
In English please:
The Honest Way to Get Rich
You can get everything you want in life as long as you give others enough of what they want. If you give nothing of value, you get nothing of value. Your method of exchange determines your wealth.
The type of exchange you use determines your financial success. Nothing else you do has a greater impact on your income. L. Ron Hubbard outlines the four types of exchange.
"1. First consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off." — L. Ron Hubbard
Examples of this first condition of exchange:
— You pay a $1,000 deposit for a new car. The dealer goes bankrupt. You get no car and no refund.
— A plumber loosens a pipe, shows you the "leak," tightens the fitting, makes noise, charges you $159.
— Someone in your office avoids doing work. Lots of excuses, lots of smoke screen, no work, full pay.
This first exchange condition is basically theft. The second exchange condition is cheating.
"2. Second is the condition of partial exchange. The group takes in orders or money for goods and then delivers part of it or a corrupted version of what was ordered." — L. Ron Hubbard
— County fair booth promises to show you a two-headed cow, but actually shows an odd-looking skeleton.
— The "$99 Dream Vacation Package" turns out to be a smelly motel room by the freeway.
— Instead of working, an employee reads a magazine, surfs the net or makes personal calls while being paid.
"3. The third condition is the exchange known, legally and in business practice, as `fair exchange.' One takes in orders and money and delivers exactly what has been ordered." — L. Ron Hubbard
Most successful companies and individuals use this principle.
— You pay for a dozen fresh eggs, you get a dozen fresh eggs.
— A $10-per-hour employee works 40 hours of normal work and is paid $400.
— You pay your power bill and get electricity.
"4. The fourth condition of exchange is not common but could be called exchange in abundance. Here one does not give two for one or free service but gives something more valuable than money was received for." "This fourth principle above is almost unknown in business or the arts. Yet it is the key to howling success and expansion." — L. Ron Hubbard
Individuals and businesses who use this fourth method of exchange flourish when others are in trouble.
— You pay an artist for a painting who then frames it for you at no extra charge.
— You invest with a real-estate group expecting a 12% return each year and get 15% instead.
— An employee not only does all of her own work, she trains a new employee, works on her day off when another employee calls in sick and assumes new management responsibilities without demanding more pay.
Employees who give more than expected receive promotions, raises, bonuses and extra benefits. Job security is excellent as they are valuable to the company.
Businesses that exchange in abundance get more referrals than anyone. Investors are anxious to buy its stock. Customer loyalty is guaranteed.
At first, giving more than expected seems unfair. You give extra effort without recognition. You add value to your work or products without anyone noticing.
Yet eventually, you rise to the top. People like working with you above others. Your company is selected above the competition. You earn a reputation of being more than fair.
Instead of trying to get more, work on giving more as your method of operation and see what happens!
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“Necessity never made a good bargain.” B.F 1735
“If you want me to remember you, owe me money” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
You can get eevhtyring you want in lfie as lnog as you gvie orehts eonguh of what tehy wnat. If you gvie nothing of value, you get nhtonig of vulae. Yuor mteohd of exnahcge deetmrenis yuor wetlah.
The tpye of ecxahgne you use detemrines yuor fniacnail suseccs. Nihtong esle you do has a gretaer icapmt on yuor inmoce. L. Ron Habburd oiltuens the four tpyes of eahcxnge.
"1. Frist csnoedir a guorp wcihh tekas in mnoey but deos not dlevier ahtynnig in eahcxgne. This is called ri-pfof." - L. Ron Hubbard
Eaxelpms of tihs fsrit cidnooitn of eahcxgne:
- You pay a $1,000 dsopeit for a new car. The deelar goes brknaput. You get no car and no renufd.
- A pmulebr lesoons a pipe, swohs you the "laek," tthgines the fttinig, mkaes niose, crahegs you $159.
- Soemone in yuor ociffe avdios dniog wrok. Ltos of ecxesus, ltos of somke sercen, no wrok, flul pay.
Tihs frist ecxahgne cdnooitin is bcisallay tfeht. The secnod ecxnahge cdnoioitn is cehnitag.
"2. Senocd is the codntioin of pitraal ehcxnage. The gorup tkaes in orders or menoy for godos and tehn dvileres prat of it or a curropetd vsreoin of what was oredred." - L. Ron Hubbard
- Ctnuoy fiar botoh pmoresis to sohw you a toweh-aded cow, but aautclly sohws an odd-oolnikg sleketon.
- The "$99 Draem Vacoitan Pakcage" truns out to be a semlly mtoel room by the fweeray.
- Ietsnad of wikrong, an eolpmeye reads a mgazaine, sfrus the net or mekas psreonal cllas wlihe benig piad.
"3. The trihd cnoitidon is the exahcgne knwon, lagelly and in bnisuess prcatcie, as `iafr exahcgne.' One taeks in oedrrs and mnoey and dilerevs extcaly waht has been oredred." - L. Ron Hubbard
Msot seccussful cpmoinaes and iidnivudlas use tihs pnirpicle. Eaxmselp:
- You pay for a dzoen fserh eggs, you get a dezon fersh eggs.
- A $01rep-h-uor elpmyoee wroks 40 hruos of namrol work and is piad $400.
- You pay yuor pwoer blil and get elrtceicity.
"4. The ftruoh cnoitidon of ecxahgne is not common but cluod be cllaed eahcxgne in aubdncnae. Hree one deos not give two for one or fere sivrece but gvies soemhtnig more vaulalbe tahn menoy was rieceevd for." "Tihs ftruoh pricniple avobe is amlsot unwonkn in buenisss or the atrs. Yet it is the key to hlwonig seccuss and enapxison." - L. Ron Hubbard
Iidndivauls and buisenesss who use tihs fuotrh meohtd of eahcxgne flruosih when oehtrs are in torlbue.
- You pay an atrist for a pnianitg who then fremas it for you at no extra cahgre.
- You isevnt wtih a raee-lstate group epxtceing a 12% rutern ecah year and get 15% isnaetd.
- An epmeyole not olny deos all of her own wrok, she tarnis a new eolpmyee, wokrs on her day off wehn anehtor eolpmyee cllas in scik and assuems new maegannemt ropseisnibtileis whtiuot dmenanidg mroe pay.
Epmyolees who gvie mroe tahn epxeetcd rieceve poromnoits, resias, bosunes and extra beneifts. Job srucetiy is ecxlenelt as tehy are vaulalbe to the cpmonay.
Buenisesss taht eahcxgne in aubdncnae get mroe rerreflas tahn anynoe. Ievntsros are aoixnus to buy its scotk. Csuemotr layotly is gaunareetd.
At fsrit, giving mroe tahn exeptced smees uafnir. You give exrta eoffrt wiohtut rceongoitin. You add vulae to your work or pudortcs wituoht anoyne nitonicg.
Yet eventllauy, you rsie to the top. Peolpe lkie wronikg with you abvoe ohtres. Yuor coapmny is sceleted avobe the cmoitepiton. You earn a reatupoitn of bnieg mroe than fair.
Ietsnad of tiyrng to get mroe, wrok on giving more as yuor mohted of oarepoitn and see waht hppanes!
© 2007 TpisoFuSrseccs.org. All Rihgts Rsereevd.
For mroe irofnitamon auobt metaairls taht are dispyaled on tihs stie cnoattc: derirotc@tspifsroeccuss.org
"Neceissty never mdae a good bagrain." B.F 1375
"If you wnat me to remeebmr you, owe me moeny" © Rkciy Sadnures 2007
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