
In English Please:
Last week I attended a course delivered by an training organization, which in fact had no relation to Scientology whatsoever, however some of the things talked about was so like Scientology. The course we did was called “Interpersonal Relationships” and related to work. The first item discussed was on being prejudice. The definition of it. The speaker defined it simply as to “pre-judge”. When you pre-judge someone or something you are being prejudice. The speaker then went on to say how this came about and why people would pre-judge others. He covered the 3 most influential person(s) in your life especially between birth and 5 years or age.
The first most influential person was: Mother.
The Second most influential person(s) was: Your peers
And the third most influential person was: a Teacher.
He mentioned that the number one person to influence you - mother started influencing you even before you were born. Pre-natal experience. ( experience before birth; the time while being in mum’s tummy).
Pre-natal experiences is fully covered in Dianetics and before Dianetics was written, not many so called professionals even considered it. Later years saw some medicos taking it on and these days it is becoming common knowledge that what happens in the womb affects the unborn child.
A full knowledge of this can be obtained from the book Dianetics.
The speaker covered how Mother and the things mother did gave the child of the view of the world and if mother had a prejudice, then it was most likely the child will have the same prejudice, however to fix that prejudice in real good, all you would have to have is, the peers and or the teacher having the same prejudices and then the person will feel this way. This is of course a hit/miss approach as the one thing, the Speaker , who not knowing much about the mechanism of the mind forgot to mention was : Power of choice; and many people don’t consider a child as an adult so therefore forget to think that even a very young child has a power of choice.
Overall the is a lot of information out in the world. Do you know the good information from the Bad? Scientology will give you the tools so you can sort the data and not be fooled by anyone.
“Are you angry that others disappoint you? remember you cannot depend upon yourself.” B.F 1735
“The beauty of the telephone; the agony of the telemarketers” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In gobbledygook please:
Lsat week I anettded a csruoe dileerevd by an traignin ogrinatazion, wcihh in fact had no rtaleion to Seiclotngoy wahstveoer, hwoever smoe of the tgnihs taekld auobt was lkie so Seicotnlgoy. The cruose we did was claeld "Itnrerepnosal reltaoinihsps" and rtaleed to wrok. The first ietm ducsiessd was on bnieg pujeridce. The difentioin of. The sepaekr denifed it smiply as "p-erdujge". When you prej-ugde soemone or semohtnig. The skaeper then wnet on to say how tihs cmae auobt and why ppoele wolud per-gduje orehts. He cvoered the 3 most ifneulitnal prenoss() in yuor lfie epsicellay bwteeen bitrh and 5 yeras or age.
The fsrit msot ifneulitnal posren was: Mhtoer.
The Secnod most iulfnitneal posre(ns) wsa: Yuor peres
And the trihd most ifneulaitnl perosn was: a Thcaeer.
The sepekar siad preosn nebmur one was mehtor - tehn the sepekar mitneenod semohting auobt P-erantal (bofere btrih; the tmie whlie bieng in mum's tymmu).
Pern-taal erepxeicnes is flluy coreved in Denaitics and bfeore Daientcis was wirtten, not many so cllaed prfosseinolas even coisnedred, letar yraes saw smoe medcios tkaing it on and tsehe dyas it is bmocenig common kondelwge taht waht hppaens in the womb aceffts the unbron cihld. A full konelwgde of tihs can be otbaiend form the book Dnaiecits.
The spaeekr cevoerd how Mhtoer and the tnihgs mehtor did gave the clihd of the view of the wlrod and if mehtor had a prujedcie, tehn it was msot lekily the clihd will hvae the smae pujerdcie, hvewoer to fix taht perdujcie in rael good, all you wolud hvae to hvae is, the prees and or the tcaeehr hanivg the smae perujcides and tehn the preosn wlil feel tihs way. Tihs is of csruoe a hm/tisis appcaorh as the one thing Mr. Spkaeer, who not kiwonng mcuh auobt the mceahnsim of the mnid fogrot to meoitnn wsa: Poewr of cohiec; and mnay plpoee don't cnoisedr a clihd as an adlut so theerfroe fegrot to tihnk taht eevn a very yonug clihd has pwoer of ciohce.
Orevall the is a lot of irofnitamon out in the wlrod. Do you konw the good ifnmroitaon form the Bad? Sicnelotgoy wlil gvie you the tools so you can sort the dtaa and not be flooed by aoynne.
"Are you anrgy taht otehrs dpasiiopnt you? rmemeebr you cnnaot dpened uopn yruolesf." B.F 1375
"The baetuy of the telohpene; the anogy of the tleametekrers" © Rkciy Sdnuares 2007
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