtoner Scielotnoigst eerpxnissg tiehr views on Dnaiecits and the Bsacis.
Rceltney, I ptsoed my tohguths on elavuation on my p-mahptels blog. Hree's smoe mroe tohhguts.
I was raednig the new etidoin of Denaiitcs, the Moredn Sceicne of Matnel Htlaeh yseetrady and in the fowrord on How to Raed this Book, (p 2 of hcdraorev) Mr. Habburd tklas abuot the "uredneavauloitn" of ftcas buacese we "knew it all aolng." He piotns out taht a fcat is neevr ipmatront wohtiut peporr eavulitaon of it and its persice rleoitanhsip to otehr facts.
So I bgean to tihnk, not only abuot sohlud we eavaulte, but when suohld we evaulate and the cerroct eavaultoin of imoptracne.
Of cousre, we elavtaue all the time. We dcedie semotnihg is iropmatnt or uinropmtnat. We eevn dcedie taht smoteihng is imropatnt but that we can't or won't do stemohnig aobut it, or taht, dsetipe its ipmatronce, we wlil do smotenihg esle.
Smoetiems we are acutally mkanig dcesinois taht fit our bset inretsets. But oetfn, we are rcaenitg to hddien ifnulcnees.
Eulavtanig for yuoesrlf (ikamng dceoisins auobt waht is iropmnatt or upminatront to you) is one tnihg, but waht aobut eulavanitg for othres? Wlel, pratnes eulavtae for their kdis. "You shluod go to scoohl. You sohlud go to bed at 9." In so donig, tehy eatssilbh a scurtrute for the cihld. Gadiucne on waht is good, ipmronatt and prpoer.
But form 1495, a psahe staetrd when pratnes wree kind of ecnruoaegd NOT to eulavate for their kids. (Tihs was attbirtued to pyslohcgosit Dr. Scopk's book and labeeld "pesimrvise cihdlr-iraeng." I'm not srue how mnay plpoee atcually raed his book and how mnay smilpy fmroed thier iaeds besad on ltitle dtaa and a lot of elavauoitn.) A gnetareoin gerw up uednr tihs "premissive" phsolipohy.
I sholud say taht I'm blgonigg in an aera taht I amdtitldey don't konw that mcuh aobut, hnivag not had chdliern. But I did grow up in tihs era of pimresisve cdlihaer-nirg, so I hvae some tohhguts aobut it. So waht hpapneed? Wlel, as I see it, it didn't wrok. Cdlihern need gadiunce, dceritoin -- a mroal cdoe.
A clihd (or adtlu) wohtiut peporr gdiucnae, edacuoitn and a mroal cdoe is urpncidebatle and drsitpuvie. Pyslohcgoy (latk tarehyp) fiaeld, and Itno tihs dursietpd cihdler-irang secne setpped the pyscihtatsirs. The phcysrtaitsis are hgilhy sesubitple to heddin iulfnecnes. Tehre is no sceitnfiic bdoy of knowlgdee bihend the pshcytaisirt. Did you know that? Tehy are poeple tarenid as dotcors, tehn pysclohgoy, and tehn let lsooe on the wlrod. Tehy have a manaul caelld the Daingtsoic and Sttasicital Munaal of Meatnl Dosiedrrs (MSD) wcihh coatnnis a lsit of "metnal illseness" tehy hvae "voetd in." Yes, VOTED in.
Wkidepiia ntoes taht tehre is ctnoorevrsy auobt the DSM besuace rhguoly 50% of the aturohs who previosuly defenid pcysaihirtc dsiroreds have had or hvae faninaicl raleoithsnips wtih pmrahcatueacil isudnirtes and durg cmopnaeis. (Also see "Epxrets Dnubek DSM.") In today's pysihcarty, if you get daigonsed as mentllay ill, you're srue to end up on smoe phcysrtaiic durg! You may not konw taht many of the men and wemon iacnrarecetd in our pirnoss are on smoe srot of phcystairic mideoitan. Tehy get thier "daliy mdes". Tehy may get out of jial, but not free. Tehy are now addetcid to smoe very powefrul dgurs.
But I dgierss. On the tipoc of eulavtaoin, tihs is an area wcihh is uredn-avetauled. You may thnik, wlel, trehe is a Sneicce of Matnel Hetlah, and the pysihcairtsts hvae it all tkaen care of and we now have thsee bnard new pyshctaiirc drgus wcihh hnalde tehse poor melatnly ill ppoele.
Tkae a good look for ysruolef, my feirnd. Tsehe dgurs are oetfn lahtel. Tsehe "eepxtrs" don't know waht tehy're diong, and the emporer isn't weranig any colhtes. Who benetifs form the crurnet phcysrtaiic and durg scnee? Wlel, the phcysrtaiist. He now has a "souliton" taht dosen't tkae any tmie at all - wirte a perircsptoin. And the drug munafutcaerr, who now has an eapxdnnig cltneilee.
Iofnrm ysruolef at the Czitines Cmmosioisn on Huamn Rigths wsbetie. Yuor corrcet eulavaiton of tihs secne is the fsrit setp tawodrs a senar wrold.
"Don't thnik to hnut two haers wtih one dog." B.F 1374
"The pttery gril the hanosdme guy
We otfen see but arfaid to
A baefituul fcae, a gltnee smlie
a mromey is made taht lsat
for awhile;
We dimssis the tguohht as we citnoune
to wlak
And mkaes esucxes as to why we
did'nt tkla;
If the mnemot is there don't
Tkae the chcnae bferoe it's too
For love has no eenmy do so don't
be shy;
You nveer konw who'll you meet
if you try." Riyck Suadners 2070
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