
In English please:
When I started Scientology, in the very beginning while deciding on what I was going to, I was 100 miles away from the nearest organization and I had only read the Dianetics book. I felt pretty educated after doing this but I did have a question at that time. Do I really need this? I concluded that I have survived this long without it and that people are still surviving and are being successful without it. This is what I saw at that time and this is what I knew.
A funny thing occurred when I kept on having this thought. Things didn’t seem to make sense. If you never heard of Scientology or read a book, has no direct contact with it or really found out what it does, you too would believe that Scientology is not needed. Why? Because what could you compare it with? Well what is out there in the world today that can be compared to Scientology?
Psychiatry, Psychology, the power of positive thinking, Meditation, religion and a whole lot of other things not worth a mention, like Atheism and the other offbeat things people get into.
Luckily I read a book and read all of it and when I thought, "well I don’t need Dianetics, I don’t need this state called Clear" - I felt it didn’t make sense? I knew that the book gave me some tools and this I could not deny. I simply knew. I had knowledge and with this knowledge come responsibility. If I denied the knowledge I would deny the responsibility of what I knew.
If someone told you that Penicillin cures sick people and you knew this after being cured by Penicillin, would you go on to say, "Well we have survived without Penicillin for this long and people are still successful, do we really need to use penicillin?". If you are educated by something especially if that something changed you, it would be hard to insist that people did not need it because we know what the results of Penicillin are today, any medico will laugh if you even inferred that people never needed Penicillin. 200 years ago, it you would be laughed at if you suggested that penicillin did something for someone and if you gave someone Penicillin and it cured him/her you'd probably be burned at the stake if you did not have the correct Certificates to your name. you'd be witch! Society takes awhile to catch on. Dianetics cured something in me, it cured my lack of knowledge on the subject of the human mind, it would be hard for me to deny this.
This is an extremely crude comparison to make to Scientology. Scientology does not cure the sick or deal with the insane and really does not concern itself with people that need to see a doctor.
When I finally decided that I will give this Dianetics a go, I found that the idea that I don’t need it, faded. I saw that it had never existed before. How would I know if I needed it, if there was nothing really to compare it too?
Like most people I thought Psychology and Psychiatry had some answers – it of course pretended to know. Take the test any day. Choose any book from Psychology/Psychiatry and then take any book from Scientology and read them both. I will guarantee you that if you have half a brain and that half a brain belonged to you, you will see which book is going to teach you something – and it will be the Scientology book of course. Do the test.
“An old young man, will be a young old man.” B.F 1735
“People tell me I have to face my problems; they lucky, they don’t have to be me”
© Ricky Saunders 2007 www.knowinghowtoknow.blogspot.com
According to research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Wehn I strated Sneiclotgoy, in the very bnigeinng wlihe dceinidg on waht I was giong to, I was 100 melis aawy form the neserat ogrzinaoitan and I had olny read the Dnaiitecs book. I flet prttey edcuetad atfer donig tihs but I did have a qeuitson at taht tmie. Do I rellay need this? I ccnoeduld taht I hvae sruivevd tihs long wohtiut it taht ppoele are stlil sruviving and are bnieg succsseufl wohtiut it. Tihs is waht I saw at taht tmie and tihs is what I kenw.
A fnnuy tihng oruccerd when I kept on hivang tihs tohguht. Tihgns ddin't seem to make ssnee. If soemone cmae up to you and if I nveer herad of Scneiotlogy or raed a book, I wluod beeilve taht Sceitnology is not needed. Why? Buacese waht cluod I cpmorae it wtih? Wlel waht is out in the wolrd today?
Pscyihrtay, Pysclohogy, the pewor of posvitie thkninig, Mdeitatoin, reigilon and a wlohe lot of oehtr tnihgs not wotrh a mneoitn, like Aiehtsm and the otehr obffaet things poelpe get into.
Lcukliy I raed a book and when I thhguot, wlel I don't need Denaicits, I don't need this state claeld craeled, I flet it ddin't make snese? I knew taht the book gave me smoe tloos I cuold not dney. I knew. I had knwodelge and wtih kwondelge cmoe ropsenbisility. If I deined the konelwgde I wluod deny the rpsenoislibity of waht I kenw.
A fnnuy thnig ocrruced wehn I kept on haivng this tguohht. Tihgns dndi’t seem to make sesne. If semoone cmae up to you and if I never hraed of Scineotgoly or raed a book, I wuold beeilve that Sictneogoly is not nedeed. Why? Becasue waht cuold I cpmorae it wtih? Wlel waht is out in the world tadoy?
Phcystairy, Pyscolohgy, the poewr of pisovite tihnikng, Midettaoin, reiligon and a wlohe lot of oehtr thigns not wtroh a mitneon, lkie Atiehsm and the oehtr offaebt tnihgs plpoee get into.
Lucikly I read a book and wehn I thuohgt, "wlel I d’not need Dnaiitecs, I d’not need tihs state caelld Claer" - I felt it dndi’t mkae snese? I kenw taht the book gvae me some tloos and this I cluod not deny. I slpmiy kenw. I had konlwdege and with tihs klwongdee cmoe reopsisnilibty. If I dineed the kwongdele I wuold dney the rsenopisbility of what I knew.
If soemnoe tlod you taht Pencilliin cures scik plpoee and you kenw tihs afetr bnieg cuerd by Pneicillin, wluod you go on to say, "Wlel we hvae sruvevid whtiuot Pineicilln for tihs lnog and poelpe are slitl succsseful, do we rlaely need to use peicinllin?". If you are eudtaced by smotenihg eepsaiclly if that semoihtng cnahegd you, it wluod be hard to inssit taht poelpe did not need it beacsue we know waht the retluss of Pneliciiln are tdoay, any mcideo wlil lguah if you eevn iefnrerd taht ppoele never needed Peicinliln. 200 yraes ago, it you wluod be lguaehd at if you segguetsd that pcinelliin did stemohnig for soemone and if you gvae semonoe Peinliciln and it cured hh/mier you'd prbaboly be bruned at the stake if you did not hvae the crrocet Cetrifitaces to your name. you'd be wctih! Sicotey tkaes aihwle to cctah on. Daienitcs crued smotehnig in me, it cerud my lack of konwldege on the sbuejct of the hmuan mnid, it wolud be hard for me to dney tihs.
Tihs is an exmertley cdure cpmosiraon to mkae to Scneilotgoy. Scineotlgoy does not crue the sick or dael wtih the iasnne and rllaey deos not ccnoren iestlf wtih ppoele taht need to see a dootcr.
Wehn I fnilaly diceedd taht I wlil gvie tihs Dinaitecs a go, I fnuod taht the ieda taht I don't need it, fedad. I saw that it had never exitsed bofere. How wolud I konw if I ndeeed it, if trehe was ntonihg rlaely to cpmorae it too?
Lkie msot plpoee I tuohhgt Pyshcogoly and Phcysirtay had smoe aewsnrs - it of csruoe preteednd to konw. Take the tset any day. Chsooe any book form PhcysgoloyysP/aihcrty and tehn tkae any book from Scielotnogy and raed it. I wlil garauetne you taht if you hvae half a biarn and taht hlaf a brian bolegned to you, you wlil see wihch book is giong to tecah you sohtemnig - and it wlil be the Sctneigoloy book. Do the test.
"An old yuong man, wlil be a ynuog old man." B.F 1735
"Poelpe tlel me I hvae to fcae my porbmels; they lkcuy, tehy don't hvae to be me"
© Rkciy Snuadres 2007 knowinghowtoknow.blogspot.com
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