
What it's all about
On October 15th - Blog Action Day, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone's mind.
In its inaugural year, Blog Action Day will be co-ordinating bloggers to tackle the issue of the environment.
What Each Blogger Will Do
Bloggers can participate on Blog Action Day in one of two ways:
Publish a post on their blog which relates to an issue of their own choice pertaining to the environment.
For example: A blog about money might write about how to save around the home by using environmentally friendly ideas. Similarly a blog about politics might examine what weight environmental policy holds in the political arena.
Posts do not need to have any specific agenda, they simply need to relate to the larger issue in whatever way suits the blogger and readership. Our aim is not to promote one particular viewpoint, only to push the issue to the table for discussion.
- Commit to donating their day’s advertising earnings to an environmental charity of their choice. There is a list of "official" Blog Action Day charities on the site, however bloggers are also free to choose an alternate environmental charity to donate to if they wish.
And that’s it.
If they choose bloggers can also promote the initiative itself. However they are also free to simply post on topic on the right day or discreetly donate to a charity without publicizing Blog Action Day.
what to do next
Blogs of every variety from huge top 100 blogs to small, niche sites are going to be participating, find out who is involved. You can also learn about who is behind the initiative and read through some frequently asked questions. Or if you are ready, find out about getting your blog involved.
“Don't value a man for the Quality he is of, but for the Qualities he possesses.” B.F 1734
“A kind word goes further than a harsh one” Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Waht it's all auobt
On Otcebor 1t5h - Bolg Aitcon Day, bloeggrs auornd the web will untie to put a snilge imtropnat iusse on erevoyne's mind.
In its iguanuarl yaer, Blog Atcion Day will be c-oodrtaninig bggolers to tlkcae the iusse of the erivnomnnet.
What Ecah Bloeggr Wlil Do
Blggoers can praitpictae on Bolg Atcoin Day in one of two wasy:
1. Pilbush a psot on thier blog wcihh rleaets to an isuse of tehir own ciohce ptreiniang to the erivnmnonet.
For eaxmlpe: A bolg auobt mnoey mhgit write aobut how to svae aronud the home by unisg enivrmnotnellay feirldny ideas. Sialimlry a bolg abuot ptilocis mgiht emaxnie what wiehgt erivnmnoatnel ploicy hodls in the ptiloical arena.
Ptsos do not need to hvae any spficeic aegdna, they spmily need to ralete to the lraegr isuse in whaveter way stius the bggoler and reasredihp. Our aim is not to pmortoe one ptracialur viopwenit, olny to psuh the isuse to the tlbae for disucsoisn.
2. Cmmoit to danoitng tiehr day's avdtrenisig einrangs to an eivnnoremnatl chiraty of tehir ciohce. Three is a lsit of "offaicil" Bolg Atcoin Day chiraites on the stie, hoewevr bgolgers are aslo free to cohose an aetltanre eivnmnorneatl cirahty to dotane to if they wish.
And taht's it.
If they cohose blogregs can aslo portome the iintaivite itself. Hwoever they are aslo fere to silpmy psot on topic on the rhgit day or dsiercltey dnotae to a cahtiry whtiuot pilbuizicng Bolg Acoitn Day.
waht to do nxet
Blgos of erevy viratey from hgue top 100 bgols to samll, niche sties are gniog to be ptraicpitaing, find out who is ilovnevd. You can aslo lraen about who is bihend the itinitaive and read trhuogh smoe fuqernelty asekd qtseuoins. Or if you are raedy, fnid out auobt gteitng yuor bolg ilovnved.
"Don't vulae a man for the Qlautiy he is of, but for the Qlauieits he psoesesss." B.F 1374
"A knid wrod goes furehtr tahn a hsrah one" Rikcy Saednurs 2007
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