
In English please:
Today I made another attempt on discovering some of the secrets of Man. I learned a bit about the theory of this thing called the Spirit and what role he plays in keeping things alive. This is from the book Science of Survival.
The most fascinating thing was that nowhere else, not even in a prestigious university at this current time, will you find the basic material that is covered in the first 20 pages of Science of Survival. You really will know more about the mind, people and life just be opening and reading the first 3 chapters.
When I was young, very young, I use to wonder what my purpose was, why I was here and what happened after you died, I wondered if there was more to life than what I was experiencing at the time and since no one knew, not even my father, I felt a bit disappointed and like most people, just sort of agreed that “This is the way it is”.
Later I asked my father the questions that plagued me about existence, just simple things such as “How does one burn forever in hell?” ,
My father would usually tell me,
“When you die and you are bad you burn forever in hell” ,
I then would asked “With fire?”
and he would said “ Yes , with fire”
and I would ask “But won’t I be all burnt up after awhile?”
and then said “If you burn a piece of wood, it turns into ash, it’s gone”.
My father didn’t have an answer and he told me just to “believe”, I sure tried, it didn’t make sense.
And so did many of the people I ran into, growing up , if you asked questions the universal answer to give to kids is either “ you’ll find out when you grow up” or “you’ll find out one day” and thank god I did!
So they were right, I did find out and I did find out when I grew up, as I found that there are answers and there are people that know – the Scientologists. Now being on the Science of Survival course, I will get the correct information about the things that most affect me. Anyone can have it, even you!
“Better slip with foot than tongue.” B.F 1734
“A mistake is something that is done just so right” Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Tadoy I mdae atonher aettpmt on disevocnirg smoe of the sceters of Man. I lraeend a bit auobt the thoery of this tihng caelld the Sipirt and waht rloe he pyals in kpeenig tnihgs avile. Tihs is form the book Sneicce of Sruavivl.
The msot fsanicanitg tnihg was taht nehwore esle, not eevn in a pertsoigius uinsrevtiy at tihs crunert tmie, wlil you fnid the baisc mretaail taht is cevoerd in the fisrt 20 paegs of Sicnece of Sivruval. You rlaely will know more abuot the mnid, plpoee and lfie jsut be opnenig and ridaeng the frist 3 cahetprs.
Wehn I was yuong, very yonug, I use to woednr what my pprusoe was, why I was hree and waht haeppend atfer you deid, I wednoerd if three was mroe to lfie tahn waht I was epxereincnig at the tmie and sicne no one kenw, not even my fehtar, I flet a bit dpasiptnioed and lkie msot poelpe, jsut srot of aerged taht "This is the way it is".
Letar I aksed my ftaehr the qeuoitsns taht paleugd me abuot eixetsnce, just slpmie tgnihs scuh as “oHw does one brun froever in hell” , tihs is waht my ftaehr told me if I was bad
“ehWn you die and you are bad you burn feroevr in hlle” ,
I tehn aeksd “With frie?”
and he said “ Yes , wtih feri”
and asked “But w’not I be all bunrt up afetr awhile?”
and then siad “If you brun a pceie of wood, it tunrs itno ash, i’ts gnoe”.
My fahter dndi’t hvae an anewsr and he tlod me jsut to “ilebeve”, I srue tired, it
And so did mnay of the ppoele I ran into, gworing up , if you aeksd qeutsinos the uvinasrel aewsnr to gvie to kdis is eehtir " you'll fnid out when you grow up" or "you'll fnid out one day" and tahnk god I did!
So tehy wree rhgit, I did fnid out and I did fnid out wehn I gerw up, as I fnuod taht tehre are aewsnrs and trehe are ppoele that konw - the Sceitnooltsigs. Now bieng on the Sneicce of Suvivral cuosre, I wlil get the croerct irofntamoin auobt the tnihgs taht msot acefft me. Anoyne can hvae it, eevn you!
"Betetr silp wtih foot tahn tugnoe." B.F 1374
"A mikatse is semonihtg taht is done jsut so rihgt" Rkciy Saednurs 2007
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