
In English Please:
Tonight was the Sydney Ideal Org Fundraiser, and as always this event was a fun filled night with dancing, singing and every person contributing to the building of Sydney Ideal Org. an Ideal Org is a building as the picture shows, org is short for organization and an Ideal Org is something the way L.Ron Hubbard envisioned orgs and the way Scientology should be represented.

In this case Ideal Orgs is the standard for a Scientology Org in more than just a pretty building. It has to have enough staff to run the place, enough Technical trained persons to care for each person who walks in the door, it must be a place , where you know, you are going to receive Standard Scientology the way Ron intended.
Okay back to the fund raiser tonight. It started right on time 7pm,
First was the food, it was delicious. A buffet laid out with some really yummy foods, the staff at the event were very pleasant.
Next we had a professional troupe of Bollywood dancers performing and they were a vibrant group, each person not only danced but did so with vitality and it was something you could see they enjoyed doing, it wasn’t a performance or a show, but a display of individual arts and this combined made the show.
Then we had our local Bollywood dancers, they were mostly Staff from the Sydney org and I must say, it was pretty impressive, the boy and the girls did some fantastic choreography where it had an exciting start and finish.
Later some fund raising was initiated as this was the purpose of dinner. We had some key contributors get the ball rolling but I have been to many a fund raiser and I must say this one I was laughing, clapping and not even knowing I was doing it as it was so much fun.
I did a little to help the building of the ideal org, but as always I wish I could do more.
But if we all do a little it amounts to a lot and that what these events are all about.
“Jack Little sow'd little, & little he'll reap.” B.F 1734
“If what you have is what you got, then what you give you’ll get.” Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Toginht was the Sdyeny Iaedl Org Fdnurasier, and as awlyas tihs enevt was a fun filled ngiht with dcnaing, sniigng and erevy posren ctnoubiritng to the biunidlg of Sdyeny Iedal Org. an Iaedl Org is a biulnidg as the pcirute swohs, org is shrot for ograntazioin and an Iaedl Org is semoihtng the way L.Ron Habburd esivnnoied ogrs the way Sicotnegoly sluohd be rerpenested.
In tihs csae Iaedl Ogrs is the stadnard for a Seiclotngoy Org in mroe tahn jsut a pterty bliunidg. It has to hvae euongh sfatf to run the pcale, euongh Tnhceiacl tarnied psreons to crae for ecah preosn who wlaks in the door, it msut be a palce , whree you konw, you are gniog to rceevie Sdnatrad Sctneigoloy the way Ron ietnnedd.
Oaky bcak to the frdnuesiar tginoht. It sattred rgiht on tmie 7pm,
Fsrit was the food, it was dileuoics. A beffut liad out wtih smoe rllaey ymmuy fdoos, the staff at the eevnt wree vrey pelnasat.
Nxet we had a peforssoianl tpuore of bollyowod dcnaers perofrnimg and tehy were a varbint guorp, each psreon not only dacned but did so with vtiilaty and it was semotnihg you cluod see tehy enojeyd dniog, it wsa’nt a pfreronamce or a show, but a dsialpy of ividniaudl atrs and tihs cbmoenid mdae the sohw.
Tehn we had our lacol byllooowd dnaecrs, tehy wree mltsoy Sfatf form the Sdyney org and I must say, it was pterty ipmsersvie, the boy and the grils did a fatnasitc crohgoearhpy wrehe it had an eticxnig sratt and finsih.
Letar smoe fundarsinig was intiietad as tihs was the prusope of dennir. We had smoe key cnortubirots get the blal ronillg but I hvae been to mnay a fudnsiarer and I msut say tihs one I was lahgunig, clanippg and not eevn kwonnig I was dniog it as it was so much fun.
I did a lttile to hlep the budlinig of the iedal org, but as alyaws I wsih I cuold do mroe.
But if we all do a lttile it anuomts to a lot and that what tsehe etnevs are all aobut.
“caJk Ltilte sow'd lttile, & liltte he'll raep.” B.F 1374
“If waht you hvae is waht you got, tehn what you gvie yl’uol get.” Rkciy Suaednrs 2007
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