Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Did you hear what I said?
In English please:
Another onslaught to on the quest to know.
This time It was in chapters about Sonic, I tell you reading Science of survival is a breeze. I have read it before and attempted to read a few times, but I never got really got as much out of it as I am getting it now, the data is the same, but the changes in it are hardly noticeably. The thing that is noticeably is that I am getting the data. Sonic, it’s just the ability to recall sound, how hard can that be. Well for a long time I have not really understood the terms in Science of Survival fully, I got some idea, but when Senior Scientology Executive talked about conceptual understanding, then this is it, I am getting that now 100% from the Basics. Before the Basics there was Scientology, A gold mine of technology where the data you got, as it was then was valuable, comparing it to any existing technology about the human mind and the thing called the spirit. Now Scientology is a Diamond fortress of technology where the data is you get is crystal clarity and full understanding PLUS a rock solid certainty when you listen to the lectures.
When I listened to LRH Audit a PC on Dianetics, I got what he was doing, why? Because I understand the book.
I can’t wait to get the Science of Survival lectures.
“A good Man is seldom uneasy, an ill one never easie.” B.F 1734
“If this live if worth living and things are worth knowing then nothing is more important that living life knowing” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Aonehtr osnlhguat to on the quset to konw.
Tihs tmie It was in cpahrets abuot Soinc, I tell you rdaenig Sccneie of svruiavl is a beerze. I hvae raed it bferoe and atettpmed to raed a few tmies, but I never got rellay got as mcuh out of it as I am gtetnig it now, the dtaa is the same, but the cahgnes in it are hradly ncitobaely. The tnihg that is nitoecbaly is taht I am gttenig the data. Snoic, it's just the alibtiy to rcelal suond, how hrad can taht be. Well for a lnog tmie I hvae not rllaey uedntsrood the tmres in Sneicce of Sruvival fully, I got some ieda, but when Sineor Seicotngoly Exeucvite tklaed auobt coecnautpl urednsdnating, tehn tihs is it, I am gteitng taht now 100% form the Bsacis. Bferoe the Bcisas three was Scneilotogy, A glod mnie of tnhcegoloy wrehe the dtaa you got, as it was tehn was vlabaule, cmopnirag it to any extsiing tceonhlgoy auobt the huamn mind and the tnihg cllaed the sripit. Now Sneicotlgoy is a Domaind fortsers of tehclongoy wrehe the dtaa is you get is ctsyral cltiray and flul unedsrnatnidg PULS a rcok soild cetrianty wehn you ltsien to the lutceers.
When I ltsiened to LRH Aidut a PC on Denaiitcs, I got waht he was diong, why? Bacesue I udnrenatsd the book.
I can't wiat to get the Sicnece of Svruival ltceerus.
"A good Man is sodlem usaeny, an ill one never esaie." B.F 1374
"If tihs live if wtroh living and tnihgs are wtroh knoiwng tehn nohtnig is mroe iropmtnat that living lfie koniwng" © Rciky Snuaedrs 2007
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