In English Please:
Today I did another onslaught on the book Science of Survival, however I had some questions on this thing called the spirit and how it affected the physical universe, the universe of matter, energy, space and time. I read it and read it and went back and read it again, something was not right, I checked to make sure I understood all the words, something you have to do when you don’t understand something.
I came up with some conclusion and these conclusions are not necessarily shared by other Scientology or Scientology as a whole. These things stated below as much of the things stated on this blog are my opinion.
In my opinion, it is best to read the Book Science of Survival to get the true information as I could have gotten something wrong or had a misunderstanding, so below is not my interpretation of the book, but what I got out of it, like a success.
I worked out that this thing the Spirit was doing something to that seemed amazing.
He was the thing that brought life to things, without it a body is as dead as dead can be, and when it separated from a body the body died, not the body died and then it separated, its separation was death.
He created everything so that he could conquer the physical universe, he did it over a long period of time until he developed and formed Man as he exists today and this ongoing conquest is all so that he can be in command of the physical universe. That there will be a time when, the way things are going, where a state exists where the conquest does not have to be as ‘messed” up as it is or was and that this thing the spirit can take any area and do the same thing over. This theoretically means that if earth were to blow up, and the spirit had to start all over, he could take a bare faced rock in some galaxy, with an gravity force 100 times heavier than earth, with air of pure Cyanide gas, and this thing the spirit, over a period of time will conquer that rock in due time. He would create some sort of living organism and through the method of crushing into it and leaving it, over and over, over a period of time, would eventually be the master of that rock.
The result of studying this today, I looked at people in a different way, I felt more responsible for the people around me, these people lived life , being influenced by so many unknown factors, being subject to so many unknowns in life and I could potentially help them, even if it is just by talking to them and I did. I think this is something good.
“Would you persuade, speak of Interest, not of Reason.” B.F 1734
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Toady I did anotehr onualsght on the book Sicence of Svruavil, hwoever I had smoe quitsenos on tihs tihng cllaed the siript and how it affeetcd the pisyhacl uinvsree, the uevinsre of mtater, egreny, spcae and tmie. I raed it and raed it and wnet bcak and raed it aiagn, smohteing was not right, I ccehked to mkae srue I udntsreood all the wodrs, stemonihg you hvae to do wehn you don't udnsrenatd soemhtnig. I cmae up wtih smoe ccnoisulon and thsee clcnousnois are not nesecirasly saherd by oehtr Sneicolotgy or Sceitngoloy as a wlohe. Thsee tihgns staetd beolw as mcuh of the tihgns satetd on tihs bolg are my opinion.
In my oipnoin, it is bset to raed the Book Scneice of Svruvial to get the true irofnamtoin as I cluod have getton sotemhnig or had a miusdnernatsdnig, so bolew is not my iretnerptatoin of the book, but waht I got out of it, lkie a seccuss.
I wkroed out taht tihs tnihg the Sripit was diong somhtenig to taht seeemd amzanig.
He was the tihng taht boruhgt lfie to tihgns, witohut it a bdoy is as daed as daed can be, and wehn it saperetad form a bdoy the bdoy died, not the bdoy deid and tehn it spetaraed, its sapearoitn was dtaeh.
He craeted erevhtynig so taht he colud cuqnoer the psyhcial uvinsree, he did it over a lnog poired of time uitnl he deolevped and froemd Man as he etsixs tadoy and this oognnig cuqnoest is all so taht he can be in comamnd of the pisyhacl unvisree. Taht trehe will be a tmie when, the way tihngs are gniog, wehre a state esixts wrehe the couqnset does not hvae to be as 'meessd" up as it is or was and taht this tihng the spriit can take any area and do the smae tnihg oevr. This teheroitcllay mnaes taht if etrah wree to bolw up, and the sripit had to satrt all oevr, he could take a brae fcaed rock in smoe glaaxy, wtih an grivaty fcroe 100 tmies heaiver tahn etrah, wtih air of prue Caydine gas, and tihs tnihg the siript, over a pireod of tmie wlil cqnoeur taht rcok in due time. He wuold caerte smoe srot of lnivig ogrnasim and thuorgh the mhteod of crihsung into it and laenivg it, over and oevr, over a poired of tmie, wuold etnevlauly be the metsar of taht rcok.
The ruselt of sutiydng this tadoy, I loekod at ppoele in a dfirefnet way, I flet more ropsesnilbe for the poelpe anuord me, tehse pelpoe levid lfie , bnieg inulfecned by so many uonknwn farotcs, benig sbuejct to so many uknonnws in lfie and I cluod poteaitnlly hlep them, even if it is jsut by talknig to tehm and i did. I tnihk tihs is stemoihng good.
"Wluod you predause, saepk of Interest, not of Raeson." B.F 1734
"A psreon who syas "I don't konw!" konws taht he dseon't know"
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