
In English please:
Today I started The Science of Survival Basic Book & Lecture course ! Now this book is really something, I am up to the part of Elan Vital, something Henri Bergson mentioned in his book in 1907, As a word it’s origin translates as “Vital ardour”,
Ardour – refers to intense emotion and originally means “to burn”
From Bergsons writings he referred to Elan Vital as "Vital Force". The spirit or mention of the spirit did not start with Bergson.
In many dictionaries to date you will not really find a good definition of the word “Spirit”.Over the years a few of the definitions of ‘Spirit’ have disappeared or been altered in such a way to remove the idea of what it really is which is: something separate from a body.
If you do a good search on this you will find for example in the Webster Dictionary of 1913 the following definitions of “Spirit” :
3. Life, or living substance, considered independently of corporeal* existence; an intelligence conceived of apart from any physical organization or embodiment; vital essence, force, or energy, as distinct from matter.
*Corporeal - concerning the physical body: relating to or involving the physical body rather than the mind or spirit.
5. Specifically, a disembodied soul; the human soul after it has left the body.

So, when L.Ron Hubbard mentioned Thetan, this word is no different from the word Spirit or Soul as it was known long before Scientology came along.
What is new is L.Ron Hubbard’s discovery about the spirit in it’s relation to the physical universe and what the spirit is doing.
The Book Science of Survival I can see is already proving to be a very informative book.
“A house without woman & Fire-light, is like a body without soul or sprite.” B.F 1733
“A house without Woman, Air Conditioner, TV, DVD player, Phone and Internet means you sleeping in your car” Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Tadoy I sratted The Scicnee of Svruvial Bisac Book & Ltcerue cosrue ! Now tihs book is raelly stemohing, I am up to the part of Ealn Vatil, semonihtg Herni Bsgreon mtnenoied in his book in 1907, As a wrod it's orgiin tarlsnetas as "Vatil auodrr",
Aodrur - rrefes to intsnee eomoitn and ogirianlly mnaes "to brun"
Form Breosgns wrtiings he rrefered to Elan Viatl as "Vatil Froce". The spirit or mnetoin of the spirit did not strat wtih Berosgn.
In mnay dciitnoraeis to dtae you will not rlaely fnid a good defniition of the wrod "Spriit"
Over the yraes a few of the difetinoins of 'Siprit' hvae dpasiraeped or been aetlerd in such a way to rvomee the ieda of what it raelly is wcihh is: semotihng searapte form a bdoy.
If you do a good saecrh on tihs you wlil find for eaxpmle in the Wtsbeer Dciitanory of 1193 the follownig dfeininoits of "Spirit":
3. Lfie, or lvinig ssbuatcne, codisnered ipedndneltney of cproaerol* etsixneec; an inlletginece coiecnevd of aprat form any pyhscial oagrinaziton or embmidoetn; viatl enessce, froce, or eenrgy, as dsinitct from maettr.
*proCeroal - cecnorning the psyhical boyd: relnitag to or inlovvnig the phyacisl bdoy rehtar than the mnid or sipirt.
5. Speciaciflly, a desibmoeidd sluo; the human suol afetr it has left the bdoy.
So, Wehn L.Ron Hubbard mneoitend Tehtan, tihs wrod is no deffirent form the wrod Siript or Suol as it was knwon lnog brofee Scneiotolgy came anolg. Waht is new is L.Ron Hubbard’s divocsrey aobut the sripit in it's rtaleoin to the pisyhacl uinevsre and waht the sipirt is dniog.
The Book Sceicne of Suravivl I can see is arldaey pivorng to be a very ifnrotamvie book.
"A hsuoe whtiuot wmoan & F-erihgilt, is lkie a body wohtiut suol or spirte." B.F 1373
"A huose whtiout Woamn, Air Conitidoenr, TV, DVD palyer, Phnoe, Ietnenrt mnaes you seelnipg in your car" Rikcy Sdnuaers 2007
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