
In English Please:
In the beginning there was Christianity. It started 2000 years ago and when it started there were no off shoots or other churches. There was just Christianity. Every religion has this, there is no religion today that is in its pure state; a state where it exists only as it is with no other groups that has some objection to the original group.
Today there are more forms of Christianity, more interpretations of it than ever before. In Islam, even with the Quran, it its ‘pure’ form has still diverted into 2 groups main groups and many splinter groups such as Al-Queda and the Taliban to name a couple, in Buddhism there are many splinter groups are as much variations of it as the countries practicing it.
If there is a Cause there will be an opposition to that cause. If the is something, there will be someone opposing that something. It not only has to do with Religion but to every aspect of life. Look at Pop music, the Music band you think is the best; someone in the world somewhere utterly hates.
The most beautiful movie you ever saw, no matter what is was, will have someone somewhere disliking it.
If God came down tomorrow and said “here I am, look, it is me” and proclaimed I have made this new religion and in no time, probably the first day it is made, you will have opposition to it.
Isn’t this a bit odd?
In any war, all you have to do is get the people fighting themselves instead of you the enemy and as long as you can keep them fighting themselves, they won’t be fighting you.
I think there is a good and bad to this.
The good is that it shows people are not like a sheep that follows without thinking.
The bad to this is that sometimes people oppose things without cause or reason.
Scientology is a little different, just as Judas said in the year 75, Christianity is a little different from the Barbarism of idol worship we have just been through.
I have seen some bad intentioned individuals push Scientology splinter groups; this at this stage of the game is a bit silly as Scientology is in formation.
Scientology needs well founded Organization, Standard Tech, Standard Administrative procedures and Standard Ethics. You always need well defined rules and regulations.
Even if you form you own splinter group, you still needs rules and regulations and guess what, people who join you will decide they don’t like your rules and regulations and go off to make a splinter group of your splinter group. So you will get a deviation from the original and deviation from deviation and so you go.
Support the Original group.
The way to do it and the one that will result in sure success is to support the original intention, the original purpose. Going off in dis-agreement is not the answer.
There is a sort of rule ‘the thing you are having trouble is not the thing giving you trouble else it would resolve’ (not quoted).
If you are going to be engaged in Scientology, ask for nothing but Standard Scientology, insist of Standard Administration of Organization and seek Standard Justice with the Ethics system and this can ONLY be received in a Scientology organization that have the right to use the Dianetics and Scientology Trademark Licenses.
If anybody invites you to seek Scientology Material that is not being given to you through a Bona Fide Scientology Organization, Book, Lecture, Promotional Material, Website or other, then refuse to accept it.
People who invite or encourage you to view materials not intended for you to view want to make sure you never get a chance to experience the actual Scientology and gains available from standard organizations.
People in Scientology Organizations are people too, they can sometimes have the wrong idea and sometimes they have come to Scientology for a different purpose than they stated, they make it hard for us all.
I sometimes wonder at the Bad service is sometimes receive from “customer service” persons at times.
Scientology has been forming, it is still in evolution, when it makes that full turn the world will change. It has to as it is the way life is going, it’s either going to get a whole lot better or a whole lot worse and I’d rather it get a whole lot better.
Support the Organizations of Scientology who have fought hard and is still fighting to be able to keep the Trademarks and Service marks of Dianetics and Scientology free for everyone to use.
Find out for yourself, if you smart you’ll see the road to take is clear and will show you exactly where you should be going and how to get there. Other roads say a lot, but have no direction but to keep you off the correct road and as long as you on the wrong road, you are where they want you to be.
Think for yourself.
“Keep thy shop, & thy shop will keep thee.” B.F 1735
“What is a fool but one who has trusted. To trust is not being foolish. To deceive someone’s trust is” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
In the benignnig three was Cirhtsaiinty. It sratted 2000 yraes ago and wehn it satetrd trehe were no off soohts or ohter cuhcrhes. There was just Chtsiraintiy. Eevry rgileoin has this, three is no rileigon tadoy taht is in its prue setat; a state wehre it eixtss olny as it is wtih no otehr guorps that has smoe ocejboitn to the ogirnial gruop.
Tadoy there are mroe fomrs of Crhsitinaity, mroe ietnrpreitatnos of it tahn eevr bferoe. In Ialsm, eevn wtih the Qarun, it its 'prue' from has slitl drevietd itno 2 gorpus mian guorps and mnay slpietnr guorps scuh as Al-euQda and the Tbilaan to nmae a clpuoe, in Bdusihdm trehe are mnay silpetnr gpuors are as much vatairinos of it as the cuortneis parctcinig it.
If trehe is a Csuae trehe wlil be an oppisooitn to taht csuae. If the is smoenihtg, three will be soemone oppisong taht stemohnig. It not olny has to do with Rgileoin but to erevy asepct of lfie. Look at Pop msuic, the Muisc band you tnihk is the btse; soemnoe in the wlrod smoehwere utetlry haets.
The msot buaefitul mivoe you ever saw, no mtater waht is was, wlil hvae semonoe sohwemree dlsikinig it.
If God cmae dwon toomorrw and said "hree I am, look, it is me" and prcomialed I hvae mdae tihs new reigilon and in no tmie, probably the fsrit day it is mdae, you wlil hvae osoppioitn to it.
Isn't tihs a bit odd?
In any war, all you hvae to do is get the poelpe fthginig tsmehvlees ietsnad of you the eenmy and as lnog as you can keep tehm fginithg tsmehvlees, tehy won't be fthginig you.
I thnik tehre is a good and bad to tihs.
The good is taht it sohws plpoee are not lkie a sehep taht follows wohtiut thkniing.
The bad to tihs is taht stemomies ppoele ooppse tgnihs wiuohtt csuae or rsaeon.
Sneicolotgy is a lttile dfifneret, jsut as Jduas said in the year 75, Chtsiraintiy is a ltilte deffinert from the Babrirasm of iodl whsroip we hvae jsut been torhguh.
I have seen smoe bad ietnitnoned iidnivudlas psuh Sneiclotgoy silptner gruosp; this at tihs sgate of the game is a bit slily as Sicnetology is in foramoitn.
Seicnlotogy needs wlel fdnuoed Onagrtazioin, Snatradd Tech, Satradnd Aimdinartstive pcorrudees and Snatdrad Ecihts. You awlyas need wlel dnifeed relus and rugealitnos.
Eevn if you from you own silpetnr guorp, you slitl nedes relus and relugaitnos and guess waht, plpoee who jion you wlil ddicee tehy don't lkie yuor ruels and relugtainos and go off to mkae a silpetnr guorp of yuor snilpter gruop. So you wlil get a daiveoitn form the oigiranl and dveaition from dveaiiton and so you go.
Supprot the Oigiranl group.
The way to do it and the one taht wlil ruselt in srue seccuss is to suopprt the oigiranl ietnoitnn, the oiriganl pusopre. Gniog off in da-siergmenet is not the awsner.
Tehre is a sort of rlue 'the tnihg you are hvanig torbule is not the thing gnivig you tbuorle esle it wuold rloseve' (ont qetoud).
If you are gniog to be enagegd in Scitneology, ask for nhtonig but Snatradd Sicelotngoy, isnsit of Stadnard Animdsittaroin of Oagrinaziton and seek Satndrad Jtsuice wtih the Etcihs stsyem and tihs can OLNY be recvieed in a Sneictgoloy oagrzinoitan taht hvae the rhgit to use the Ditenaics and Scneitloogy Taramedrk Lnecises.
If aobyndy inetivs you to seek Sicotnegoly Mtareial taht is not bieng gvien to you thorguh a Bona Fdie Sceiotngoly Onagraziiton, Book, Lecutre, Prmootianol Maetiral, Wbetise or ohter, tehn rufese to accpet it.
Ppoele who iivnte or euocngare you to veiw metaairls not inetnedd for you to veiw wnat to make srue you nveer get a cahcne to exirepnece the autcal Sneiclotgoy and gians aliavbale form sdnatard ogrzinaoitans.
Pelpoe in Seiclotnogy Ogrinaaztinos are ppoele too, they can smoemites hvae the worng idea and smomitees tehy hvae cmoe to Scineolotgy for a dffirenet popruse tahn they stated, tehy mkae it hrad for us all.
I stemomies wednor at the Bad srevcie is sotememis rceevie form "csuemotr svreice" pesrnos at tiems.
Sneicotlgoy has been fronimg, it is slitl in elovuoitn, wehn it maeks that full turn the wlrod will chgnae. It has to as it is the way life is gonig, it's ehtier gonig to get a wlohe lot better or a whloe lot wrose and I'd rhtaer it get a wohle lot beettr.
Sppurot the Onagrazitnois of Seicotnolgy who have fuohgt hrad and is stlil fgithnig to be albe to keep the Trmedaraks and Svrecie mkras of Dnaicites and Sneictgoloy fere for erevnoye to use.
Fnid out for yruoeslf, if you sramt you'll see the raod to tkae is celar and wlil sohw you exaltcy wrehe you sluohd be gniog and how to get tehre. Oehtr rdaos say a lot, but hvae no dirceoitn but to keep you off the cerroct raod and as lnog as you on the wnorg raod, you are wrehe tehy wnat you to be.
Tnihk for yuorlesf.
"Keep thy sohp, & thy sohp wlil keep tehe." B.F 1375
"What is a fool but one who has turetsd. To tsurt is not bieng filoosh. To deceive semonoe's trust is" © Rciky Saednurs 2007
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