In English please:
Clinic's results make 9/11 responders believe
Critics aside, they say Scientology's detox center cures ills.
By Art Carey
Inquirer Staff Writer
Full article:
http://www.philly. com/inquirer/ health_science/ daily/20071007_ Clinics_results_ make_9_11_ responders_ believe.html
Within days of beginning treatment, Mike Wire noticed changes. His pain eased. His mood brightened. His sense of smell returned, sharper than ever.
A retired millwright from Bucks County, Wire, 60, is among thousands of rescue workers, firefighters and police officers who developed an array of serious ailments after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York. Wire spent 21/2 weeks at ground zero helping rig cranes to remove a precarious fallen girder.
Wire's symptoms - shortness of breath, depression, aching joints, and feelings of doom - surfaced later. And he found little relief until he began getting treated at the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project, a Manhattan clinic that follows a protocol pioneered by the late
L. Ron Hubbard, controversial founder of the Church of Scientology.
The Scientology link spooked Wire a bit, frankly. But he and hundreds of 9/11 responders were desperate for help. What they got has left most of them amazed.
Set against these believers are skeptics who emphasize the need for an independent review of the center's detox regimen. They question whether the program's reported benefits are real or purely psychological. The harshest critics call the method quackery.
But many independent medical experts who have visited the center and talked to patients say they are impressed by the experiences of Wire and others. They are also mystified: This clinic seems to be doing something good that is helping heal those who came to the country's aid, but what it is, no one fully understands.
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.” B.F 1735
“These days you have to stay inside to get a breath of fresh air” © Ricky Saunders 2007
According to research at an english university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters
in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place.
The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem.
This is because we do not read every letter by it self but the word as a whole.
In Gobbledygook please:
Mysretious aliemtns, mtsyoireus results
Cilinc's rlusets mkae 91/1 rpseodners beileve
Ciritcs adise, tehy say Sicneolotgy's detox cetner crues ills.
By Art Ceray
Iniuqerr Sfatf Wrietr
Wtiihn dyas of bgenniing teraemtnt, Mkie Wrie ncitoed cgnahes. His pain eesad. His mood bhgirtened. His ssnee of semll rteruend, srahper than eevr.
A rriteed mwllirhgit from Bkcus Cotnuy, Wrie, 60, is aomng tuohsadns of rcseue wekrors, fferithgires and piloce oiffrecs who deveepold an aarry of sireuos amlinets aetfr the Spet. 11, 2001, trrerosit acattk on the Wlrod Tdare Cenetr in New Yrok. Wire snept 2/12 weeks at gorund zreo hlenipg rig cranes to romeve a precirauos fllaen gedrir.
Wrie's syotpmms - srohntses of bertah, deserpoisn, anihcg jotnis, and fleenigs of doom - sucafred letar. And he fnuod llttie reeilf uitnl he bagen gitteng ttaered at the New Yrok Rseuce Workres Dteixofiacoitn Prjoect, a Mhnaatatn cinilc taht floolws a prcotool poieneerd by the ltae L. Ron Hubrabd, crtnoevorsail fdnuoer of the Cuhcrh of Seiclotngoy.
The Scineolotgy lnik sopekod Wrie a bit, frnalky. But he and hrdnudes of 91/1 rsepodnres were dseparete for hlep. Waht tehy got has lfet msot of tehm aezamd.
Set aiagsnt tehse bleveires are spekitcs who epmsahzie the need for an iednepnednt rveiew of the ctneer's detox rigeemn. Tehy queitson whehter the pgorarm's retroped bneifets are rael or peruly pshcyoigolacl. The hahsrset citircs clal the metohd qaukcrey.
But mnay idnepdnenet meacidl erepxts who hvae vtisied the ctneer and teklad to pitatnes say they are impssered by the eepxneirecs of Wrie and oehtrs. Tehy are also msytideif: This cnilic seems to be diong stemohing good taht is hipleng hael thsoe who came to the ctnuory's aid, but waht it is, no one fully unsreddnats.
"Ealry to bed and elray to rsie, mkaes a man hetlahy waelhty and wsie." B.F 1375
"Tsehe dyas you hvae to saty idisne to get a baerth of fersh air" © Rciky Suanedrs 2007
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