Scientology deals in Miracles, fact! I gave someone a Nerve Assist today, the person was in bed, feeling ill, sore throat, and the symptoms of the flu. In 30 minutes by doing a Scientology Assist, the person was feeling better, the sore throat had diminished and the person was moving about and all that in 30 minutes.

Now note, the person was not levitating, the person was not able to see through walls, the person was certainly not able to read minds, they felt better and that is the only test of Scientology, does it work. If you apply Scientology exactly as directed per the instruction of whatever you are going to do, then it can only but work. Misunderstood words, wrong ideas, and your own ideas (false ideas) are all things that can stop you from applying the technology as directed. In Scientology you have to know the technology before you can apply it and in the knowing part, this is the part people develop their own technology and they have trouble with Scientology.
To have one’s own idea about what you are doing or going to be doing is vital to Scientology training, doing this allows the material to become yours and thus you gain a true understanding of what you are supposed to do, once you gain that will know why you need to follow the directions exactly as given.
Having one’s own idea, false ideas, is where you think you know better, false ideas are all over us. A common false idea people have now is this: If you think of the leader terrorism or hear of it, which name comes to mind? That’s right, Osama and no matter where the terrorism is happening in the world, we now tend to believe only one person is behind it all? This of course is a false idea and it would be very hard for me to convince you that if a terrorism plot occurred in the world where Afghanistan terrorists were involved that Osama was not behind this.
This brings us back to the Assist, you can take a simple thing, like the Assist and use it to better someone, you if received it, will feel better, and no one will have to convince you that you feel better, you know it. You not going to feel better forever just because someone gave you an Assist, or all your problems will not be solved because someone gave you an assist, but then again, you never know. Scientology does bring results to people.
“All things are easy to Industry,
All things difficult to Sloth.” B.F 1734
“If you try so hard to achieve your goals, then maybe you goal is to ‘try so hard’.” Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
The Sneicolotgy Aissst
In Eilgnsh pelesa:
Seictngoloy dlaes in Milcares, fact! I gvae smoenoe a Nvree Asssit tadoy, the psreon was in bed, feeling ill, sroe taorht, and the syotpmms of the flu. In 30 muniets by donig a Sceilotngoy Asisst, the psreon was fenileg bteetr, the sroe torhat had dmiisinehd and the pesron was mivong auobt and all taht in 30 mtunies. Now note, the preosn was not ltiveitang, the preosn was not albe to see trhguoh wlals, the perosn was ctrenialy not albe to raed mdnis, tehy felt btteer and taht is the olny tset of Seiclotngoy, deos it wrok. If you apply Sicelotngoy eaxltcy as dcerietd per the inrtstcuoin of wahetver you are gonig to do, tehn it can only but wrok. Mnusisredootd wrods, wnorg iaeds, and yuor own iedas (slafe idaes) are all thigns that can sotp you form aylppnig the thceolongy as derietcd. In Sictnelogoy you hvae to konw the thcenoolgy bofere you can aplpy it and in the kiwonng prat, this is the prat ppoele deolevp thier own teonhclgoy and they have tbuorle with Sicneotgoly. To hvae one's own idea aobut waht you are dniog or gniog to be doing is vtial to Scitnelogoy tarninig, dniog tihs allwos the mtaireal to bceome yruos and tuhs you gain a true udntsreidnang of waht you are spusoped to do, ocne you gian taht wlil konw why you need to floolw the dritceoins eaxltcy as gevin.
Hivang one's own ieda, fslae iedas, is wrehe you thnik you konw bteter, fasle idaes are all over us. A common fasle ieda poelpe hvae now is tsih: If you think of the ledaer trresirom or haer of it, wcihh name cemos to mind? Taht's rgiht, Omasa and no mettar wrehe the torrerism is heppaning in the wlrod, we now tned to bileeve olny one psreon is bnihed it all? This of csruoe is a fslae ieda and it wolud be vrey hrad for me to conivnce you taht if a terorrism polt oruccerd in the wrold whree Ahgfsinaatn trerirotss wree inovevld that Omasa was not bhenid tihs.
This bgnirs us back to the Asssit, you can tkae a smilpe tihng, like the Asisst and use it to bteetr soemone, you if rceieved it, wlil feel better, and no one wlil hvae to civnocne you taht you feel bteetr, you konw it. You not giong to feel better fveroer jsut bacesue soemone gvae you an Asisst, or all your prlbomes wlil not be svloed besuace smonoee gave you an aissst, but tehn aagin, you never konw. Seicnlotgoy deos bnirg rusetls to poelpe.
"All thigns are esay to Iudnrtsy,
All tnihgs diffiluct to Sltoh." B.F 1374
"If you try so hrad to ahcveie yuor gaols, tehn mabye you gaol is to 'try so hrad'." Rikcy Sdnuaers 2007
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