In the book Dianetics there a section which deals with Political Dianetics. It covers a few points about war. Currently the war on Iraq, the war on against “terrorism’ is being pushed as a sensible thing – which of course it is not.

We have this week the APEC summit in Sydney, Where some of the world leaders meet to discuss issues. In my opinion there is not much to discuss.
Below are some quotes directly from the book Dianetics in which L.Ron Hubbard gives his viewpoint on war. Of course, for a full understanding, you need to read the book Dianetics, but for now these quotes will do.
“Before this time no tool could be employed by a nation but force when faced with another nation gone mad. By contagion of aberration, both nations then went mad. No nation ever fully won a war. No nation ever finally triumphed by force of arms. No nation ever averted war by posing threat or exhibiting defense.”
It goes on to say..
“There is no national problem today which cannot be resolved by reason alone.”
And further..
“No self-interest can be so great as to demand the slaughter of Mankind, he who would demand it, he would not by every rational means avert it, is insane. There is no justification for war.”
And further..
Man’s primary fight is not with Man: that is insanity. Man’s primary fight is with those elements which oppress him as a species and bar his thrust toward high goals.”
- end of quotes --
“He that cannot obey cannot command.” B.F 1734
“I won’t obey a silly command,
What’s a silly command?
Anything you ask me to do!” Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
In the book Dnaicites tehre a sceoitn wihch daels wtih Piloacitl Dinateics. It crevos a few points auobt war. Crrunetly the war on Iarq, the war on aiagsnt "trerirosm' is bnieg psuehd as a sesnlbie tnihg - wihch of cuorse it is not.
We hvae this week the AEPC smuimt in Sdyeny, Whree smoe of the wrold laeedrs meet to ducsiss isseus. In my oinipon trehe is not mcuh to ducsiss.
Bleow are smoe qoutes ditcerly from the book Diaitencs in whcih L.Ron Hubbard gevis his vweiniopt on war. Of csruoe, for a flul uredntsidnang, you need to raed the book Denaiitcs, but for now tsehe qtoues wlil do.
"Bofere tihs tmie no tool colud be epmeyold by a nitaon but fcroe when fcaed wtih ahtoner naiton gone mad. By ctnoaoign of abrretaoin, btoh ntanois tehn wnet mad. No ntaoin eevr flluy won a war. No noitan eevr fnially tmuirehpd by fcroe of arms. No ntaoin eevr averetd war by pnisog trhaet or eihxitibng dfeesne."
It geos on to say..
"Tehre is no naitanol plborem tadoy wihch caonnt be revlosed by raeosn aolne."
And fhtruer..
"No sei-flnetrset can be so graet as to dnamed the slhguater of Miknand, he who wuold demand it, he wluod not by evrey raitnoal mnaes arevt it, is inasne. Tehre is no jsutificoitan for war."
And fhtruer..
Man's pamirry fight is not with Mna: taht is isnnatiy. Man's piramry fhgit is wtih tsohe eemeltns wcihh oerppss him as a sepices and bar his trhsut taword hgih golas."
- edn of qutoes --
"He taht caonnt oeby caonnt cmonamd." B.F 1374
"I won't oeby a slliy cammond,
Waht's a slliy cmmonad?
Antyhnig you ask me to do!" Rikcy Sadnures 2007
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Thanks for writing this.
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