
In English please:
I read today how important change of environment is and how this is very important in the treatment of those suffering from psychosis. L. Ron Hubbard covers this quite a bit and shows how important change of environment can be, nutrition and exercise. I had some understanding of this but I am really getting the data on this. L. Ron Hubbard does repeat the data. I find this very useful as Ron usually gives you a different view on the data and this to me always leads to a better understanding.
The more I learn of this thing the spirit and what it is doing, the better my own life becomes. I understand more and more of what I need to do as an Auditor, an Auditor being someone who uses Scientology or Dianetics procedure to improve a person’s wellbeing. What is being talked about in Dianetics and Science of Survival is as applicable today as when it was written in 1950 and 1951. Even the most ‘advanced’ Scientology material or processes still obey the very rules as laid down in these books. They are very powerful and comprehensive books and yet contain the most simple of information, so simple if overlook but people who look for complexity.
One thing is for sure. After reading Dianetics and even Science of Survival, with these books in their new print and stylish design, the information is like it was written just a few weeks ago, it seems like it just came hot off the press. Not many writers today could have information as applicable to 1950 as it is today as it will be in the year 2500, if the language does not change too much. People in 500 hundred years will look back at society and when they review Dianetics will be shocked or even disbelieve what was written about mental treatment of the insane.
Dianetics passed the test and Science of Survival thus far too. Sometime I have to remind myself that these books were written in 1950 and 1951, a time when technology was not even vaguely as it is today. Many did not have television or even Hot water.
It is inevitable that Dianetics and Scientology will create a major change on this planet like we have never seen before, it is going it happen, and it is only a matter of time. In the future many will look back at the injustice served at Scientology by the Media and other elements in society. Every Major religion had to fight many bloody wars and thousands of years of evolution to be where it is today. Scientology too is fighting its battle and in doing so it does not have to spill one drop of blood to win, Scientology also does not a thousand years to evolve, it’s already evolved, the main concern is to protect and keep the data in its original form as people just love to change things and not always for the better.
Maybe what Nostradamus predicated a long time ago has some truth; probably not but maybe, he did say there will be a 3rd world war that will last for 27 years, this could be the “war on terrorism” for I believe this is how long it will take, if not more to repair the damage the Iraq war has created.
To those who alive today who can experience Scientology and Dianetics in this time, should consider themselves very lucky. You are at the right place in the right time. Of all the places you could be, of all the things you could be doing, if you have come across Scientology by accident or otherwise, you have a chance to change your destiny like never before. It’s worth everything and more.
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.” B.F 1735
“When one door closes and Iron door opens up; don’t do crime” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
I raed toady how iopmrtnat cgnahe of evnorinmnet is and how tihs is vrey impronatt in the ttaermnet of tsohe seffunirg form pysohcsis. L. Ron Hubbard cvores tihs qiute a bit and swohs how iopmatrnt cgnahe of evnrimnonet can be, ntuitiron and excresie. I had smoe uedntsridnang of tihs but I am rlaely genittg the dtaa on tihs. L. Ron Hbbuard deos raepet the dtaa. I fnid tihs vrey uufesl as Ron ulausly gevis you a deffiernt veiw on the dtaa and tihs to me ayawls leads to a btteer unsreddnatnig.
The mroe I laern of tihs tnihg the sripit and waht it is donig, the beettr my own lfie bemoces. I unedrstnad mroe and more of waht I need to do as an Aiduotr, an Adutior bieng soemone who uses Sciotneolgy or Dnaitecis precorude to iorpmve a psreon's weebllnig. Waht is bieng taekld auobt in Dienaitcs and Sciecne of Sruvival is as applacible tadoy as when it was wtirten in 1590 and 1591. Eevn the msot 'avdcnaed' Sciotnelgoy mtaairel or prsecoess sitll oeby the vrey rlues as liad dwon in tehse bkoos. Tehy are vrey pewoufrl and crpmohenesvie books and yet catnoin the msot slpmie of irofntamoin, so simple if olrevook but poelpe who look for cpmoelixty.
One tihng is for srue. Aetfr rdaenig Denaitcis and eevn Sciecne of Suvrvial, with tsehe books in tiehr new pnirt and slytsih disegn, the irofnitamon is lkie it was wtiretn jsut a few wkees ago, it smees lkie it just came hot off the psers. Not many writers tadoy cuold have infamroiton as alppcilbae to 1950 as it is tadoy as it wlil be in the yaer 2500, if the lnagauge does not change too mcuh. Pelpoe in 500 hrdnued yraes will look bcak at soeicty and when tehy reivew Denaitcis wlil be skcohed or eevn dsilebivee waht was wirettn aobut matnel tertanemt of the iasnne.
Dnaiitecs pessad the test and Siccnee of Sruvvial tuhs far too. Stemomie I have to rnimed msyelf taht thsee bkoos wree wirettn in 1950 and 1591, a tmie when tceonholgy was not eevn vugaely as it is tadoy. Mnay did not have teivelsoin or eevn Hot waetr.
It is ienivlbate that Dnaietcis and Sicotneolgy wlil ctaere a mojar chgnae on this penalt like we hvae never seen brofee, it is gonig it hppaen, and it is olny a mtater of time. In the future mnay wlil look bcak at the ijnutscie svreed at Seiclotngoy by the Meida and oehtr emeltnes in soeicty. Eevry Mjaor rleoigin had to fhgit many booldy wras and thuoasdns of years of eovitulon to be wrehe it is tadoy. Sictneloogy too is fthginig its blttae and in diong so it deos not have to splil one dorp of boold to win, Seicntology aslo deos not a thasuond yaers to evvloe, it's arldaey elovevd, the mian cecnorn is to ptorcet and keep the dtaa in its ornigial from as ppoele jsut love to cahgne tgnihs and not awlyas for the btteer.
Mbyae waht Nsotdarumas preacidted a lnog time ago has some truth; prbobaly not but mbyae, he did say tehre wlil be a 3rd wlrod war that wlil lsat for 27 yeras, tihs colud be the "war on torresirm" for I bleivee this is how long it wlil take, if not more to rpeair the dmagae the Iarq war has certaed.
To those who alvie tadoy who can exrepneice Scineolotgy and Dianitecs in tihs tmie, should cisnoedr thelesmevs very lkcuy. You are at the rhgit pcale in the rhgit time. Of all the pcales you cuold be, of all the tgnihs you cuold be diong, if you hvae cmoe arcsos Sneiclotogy by aiccnedt or ohtresiwe, you hvae a cahnce to chgnae yuor ditseny like never bfeore. It's wtroh evtyrenihg and mroe.
"Eraly to bed and elray to rsie, maeks a man hlaehty wlaehty and wsie." B.F 1375
"Wehn one door cesols and Iron door opnes up; don't do crime" © Rkciy Sanuedrs 2007
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